View Full Version : WSKY Lounge
ctchandler 03-22-2016, 10:30 PM Yes. They also own Omerta which is a cigar shop with a private lounge. BYOB is encouraged...especially if good scotch and sharing.
If you have good scotch and are sharing, I'm with you! I Have never been a cigar fan, but I'm definitely into second hand smoke, regardless of my C. O. P. D.
C. T.
Jeepnokc 03-23-2016, 08:20 AM Jeepnokc,
If you have good scotch and are sharing, I'm with you! I Have never been a cigar fan, but I'm definitely into second hand smoke, regardless of my C. O. P. D.
C. T.
I was there last night and several bottles were out. There was a Laphroaig triple wood, Genmorangie Milsean, and we were trying to see the difference between the Glenlivet Triple Wood and the Glenlivet Triple Wood Solera Vat. We then delved into a little bourbon opening and trying the new Blood Oath that just came on the market.
ctchandler 03-23-2016, 11:40 AM I was there last night and several bottles were out. There was a Laphroaig triple wood, Genmorangie Milsean, and we were trying to see the difference between the Glenlivet Triple Wood and the Glenlivet Triple Wood Solera Vat. We then delved into a little bourbon opening and trying the new Blood Oath that just came on the market.
I didn't know you were the kind of person to "kick" a man when he's down! Sounds like you had a good time.
C. T.
In addition to taking out the humidor, they are also reupholstering, painting and professionally cleaning all the woodwork and floors.
Moving away from hunter green to a more modern blue scheme. They hope to reopen this Saturday and I hope they do, because that's where I'll head after the Ben Rector show at the Criterion.
Hondo1 03-23-2016, 12:42 PM Hard to believe but a buddy and I were once at the Red Rooster smoking our cigars and having a good time when the waitress asked us to put them out. Guess it goes both ways.
JarrodH 03-24-2016, 08:55 PM Everything is right on schedule and we will be reopening to the public Saturday at 8 pm.
We've eliminated the smoke smell as well as reupholstered and repainted the entire lounge.
Robot house has done an amazing job with the rebranding and we are excited to see what everyone thinks!
So excited about this.
See you Saturday after the Ben Rector concert at the Criterion.
Uptowner 03-25-2016, 02:38 AM Hard to believe but a buddy and I were once at the Red Rooster smoking our cigars and having a good time when the waitress asked us to put them out. Guess it goes both ways.
I bartended (smokin of course) years ago and it was the policy to not allow cigars. Even through the all the cigarette smoke there was just something so nauseating about them. Especially when's e scotch drinkers got the macanudos all slobbered up and went to town. The customers, ironically with cigarettes in their hands, would start to go mental.
PS it would take some kind of reality show extreme restaurant makeover crew to get that job done in 6 days. My fingers are crossed for them. Also on that patio that got shut down.
JarrodH 03-25-2016, 08:01 AM PS it would take some kind of reality show extreme restaurant makeover crew to get that job done in 6 days. My fingers are crossed for them. Also on that patio that got shut down.
The cleaning crew is here this morning and we will begin restaging the bar before noon. We should have everything 100% completed and ready for service by late this evening.
It doesn't take some crazy TV show to redo the interior of a bar in a week, it just takes planning and coordination months in advance. Things are much easier when all the furniture and materials are already waiting to go in.
Uptowner 03-25-2016, 10:30 AM Sweet deal. I'm gonna come get a nice smokey, smoke free scotch this weekend!
bchris02 03-25-2016, 02:56 PM The cleaning crew is here this morning and we will begin restaging the bar before noon. We should have everything 100% completed and ready for service by late this evening.
It doesn't take some crazy TV show to redo the interior of a bar in a week, it just takes planning and coordination months in advance. Things are much easier when all the furniture and materials are already waiting to go in.
So is it opening tonight or tomorrow?
jerrywall 03-25-2016, 03:40 PM I know where I and the wife will be Saturday!
JarrodH 03-25-2016, 04:08 PM We will reopen to the public Saturday night at 8 pm.
Sneak preview... Badass if you ask me:
kevinpate 03-26-2016, 04:41 PM John Tapper and crew would approve.
Best wishes on the new direction. Now I'll be able to talk my lovely, who is not a smoke fan of any variety except campfires, into us checking it out.
Jeepnokc 03-26-2016, 11:59 PM 12411 12412 12413r12413 Grand reopening of WSKY as smoke free. Great time. Clad to see Pete there.
Jeepnokc 03-27-2016, 12:02 AM And that is why I normally send the pics to Pete to post;)
Haha... Good seeing you there Jeep and meeting your wife.
This place is just so great. Already wrote about it in the Criterion thread but I went before the show and then walked back afterwards.
Ended up staying until almost 1AM and it was still going strong as was Slaughter's Hall next door, lots of people out on the patio... Such a great vibe.
This is the little upstairs area that looks like a million bucks and is a great place for a cocktail, small plates and conversation.
It looks like it may be better lit now? That's nice. I remember it being very dark before.
They did change up the lighting and it looks really nice.
dankrutka 05-25-2016, 11:18 PM Patio
And it looks like there's room for another one if they ever want to do one on the other side too...
Jeepnokc 08-04-2016, 01:27 PM WSKY is hosting Rum University tonight at 6 pm. I went last night to the Beer 101 tasting they did at Slaughter's and it was a great time. Should be fun.
Looks like they finally have their patio open.
Jeepnokc 09-05-2016, 12:07 AM Looks like they finally have their patio open.
Not quite. The picnic tables will move to Slaughters and they are building benches on other seating for this area. Not quite open but getting there
Jeepnokc 12-01-2016, 09:10 AM WSKY Lounge is rolling out a new drink line tonight called WSKY Wheels. I don't believe anyone in Oklahoma City is serving made to order infused drinks in porthole infusers. Here is the line up:
Also, Slaughter's next door is celebrating their 2 year anniversary with prizes and a lot of tasty local brews including a new one from Twisted Spike
LocoAko 12-05-2016, 10:51 AM So this isn't meant to be a complaint per se, but I stopped by WSKY Friday night for a bit and was shocked at how much it'd changed. Last I remember it was a pretty quiet, mature atmosphere (granted this was back to when it was still a cigar bar) with just a few folks in there who were there for some fine whiskey and spirits. Friday night it had roaring loud hip-hop and R&B (I remember R. Kelly's Ignition (Remix) being played specifically, at least) with window-rattling bass. They'd installed a breathalyzer, and it was packed with young folks I would have expected to see at Fassler or elsewhere. There was a fellow at the window bar next to us dozing in and out of consciousness over his drink. I didn't have anything to drink there so I don't know if that'd changed, and I also can't remember what days of the week my past visits were. Again, I have no problem with that scene and it was fine as-is, but the vibe had completely changed from what we'd come for. The two others I was with who are a bit older were pretty turned off by it though and we wound up taking off early.
Anonymous. 12-05-2016, 02:08 PM A breathalyzer????
sooner88 12-05-2016, 02:24 PM A breathalyzer????
I've seen them around, and while I'm sure the purpose is to ensure you're under the legal limit, more often than not it turns into a "game" to see who has the highest BAC.
BoulderSooner 12-05-2016, 02:30 PM So this isn't meant to be a complaint per se, but I stopped by WSKY Friday night for a bit and was shocked at how much it'd changed. Last I remember it was a pretty quiet, mature atmosphere (granted this was back to when it was still a cigar bar) with just a few folks in there who were there for some fine whiskey and spirits. Friday night it had roaring loud hip-hop and R&B (I remember R. Kelly's Ignition (Remix) being played specifically, at least) with window-rattling bass. They'd installed a breathalyzer, and it was packed with young folks I would have expected to see at Fassler or elsewhere. There was a fellow at the window bar next to us dozing in and out of consciousness over his drink. I didn't have anything to drink there so I don't know if that'd changed, and I also can't remember what days of the week my past visits were. Again, I have no problem with that scene and it was fine as-is, but the vibe had completely changed from what we'd come for. The two others I was with who are a bit older were pretty turned off by it though and we wound up taking off early.
What time period where you there?
LocoAko 12-05-2016, 04:56 PM I'm not positive but I think it was in the 10:30-11:30PM timeframe.
gopokes88 12-06-2016, 02:00 PM Lol that is quite the rebrand, although the demographics in the area certainly make sense
I went to WSKY on Wednesday night last week and there was no loud music and the place was quite busy.
They finally finished their patio.
Jeepnokc 08-26-2017, 07:01 AM It has been a nice run but WSKY is bowing out. When we close the doors Sunday night, the Deep Deuce WSKY Lounge will remain just as a memory. Come out tonight or tomorrow for a few last drinks Stay tuned for news of the Premiere of STAG opening September 8.
GoThunder 08-26-2017, 08:22 AM Sad to hear this. Had some really good times there when I lived at Level.
jbkrems 08-26-2017, 01:42 PM How will this affect Slaughter's Hall which shares a kitchen and ownership next door?
Ginkasa 08-26-2017, 02:03 PM How will this affect Slaughter's Hall which shares a kitchen and ownership next door?
I assume STAG is a new concept with the same ownership so it probably won't affect Slaughter's Hall at all.
Jeepnokc 08-26-2017, 02:09 PM I assume STAG is a new concept with the same ownership so it probably won't affect Slaughter's Hall at all. Correct as far as ownership. Slaughters will remain the same concept but we have brought in new management and a new chef. Will be expanding the menu with new additions. We are also going to emphasize our focus on our craft beer selection and options.
Richard at Remax 08-26-2017, 03:26 PM Don't change the Mac and Cheese!
Jeepnokc 08-26-2017, 03:32 PM Don't change the Mac and Cheese!
We aren't crazy...that's loco words. We expanded and added two more versions of it as well as added it as a side option on the sandwiches.
Anonymous. 08-29-2017, 01:21 PM I just had the pizza mac n cheese the other week. It was glorious.
I had a glorious pastrami sandwich at Slaughter's last week. Still one of my favorite spots in OKC.
Diesel54 08-30-2017, 07:12 AM I ate at Slaughter's for the first time a couple weeks ago and had the Carolina Porker. Crazy good sandwich so I will definitely be back soon. Looking forward to seeing what STAG is.
shawnw 09-08-2017, 08:57 AM STAG is now open. Suggest a thread title change. I guess I'm still not clear on why WSKY had to go. Always seemed to have a decent crowd.
FighttheGoodFight 09-08-2017, 10:07 AM I may be wrong but STAG looks just like WSKY did when it opened? Whiskey and cigars?
bchris02 09-08-2017, 10:09 AM I may be wrong but STAG looks just like WSKY did when it opened? Whiskey and cigars?
So are they allowing smoking again with the new concept?
So are they allowing smoking again with the new concept?
Plutonic Panda 09-15-2017, 04:55 PM Great news!