View Full Version : US Takes All-Time Temperature Record

09-13-2012, 10:47 AM
Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog : The new hottest place on Earth: Death Valley, California | Weather Underground (

As any weather aficionado can avow, Earth's most iconic weather record has long been the legendary all-time hottest temperature of 58°C (136.4°F) measured 90 years ago today at El Azizia, Libya on September 13, 1922. One hundred thirty six degrees! It's difficult to comprehend that heat like that could exist on our planet. For 90 years, no place on Earth has come close to beating the unbelievable 136 degree reading from Al Azizia, and for good reason--the record is simply not believable. But Earth's mightiest weather record has been officially cast down. Today, the official arbiter of Earth's weather records, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), announced that the all-time heat record held for exactly 90 years by El Azizia in Libya "is invalid because of an error in recording the temperature." The WMO committee found five major problems with the measurement. Most seriously, the temperature was measured in a paved courtyard over a black, asphalt-like material by a new and inexperienced observer, not trained in the use of an unsuitable replacement instrument that could be easily misread. The observer improperly recorded the observation, which was consequently in error by about 7°C (12.6°F.) The new official highest hottest place on the planet is now Death Valley, California. A remarkable high temperature of 56.7°C (134°F) was measured there on 10 July 1913, at Greenland Ranch.

09-13-2012, 11:40 AM
Wow, it took them 90 years to figure out the mistake. For those of us that cannot view the video at the moment, what prompted the guy's investigation into the measurement methods? Just one guy's curiosity?

Edit - never mind. On first scan, I missed the link to his blog with the details.
(Weather Extremes : World Heat Record Overturned--A Personal Account | Weather Underground (

09-13-2012, 01:07 PM
U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!!

___^^^___vvv___^^^___vvv___^^^ <----(the heat wave)

09-13-2012, 01:12 PM
U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!!

___^^^___vvv___^^^___vvv___^^^ <----(the heat wave)

I was about to post something similar.

09-13-2012, 01:12 PM
Wow, it took them 90 years to figure out the mistake. For those of us that cannot view the video at the moment, what prompted the guy's investigation into the measurement methods? Just one guy's curiosity?

Edit - never mind. On first scan, I missed the link to his blog with the details.
(Weather Extremes : World Heat Record Overturned--A Personal Account | Weather Underground (

I think it's more of a question of what prompted them to wait so long.

09-13-2012, 01:55 PM
Does Al Gore know?

09-13-2012, 02:07 PM
Probably. It's been all over the weather-related new outlets and since Gore knows wtf he's talking about he probably reads some of them.

09-13-2012, 02:09 PM
Does Al Gore know?

Interviewer (Igor):
Hey Al, aren't you glad that after successfully inventing the Internet you weren't elected President.

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Al . . .?

Don't bug me, man, I'm busy waltzing my tildes.