View Full Version : OnCue OKC Expansion
Any updates on the OnCue at NW Expressway and Blackwelder? No work has been done there for over a year now and they have a lot of money sunk into that project!
They are still waiting for their building permit to be approved.
bchris02 10-19-2018, 10:17 AM A little disappointed about the Carlyle Motel being demolished. I know it was a dive today but I've always been intrigued by those old route 66 motor hotels. Not many of them left outside of very touristy areas.
shawnw 10-19-2018, 10:19 AM Do we know if the sign was saved? Should go in a Rt 66 museum.
floyd the barber 10-19-2018, 08:45 PM It looks like an OnCue is being built in Edmond. They are building a structure resembling the convenience store on 2nd St in between Coltrane and Bryant.
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
gopokes88 10-19-2018, 10:42 PM It looks like an OnCue is being built in Edmond. They are building a structure resembling the convenience store on 2nd St in between Coltrane and Bryant.
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I think that’s a 7/11
akover 10-20-2018, 12:38 AM Any update on the NW Expressway and Blackwelder OnCue? I see that three permits aplied for in June are still pending.
Roger S 10-22-2018, 07:58 AM Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I can't tell you what is being built there but I can confirm you are wrong about it being an OnCue.
catch22 10-22-2018, 07:51 PM The OnCue at SW104th and Santa Fe is going up. Framing looks finished, still need to bury the fuel tanks.
kwhey 10-23-2018, 04:38 PM So are we just going to have an On Cue every mile down the road like McDonald's?
SEMIweather 10-23-2018, 06:07 PM So are we just going to have an On Cue every mile down the road like McDonald's?
It seems to be heading that way, and you really do have to wonder what 7-Eleven's finances are looking like at this point...
Thomas Vu 10-23-2018, 06:32 PM So are we just going to have an On Cue every mile down the road like McDonald's?
I hope so.
stile99 10-24-2018, 06:41 AM Slightly off-topic, but I was letting the ole random thought generator have free reign the other day, and I wondered what the world would look like if all vehicles were hybrids. I mean, we'd still need gas stations, obviously. But would there be one on every corner?
baralheia 10-24-2018, 05:40 PM Slightly off-topic, but I was letting the ole random thought generator have free reign the other day, and I wondered what the world would look like if all vehicles were hybrids. I mean, we'd still need gas stations, obviously. But would there be one on every corner?
My guess is we probably still would, although there would be less of an emphasis on fuel and more of an emphasis on the convenience store part.
scottk 10-24-2018, 09:08 PM So are we just going to have an On Cue every mile down the road like McDonald's?
I'm okay with OnCue's spaced out on major intersections throughout the city. So far, their stores are maintained well. The lots are large, well lit at night, parking lots generally clean, and signage/exteriors look modern.
I do wish when OnCue puts the competitor across the street out of business, their would be a harder push to demolish a boarded up gas station. Plenty of small vacant corners are springing up across or near OnCue's locations.
Mr. Blue Sky 10-25-2018, 12:52 PM I'm okay with OnCue's spaced out on major intersections throughout the city. So far, their stores are maintained well. The lots are large, well lit at night, parking lots generally clean, and signage/exteriors look modern.
I do wish when OnCue puts the competitor across the street out of business, their would be a harder push to demolish a boarded up gas station. Plenty of small vacant corners are springing up across or near OnCue's locations.
I agree about OnCue. Great stores and all you said. However, I'm not excited about monopolies and believe that competition is a good thing, but when any business goes under, I wish there were more stringent codes on the dilapidation of buildings that reflect poorly on our city.
baralheia 10-25-2018, 01:05 PM aforementioned article
Can someone with a JR subscription give us at least the gist of the article, please?
Building permits have finally been issued for the NW Expressway and Blackwelder location.
Work should be starting soon. Will have a kitchen but no drive-thru.
David 11-08-2018, 08:54 AM Excellent.
Notice the inside dining area on the lower left of the last image.
This is new for an OnCue.
PhiAlpha 11-08-2018, 12:19 PM This is really needed in that part of town. Hard to find a decent gas station near the mall.
SoonerScot 11-08-2018, 12:28 PM The OnCue on Santa Fe by the Capital just did a redesign and opened up a kitchen. I have tried both a bacon burger and a grilled chicken sandwich. For convenience store fair both were really good. Their pizza is better than 7-11's as well.
ShadowStrings 11-08-2018, 03:00 PM Wish there was going to be a drive-through, but oh well.
Brett 11-08-2018, 04:40 PM Is that an ADA accessible urinal in the men's restroom? If it is, then I will have to take a gander since I have never seen such a thing ever. :bright_id
Mr. Blue Sky 11-10-2018, 08:52 PM Thanks for all the info in post 617. Great stuff, Pete.
billokc 11-10-2018, 09:01 PM So are we just going to have an On Cue every mile down the road like McDonald's?
Just like Walmart stores.
bchris02 11-12-2018, 08:04 PM I'm okay with OnCue's spaced out on major intersections throughout the city. So far, their stores are maintained well. The lots are large, well lit at night, parking lots generally clean, and signage/exteriors look modern.
I do wish when OnCue puts the competitor across the street out of business, their would be a harder push to demolish a boarded up gas station. Plenty of small vacant corners are springing up across or near OnCue's locations.
I agree. This problem is starting to become more and more noticeable as OnCue continues to expand. This problem will eventually correct itself but for now, these boarded up gas stations (usually Circle K) that close as the result of an OnCue opening up are becoming eyesores.
djohn 11-13-2018, 07:25 AM I hope so.
Same here. Their fountain drinks are SOOOO much better than 7-11's. It never fails, EVERY time I get one from 7-11 (which is not often any more, since On-Cue), it does that spew-out sneeze-thing into my drink which ruins the taste of the drink.
They are almost as good as QT's.
baralheia 11-13-2018, 10:17 AM Some additional images:
So... Any updates on this? Is OnCue still pushing ahead as planned, and demolishing the historic homes here?
So... Any updates on this? Is OnCue still pushing ahead as planned, and demolishing the historic homes here?
It has yet to go before the Planning Commission for re-zoning but my understanding is they have the general support of the neighbors and once the PC gives them approval, they will close on the property and start moving forward.
baralheia 11-13-2018, 11:02 AM It has yet to go before the Planning Commission for re-zoning but my understanding is they have the general support of the neighbors and once the PC gives them approval, they will close on the property and start moving forward.
Oof. Surprised and saddened that the neighborhood is on board with demolishing historic homes. But I guess if that's what the neighborhood wants... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dob Hooligan 11-13-2018, 12:48 PM I'm not suggesting they will, nor that it is cheap or easy, but the houses on the area can be moved. Probably. I recall within the last 10-15 years a similar sized house moved from the west side of N. Robinson at 12th (I think) less than a mile into Mesta Park? I think the east end of Classen 10 Penn is a challenged area, and the OnCue could give it a good development. Along with some geographic blockage. And there have got to be some cleared lots within a few blocks that would be good for neighborhood appropriate infill. The neighborhood values have improved enough the last decade that the projects could be financially viable.
Roger S 11-13-2018, 01:56 PM I'm not suggesting they will, nor that it is cheap or easy, but the houses on the area can be moved. Probably. I recall within the last 10-15 years a similar sized house moved from the west side of N. Robinson at 12th (I think) less than a mile into Mesta Park? I think the east end of Classen 10 Penn is a challenged area, and the OnCue could give it a good development. Along with some geographic blockage. And there have got to be some cleared lots within a few blocks that would be good for neighborhood appropriate infill. The neighborhood values have improved enough the last decade that the projects could be financially viable.
The house I spent my teenage years in was moved from Heritage Hills to near I-40 and Choctaw Road sometime in the 70's.
turnpup 11-13-2018, 06:05 PM The house I spent my teenage years in was moved from Heritage Hills to near I-40 and Choctaw Road sometime in the 70's.
Interesting! Where in HH, specifically, was your teenage house?
Roger S 11-13-2018, 06:45 PM I don't know the exact address but when my parents bought the house it was disclosed that the house had been moved to it's current location.
Dob Hooligan 11-13-2018, 07:07 PM I'm gonna guess much of the north side of NW 13th between Robinson and Classen was removed. Other areas cleared were around St. Luke's and the east side of Classen from 13th up to 22nd. It is important to remember that in the late 60s to mid 70s that area was just a bunch of old white elephant houses, that people inherited from their parents and wanted nothing to do with. People with money wanted to get away from busing and the other inner city issues. Also, the boundaries weren't as clearly defined as they have become. So, anything we would clearly define as Heritage Hills, Heritage Hills East, or Mesta Park could have been described as "Heritage Hills".
turnpup 11-13-2018, 07:26 PM I'm gonna guess much of the north side of NW 13th between Robinson and Classen was removed. Other areas cleared were around St. Luke's and the east side of Classen from 13th up to 22nd. It is important to remember that in the late 60s to mid 70s that area was just a bunch of old white elephant houses, that people inherited from their parents and wanted nothing to do with. People with money wanted to get away from busing and the other inner city issues. Also, the boundaries weren't as clearly defined as they have become. So, anything we would clearly define as Heritage Hills, Heritage Hills East, or Mesta Park could have been described as "Heritage Hills".
Yes you're right. I'm always interested in the history of any demolitions that maybe we didn't already know about. Bob Blackburn's book on the neighborhood from 1992 is insightful. Pretty much anything pre-1969 could've been demolished or relocated. BBQ Anonymous, if you think of anything else about the house, please let me know.
Roger S 11-14-2018, 07:15 AM Yes you're right. I'm always interested in the history of any demolitions that maybe we didn't already know about. Bob Blackburn's book on the neighborhood from 1992 is insightful. Pretty much anything pre-1969 could've been demolished or relocated. BBQ Anonymous, if you think of anything else about the house, please let me know.
If you want to see pics of the house where it is located when I lived in it... You can see it on Google Street View....,-97.2555123,3a,75y,154.41h,86.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6PseqnypLKMM1_RZd_W9xg!2e0!6s% _RZd_W9xg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_ sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26y aw%3D57.89694%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312 !8i6656?hl=en
turnpup 11-14-2018, 10:41 AM If you want to see pics of the house where it is located when I lived in it... You can see it on Google Street View....,-97.2555123,3a,75y,154.41h,86.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6PseqnypLKMM1_RZd_W9xg!2e0!6s% _RZd_W9xg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_ sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26y aw%3D57.89694%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312 !8i6656?hl=en
Thanks for this. It looks like it could be one of the G.A. Nichols houses (many are in the north-central part of the neighborhood). He built quite a few with the same floorplans but then trimmed them out differently, giving a lot of variety in appearance. I wonder if yours was originally clapboard, then later clad in the stone?
Roger S 11-14-2018, 10:45 AM I wonder if yours was originally clapboard, then later clad in the stone?
I can only guess but my guess would be that it was... I don't think the garage or the porch were moved with the house and they had the same stone on them.
A building permit application has been filed for the OnCue on the NE corner of SW 15th and Mustang Road.
stick47 11-29-2018, 08:56 AM I heard this On Cue is going to be the largest in OKC.
SEMIweather 11-29-2018, 11:33 PM I heard this On Cue is going to be the largest in OKC.
Would be the perfect spot for it. Unlimited space to work with, and between the new turnpike interchange and I-40 a mile to the north, this location is going to rake in a ton of money.
I keep a list of all their locations that are either complete, underway or proposed...
And by my count, they are at 45 in the OKC area.
7-Eleven has 111 in Central OK but of course most of those are smaller locations and have been in place for quite a while.
I wouldn't be surprised if OnCue soon surpasses 7-Eleven for revenues. That's amazing to think about considering the massive head-start and dominance of 7-11.
The application to the Planning Commission for the proposed OnCue at 1305 N. Western has been continued at the applicant's request until January.
OnCue has purchased the old Motel 6 at 820 S. Meridian and has filed a demolition permit:
Pretty excited for this one. Not that I ever really enjoy gas stations being built, but I work in the area and there really are no quality gas stations around.
ChrisHayes 12-10-2018, 09:21 PM An OnCue there should make a killing with all the hotels around as well as the interstate. Not to mention, I look forward to that Motel 6 being gone. It's an eye sore compared to the more modern hotels around it.
^^^^^ wow. OnCue must have a heckuva banker!
brian72 12-13-2018, 05:30 PM The OnCue on Portland and NW 164th. is taking forever. Hopefully it'll get done by Summer.
catch22 12-13-2018, 10:21 PM ^^^^^ wow. OnCue must have a heckuva banker!
I think ConocoPhillips is backing them.
PaddyShack 12-14-2018, 10:20 AM The OnCue on Portland and NW 164th. is taking forever. Hopefully it'll get done by Summer.
The one at 66 and Kilpatrick has been in the works far longer, mostly just dirt work and leveling out the site. I believe the same could be said for the location at Blackwelder and NW Expressway.
They just have so many projects in progress.
Not only scores of new locations, but they are also adding kitchens in a lot of places, dealing with the new alcohol laws, etc.
I'm sure it comes down to internal resources and trying to be doing things right and systematically.
shawnw 12-28-2018, 11:03 AM
Please see this thread for details regarding a community meeting on 1/3 for the oncue at 12th/Western prior to the re-zoning public meeting on 1/10. All concerned please attend!
OKC2017 12-29-2018, 11:59 AM the area between western and may along the sw 29th corridor is begging for an on-cue gas station. at one point i thought on-cue was building a new gas station there on the sw corner of sw 29th and may but it turned out to be a small building. the intersection of agnew and sw 29th seems primed for an on-cue gas station though.
shawnw 01-03-2019, 12:35 PM
Article about the aforementioned meeting today, but FYI that meeting is delayed due to weather.
AMinEdmond 01-03-2019, 04:55 PM Anyone know the status on the location at 178th/Western in Edmond? There has been a "OnCue Coming Soon" sign out for quite a while.
Anyone know the status on the location at 178th/Western in Edmond? There has been a "OnCue Coming Soon" sign out for quite a while.
They have about 10 OKC locations in progress, plus they are remodeling several stores to include a kitchen.
I'm sure they'll get around to all the planned locations, but it seems they have a lot on their plate right now.
rezman 01-04-2019, 08:20 AM ^^ I’ve been wondering the same thing. I figure it’s going to be a while. Steel work for the Okie Express car wash is going up next door to the OnCue site.
chuck5815 01-04-2019, 08:42 AM I'll be interested to see how the Blackwelder and NW Expressway location turns out. That's a terrible intersection (one of the worst in the city, if not the state), if I remember it right.
scottk 01-04-2019, 09:43 AM I'll be interested to see how the Blackwelder and NW Expressway location turns out. That's a terrible intersection (one of the worst in the city, if not the state), if I remember it right.
It's an odd layout with 6 lane NW Expressway and a divided median. Blackwelder is only 2 lanes and the north has the odd entrance into the Valliance Bank Tower and McDonalds with a frontage road intersecting it. No protected turn arrows for north or south traffic.
Is OnCue going to use Blackwelder and the light as the entrance, or will there be curb cuts onto NW Expressway, even though there is an off-ramp from I-44 to east bound NW Expressway at this location?