View Full Version : Stripsearch
Karried 05-30-2005, 01:52 PM I was watching Stripsearch last night ( a male model/dancer search for a performance like Thunder Down Under in Vegas - male review talent search) and lo and behold, they came to OKC and Midwest City to surprise two potential contestants. One was an owner of a Cajun Catfish Restaurant (of course!) he was a cutie but couldn't dance like they wanted him too but the other one won a spot on the show... I thought it was cool that they came to OKC. They didn't find anyone in LA or Vegas, but they did in OK... so, good for us. VH1 will show the rest of the contest over the next few months so I'm anxious to see how it goes. At least we have some claim to fame - who could ever forget Big Brother?
Maybe it's just a biased perception, but I feel like OK is highly represented in terms of reality TV participants per capita... :)
Scout from Survivor, Carrie Underwood on American Idol, the guy off Big Brother last year... there are more I'm sure...
Oklahoma's faring pretty well among reality show participants.
asta2 06-09-2005, 08:24 AM Is that a good thing or a bad thing? ha
It's good. He's not a total hottie, but he has a hot little personality and the female co-host was ga-ga for him. He does, however, have a child and he's young right? Furthering an okie stereotype? But he gets it done.
Karried 06-20-2005, 06:38 PM And divorced with questionable teeth, but you are right, the host did say she would 'do him' so he got in... what about that freaky dude ?? The one who is causing all of the fights? (Johnie?) He needs to be dropped... I l loved the tall guy who got in his face -
I am not good with names apparently but if you have been watching it, you know what I'm talking about.
asta2 06-21-2005, 08:52 AM They won't drop Johnnie yet. He's good for ratings. I have actually known some guys just like him. He's so far out there. I can't believe he hasn't gotten his butt kicked yet. But it is a "show". They had to have someone to liven things up.
Exactly. I think they purposely pick people they know will stir things up and make TV interesting. Just look at Omarosa on the apprentice, or Puck from the real world way back in the day. They keep bringing Puck back, thinking he will do something outragous that will be good for ratings. I must admit, I keep watching.
Karried 06-24-2005, 10:20 AM Johnnie is gone - what a dork. You know who is starting to get irritating? Ryan - the one who always talks crap about everyone - he is always putting down Bryce - now I'm wondering if Johnnie didn't have some reason to get so upset with Ryan - the plot thickens...
I can't believe they let go Blake, he was a cutie - his pictures weren't good but they shouldn't have let him leave...
kellekokid 06-25-2005, 10:14 AM Maybe Johnny will see himself on the show and realize how he came's hoping anyway that was one tightly strung guy!
Ryan definitly is the house instigator and gossip, which seems a shame cause he looks to be an easy choice for the top 7 and he doesn't need to stoop to those tactics.
I'm thinking maybe Blake was thinking hmmm I'll just go for Mr. October?? He is a cutiepie but those pics were not sexy at all!
I wonder if they don't have Bryce in mind for the "host" of their show. He has a great face and will probably develop the bod (somehow!) and he has a great way about him.
Course I hope Chris gets in that top 7...represent the state
Karried 06-25-2005, 12:21 PM Yeah, Chris is down to earth, I do wish he could get some veneers or some dental bonding :-) I love straight teeth.... he is cute though and so far he has been nice and sweet. I think you are so right about Bryce, he or the thin one will probably be the MC... I can' t wait to see the real Thunder Down Under on the next week's show.
Have you seen Kept? I like that show too surprisingly enough. I'm so glad that guy got kicked off, the one who did a strip tease - he was cute but soooo full of himself!
kellekokid 06-25-2005, 04:20 PM Yeah I'm the same with Kept when I first saw the ad for it my initial thought was Oh Puleeezz!! Then next thing I know I'm watching it! ha
I thought it was funny how Ricardo kept referring to himself in the third person after he got kicked off..something like Ricardo will be fine. Ricardo should have won.
Maybe Ricardo should get with Johnny and they could out ego each other and the winner could have the glory of being the winner of the Most Egostical Stripper contest.
Intrepid 06-26-2005, 12:30 PM There have also been 2-3 contestants on America's Next Top Model (yes, I watched it....with my wife). In fact, the runner-up on this season's show was from Oklahoma.
Scout from Survivor, Carrie Underwood on American Idol, the guy off Big Brother last year... there are more I'm sure...
Oklahoma's faring pretty well among reality show participants.
kahloist 08-03-2005, 10:26 AM I enjoyed Stripsearch mostly for the fact that men were the ones dancing around a poll or being marketed like a piece of meat. I've seen the contestant from MWC, from the catfish hut on an At The Beach commerical, so I guess Stripsearch gave him a little publicity.