View Full Version : 1970 's party memories

09-25-2012, 02:15 PM
I partied hard while living in OKC !I partied all over the place.. but my favorite was the ZIG ZAG BAR ON 39TH expressway. It WAS A DIVE OF A PLACE I HAD GREAT TIMES HERE.!!! I was a bar maid for awhile here, shot pool real well and could even run a few tables. I also partied on friday & saturday nights on the expressway driving or dragging racing cars. sometimes riding in a guys car sometimes driving someones car. God these were such innocent times. I lived right next to memorial park and partied here too. smoked alot of weed in this park. I worked at quicks on Classen circle for awhile during high school & payless shoes across from N.W. CLASSEN H.S.. YEAH GO KNIGHTS.. HELL i partoed on the southwest side, northeast side once in awhile and had a great time with all the OKIES!!!

09-26-2012, 09:20 AM
Was this really David Bowie?