View Full Version : New Public Safety Center
Plutonic Panda 09-25-2012, 08:57 PM There's also news on some other development in this article. Edmond strategic plan wins approval from city council | (
Plutonic Panda 01-18-2013, 05:13 PM City to open demolition bids Tuesday » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 01-24-2013, 04:16 PM Edmond gets bids for demolition to make way for a public safety center | (
Debzkidz 01-25-2013, 10:19 PM Drove down Littler today and noticed all the trees they have already marked for removal.
Plutonic Panda 02-18-2013, 06:13 PM EDMOND — City staff and the engineering firm of Frankfurt Short Bruza expect their plans to construct the $25.5 million Public Safety Center to be 95 percent complete by March 1, said Larry Stevens, city manager.
“Recently we met with the engineer to get an updated project schedule,” Stevens said last week to the City Council. “Their intent is to send out bid packages on March 21. And it’s our intent at this time to award a construction contract at your May 13 City Council meeting.”
The 70,000-square-foot Edmond Public Safety Center will combine the Edmond Police Department with Central Communications and Emergency Management.
Safety Center plans almost complete » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 02-23-2013, 11:17 PM Edmond downtown demolition nears | News OK (
Plutonic Panda 03-05-2013, 10:59 AM Edmond city offices move | News OK (
HangryHippo 03-05-2013, 02:46 PM What is this thread about? I read the thread title, but I don't know what saftey is...?
Just giving you a hard time, Panda!
Plutonic Panda 03-05-2013, 02:58 PM What is this thread about? I read the thread title, but I don't know what saftey is...?
Just giving you a hard time, Panda!Lol, come on man. Don't kill mah vibe here. ;P
HangryHippo 03-05-2013, 03:48 PM haha, no killin' here. It's all about public safety! : D
Plutonic Panda 03-05-2013, 09:06 PM haha, no killin' here. It's all about public safety! : DPublic safety "centered" on killing my vibe? ;) lololol jk ;P
Scotty22 03-18-2013, 01:59 PM It is quite the move. IT is now permanently at the new location on North Broadway but I am curious once the new public safety center is built how they are going to renovate and/or use the old police building. I'm guessing that utility customer service and the financial departments will move in there with a small sort of renovation. That old police building seems like it would be a poor fit for remodeling.
Plutonic Panda 03-19-2013, 12:57 AM It is quite the move. IT is now permanently at the new location on North Broadway but I am curious once the new public safety center is built how they are going to renovate and/or use the old police building. I'm guessing that utility customer service and the financial departments will move in there with a small sort of renovation. That old police building seems like it would be a poor fit for remodeling.Well in this article I just read, it say's their permanent location has not been determined. I would just say bulldoze the old police station and build a new 3-6 story office building. That would be really nice.
Here's an update on the move from More Edmond city workers make their move | News OK (
Scotty22 03-19-2013, 08:55 AM IT will permanently be at their new location, it was remodeled to house all 16 of IT staff members and a new datacenter. The financial side of things (Accounting, Treasurer, Payroll, Purchasing, UCS etc...) are just in a temporary location in the same building as Simply Southwest. It is leased.
What many people have said for years is exactly what you propose. There needs to be a really nice 3-5 story building in downtown Edmond to house all municipal services. It's annoying to find out where the City Manager's office is, and over here is the council chambers and over here is the planning department, or and where is building inspection? It's just a mess in my opinion. The other thing is growth. Some of the city buildings including the Public Works complex out at I-35 and Covell have very little room for expansion. In building a multi-story building there would be growth for city personnel in the future and you could even lease some space out with tenants that wanted a presence in downtown Edmond.
Plutonic Panda 03-20-2013, 02:17 AM Current Scope of Project
The 70,000 square foot multipurpose Public Safety Center will be located at the southeast corner of First and Littler where the Administration Building resides. The new building will house the Edmond Police Department, Public Safety Communications and Emergency Management functions. In addition to this facility is a 15,000 square foot Police Support Ancillary Facility, which will be located west of 33rd and Broadway on land already owned by the city. The ancillary facility will house Evidence Storage, Lab Work and related functions.
Edmond Police Department Headquarters
The Lockup Facility will be designed to include 10 adult male and 5 adult female holding cells.
The Patrol Division will accommodate a sworn police staff of over 100 officers.
Criminal Investigations Division will be designed to serve a sworn staff of 27 members.
Special Services Divisions will accommodate a total of 23 staff and associated administrative functions.
The Office of the Chief will be designed to accommadate a future staff of 21, including associated administrative functions.
The area for the Records Division will be 1,951 square feet.
There will be a 2,000 square foot Multipurpose Community Meeting Room which will be accessible to the public.
The Public Safety Center will also include backup generators for emergency power, HVAC, electrical and data functions.
Public Safety Communications Department
The Communications Administration will accommodate 5 staff.
Public Safety Communications will be designed to accommodate a staff of 35 Dispatch/Call Takers, Communication Systems Specialists and other support spaces.
Emergency Management Department will include an Emergency Operations Center capable of serving as a communications hub in an emergency event.
There will be several support spaces that will include a communications systems room, electrical/UPS Room, Computer Server Room, etc.
Read more here: Edmond, OK - Official Website - Public Safety Center (
Plutonic Panda 03-20-2013, 02:30 AM P.S. to JTF, if you see this (which I doubt even looks at the Edmond thread lol) what do you think about this. It looks pretty urban and close to the street. I think Edmond's downtown is really becoming nice. Now, if they would redo Broadway through downtown 2 lanes, add parallel parking and a nice parking garage, a street car, and widen the sidewalks to about 15-20 ft. I think Edmond's downtown would be amazing (along with a few remodels ;P).
Plutonic Panda 03-20-2013, 02:32 AM P.P.S. to OKCisOK4me, thank you for telling me how to use the thing. It worked greatly. :)
Just the facts 03-20-2013, 09:04 AM P.S. to JTF, if you see this (which I doubt even looks at the Edmond thread lol) what do you think about this. It looks pretty urban and close to the street. I think Edmond's downtown is really becoming nice. Now, if they would redo Broadway through downtown 2 lanes, add parallel parking and a nice parking garage, a street car, and widen the sidewalks to about 15-20 ft. I think Edmond's downtown would be amazing (along with a few remodels ;P).
I just happen to see your comment in the Recent Postings section. This looks pretty darn good from what I can see. The only thing I can't tell is if the trees are between the sidewalk and the building or the sidewalk and the street. Trees should be between the sidewalk and the street. Other than that it has nearly everything you could want; close to the street, vehicle access via an alley, historical building material and style, grand entrance, more than 1 story, etc... What's not to like?
As for your list of other things that could make downtown Edmond better - that is a pretty good starting point. They are still making a huge mistake locating the convention center along I-35 but what can you do - some habits die hard.
Plutonic Panda 03-20-2013, 03:19 PM The only thing I can't tell is if the trees are between the sidewalk and the building or the sidewalk and the street. Trees should be between the sidewalk and the street.Yeah, I spent about 5mins looking at the rendering trying to figure that out and couldn't really tell. It looks like to me that they're going to go between the street and the sidewalk.
As for your list of other things that could make downtown Edmond better - that is a pretty good starting point. They are still making a huge mistake locating the convention center along I-35 but what can you do - some habits die hard.I agree about the convention center. Seems pretty strange that they would do that. My only guess is that they want to increase the presence the city feel along I-35 and they think putting it along a major highway will help with their customers. Since they're building it their, I really hope they do end up building a lifestyle center and/or a really nice indoor mall since there is really nothing to do around there for people that stay there (for those who don't want to drive anywhere). I emailed the city of Edmond and I was told a new indoor mall was in the works, but I'll believe it when I see it. They are also widening Covell to six lanes over the highway and through to Sooner road, so that will be interesting how that turns out. I guess The City really thinks this area is going to take off in the coming years.
I just happen to see your comment in the Recent Postings section.I just didn't think you would be looking in the Edmond thread seeing as is pretty much set on being a classic all American Suburb lol :p
Just the facts 03-21-2013, 07:41 AM They are also widening Covell to six lanes over the highway and through to Sooner road, so that will be interesting how that turns out. I guess The City really thinks this area is going to take off in the coming years.
If there is one thing we know for sure - if you build road capacity someone will end up using it. If Edmond aspires to be interstate suburb then I think they set the bar a little too low. Reading one of the articles linked to in this thread I had to shake my head at one of the comments from an Edmond official saying they wanted to make the city more walkable while talking about the convention center. I concluded people know what needs to be done; they just don't know how to execute the vision. A drawing of a suburban convention center along a 6 lane street with imaginary black-silhouetted pedestrians is not how you do it.
Hopefully projects like the downtown public safety building will help them see what proper walkable execution looks like.
Hollywood 03-22-2013, 03:04 AM Well in this article I just read, it say's their permanent location has not been determined. I would just say bulldoze the old police station and build a new 3-6 story office building. That would be really nice.
Here's an update on the move from More Edmond city workers make their move | News OK (
It should be bulldozed. The building has been remodeled about as much as it can be. It would be a much better value to start fresh with an updated structure which is much more flexible such has been mention in this thread. Consolidate the other city offices within one building and open the SW and NE corners for parking garages, a new Downtown Community Center, etc.
Plutonic Panda 03-22-2013, 04:01 AM It should be bulldozed. The building has been remodeled about as much as it can be. It would be a much better value to start fresh with an updated structure which is much more flexible such has been mention in this thread. Consolidate the other city offices within one building and open the SW and NE corners for parking garages, a new Downtown Community Center, etc.Yes I couldn't agree more. I wish they would demo the community center all together. It sucks. I'm sure this is in the works. Seeing as the Safety Center should be done early 2015.
Plutonic Panda 04-10-2013, 06:58 PM Architects estimate cost for Edmond's public safety center at $33.9 million | News OK (
Hollywood 04-11-2013, 02:03 AM Ready for 2015 to be here, this is going to be an amazing facility.
Plutonic Panda 04-12-2013, 03:12 AM I agree, Hollywood. It will be a very nice addition. Here's another article: Demolition paves way for new Public Safety Center » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
dcsooner 04-12-2013, 05:42 AM Ready for 2015 to be here, this is going to be an amazing facility.
Plutonic Panda 04-13-2013, 03:59 AM Demolition begins in preparation for Edmond public safety center | News OK (
Plutonic Panda 04-15-2013, 03:39 PM Edmond, OK - Official Website (
Plutonic Panda 04-23-2013, 09:03 PM Demolition for safety center slated for Thursday » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 08-13-2013, 11:49 PM EDMOND — The City Council learned this week that Timberlake Construction is the lowest bidder for the Public Safety Center facility at $27.478 million. Groundbreaking for the 70,000-square-foot Public Safety Center will be 9 a.m. Aug. 23 at 100 E. First St.
-See more: City accepts $27M construction bid for safety center » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 08-14-2013, 02:15 PM From Edmonds website.
"EDMOND, OK – A groundbreaking ceremony will take place Friday, August 23 at 9:00 am for the new Edmond Public Safety Center. The facility is located on the southeast corner of First Street & Littler Avenue at the site of the former City Administration Building.
The 70,000 square foot multipurpose Public Safety Center will house the Edmond Police Department, Public Safety Communications and Emergency Management functions.
Design services for the Public Safety Center were provided by Frankfurt-Short-Bruza. Timberlake Construction has been selected as the contractor for the project at a cost of $27,478,200 and will have 720 days to complete the project upon notice to proceed.
Funding for the new facility is provided through a half cent sales tax over a five year period that was approved by Edmond voters in October 2011"
- Edmond, OK - Official Website (
Plutonic Panda 08-15-2013, 06:02 PM 'EDMOND — Work on the new public safety center complex could start within 30 days now that council members have approved a $27,478,200 construction bid.
Timberlake Construction Co., of Oklahoma City, will build the 70,000-square-foot building on the southeast corner of First Street and Littler Avenue. The three-story building will change the landscape of downtown Edmond.
The building will be the home of police headquarters, 911 communications and emergency management operations. The bid included a second building at 315 W 33rd St. that will house the crime lab and vehicle and evidence storage'
-Read more here: Edmond public safety center to cost nearly $27.5 million | News OK (
Plutonic Panda 08-21-2013, 03:11 PM Here's the new live stream Edmond, OK - Official Website - Live Streaming (
Plutonic Panda 08-23-2013, 05:16 PM Groundbreaking was today. Will be awesome once they really get things rollin.
Plutonic Panda 08-24-2013, 02:26 PM ''Officials laud start of Public Safety Center
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND — Ground was broken Friday morning at 100 E. First St. to build a new Public Safety Center in Edmond.
At last, the city’s long-awaited event brought police officers and city leaders together with a crowd of about 200 people. The Public Safety Center will combine the Edmond Police Department with Central Communications and Emergency Management.''
- See more at: Officials laud start of Public Safety Center » Local News » The Edmond Sun ( e5249a95d.jpg 9bd1bea0e.jpg
jerrywall 08-26-2013, 12:38 AM Heh... haven't seen a golden shovel in a while. Childhood flashback when we had a couple of those in our garage.
Plutonic Panda 08-31-2013, 04:25 AM Fence installed in preparation for center construction
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND — A fence was installed at a downtown Edmond parking lot to separate the future construction of the Public Safety Center. The Public Safety Center will be constructed at 100 E. 1st St.
Road closures are scheduled to begin during the first half of September.
- See more at: Fence installed in preparation for center construction » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 09-04-2013, 01:13 AM ''Construction Set to Begin on Public Safety Center
Construction is set to begin on the new Public Safety Center in downtown Edmond by the middle of September. The new 70,000 square foot facility will be located on the southeast corner of First Street and Littler Avenue.
The construction will cause street and road closures in the area immediately surrounding the work site. These closures will coincide with the work which is slated to last approximately two calendar years.
During these closures, please note that the following changes are anticipated in the downtown area:
1. Thru traffic will not be allowed on First Street between Broadway and Boulevard.
2. Thru traffic will not be allowed on Littler Avenue between Second Street and Main Street.
3. Parking will be stressed during peak times throughout the downtown area as several areas near the construction site will be closed.
The total project length is 720 calendar days. Timberlake Construction is the contractor with a total project cost of $27,478,200.''
Edmond, OK - Official Website (
Plutonic Panda 09-07-2013, 01:42 PM From Newsok road construction article
"EDMOND — Drivers beware. Road construction work could be around the corner in Edmond.
Downtown motorists need to find alternate routes for the next two years while the city's $27.5 million public safety center is being constructed on the southeast corner of Littler Avenue and First Street.
Kelly Avenue between Covell and Coffee Creek roads is closed while construction crews replace a bridge. Kelly Avenue will be widened. PHOTO BY PAUL B. SOUTHERLAND, THE OKLAHOMAN. PAUL B. SOUTHERLAND
Streets now closed are Littler Avenue from Second Street north to the alley on the north side of the police department and municipal courts; the alley on the north side of FedEx Kinkos and Taco Bueno, and First Street between Boulevard and Littler Avenue.
First Street from Broadway to Littler Avenue will be open only to local traffic.
Construction also will eliminate parking around the construction site, city hall, municipal court, council chambers and the police station''
Motorists should be cautious of Edmond Road construction projects | News OK (
Plutonic Panda 09-19-2013, 06:26 PM ''Downtown Edmond construction update
Published: September 19, 2013 by Diana Baldwin 0
Crew started this week digging down 16 to 18 feet to make room for the basement of the public safety building''
- Downtown Edmond construction update | News OK (
Plutonic Panda 10-22-2013, 10:40 AM A minor update by the Edmond Sun:
Public Safety Center footprint now visible
Mark Schlachtenhaufen
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND — Construction workers continue excavation work in downtown Edmond Thursday at the site for the upcoming Public Safety Center. The footprint for the 70,000-square-foot facility being built on the southeast corner of First Street and Littler Avenue is now more visible. The total project length is 720 calendar days. Timberlake Construction is the contractor with a total project cost of $27.5 million. Groundbreaking was in August. Work is also progressing nearby on the geothermal heating and cooling system. Lines of trucks have been hauling red dirt off site.
- See more at: Public Safety Center footprint now visible » Local News » The Edmond Sun ( bb56976e3.jpg
Plutonic Panda 10-22-2013, 10:41 AM Just now noticed the guys last name who wrote that-THAT- is hilarious!
Praedura 10-22-2013, 01:23 PM Wow! How have I been missing this thread? Even though I live in Edmond. Major slap to the head.
Well, I don't often pass by that area. But now I know what my mom's been complaining about. The last couple of times that I talked to her, she's been grumbling about all the construction downtown. She banks at Citizen's Bank (I think) and has to go through that area regularly. Looking at the big pit in the photo above -- now I understand.
Well cool. This is only a couple of miles away from me. Once they start construction, I can go down and take a few pics of the progress.
I'd also like to see something happen with that housing thing around Campbell. I could document that too.
Plutonic Panda 10-22-2013, 02:15 PM If you've seen someone riding the bike lanes, it is likely me! I have been riding the s**t out of those things lol
Plutonic Panda 11-14-2013, 08:28 AM Great new article here:
City considers future of existing police station
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND — The future use of the current Edmond Police Department headquarters was discussed Tuesday by the Edmond City Council at a public workshop.
Options include gutting the 23 E. First St. building site for total renovation and reconfiguration. The second option calls for renovation and expanding the existing two-story building east to the building setback line for a total of 35,500 square feet.
“It’s the most efficient response we think, and provides you the most economical, viable solution,” said Thomas Small, owner and director of Small Architects.
A current construction budget for the building itself would be about $170 per square foot, Small said. Building a new addition would be $200 per square foot, he said. It would be possible to move into the building by 2018 if the council chooses to move ahead with the project as early as next year, Small said.
The third option considers renovating the building and expanding to the east with a three-story building. Whether to construct a new three-story Administrative Office Building on the property was also discussed by the council.
Mayor Charles Lamb said the first floor of a new building could have a private enterprise aspect of retail and fine dining. No decisions have been made. Tuesday’s discussion was purely conceptual.
Growing pains for a city in transition
“There is an issue of timing because we will be looking forward to opening our streets back up,” Lamb said. “I guess I’m counter-arguing tearing it down and starting again due to the impact on downtown. If it’s a renovation, it seems the impact is lessened to some extent.”
Today, thru traffic is not allowed on First Street between Broadway and Boulevard. Thru traffic is also closed on Littler Avenue between Second Street and Main Street due to ongoing construction of the new Public Safety Center.
Future of Downtown Community Center
in question
All city staff functions that are currently housed in the Downtown Community Center could relocate into the new City Administration Building if the Council chooses to expand the existing building’s footprint, Small said. Meeting rooms would be available in a new facility, he added.
“There would have to be projections made for what each department would need in the future, so we don’t paint ourselves in the corner of certain areas of the building,” Small said.
The community center houses functions of Oklahoma County as well as the state Department of Public Safety. These entities could move to the Administration Building. The auditorium and general public meeting rooms would be not be duplicated in the Administrative Building.
“So we really are contemplating taking down two-thirds or more of the DCC,” said Victoria Caldwell, city councilwoman'
- See more at: City considers future of existing police station » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Hollywood 11-15-2013, 01:43 AM The current facility has been renovated or altered so many times I'd have to think at some point enough is enough. With the progress being made, the city needs to go to the citizens as the police department nears completion and see if they'd support building a new city hall from the ground up. All city staff would remain where they've been relocated during construction. Make it 3 or 4 stories and relocate the council chambers and courts to the first floor along with utility customer service. Then whatever office staff remain that aren't located at Covell, can work out of the top two or three floors.
This would maintain progress while also allowing for demolition of the current council chamber and courts for additional parking or better yet, a nicely designed parking garage which would alleviate some of the parking headaches during events or business days downtown.
Plutonic Panda 11-15-2013, 01:45 AM I completely agree with this. I also think it getting near the time for Edmond to build it's first police substation near Arcadia lake.
Hollywood 11-16-2013, 01:37 AM I completely agree with this. I also think it getting near the time for Edmond to build it's first police substation near Arcadia lake.
It will come I'd say within the next five to ten years. It's really dependent upon how long it takes for things to pickup once the Covell and I-35 interchange is completed as well as the new high school. It's be nice if the eastern substation could be integrated into a Lake Station as well so the Lake Patrol could move out of the house in Edmond Park.
In the meantime, the agency doesn't have the manpower to assign anyone east of I-35 for routine patrol much less staff a new Eastern Division.
Just the facts 11-17-2013, 09:04 AM I completely agree with this. I also think it getting near the time for Edmond to build it's first police substation near Arcadia lake.
Just when I think you are making progress :). Instead of spreading city services even further out just tell people choosing to live out there that they are moving away from police protection and need to plan accordingly. Then they can decide what level of risk they want to live with.
Anyhow, back to the new Edmond Municipal District. I love the idea of Edmond consolidating all city offices in one location. I used to work for a small town and we had all our offices in one building (except the wastewater plant). It made it so easy for residents and developers because everything was in the same place. Even if they didn't know exactly what office or person they were looking for they at least knew where to look.
Plutonic Panda 11-17-2013, 03:05 PM Just when I think you are making progress :). Instead of spreading city services even further out just tell people choosing to live out there that they are moving away from police protection and need to plan accordingly. Then they can decide what level of risk they want to live with.
Anyhow, back to the new Edmond Municipal District. I love the idea of Edmond consolidating all city offices in one location. I used to work for a small town and we had all our offices in one building (except the wastewater plant). It made it so easy for residents and developers because everything was in the same place. Even if they didn't know exactly what office or person they were looking for they at least knew where to look.Wait, you wouldn't be in favor of a police substation out near Arcadia? I only say that because I think Edmond should really try to spur some cool development around the lake to encourage a mini tourist area. Don't you think it would be a good idea?
I agree the "convention"/conference center along with all this development on Covell is questionable, but my thinking is to create a destination around Lake Arcadia, not to encourage sprawl. Even if it does, just don't widen the roads out there; people will get the message.
Plutonic Panda 11-26-2013, 09:12 AM Official: Edmond safety center on or ahead of schedule
Mark Schlachtenhaufen
The Edmond Sun
EDMOND — Much like ancient archaeological sites contain layers that help identify conditions in ages past, work at Edmond’s Public Safety Center has unearthed some interesting items.
Excavation work has revealed the footprint of the 70,000 square foot facility being built at the southeast corner of First Street and Littler where the city’s Administration Building once stood.
The city’s intriguing history began on the wind-swept Oklahoma prairie as a coal and watering stop along the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway south through the Unassigned Lands. On April 22, 1889, Edmond became a town.
During the ensuing months, years and decades, the city grew and recorded many firsts in Oklahoma Territory — the first church (St. John’s), the first continuously published newspaper (The Edmond Sun), the first public schoolhouse completed in 1889 and the first higher education campus, what would become the University of Central Oklahoma.
Streets and businesses were built. Storms blew dust over the landscape. Old structures gave way to new ones.
On Aug. 23, city leaders broke ground at the Public Safety Center construction site. Timberlake Construction is the contractor for the $27.4 million project, and had 720 days to complete it upon notice to proceed.
Edmond Police Maj. Steve Thompson, deputy chief of police, is coordinating the project for the Edmond Police Department. During excavation, trucks hauled about 40,000 cubic yards, about 4,000 truck loads, of Oklahoma soil out of the future basement, Thompson said.
Discoveries during excavation included a partial asphalt parking lot and many other items officials were not aware existed.
- See more at: Official: Edmond safety center on or ahead of schedule » Local News » The Edmond Sun ( 6f0a434c4.jpg 25dd70a8b.jpg 2d88d4a86.jpg
Plutonic Panda 12-26-2013, 10:52 PM Public Safety Center combines departments
James Coburn
Special to The Sun
EDMOND — Officials lauded the start of the Public Safety Center in 2013 with the August groundbreaking marking the occasion.
At last, the city’s long-awaited event brought police officers and city leaders together with a crowd of about 200 people. The Public Safety Center will combine the Edmond Police Department with Central Communications and Emergency Management.
The 70,000-square-foot Edmond Public Safety Center is being constructed on a 1-acre site at 100 E. First St. that formerly housed the City of Edmond Administration Building.
“It took us many years of committee work, numerous public meetings and two elections to find the right equation of function, location and a funding source that the Edmond citizens would support,” said Charles Lamb, mayor.
Laboratory, vehicles, evidence-based storage and other related functions will be located at an auxiliary building at 315 W. 33rd St. Bid documents allow the contractor a two-year period for construction of the downtown facility.
Edmond voters approved a half-cent sales tax in 2010 to build the facility. Voters also approved Proposition No. 2 to allow the city to loan itself $7.2 million out of the Hospital Trust Fund with an improved return of investment on that trust fund. Timberlake Construction will build the downtown facility for a cost of $27.478 million.
“It’s being built for the 20-year needs of the Police Department,” said Police Chief Bob Ricks. “But in actuality, this will be the administrative headquarters of the Edmond Police Department for at least the next 50 years.”
Planning for the facility took five years, said principal architect Phillip McNayr of Frankfurt Short Bruza. The wait has been and will be well worth it for the 24-month construction project, McNayr said.
Forty members of city staff were relocated from the city administration building to the Hargrove Building, 7 N. Broadway. The current rent for the Hargrove Building is $19,500 a month, said Casey Moore, city spokesperson.
The future use of the current Edmond Police Department headquarters was discussed by the Edmond City Council in November at a public workshop.
Options include gutting the 23 E. First St. building site for total renovation and reconfiguration. The second option calls for renovation and expanding the existing two-story building east to the building setback line for a total of 35,500 square feet.
- See more at: Public Safety Center combines departments » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
MWCGuy 12-27-2013, 02:46 AM Sounds like Edmond PD is planning on police substations for patrol operations at some point down the road like Oklahoma City currently has. The neighborhood substations could be based out anything from existing shopping centers to converted homes or vacant commercial buildings.
Hollywood 12-29-2013, 03:03 AM Sounds like Edmond PD is planning on police substations for patrol operations at some point down the road like Oklahoma City currently has. The neighborhood substations could be based out anything from existing shopping centers to converted homes or vacant commercial buildings.
Given the smaller size of the city, the general consensus is there will eventually be a substation east of I-35. Then there will be two divisions. The new building should be able to support patrol operations west of the freeway perfectly once that time comes many years down the road.
Hollywood 01-23-2014, 04:15 PM
Plutonic Panda 02-26-2014, 10:23 PM update:
Public Safety Center construction continues
Mark Schlachtenhaufen
Special to The Sun
EDMOND — Work progresses Wednesday on the city’s new 70,000 square foot Public Safety Center at the southeast corner of First Street and Littler Avenue in downtown Edmond. As facility construction has continued, a number of issues have been dealt with or need to be dealt with, according to information presented during Monday’s City Council meeting. They include addition of a basement sub grade to get workers out of the mud, addition of waterproofing to underneath the slab and outside basement walls and redesign of the entrance to enhance security and an upgrade in security glass in the jail due to manufacturer warranty issues. The issues were part of a $159,527.39 change order approved by council members; Frankfurt Short Bruza is picking up the tab for the entrance redesign cost, according to the agenda. Timberlake Construction is the contractor. The facility is scheduled to open in 2015. 33012da9e.jpg
- See more at: Public Safety Center construction continues » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 03-06-2014, 02:33 PM Now beginning to rise above the ground!
From the Edmond Sun 5373326a8.jpg
EDMOND — Construction workers install concrete forms for elevator shafts Wednesday morning as work on above-ground sections continues at the Public Safety Center site. Edmond Police Department Maj. Steve Thompson, the agency’s point man on the project, said workers were putting rebar around the forms. Then they will put the outside form in and pour concrete to make the shaft, Thompson said.
- See more at: Going up? » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Plutonic Panda 03-06-2014, 07:49 PM Anti-earthquake measures used in Safety Center construction » Local News » The Edmond Sun (
Hollywood 03-07-2014, 03:22 PM (
Plutonic Panda 03-08-2014, 03:13 PM New Edmond Public Safety Center Prepares For Severe Weather - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (