View Full Version : Olive Garden to I-40 & Rockwell

08-30-2012, 10:27 AM
Building permit today for a new Olive Garden on Rockwell between Reno & I-40.

Believe it will be between the bank on the SE corner of Reno & Rockwell and the Taco Bell on the east side of the street.

08-30-2012, 02:55 PM
Building permit today for a new Olive Garden on Rockwell between Reno & I-40.

Believe it will be between the bank on the SE corner of Reno & Rockwell and the Taco Bell on the east side of the street.

Olive Garden is one of the worst of the national Italian restaurant chains, barely a step above Sbarro but priced like Macaroni Grill. It's good to see development though no matter what type it is.

08-30-2012, 03:00 PM
I've only eaten there once and it was about 30 years ago.

Their business seems to be good, as most of them are pretty busy and they've been opening up a bunch of new locations.

They just opened a new spot near me here in Southern Cal and it's been packed.

08-30-2012, 03:31 PM
I've only eaten there once and it was about 30 years ago.

Their business seems to be good, as most of them are pretty busy and they've been opening up a bunch of new locations.

They just opened a new spot near me here in Southern Cal and it's been packed.

Macaroni Grill, Carrabba's, Bravo, Zio's, etc are all better options for Italian food than Olive Garden. The real difference is all of the food at Olive Garden is prepared off-site and they simply warm it. At the other restaurants they make it on site, which makes for a huge difference in quality.

08-30-2012, 03:42 PM
Looks like this will be the 10th Olive Garden in the state, and the 5th in the OKC Metro area.

They have over 750 (!) locations globally.

08-30-2012, 05:14 PM
Olive Garden is one of the worst of the national Italian restaurant chains, barely a step above Sbarro but priced like Macaroni Grill. It's good to see development though no matter what type it is.

I wouldn't give them that much credit. I'd rather eat at Fazoli's and that's not saying much. Same quality food, only Fazoli's is much cheaper.

08-30-2012, 06:17 PM
We like the Olive Garden and judging by the crowds, we're not the only ones. For some reason it's the Comic Sans of restaurants.

08-30-2012, 06:36 PM
Olive Garden is alright. Then again I'm not huge on Italian food anyway.

08-31-2012, 03:19 PM
Olive Garden is where they warm up a Bertolli frozen meal...

08-31-2012, 11:24 PM
Olive Garden is where they warm up a Bertolli frozen meal...

Agreed. If you want cheap, quick Italian food, go to Fazoli's or even Sbarro. Don't spend money at Olive Garden when there is a plethora of places you can get the real deal for about the same price if not just a little bit more.

09-07-2012, 04:09 PM
I've made better Italian food at home.