View Full Version : What to do after 2am

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08-27-2012, 03:37 PM
I have a feeling this thread could be spelled - Generation Gap.

08-27-2012, 07:25 PM
If yer gonna drink til 2 and still be wide eyed, your old enough to forego IHOPs and graduate on up to Waffle House.
Be forewarned though. Not everyone can eyeball a platter of scattered covered chunked diced capped and topped at 2:45 am.
And for you onion heads, they'll smother it for ya as well.

08-27-2012, 09:43 PM

08-28-2012, 12:41 AM
I'd assume (based on replies here), that if I asked the best place in the metro to go see a meteor shower, I'd get..

19 posts telling me that viewing meteor showers is evil.
7 posts telling me I should be at home with my family, and not viewing meteor showers.
6 posts questioning if meteor showers are real, or a conspiracy.
2 posts offering suggestions of good viewing locations.

Granted you are not seriously asking this but you would get a better view outside of the metro due to light pollution

these are roughly the same view of the sky about an hour drive time apart; the top is from a small town, the bottom is from a suburb in like the 50th largest metro in the US

08-28-2012, 03:11 AM
Love those photos. One of the added bennies of camping with the Scouts when my lads were younger was sitting up long after the lads were tuckered out and just sitting and enjoying the night sky. Nice. Real nice.

08-28-2012, 04:58 PM
I'd assume (based on replies here), that if I asked the best place in the metro to go see a meteor shower, I'd get..

19 posts telling me that viewing meteor showers is evil.
7 posts telling me I should be at home with my family, and not viewing meteor showers.
6 posts questioning if meteor showers are real, or a conspiracy.
2 posts offering suggestions of good viewing locations.

If his friends are hammered, the best place for them to go at 2am or past 2am is home... Plain and simple.

08-28-2012, 06:06 PM
If his friends are hammered, the best place for them to go at 2am or past 2am is home... Plain and simple.

For me it solved it when he started talking about kids and that his friends have already recently received public intox charges....yet still continue to go out.

08-29-2012, 12:35 AM
Might wanna lighten up a notch. Folks who have accidents or acquire a ticket every now and again still drive vehicles.

A pub intox offense, while perhaps a tad embarrassing and an expensive lesson, isn't an end all incident for someone to enjoy a night out with friends.

08-30-2012, 03:30 AM
As a night owl that doesn't drink, it's both hilarious and sad to go to IHOP or Whataburger around 1:30-2:00 AM and see large crowds of drunk folks streaming in.

I think I might start using Whataburger as my late night hangout spot rather than IHOP, though. At least at Whataburger, you don't have to flag down your server constantly because you can get up and refill your own dang soda. I hope they don't decide to start closing the lobby overnight; we need more clean, well-lit places that are open late. Not everybody works 9AM-5PM.

08-30-2012, 09:13 AM
Fer that matter, going into a Wally world at 2:40 am is an adventure all its own, and can be dang cheap entertainment (unless of course you are one of the entertainers.)

08-30-2012, 09:19 AM
Fer that matter, going into a Wally world at 2:40 am is an adventure all its own, and can be dang cheap entertainment (unless of course you are one of the entertainers.)

Ain't it the truth. The nighttime brings out the freaks.

I worked at the old Skaggs Albertsons many years ago and the people who walked in the door after midnight were a trip. Women in negligees came in on a regular basis and it often went downhill from there.

09-06-2012, 04:09 PM
no good comes from being up past 2 am

09-06-2012, 06:49 PM
no good comes from being up past 2 am

All depends on how you spend your time.

09-09-2012, 04:26 PM
deleted by Pete

Not the place for this

09-09-2012, 05:03 PM
Well had an eventful sat night although I will be filing a complaint with OKCPD tomorrow.

Do you notice a trend here? With your great 'friends'?

I dont like cops, and I think alot of them are dicks. But in my 30 years ive managed to never have anything more than a speeding ticket...BECAUSE...I didnt put myself into bad situations with bad people and expect good outcomes.

To those who wanted to argue with me.

Yeah. Its normal that someone with kids is.

-Passing out in his car
-waking up his kids after getting home from the bar
-Getting trespass tickets
-Getting charged with public intox
-Getting their car searched by K9 Unit

I lived in a party house in stillwater and survived undergrad and grad school with less drama than you guys have had in a month.

09-09-2012, 06:37 PM
Well my post was deleted but a seatbelt violation is in no way probable cause to search my vehicle much less after searching my vehicle illegally with a dog he found nothing and my buddies were behaving during the stop. This is just an example of the prejudice against young guys in a car. He should have thanked me for being responsible by not drinking and driving instead of the harrassment and violation of my civil rights.

09-09-2012, 10:13 PM
Well my post was deleted but a seatbelt violation is in no way probable cause to search my vehicle much less after searching my vehicle illegally with a dog he found nothing and my buddies were behaving during the stop. This is just an example of the prejudice against young guys in a car. He should have thanked me for being responsible by not drinking and driving instead of the harrassment and violation of my civil rights.

Well, congratulations on not killing yourself and others by being an idiot and drinking and driving. Feel better?

WilliamTell's advice about not putting yourself in bad situations is spot on and I urge you to follow it.

I'm probably around your age and can honestly say I have not had a fraction of the trouble you've had.

09-09-2012, 10:56 PM
deleted by Pete

Not the place for this

Pretty sure the same reasoning for the deletion still applies.