View Full Version : All American Fitness is no more
Larry OKC 08-10-2012, 01:28 PM They have changed their name to "10 Gym". What that name means, I have no idea. They have info posted that your current membership is not changing in any way. They have the same owners/operators. Just the name change. But one thing they are changing is they are "converting" the "wet areas" to other uses. I asked what that meant and they said they are taking out the swimming pool and hot tub and converting it into some sort of workout room(s). That is the only thing I use, so my membership will be useless to me. If you feel the same, they gave me a contact number.
has some of the info they had posted:
Dubya61 08-10-2012, 01:32 PM They have changed their name to "10 Gym". What that name means, I have no idea. They have info posted that your current membership is not changing in any way. They have the same owners/operators. Just the name change. But one thing they are changing is they are "converting" the "wet areas" to other uses. I asked what that meant and they said they are taking out the swimming pool and hot tub and converting it into some sort of workout room(s). That is the only thing I use, so my membership will be useless to me. If you feel the same, they gave me a contact number.
has some of the info they had posted:
According to a news story I saw on TV, this was in reaction to the requirement for pools to be ADA compliant. Supposedly, many businesses are finding that the cost to make the pools ADA compliant is too much from a business standpoint.
BBatesokc 08-10-2012, 01:37 PM According to a news story I saw on TV, this was in reaction to the requirement for pools to be ADA compliant. Supposedly, many businesses are finding that the cost to make the pools ADA compliant is too much from a business standpoint.
Heard/saw the same thing. I'm sure that prompted them, but I also bet they were looking for any excuse to get rid of their wet areas. They've got to be the most expensive areas of a gym to operate.
bombermwc 08-10-2012, 02:29 PM I gave up my All American membership this summer for BodyFit (used to be Southern Athletic). I got really tired of the employees at All American being either rude, stupid, or just worthless. And everything with them was a contract. Not to mention the fact they take extra cash from you once a year for a "facility fee". Come on now...that's a load of crap. Especially since they pour their money into the BA facility and no where else. MWC got some metal crap on the walls and some paint...woo. Oh yeah and some flatscreens. Man i'm telling you, that's quite an update...and add those extra used treadmills they brought in and you must be a good place huh?
I actually pay the same amount now as i did before (when you average out that facility fee to a monthly amount) and get FREE child care. I also actually HAVE wet facilities, a HUGE class schedule, multiple rooms of equipment, a CACKLE of traininers (the mwc AA couldn't get even 1 on-site for any length of time). There's on site supplement shop, raquetball, nice and intelligent people working there, etc... i mean the place is just a million times better.
Perhaps it's another step on the way for AA to get pushed back out of the market. They totally suck already so i can't say i'd be sad if they dissapeared. Don't cry too much for the employees if it happens either...none of them stay at any of the gyms more than a year...even managers.
Larry OKC 08-13-2012, 09:16 PM From what I read on it a while back, the ADA thing is an excuse they are using as it only applies to public pools and not private mebership facilities.
I have a lifetime mebership (seems I paid around $800) and yearly fee of only $1.
BBatesokc 08-14-2012, 01:25 PM From what I read on it a while back, the ADA thing is an excuse they are using as it only applies to public pools and not private mebership facilities.
I have a lifetime mebership (seems I paid around $800) and yearly fee of only $1.
I had one of those too. But dumped it when they said "that only applies to locations that were in existence when you bought the membership and nothing built/opened since then."
bluedogok 08-14-2012, 09:31 PM According to a news story I saw on TV, this was in reaction to the requirement for pools to be ADA compliant. Supposedly, many businesses are finding that the cost to make the pools ADA compliant is too much from a business standpoint.
New ADA Accessibility Standards came into effect this year (March 15, 2012) and the largest part of the changes addressed public pool accessibility. The reasons may also be similar to the reasons why the city got rid of pools, in addition to accessibility costs replacement of pool equipment may factor into it as well if the pool has been in place for a long time. You also have water quality and energy use standards coming into effect in the near future which may contribute to the decision to get rid of a pool.
U.S. Department of Justice - 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (
bombermwc 08-16-2012, 08:42 AM Excuse my ignorance, but since when do ADA standards have to apply to private "club" organizations?
BBates, that's exactlly the kind of BS crap that contributed to me giving All American the finger.
progressiveboy 08-16-2012, 05:41 PM I heard that LA Fitness is scouting multiple locations for OKC. These are really well maintained and has large pool area, wet saunas, steam saunas, etc.. They are big down here in DFW and are always offering great sign up that includes month to month with no contract, little to no money down! Maybe this will raise the bar for health and fitness centers in OKC.
bluedogok 08-16-2012, 08:20 PM Excuse my ignorance, but since when do ADA standards have to apply to private "club" organizations?
Just because you sell memberships doesn't mean that it is "private" like a personal residence, it is still a "public use" facility. Any place open to the public is required to be in compliance with building codes and accessibility standards. Even residential developments that use federal money (no matter how little money is used) is required to have a certain number of accessible residences in the development although the number is pretty small but that really falls under Fair Housing rules and not directly under ADA standards.
Larry OKC 08-17-2012, 09:45 AM An article I read on it not that long ago describing the chair lifts etc, specifically mentioned that the new rules only applied to "public" pools like ones run by cities...they did not apply to "private" membership facilities like All America, sorry, 10 Gym. Maybe the article was wrong. That said, I have gotten absolutely no feedback from my phone call and email. Not much of a threat for me to leave as the membership was paid for years ago.
bluedogok 08-17-2012, 09:25 PM In most cases an existing facility could operate under the previous standards for awhile since the new standards are so new. Something like a "major renovation" can trigger all sorts of requirements to comply with current codes and ADA standards. Maybe they had plans to renovate that would hit that trigger point, new finishes usually do not. I still would bet that major equipment was needing replacement and the cost of that equipment in addition to additional costs for making the facility compliant with current codes was the reason for the decision. ADA issues alone are usually not the factor by themselves.
Larry OKC 08-18-2012, 10:18 PM bluedogok: I understand what you are saying. They mentioned they are doing major renovations in the clubs chain wide, which could indeed trigger what you described, however the renovations seem to be concentrating on removing the wet areas and they are using the regulations as the excuse to do so...if they weren't doing the conversions, no trigger involved because it would basically be cosmetic finishes (coat of paint, new carpet etc)
bombermwc 08-20-2012, 08:02 AM It could also be that the don't have enough people using the facilties for the cost they require to maintain. Maybe they can make better use of the square footage by having a zumba class? Total speculation on my part, but that's my guess.
Traveler84 09-04-2012, 07:48 AM I had AA for two years. I was happy to finally get rid of them. I went to the south side one. The treadmills never were fixed and usually skipped and I always knew which ones.
Bombermwc, they had Zumba.
I think the name change comes as a result of their scam techniques for business. I would never refer someone to AA due to their yearly fee, high rates, Poor equipment, and 2 year contract. It was a car sale to get a membership. On the South side location, a $10 a month gym opened up while I had a membership so I bet no one in their right mind is doing contracts any longer and moving to those gyms.
I never used the pool up north but crazy they took it out.
I moved to the YMCA. It was everything I needed and location was good.
Larry OKC 09-05-2012, 09:27 AM They already have the pool and hot tub filled in at least a week ago now. Despite promises that they would have someone contact me about my concerns and my attempts to let them know my displeasure by calling and email...
MonkeesFan 09-08-2012, 12:16 PM 10 Gym? What a stupid name.....I have not been to All American Fitness but did they change the sign on the building?
MonkeesFan 09-10-2012, 02:54 PM I just saw the sign and it is the smallest sign I ever seen and the ugliest
Larry OKC 09-10-2012, 03:03 PM a weird location too...the 10Gym sign/logo is considerably shorter than the All American Fitness Center one and instead of putting it over the entrance, they put it where the "All" was.
Not sure what the name isn't a gym that is only open 10 hours...the only thing I could think of, was if you are a member theer, you will be transformed into a "10"
rcjunkie 09-10-2012, 11:01 PM a weird location too...the 10Gym sign/logo is considerably shorter than the All American Fitness Center one and instead of putting it over the entrance, they put it where the "All" was.
Not sure what the name isn't a gym that is only open 10 hours...the only thing I could think of, was if you are a member theer, you will be transformed into a "10"
$10.00 a month dues.
Larry OKC 09-12-2012, 11:44 AM that makes sense (for now), although it might be more obvious if they put a dollar sign in front "$10Gym"...LOL
jn1780 09-12-2012, 12:15 PM that makes sense (for now), although it might be more obvious if they put a dollar sign in front "$10Gym"...LOL
$10Gym* makes more since with this in much smaller letters at the very bottom: *Additional fees may apply.
disinfected 10-04-2012, 01:48 PM Changing the name to cover up bad business kind of like when Guaranteed Auto Credit became The Key?
Hmm, perhaps I am bitter about the stunt they pulled.