View Full Version : Prague Diploma Controversy

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08-22-2012, 06:33 AM
Well, you knew this was going to happen.

08-22-2012, 07:54 AM
So what were you referring to with the highlighted text above? You better watch where you throw those those stones, your glass house might be in the way. :Smiley122

Oh the glass in my house is already broken lol

Jersey Boss
08-22-2012, 08:50 AM
Any wonder why the best and brightest move away for good from these small towns? The old folks who never left and are watching their grocery stores close due to a dwindling population need to take stock and realize the days of "seen and not heard" are as gone as typewriter repairmen.

08-22-2012, 09:54 AM
Is this Mr. Smith an old man? Personally, I just think its an administrator on a power trip who won't let his ego be toppled. I'll throw an egg at him though!

Jersey Boss
08-22-2012, 10:28 AM
Is this Mr. Smith an old man? Personally, I just think its an administrator on a power trip who won't let his ego be toppled. I'll throw an egg at him though!

While not knowing his chronological age, he represents and has the support of that type of mindset.

08-22-2012, 10:32 AM
I think that what concerns me most about this world-shaking issue is the fact that a Valedictorian, with an impeccable permanent record up to this point, decided to use a quote from the Twilight series in a commencement speech. That, and the fact that she was willing to settle for an appearance on the Today show instead of one of the more cross-cultural educational programs such as one hosted by Jay Leno or Steve Allen. Or Jack Paar.

08-22-2012, 10:40 AM

08-22-2012, 10:51 AM
What with the school mascot being a "devil" and all, perhaps this recoiling at the mention of "hell" is one of those "methinks thou protesteth too much" deals . . .

Surely this isn't really behind the scenes footage of a school board meeting . . .

That would be like something from . . . THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!

08-22-2012, 10:57 AM
Any wonder why the best and brightest move away for good from these small towns? The old folks who never left and are watching their grocery stores close due to a dwindling population need to take stock and realize the days of "seen and not heard" are as gone as typewriter repairmen.

Dead on. Kids can't wait to get out of places like this backwater -- for good reason. What is there for them? The ones who stay take over mom and pop's businesses, as they have a financial stake, or are often stuck for other reasons: pregnancy, legal probs, divorce, etc.

Then, you have the folks who think it's a good strategy to tell critics: "If you don't like it, leave."


08-22-2012, 11:15 AM
I would gladly sign a petition to change the name of Prague to Hell like the town in Michigan. Just think of the tourist potential. If we want Oklahoma to be a national laughing-stock, we may as well go all the way.

08-22-2012, 11:40 AM
And you could print the logo on BOTH the inside and outside of the tee shirt! That could provide a springboard to discussion regarding infinity or eternity or sumpin' . . . I'm surprised that the Tourism Board hasn't already got the silksreens running on this project: Go To Hell. Home of The Best Kolaches in The Universe.

(geez . . . i just realized what a bunch of UrbanElitists we appear to be. at least we agree on something.)

08-22-2012, 12:43 PM
There is also a place in Grand Cayman that is called Hell, complete with a Post Office to mail your cards from.

08-22-2012, 12:49 PM

Best laugh I've had in awhile.

08-22-2012, 01:36 PM
Without the diploma, can she go to that full scholarship she got now invalid?

As far as University admissions go, a diploma is completely unnecessary. It's the TRANSCRIPT that the university needs, and legaly as far as the diploma goes it is a district issue, but if they had denied giving her the transcript, the State and/or Federal government could have stepped in on behalf of the student and forced the school to hand it over.

She has already statred classes in college, which means that the transcript was given to her by the school district.

08-22-2012, 01:41 PM
I would gladly sign a petition to change the name of Prague to Hell like the town in Michigan. Just think of the tourist potential. If we want Oklahoma to be a national laughing-stock, we may as well go all the way.

I've been to Hell, MI and have a glass and patch to prove it *lol*

08-22-2012, 01:46 PM
Best laugh I've had in awhile.

I'm waiting for Jon Stewart to get a hold of it

08-22-2012, 02:04 PM
As has been pointed out, the school mascot is a DEVIL. This is such a joke. Talk about small towns and small minds. The autocrats have already sent their message to the girl. Send her the diploma already. What an embarrassing display.

How Christian of that school. If I were a cheerleader for the school, I probably wouldn't be able to resist yelling, "Give them Hell Red Devils!" and end up getting kicked off the squad and on out of school.

08-22-2012, 07:55 PM

08-22-2012, 08:34 PM
Are you serious? Her parents raised a girl that has earned all A's her entire life, is valedictorian and received a full scholarship to college....ya, her parents are definitely the problem when it comes to public schools...

She said hell instead of heck, not a big deal and I dont think she is disrespecting authority. I think the authority is overstepping their, well, authority. Where does it say she cant get her diploma if she says hell in a valedictorian speech? Agree! I question the school officials "sound judgement", To me this is simply overreacting. Sometimes you have to question and challenge "so called" authority. It is questionable if these school officials in Prague have "Critical Thinking Skills". It really makes them out to be the town yokels.

08-22-2012, 09:23 PM
Give the girl her diploma already. Any "thwarting authority" should be smiled at and move along, this girl had perfect grades all her years in school. Was it worth all this?

08-22-2012, 09:28 PM
I'm waiting for Jon Stewart to get a hold of it

You know this will happen. And Colbert.

08-22-2012, 09:31 PM
I'm proud of Kaitlin for figuring out a way to earn a free, expenses-paid trip to New York. Good for her! Meanwhile, while she's enjoying her trip, the majority of US citizens continue to be reminded that her principal and the superintendent are total douchebags. So much win -- for Kaitlin!

08-22-2012, 10:20 PM
And I'm reminded that she, her parents, and many posters here seem to have little respect for rules or authority. Regardless of how the school may have overreacted, what she did by not following her script which was required to be approved was wrong and she just can't grasp that concept.

Jersey Boss
08-22-2012, 10:28 PM
To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

08-22-2012, 11:48 PM
I'm waiting for Jon Stewart to get a hold of it

You know this will happen. And Colbert.

Don't hold your breath. They're both off this week, and next week they'll be covering the Republican convention, so there's a good chance they won't be doing anything on this story. I'd love to see them rip those dumbasses a new one, though.

08-23-2012, 12:24 AM
And I'm reminded that she, her parents, and many posters here seem to have little respect for rules or authority. Regardless of how the school may have overreacted, what she did by not following her script which was required to be approved was wrong and she just can't grasp that concept.

This is close to the most anti-american statement regarding behavior that I have ever encountered.
Surely, you jest. (close the pod bay doors H.A.L. . . . secure the gates of liberty)

Here's a little aid for the Visual and Auditory, rather than Kinesthetic, Learner:

08-23-2012, 12:50 AM
This is close to the most anti-american statement regarding behavior that I have ever encountered.
Surely, you jest. (close the pod bay doors H.A.L. . . . secure the gates of liberty)

Here's a little aid for the Visual and Auditory, rather than Kinesthetic, Learner:

Gotcha. Having respect for rules and authority is anti-American.

08-23-2012, 01:06 AM
No. Demanding that one follow a pre-approved script of questionable authority is Anti-American.
Having respect for stupid rules and tiny minded roaches who think they are authorities is simply dumb and sheeplike.


Was Martin Luther following a script when he took some carpentry equipment to the Wittenburg door?
Now, compare that to The German People marching in step to the authority and rules of Mr. Hitler.

Would America . . . or even the sorry remains of what this country used to be . . . even exist if everyone followed the thinking you described, above?
(Rhetorical Question: The answer is "No . . . No it wouldn't.")

08-23-2012, 01:29 AM
No. Demanding that one follow a pre-approved script of questionable authority is Anti-American.
Having respect for stupid rules and tiny minded roaches who think they are authorities is simply dumb and sheeplike.


You couldn't be more wrong and it's attitudes like that which cause the uncontrollable classrooms which many of our finest teachers have to put up with today. It's no wonder why our academic standards have deminished so much. Parents stand up for anything that their "little darlings" do no matter how much it interrupts the learning process.

Having respect for rules is central to our society. If you don't like the rules, find a legitimate way to change them. And I have absolutely no problem with a rule that sets preapproved guidelines for a graduation speech. It can't be anything goes. You obviously have some issues with authority that go beyond this problem which would be better addressed in another thread.

08-23-2012, 01:32 AM
You, too, are free to be wrong. Which you are.
That is what makes America great.
(but don't let 'em know that out in Prague.)

My main issue with "authority" is that there are far too few true "authors" of rules and far too many sock-puppets running around attempting to act like "authorities". I think that at some point in the past these self-righteous rule-mongerers were labeled Pharisees.

08-23-2012, 01:36 AM
You are free to be wrong.
That is what makes America great.
(but don't let 'em know that out in Prague)

My main issue with "authority" is that there are far too few true "authors" of rules and far too many sock-puppets.

Thanks, I glad you acknowledge that you can be wrong.

08-23-2012, 01:50 AM
I'm more into the concept of "fair-play" than I am into a neurotic obsession with "the rules."
Personally, I don't think The RuleMeisters of Prague played fair by withholding the young lady's diploma.
In fact, I think they set a bad example and need to be disciplined. Or mocked. Whatever works.

I glad too . . . You welcome.

08-23-2012, 02:29 AM
I'm more into the concept of "fair-play" than I am into a neurotic obsession with "the rules."
Personally, I don't think The RuleMeisters of Prague played fair by withholding the young lady's diploma.
In fact, I think they set a bad example and need to be disciplined. Or mocked. Whatever works.

I glad too . . . You welcome.

Going by the rules is only neurotic if you disagree with them. LOL

You're talking to someone who was in high school and college in the great anti-establisment era of the 60's so I know all about that.

08-23-2012, 08:41 AM
And I'm reminded that she, her parents, and many posters here seem to have little respect for rules or authority. Regardless of how the school may have overreacted, what she did by not following her script which was required to be approved was wrong and she just can't grasp that concept.

that is all well and good ... still not a valid reason for with holding her diploma

08-23-2012, 08:43 AM
And I'm reminded that she, her parents, and many posters here seem to have little respect for rules or authority. Regardless of how the school may have overreacted, what she did by not following her script which was required to be approved was wrong and she just can't grasp that concept.

I bet you never colored outside the lines very much.

08-23-2012, 08:56 AM
Going by the rules is only neurotic if you disagree with them. LOL
You're talking to someone who was in high school and college in the great anti-establisment era of the 60's so I know all about that.

Note the singular of the word Numbers. This kit came with one color: Blue
The result is either the sky or a still pond. The instructions with the kit will tell you which one.

Yeah. She's a regular Abby Hooffmaan.

(Class of 1970 . . . just so you know.)

08-23-2012, 09:16 AM

08-23-2012, 09:17 AM

08-23-2012, 09:28 AM
A quandry wrapped in a paradox for the unquestioningly obedient.
He's the author, so by definition he has the authority here.

(personally, i felt like a rebel when i actually paid for my copy,
now, in retrospect, i feel like an idiot for buying any of it)

08-23-2012, 11:16 AM

LOL I forgot about Cartman

08-24-2012, 08:45 PM
Steal This Diploma!

Now, the valedictorian says she doesn't want the diploma - just leave Prague alone.

Love me some Abbie.