View Full Version : Google Street View Camera Captures the Business End of a Gun

Of Sound Mind
09-19-2012, 12:56 PM

It would be so fun to drive around in one of those Google street view cars, wouldn’t it? Happily capturing the world around you so it can be carefully digitized and archived for everyone with an Internet connection to see. Except for like, when you drive ( through a rough urban area and happen to have a large gun pointed at you.

A Redditor published ( a screencap from a Google Maps street view camera today that shows a gaggle of young men and one woman hanging out on a front porch in Detroit. Innocent enough, except that one of the young men is holding (,+Detroit&hl=en&ll=42.430687,-83.073882&spn=0.006533,0.013937&sll=42.430615,-83.073884&layer=c&cbp=13,256.73,,1,5.43&cbll=42.430779,-83.073891&hnear=18800+Brinker+Ave,+Detroit,+Michigan+48234&t=m&z=17&panoid=Mx5uFeASDSKN3Bv9uezi5g) what looks to be a shotgun. As the streetview camera drives off onto the next block, the kid aims the gun at the car.

Whoever said cartography wasn’t a dangerous job has clearly never been to Detroit. (

(Photo: Imgur)

09-19-2012, 01:20 PM
This will help Detroit's image!

As a side note, I know their cars have been seen in OKC and I wish they would hurry and update their images, as they are really old now.

09-19-2012, 01:53 PM
Saw one in Shawnee this morning

09-19-2012, 01:56 PM
Saw one in Shawnee this morning

The car or the gun?

09-19-2012, 02:26 PM
The car or the gun?

Ha, I thouht I might get a reply like this. Luckily it was the car.

09-19-2012, 03:06 PM
Speaking of that... what's with all the killings in OKC this past week. Seems people are getting killed all over the place.

09-19-2012, 03:39 PM
This will help Detroit's image!

As a side note, I know their cars have been seen in OKC and I wish they would hurry and update their images, as they are really old now.

I noticed Kansas City, MO is HD Streetview now so it can't be too much longer...

09-19-2012, 03:41 PM
Speaking of that... what's with all the killings in OKC this past week. Seems people are getting killed all over the place.

They were disappointed that OSU did an onside kick up 44-0..

09-19-2012, 04:23 PM
As a side note, I know their cars have been seen in OKC and I wish they would hurry and update their images, as they are really old now.

We saw one driving around Bricktown and over by the boathouses a month or so back. We were in our company truck at the time. We thought about following it around everywhere so that anytime someone pulled up Google Street View, they'd see our logo. lol

09-19-2012, 05:28 PM
This will help Detroit's image!

As a side note, I know their cars have been seen in OKC and I wish they would hurry and update their images, as they are really old now.

Saw the car between the new I-40 and the Cottonseed Mill Co-op just a few weeks ago.

09-19-2012, 05:59 PM
They were disappointed that OSU did an onside kick up 44-0..

yeah... I can understand that

09-19-2012, 07:21 PM
One of the cars must be based here. I see it routinely (for many months now) at least once a week leaving the gas station at SE 44 and S. I-35. I also see it driving along SE 44th quite a bit (as if the driver lives in the area). The Google Cam is always all covered up and strapped down.

09-19-2012, 10:58 PM
I remember reading somewhere, perhaps in one of the other Google threads, that they hire local people to drive their cars. I guess this helps get street views of those little nook and cranny streets in various neighborhoods and rural areas. If that's the case, maybe the driver in Detroit has a bounty on his head... ;)

09-21-2012, 04:41 PM
Truly sad place....

09-21-2012, 05:38 PM
Wow, that's pretty impressive. Recent news clip? C-r-a-z-y!

09-21-2012, 06:08 PM
This is what you get when you facilitate abandonment of our cities. Detroit built more and more roads so people could get in and out quickly - so they left. Just another unintended (?) consequence of white flight to the 'burbs.