09-10-2012, 11:11 PM
Has anyone done Cross Fit? What did you think about it? Would you recommend it? I'm thinking of starting it at 405 Cross Fit on Hudson.
View Full Version : Cross Fit? king183 09-10-2012, 11:11 PM Has anyone done Cross Fit? What did you think about it? Would you recommend it? I'm thinking of starting it at 405 Cross Fit on Hudson. BBatesokc 09-11-2012, 07:18 AM I've done it before - wasn't for me, but, like anything else, there are plenty of people who are avid supporters. I'm not saying it isn't a good workout and won't help you meet your goals (losing weight, overall better physical shape, etc.) but I find its overhyped, overkill and overpriced. Basically, IMO CrossFit is like any other packaged workout program - they hype it up as 'the solution' with their patented super secret moves/techniques and make you all kinds of promises that are usually unrealistic and are certainly not unique to their program and cost way more than they should. CrossFit takes it a step further than say the P90X, Body Pump, Insanity, etc. Its like a traditional 'Boot Camp' class on steroids - with a price to match. For what I can get at the YMCA for $56/month, it would cost me $270/month at CrossFit405 (membership for two, go to however many classes I want). For the wife and I to only attend 3 classes a week it would cost us $190/month. Completely stupid IMO. People just need to see the reality in working out, the reality of their goals and take into consideration their financial situation and make an informed decision. I know people in CrossFit now and they love it and I say good for them. To me it comes down to what motivates you to actually workout. If you're self-motivated and like to run or bike then you don't even need a gym membership for lower weight and good cardio shape (FREE, minus equipment). If you don't really care for the social aspect of a gym or classes and are motivated enough to workout on your own with some structure, then I'd recommend one of the at home packaged classes like P90X, Insanity, etc. ($40-$200 total, minus any equipment needed). If, like me, you need a social aspect to your workout and some choices when it comes to workout styles and times and want to do it year around - then I suggest a membership at a gym you enjoy ($10-$60/month). If money is not a consideration and you need not only the social aspect of a class but also 'team' feeling and like to be doing the latest, greatest, workout fad, then I'd recommend CrossFit or something similar. In the end you should do whatever makes financial sense and actually gets you to working out on a consistent basis. But, in the end, it all comes down to getting your heart rate up, stretching and adding resistance. Dubya61 09-11-2012, 10:08 AM Great advice, BBates. I heard once that the BEST exercise, is the one that you do. BBatesokc 09-11-2012, 10:28 AM Great advice, BBates. I heard once that the BEST exercise, is the one that you do. Kinda like when people ask me what camera they should buy - my answer is always "whatever camera you will most likely carry on you." JayhawkTransplant 09-11-2012, 12:38 PM I agree with what Mr. Bates said. I completed the OnRamp course a few years ago, and it was great. Just ridiculously expensive. And kinda cult-like, to be honest with you. onthestrip 09-11-2012, 01:50 PM The ones that are into to crossfit do seem to take it a bit too seriously But like the eloquent Kenny Powers once said, "I aint trying to be the best at excercising." ExtremistPullup 09-12-2012, 03:59 PM T NATION | The Truth About CrossFit ( ExtremistPullup 09-12-2012, 04:08 PM BBatesokc 09-12-2012, 04:23 PM The thing I find most hysterical about Crossfit is when you see a photo of their founder. Not exactly the marketable physique of a fitness program originator and promotor. I see more people in Zumba (or even at Krispy Kreme) I'd rather have the physique of. ( Left, founder of Crossfit, Greg Glassman (who is in his early 50′s, just like P90X founder Tony Horton, on the right). Need I say more! LOL Sure, you can find pics of CrossFit members who look awesome, but I can find the same pics of people who just run/bike and do pushups in the park. As for links to online reviews - we could fill this forum with positive and negative perspectives. The thing I find most revealing about the positive reviews is they do their best to not give any real world specifics about why Crossfit works - other than - you guessed it, you're getting off your butt and doing some real exercise. |