View Full Version : What neighborhood is this?
soonermike81 08-08-2012, 02:11 PM What's the name of the neighborhood that is surrounded by NW Expressway to the north, I-44 to the South and between Penn and May? Looking more at the homes toward Penn. Seems to be a wide variety of homes in there. Some streets look to be pretty old, smaller homes, and not well-kept. A couple of streets over, you'll have some really good looking, well-maintained homes. But then down that street, there will be some crappy apartment building. Are you guys familiar with this area? What's the crime rate like? Been looking at a few homes in there, and kind of unsure what to expect even after driving through there. Seems to be a mix of everything.
That subdivision near Penn is called Ortners Fairfield, at least that's the official name in the County Assessor's database. Closer to May is Mayfair Heights.
A couple of years ago we moved from 47th and Billen area. As a kid I went for awhile to Monroe Elem so I have watched the area over the years. You describe it well.
The houses are older but are generally well built and well maintained; many are updated. Seems like most people had lawn services, so things always looked nice.
My wife did not work outside of the home, so she was there alone during the day. We never had any issues, although neighbors often cautioned each other to always close the garage doors. What I miss most about the area is that most any time of the day there were a lot of walkers.
I would not say it was a close knit community, but people were friendly and resopnsible.
I would not hesitate to live there again.
windowphobe 08-08-2012, 07:28 PM I live in Mayfair Heights, which was named Neighborhood of the Year last November. Yes, really.
Spartan 08-08-2012, 10:16 PM Mayfair is not bad.
PennyQuilts 08-09-2012, 09:44 PM For many years, my husband lived in Miller neighborhood at 15th and Villa. That's a pretty rough area and he saw more than his share of drunks, hookers and the like but to the SE and in Crestwood, it is much nicer. And, in fairness, that was nearly 15 years ago and it looks like some of the areas are getting more gentrified. Here's a crime tracker site that also has the names of neighborhoods:
I've thought about investing in that area - I like a lot of the little houses.
Spartan 08-10-2012, 12:14 AM Miller is a fantastic neighborhood, I don't know what you're talking about. But SE of there was the massive flea market that the city just demolished, so I don't think it's "much nicer" to the SE. Or across Penn is Classen-Ten-Penn, which is also much worse not "much nicer" than Miller. 12th and Miller are both nice landscaped boulevards...
PennyQuilts 08-10-2012, 08:23 AM Miller is a fantastic neighborhood, I don't know what you're talking about. But SE of there was the massive flea market that the city just demolished, so I don't think it's "much nicer" to the SE. Or across Penn is Classen-Ten-Penn, which is also much worse not "much nicer" than Miller. 12th and Miller are both nice landscaped boulevards...
I described what it was like fifteen years ago (and he lived there about that long before that). Please read. I am surprised you are challenging my comment since I also mentioned that I like the area and have considered investing there.
Spartan 08-16-2012, 10:46 PM I don't feel the need to challenge you, just providing context for what it's like today. SE of Miller is not very nice though.. NW and NE definitely are though :)
I also think that a generally accepted "neighborhood ranking" (if such a specious waste of effort existed) would put Miller ahead of Crestwood, simply for the landscaped blvds. Miller has a very active neighborhood association, too - always a good sign if you're investing in an area.