View Full Version : Decent paying jobs in Norman/Moore/Purcell area?
Airwave5 09-17-2012, 01:27 PM To whom it may concern,
I've never posted anything like this before but since I'm running out of people in my life to ask for advice, I am resorting to asking complete strangers on the internet for help ( which I have no problems with, but don't know how others will react at something like this ).
Currently I am planning on moving to Norman, Oklahoma as I am quite fond of the town and atmosphere and eventually plan on going back to school at some point. At the moment, I'm working a job in OKC that, while it's not bad, I would like to find something that would be in or closer to Norman rather than try to deal with rush hour traffic.
My question is what jobs would be comparable to my job when it comes to pay? I make around $12 an hour. I know that some of the jobs at the University of Oklahoma pay about the same and Hobby Lobby supposedly start around that much for full time. I'm just curious what other jobs there are that I could get hired on at that would be the same or at least not that huge of a pay cut?
Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
Roadhawg 09-17-2012, 02:38 PM This might help JobsOK: Oklahoma Jobs & Oklahoma City Career Search | NewsOK (
Dubya61 09-17-2012, 02:39 PM I also like
BradR 09-18-2012, 08:40 AM Ever think about selling cars?
Roadhawg 09-18-2012, 09:08 AM Ever think about selling cars?
Well he did say decent and not honest lol
Hobby Lobby pays well for retail and treats their employees very well.
kevinpate 09-18-2012, 10:25 AM What sort of work do you have in mind?
Indoors only, outdoors preferred, combination?
are you a likes to get dirty person? jeans/polo cubicle? casual retail sales? have suit, can make your life better sort?
BradR 09-18-2012, 11:40 AM Well he did say decent and not honest lol
Well, not all car dealers are completely dishonest but some definitely are.
Roadhawg 09-18-2012, 01:06 PM I agree
BradR 09-18-2012, 01:08 PM Either way, back on topic. If you're good at it you can make a very nice income in the car business and there's plenty of it in Norman.
Ever thought about waiting tables? Maybe at a bar? I worked at O'Connell's (old location) through college and easily averaged (busy nights/slow nights) $100 cash during a shift. Plus, if you can get on anywhere near campus, you can make your rent on gamedays. I used to make $400-$600 on Saturdays in the Fall!
Not sure if that's the kind of job you are looking for. But, it's an option.
Airwave5 09-18-2012, 04:05 PM Preferably indoors in an office setting, though I have no problems working a job like Hobby Lobby or even selling cars if the price is right. I just don't want to find myself in a situation where I have four different jobs just to survive.
Airwave5 09-18-2012, 04:08 PM I've waited tables before at a Red Lobster in OKC. I didn't have any problems with it, and I acutally would still be doing it if they didn't make me choose between them and my current job ( I am not even joking ). I haven't spotted any houses yet but I have had a friend who lived closed to the stadium and would get really good cash.
ShiroiHikari 09-24-2012, 12:39 AM 7-11 starts at around $12.80/hr now, I think. It's crappy retail work but the pay is decent. And you get raises every so often.
If you're looking for a house, I think I saw a bunch of duplexes for rent near East Lindsey and Classen, across the street from the Braum's. Don't know anything about them, though.
Airwave5 09-24-2012, 09:07 AM Man, I can't recall how many times I've applied at 7-11. I wouldn't mind working there but I've come to the conclusion that maybe it's just not a job I should be working at. Aside from that, I was under the impression that at 7-11 you do not get the option to choose which 7-11 to work at. They just assign you to wherever. Am I mistaken on this?
progressiveboy 09-24-2012, 09:29 AM Preferably indoors in an office setting, though I have no problems working a job like Hobby Lobby or even selling cars if the price is right. I just don't want to find myself in a situation where I have four different jobs just to survive. Hobby Lobby starts their employess at $13.00 per hour for Full time plus benefits. That is not bad for retail.
Airwave5 09-24-2012, 10:26 AM Not bad at all! I didn't know they bumped to $13 an hour. I need to pick up an application from them.
Who on here has worked at Hobby Lobby or has had a friend work at Hobby Lobby? How were they able to schedule an interview? I've applied there many times in the past but it seems like one of those jobs where you have to know someone already working there to get hired on. I have a friend that works at the Hobby Lobby I was thinking of applying at but at the time I turned my app in and mentioned him, he was under the impression that my job situation was ok and thus, told HR that I wasn't looking at the time :(. He still apologizes to me when he sees me, haha.
ShiroiHikari 09-26-2012, 10:22 PM Man, I can't recall how many times I've applied at 7-11. I wouldn't mind working there but I've come to the conclusion that maybe it's just not a job I should be working at. Aside from that, I was under the impression that at 7-11 you do not get the option to choose which 7-11 to work at. They just assign you to wherever. Am I mistaken on this?
That is correct-- they just send you to whichever store needs people. Most people do eventually get transferred closer to home, but it's not guaranteed and could take a while. I really should have thought about that before suggesting it, since you specifically said you wanted to live closer to work. Sorry about that.
And yes, I've noticed that for some reason it's damn difficult to get a foot in the door there, and they still end up hiring some people who probably have no business working there. Our roommate has been specifically recommended by someone who works for the company, and he still didn't get hired! I don't get it.
Airwave5 10-01-2012, 08:58 AM That is correct-- they just send you to whichever store needs people. Most people do eventually get transferred closer to home, but it's not guaranteed and could take a while. I really should have thought about that before suggesting it, since you specifically said you wanted to live closer to work. Sorry about that.
And yes, I've noticed that for some reason it's damn difficult to get a foot in the door there, and they still end up hiring some people who probably have no business working there. Our roommate has been specifically recommended by someone who works for the company, and he still didn't get hired! I don't get it.
It's ok! I appreciate you taking the time to answer. That alone means a lot. And yes, I have seen some people work there that I'm like 'huh' about. But again, probably a blessing in disguise I didn't get hired. I've had a few friends work there who got fired for supposedly stealing, which is rather insane, as they're not the kind of people that would steal. Apparently it was the same issue with others who have worked there, also. It just seems like a crummy thing to have on your record if you didn't do anything.
CurtisJ 10-01-2012, 09:07 AM I know you said Norman/Moore, but I work in SE OKC at Sooner/59th and alot of my co-workers live in norman. There are alot of emloyers around here and I imagine the commute wouldn't be horrible. I work for GE Oil and Gas and we have been hiring fairly consistently over the last year. Also there are a few smaller operations down here like Baker Hughes (also oil services industry) and any number of aerospace companies.
kevinpate 10-01-2012, 09:17 AM In the FWIW category, If you don't mind nights, in particular weekend late nights, pizza drivers can bank some decent coin in Norman.
Airwave5 10-01-2012, 09:48 AM I know you said Norman/Moore, but I work in SE OKC at Sooner/59th and alot of my co-workers live in norman. There are alot of emloyers around here and I imagine the commute wouldn't be horrible. I work for GE Oil and Gas and we have been hiring fairly consistently over the last year. Also there are a few smaller operations down here like Baker Hughes (also oil services industry) and any number of aerospace companies.
At the moment I live fairly close to Sooner/59th so that might actually not be too bad for right now. What's the starting pay, qualifications to work, and how to apply? It's fine if you want to private message the details.
Airwave5 10-01-2012, 09:53 AM In the FWIW category, If you don't mind nights, in particular weekend late nights, pizza drivers can bank some decent coin in Norman.
I sent you a private message. Get back to me when convenient.
Bunty 10-01-2012, 12:01 PM It seems as hard to find a decent paying job in Norman as it is in the other big college town--Stillwater. City-data says only 55.3% of the people in Norman both live and work there, so a lot of people there are having to look outside of town for work.