View Full Version : Tulsa's Vision 2025 Renewal

08-19-2012, 07:43 PM
I'm always following development news up the turnpike. I always have like T-town, but reading their recent proposal for the renewal of the Vision 20205 tax has me wondering what's going on in the 918.

The following article is from the Tulsa World (btw there is a paywall):

A couple of questions for our Tulsa-based posters:

Why on earth is this being rushed like this? The proposal comes out now for a November election for a tax that isn't expiring for another 5 years. Heck, I thought MAPs 3 was a bit rushed, but at least the tax was expiring a few months before it was voted upon.

Nearly $100 million just in bond costs and interest? Yikes!

Paying sales tax money to finish Gilcrease Expressway. That is 100% responsibility of ODOT. Plus, I've been on the Gilcrease to go to the airport and its not like traffic was bursting at the seams.

Nearly a quarter billion spent just on the upgrading hangars at the airport. I guess I can understand that given how hugely important aerospace is to the Tulsa economy, but wow that seems like a lot of money to what amounts to be corporate welfare. Especially given the precarious state American Airlines is in. They should really wait to see what they are going to do with their Tulsa workforce first.

My biggest concern is that this in general just really amounts to a laundry list of little things. No one big thing, on the scale of the BOK Center for example, that everyone can rally around. True you have to provide some small projects to "grease the wheel" of the electorate (i.e. the senior wellness centers in MAPs 3). But voters like big and bold. Little things like this scream BORING--there is simply no fundamental improvement in the community by expanding a half used freeway--and in a conservative place like Oklahoma opens one up to attacks by the anti-tax crowd.

I hope I'm wrong, but I feel like Tulsa is about to blow it just when their downtown area is really starting to hit its stride.

08-19-2012, 09:37 PM
There's certainly nothing there with a "wow" factor even if they are needed projects. A fundamental difference with MAPs is that this is a county proposal not just Tulsa.

08-19-2012, 09:50 PM
Why on earth is this being rushed like this? The proposal comes out now for a November election for a tax that isn't expiring for another 5 years. Heck, I thought MAPs 3 was a bit rushed, but at least the tax was expiring a few months before it was voted upon.

It seems more like it is being rushed out of concern over AA repair facility downsizing than the first one expiring, granted the it will be years before it takes effect. Getting it done now would to let them give assurances to money being available.

08-20-2012, 07:14 AM
i don't think ODOT owns the gilcrease expressway

Plutonic Panda
10-26-2014, 11:38 PM
Vision 2025 surplus expected to reimburse Tulsa County suburbs for BOK Center overage - Tulsa World: Homepage3 (

Plutonic Panda
10-28-2014, 02:03 PM

Plutonic Panda
11-12-2019, 02:44 AM
A renewal package called ‘Improve our Tulsa’ is being brought to voters today:

Polls will be open citywide from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Improve Our Tulsa renewal includes $427 million for streets and transportation projects, $193 million for capital projects and $19 million for the city’s Rainy Day Fund.

The program would run from early next year and to the end of 2025. About two-thirds of the funding would come from bond sales, financed with property taxes, and the other third from sales tax.

Voters will receive two ballots with a total of three propositions. Propositions 1 and 2, related to capital projects and the Rainy Day Fund, respectively, will be on one ballot. The streets and transportation proposition will be on a separate ballot


Project website:

11-12-2019, 09:09 PM
A renewal package called ‘Improve our Tulsa’ is being brought to voters today:


Project website:

All bond measures overwhelmingly passed in Tulsa.

Plutonic Panda
11-12-2019, 10:21 PM
^^^ excellent news!

Plutonic Panda
09-15-2020, 08:23 PM
The Neon Museum on Route 66 is now open! I really love how Tulsa is embracing Route 66. I wish OKC metro area would do more. I think some people would be amazed at what a draw Route 66 is for foreign visitors. I can’t overstate how many people I have come across in OKC who were from various places all over the world who were here just because they were following the mother road.