View Full Version : Additional Lofts in the works.

10-02-2012, 02:03 AM
Edmond planners to consider loft apartments | (

EDMOND — Planning commissioners will consider Tuesday rezoning property near Hurd Avenue and the railroad tracks from light industrial to a planned unit development district.

The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. at 20 S Littler Ave.

The property, owned by Steve Frakes, is on the north side of Hurd and an eighth of a mile west of the railroad tracks. The land to the north and east is the city’s downtown regional water detention area.

Frakes wants to build a smaller project similar to the Old Town Lofts project, which is on the west side of Fretz Avenue and south of Edmond Road.

Eight units with 16 parking spaces are planned with one office building on the front of the property.

City Planner Bob Schiermeyer said the project would not be student or high-occupancy housing where the units are rented by the bedroom.

This project will need to meet the 10 percent landscaping requirement, Schiermeyer said.

Eight units with 16 parking spaces are planned with one office building on the front of the property.

It seems to want to be done by SDF CONSTRUCTION LLC, which is the group responsible for the same 'Old Towne Lofts' in Norman as well.

Here is the space:

11-15-2012, 01:40 PM
Awesome! I really think Edmond's downtown area has enormous potential, which it's beginning to really do stuff about. Good for Edmond

11-16-2012, 04:32 PM
I like the setup he build down on Fretz. Just always wondered why that location though.

11-20-2012, 01:32 PM
I like the setup he build down on Fretz. Just always wondered why that location though.

I had a friend that would have bought on Fretz except for the horrible location. This location is only slightly better, in my opinion. At least it is closer to old downtown.

11-20-2012, 05:56 PM
The right side of 2nd.. the perfect site would be the north side of Hurd, between Broadway and the tracks right behind downtown.

11-28-2012, 11:31 AM
The right side of 2nd.. the perfect site would be the north side of Hurd, between Broadway and the tracks right behind downtown.

Then you could jump the tracks on Hurd every morning!