View Full Version : Bridges at Spring Creeks (Reasor's)

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08-06-2012, 12:51 PM
Pulled this off of Facebook, so you can't just accept it as fact and did check that Sooner Development is on the City planners schedule Tues night. I do hate when developers say one thing and do another, especially after bulldozing hundreds of trees.

Next Tuesday, August 7, the Edmond Planning Commission is considering
a new PUD for the Bridges of SPring Creek Project at 15th and Bryant.

This location was important enough to draw thousands of signatures to
put this development to a vote of the people. This amendment results
in a substantial change to the promises made to the c
itizens of this
town. This corner has a long history. Due in great part to the
actions of Elizabeth Waner, Edmond reaps the benefits of a quality
development at Spring Creek. She fought to oppose a big box grocery
store on that corner and the Council previously rejected that
rezoning. The result is the wonderful shopping center of Spring Creek
Plaza. This development emphasized the existing topography, preserved
numerous old growth trees and incorporated the look of the smaller
building to make the plaza a desirable addition to this residential

Now, the design presented in the "campaign" is being dramatically
changed. The location of the largest building is being moved from the
back of the development to immediately adjacent to the residential
area. The largest building is being increased from 60,000 sq. feet to
82,000. Gone are the "upscale" retail establishments, the "up-scale"
restaurants, and the "Utica Square" atmosphere for this development.
These were the words used by the developer and were at the heart of
the campaign which ultimately allowed this PUD to pass. The voters
took these folks at their word, and now we have a classic "bait and

Sooner Investments is proposing a big box grocery store, with the
addition of a drive-thru window and will be in operation 24 hours a
day. This drive-thru is immediately adjacent to the only residential
neighborhood near this development. CVS on the corner was
specifically denied 24 hour operation. This will represent a
substantial change to this area and will have a domino effect for the
other businesses to request 24 hour approval.

The PUD Design statement uses "wiggle words" - ambiguous statements
like developer "will attempt" to maintain a tree preservation area;
trees will be transplanted "if possible". Sooner has a history of
scrape and burn development. The tree preservation promised at
Target/Lowes was not honored by them. Developer has repeatedly
promised at least 33% landscaping on this project. Now, the PUD has
reduced that to 15% landscaping and 25% "open space". This is a
substantial deviation from the promises made to this community.

Spring Creek Plaza, CVS, BOK and Spring Creek Village all following
the architecture and appearance in the "territorial" style. The new
PUD now offers the possibility of block, stucco or EFIC. This is
hardly the "quality" development promised to this community. It also
is a substantial deviation from the character established for this

Finally, there is less than 10 foot separation of 15th Street entry to
the Chappel Wood drive. This is a safety danger and creates an
unacceptable traffic hazard. The Council recently expressed concern
at approving a 200 ft. drive separation to the west on 15th St.

The PUD does not reflect the substantial amount of dirt work that will
be necessary to raise this property to the level of 15th Street. Many
questions remain about that issue.

Due to the many issues set forth herein and the interest that this
city has shown in this area in the past, this important change
deserves a Community Connection meeting so that interested citizens
can be fully informed about the proposed changes. Please plan to
attend the meeting at 5:30 on Tuesday and demand that the item be
postponed in order to have a Community Connections meeting so that we
can address these issues. Forward the message on to others in the
city who may be interested. Thanks.

Lydia Lee

08-06-2012, 01:00 PM
It sounds like the original Planned Unit Development is being scrapped and they want to put a new one in place.

The planning commission and ultimately the city council must approve these changes, so hopefully they'll weigh them fairly for all those involved.

However, the fact this was originally put to the vote of the people tells me that the powers that be are going to be reluctant to accept much change. Hopefully the promise of more sales tax dollars won't cloud their thinking.

08-06-2012, 01:05 PM
if you remember a few years back this was a very heated battle in Edmond, with picketers on Bryant, etc. I have a hard time seeing the city of Edmond passing this thing thru but you never know.

08-06-2012, 01:09 PM
Here is their proposal; it includes a 80,541 square foot Resor's supermarket (, a Tulsa-based mini chain and the first location in Central Oklahoma:

08-07-2012, 11:30 AM
24-hour grocery eyed for Spring Creek
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun The Edmond Sun Mon Aug 06, 2012, 03:19 PM CDT

EDMOND — A special use permit to bring a 24-hour grocery store to the Bridges of Spring Creek will be considered Tuesday by the Edmond Planning Commission.

At issue is a six-year-old planned unit development slated for a department store north of 15th and Bryant. The PUD includes a grocery store.

Sooner Land Company’s PUD was extended by the City Council in 2011 for five years and the Bridges at Spring Creek Site Plan was extended for 12 months last August.

The location of the PUD drew thousands of signatures to put this development to a vote of the people in 2006, said Lydia Lee, former planning commissioner.

“This amendment results in a substantial change to the promises made to the citizens of this town,” Lee said.

SLC will request a specific use permit for an 82,000-square-foot Reasor’s grocery store on 9 acres in the southeast portion of the 25-acre PUD, said Bob Schiermeyer, city planner.

“There will be a drive-through window for the pharmacy on the southwest corner of the building,” Schiermeyer said. “With this PUD amendment, the three additional buildings would include a 25,000 square foot store, a 10,000-square-foot store and to the west will be a 10,800-square-foot store.”

All of the buildings would not exceed 127,000 square feet, according to the SLC proposal.

“Gone are the ‘upscale’ retail establishments, the ‘upscale’ restaurants, and the ‘Utica Square’ atmosphere for this development,” Lee said. “My big hope because of these changes, is that they will schedule a Community Connections meeting.”

Former mayor Randel Shadid, representing the developer, said he will not agree to a Community Connections meeting, calling it a waste of everyone’s time. He will not agree to anything that would cost his client more money, Shadid continued.

Former Mayor Dan O’Neil said SLC’s new PUD request ignores all the promises made to Edmond residents by going for a more intense use of the property.

All the elements agreed to in former meetings have been incorporated into the new PUD, Shadid said. Zoning is always subject to being changed, he added.

“To put something on the voters like there’s something mystical about the fact that they approved what the City Council did is ridiculous,” Shadid said.

08-08-2012, 06:54 PM
August 8, 2012
Commission OK’s grocery in Spring Creek
James Coburn
The Edmond Sun

EDMOND — The Edmond Planning Commission agreed to amend a planned unit development to allow an 82,000-square-foot Reasor’s grocery store and three other smaller buildings to be constructed at the Bridges of Spring Creek. The vote was 3-1 with Commission Chairman Barry Moore casting the no vote.

The former 2006 PUD indicated a department store would be at the location northwest of 15th and Bryant.

“We’ve added the Reasor’s at the southeast corner next to Turtle Creek,” said attorney Randel Shadid, representing applicant Sooner Land Company.

Sooner also agreed to a Community Connections meeting before the City Council discusses the item on Aug. 27. The Planning Commission will review the site plan on Aug. 21.

A drive-through window for the pharmacy would be on the southwest corner of the building, said Bob Schiermeyer, city planner.

“I’m very concerned it is a 24-hour operation, and that I’m so close to it and the noise level …,” said Darla Thomas, who said her condo unit will be closest to the site.

Tree preservation would be along the creek bank and is included in the landscape plan. Other trees would be transplanted when possible, Shadid said. So there will be no visibility from nearby residences to the site itself when including the trees and detention pond, he added. A stockade fence would also run behind the store.

Although Sooner Development would like the store open 24 hours a day, Shadid said his client would discuss whether the drive-through window would operate with the same hours.

The planned unit development amendment also includes three additional buildings with a 25,000-square-foot store, a 10,000-square-foot store and to the west will be a 10,800-square-foot store.

“We’ve actually deleted the square footage of the building east of the tributary where the bridge is going to be built by 35,900 feet,” Shadid said. “So it’s a significant decrease in square footage of space.”

There will be an eastbound left turn into the main driveway, said Steve Spain, planning review specialist. Shadid said there are two lanes exiting onto 15th Street going west.

08-08-2012, 07:52 PM
Edmond's standards have got to be very low.

08-09-2012, 04:23 PM
Shadid gets over again on the residents of Edmond

08-09-2012, 05:34 PM
Well, the Spring Creek development that exists on both sides of Bryant right now is pretty high-quality. I am not convinced that this is. It appears that they have modified the plan to go cheap and just get on to the next project.

08-10-2012, 12:09 PM
If it is Reasor's going in to the big retail space, I have contact information for their entire C-level staff.

08-11-2012, 11:31 AM
At what point is the grocery market saturated in this area? Target, Walmart Super Center, Walmart NH Market, Homeland, Sunflower - all within 1.5 miles of Bryant & 2nd. And now Sams and Reasors may be added soon. OKC would kill to have just one or two of these options near 2nd & Broadway.

08-12-2012, 09:58 PM
At what point is the grocery market saturated in this area? Target, Walmart Super Center, Walmart NH Market, Homeland, Sunflower - all within 1.5 miles of Bryant & 2nd. And now Sams and Reasors may be added soon. OKC would kill to have just one or two of these options near 2nd & Broadway.

Sam's? Did I miss something somewhere?

08-15-2012, 08:38 PM
Randal Shadid seems like such a snake to me. He's a blight on this city from my impressions of him.

08-21-2012, 10:38 PM
Sam's? Did I miss something somewhere?

15th and I-35.

11-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Are there any more detailed renderings of what this is going to look like?
This is the same project that has torn out half the road on Bryant north of 15th right?
Are they just doing a lot of fill in/drainage on Spring Creek?

Plutonic Panda
11-27-2012, 09:19 PM
Are there any more detailed renderings of what this is going to look like?
This is the same project that has torn out half the road on Bryant north of 15th right?
Are they just doing a lot of fill in/drainage on Spring Creek?Bryant Avenue Bridge, 500 feet North of 15th Street

This project consists of a double 20 x 14 foot reinforced concrete box structure to replace the two existing railroad tank cars that currently exist. The tank cars are inadequate for handling flood waters and cause the roadway to flood. The new structure will handle the 100 year flood.

The construction contract was awarded to Redlands Contracting, LLC for $1,476,502.75. Construction is scheduled to begin the week of September 17, 2012 and is scheduled to be completed in 6 months. This project is funded with 1996 sales tax dollars. The project will be constructed so that one lane of traffic will remain open in each direction at all times.

Edmond, OK - Official Website - 2012 Project Schedule (

11-29-2012, 03:11 PM
Randal Shadid seems like such a snake to me. He's a blight on this city from my impressions of him.

You must not know him. He is a very fine and honest person and has served this city well...including as it's mayor.

12-03-2012, 10:20 PM
Randal Shadid seems like such a snake to me. He's a blight on this city from my impressions of him.
Randel's a good guy. He has clients that are not always popular in the Edmond area, but he's a stand-up guy that works hard for his clients and does so ethically.

Plutonic Panda
12-29-2012, 01:44 PM
Edmond's Spring Creek Village sells for $18.5 million | (

01-02-2013, 12:17 PM
curious what the future plans of Spring Creek are going to be, I was told that Reasors gave up on there attempt at that spot.

01-02-2013, 01:22 PM
curious what the future plans of Spring Creek are going to be, I was told that Reasors gave up on there attempt at that spot.

Not yet. Sooner Land is still wants to modify the plans to include a grocery store. There is a planning commission meeting addressing it on Jan 8 and then at the council meeting on Jan 14

01-10-2013, 09:46 AM
This has been pushed back for the umpteenth time to the Jan 22nd planning commission meeting.

07-21-2013, 02:30 PM
Any updates on this?

11-11-2013, 10:17 AM
Just checked and this is still on-going...

Applicant requested a delay. Now on the January 7, 2014 planning commission agenda.

Plutonic Panda
11-11-2013, 08:11 PM
That is awesome!!!! Is it still going to be 24hours?

01-13-2014, 10:15 PM
Any updates on Reasor's? Did the NIMBY's kill it or is it still coming?

In a metro area sorely lacking in quality mid-range grocers, it surprises me so many in Edmond are against this store being built. If it's built and does well, Reasor's could expand throughout the metro greatly improving the grocery market here, bringing it in line with most other cities.

01-13-2014, 11:37 PM
The problem and the opposition to this Reasor's had more to do with them changing the agreements and the conditions under which they were originally approved, more than the NIMBY bs.

In answer to your question, this has been pushed back to the march planning committee meeting, per request of the applicants (guessing they're yet again making changes)...

Plutonic Panda
01-14-2014, 01:35 AM
Cool! I'll also send an email to the city to try and get any more info I can about this.

01-14-2014, 06:43 AM
The problem and the opposition to this Reasor's had more to do with them changing the agreements and the conditions under which they were originally approved, more than the NIMBY bs.

In answer to your question, this has been pushed back to the march planning committee meeting, per request of the applicants (guessing they're yet again making changes)...

Hopefully this gets moving sooner rather than later. Central Oklahomans really are hungry for an alternative to Wal-Mart or Homeland, and this is evidenced by Whole Foods' success and the success of Sprouts every time they open a new location. Reasor's will be a game changer in this area.

01-14-2014, 10:09 AM
For anyone curious, Edmond maintains agendas and minutes online. It also makes it easier for those interested in attending and watching the various committee meetings.

Edmond, OK - Official Website - Agendas & Minutes (

01-14-2014, 10:13 AM
The problem and the opposition to this Reasor's had more to do with them changing the agreements and the conditions under which they were originally approved, more than the NIMBY bs.

In answer to your question, this has been pushed back to the march planning committee meeting, per request of the applicants (guessing they're yet again making changes)...

jerry, what did Reasor's change?

01-14-2014, 10:13 AM
Hopefully this gets moving sooner rather than later. Central Oklahomans really are hungry for an alternative to Wal-Mart or Homeland, and this is evidenced by Whole Foods' success and the success of Sprouts every time they open a new location. Reasor's will be a game changer in this area.

As an Edmondnite, a foodie, and a pretty avid cook, I'm pretty happy with my shopping choices in Edmond. Between Crest, Sprouts, Target, and Uptown Market, not to mention the downtown farmer's market, I don't feel like anything is missing. At the worse, rare drives to whole food, and of course once Trader Joe's and Costco open they'll provide a couple of other alternatives.

Reasor's itself I've been too, and I don't see why anyone would be excited. It just always came off like another regional store (like Buy 4 Less or Homeland).

01-14-2014, 10:27 AM
jerry, what did Reasor's change?

I can't speak to the most recent delays, but here's some history on the evolution of the Bridges...

Developer seeks shopping center changes » Local News » The Edmond Sun (

Developer postpones planned Bridges at Spring Creek public meeting » Local News » The Edmond Sun (

Plutonic Panda
01-14-2014, 10:35 AM
As an Edmondnite, a foodie, and a pretty avid cook, I'm pretty happy with my shopping choices in Edmond. Between Crest, Sprouts, Target, and Uptown Market, not to mention the downtown farmer's market, I don't feel like anything is missing. At the worse, rare drives to whole food, and of course once Trader Joe's and Costco open they'll provide a couple of other alternatives.

Reasor's itself I've been too, and I don't see why anyone would be excited. It just always came off like another regional store (like Buy 4 Less or Homeland).I thought Reasors was in the leagues of Harris Teeter or Tom Thumb? I would really love it if Tom Thumb built a store here in Edmond.

01-14-2014, 11:22 AM
I thought Reasors was in the leagues of Harris Teeter or Tom Thumb? I would really love it if Tom Thumb built a store here in Edmond.

Agreed. Some people who have lived in OKC their entire life don't realize what people are complaining about when they say the grocery choices here don't compare to other places. This problem is unique to OKC itself, not cities this size or this region of the country. I have seen it said numerous times here that places like Kroger, Publix, Tom Thumb, Reasor's, etc are "upscale" or "Super Trendy Mart" and that we don't need those places here. In actuality those places are mid-range and most of what people are used to in OKC is bottom-end. These stores are the go-to standard in other cities. Whole Foods/Central Market are upscale, Trader Joe's is trendy, and places like Reasor's and Kroger are mid-range and on the level of Homeland price wise, yet much nicer and more modern. Reasor's will fill a niche that has been unfilled in OKC since Safeway gave way to Homeland, however long ago that was.

01-14-2014, 12:00 PM
As an Edmondnite, a foodie, and a pretty avid cook, I'm pretty happy with my shopping choices in Edmond. Between Crest, Sprouts, Target, and Uptown Market, not to mention the downtown farmer's market, I don't feel like anything is missing. At the worse, rare drives to whole food, and of course once Trader Joe's and Costco open they'll provide a couple of other alternatives.

Reasor's itself I've been too, and I don't see why anyone would be excited. It just always came off like another regional store (like Buy 4 Less or Homeland).

Reasor's are larger and more well-kept than the average Buy for Less or Homeland. The average Reasor's is comparable to the nicest Homelands. I agree Edmond, with Uptown Grocery and Sprouts is ahead of most of the metro.

04-16-2014, 11:52 PM
Anyone know the status of Reasors or the entire Bridges Development?

04-17-2014, 08:10 AM
Anyone know the status of Reasors or the entire Bridges Development?

Yes, this project is still alive.

The developers keep asking for continuations to the requests for approval by the planning committee.

It's on the agenda for April 22nd.

BTW, it now appears Homegoods might be part of this development.

04-17-2014, 06:00 PM
Homegoods! Now that would be good.

04-17-2014, 07:30 PM
Don't know much about 'Homegoods', what are they?

04-17-2014, 07:37 PM
Don't know much about 'Homegoods', what are they?

It's part of the TJ Maxx stores, focusing on housewares.

Has a big following.

04-20-2014, 08:55 AM
You'd think Edmond with the disposable income and more upscale suburb can pull in a better grocery store than Reasors? I would have thought "The Fresh Market" or something like that would be attractive in that area. Spring Creek shopping plaza is one of a kind in the OKC area which isn't saying much, but I wish they would keep with upscaleness of it. Reasors is great, better than most grocery stores in OKC area and I guess they gotta start somewhere.

04-20-2014, 12:36 PM
I agree. I live close to that area and have always felt it would be a great second location for a Whole Foods. And since they are building a stand alone building there would be a 'clean slate' to work with.

04-20-2014, 12:39 PM
I bet this would be a very nice version of Reasor's.

And I suspect Whole Foods will ultimate open another location in Far North OKC or south Edmond.

04-20-2014, 01:51 PM
Nice Reasor's are comparable to Buy for Less Uptown Grocery. This will be a great thing for Edmond and the OKC metro.

04-22-2014, 10:13 AM
The developers of Spring Creek may be the worst recruiters of nice developments that I've followed. They have an incredibly aesthetic area, great location and shopping center full of stores that no one really cares about.
The most popular accounts are Starbucks, panera Bread and Ann Taylor Loft.
This is not a destination center. They do not have a nice steak restaurant for an anchor. And now they are working with a store that does housewares for TJ Maxx?!?
Someone has dropped the ball on this development. This looks like low level JV project compared to Classen Curve.

04-22-2014, 10:47 AM
The developers of Spring Creek may be the worst recruiters of nice developments that I've followed. They have an incredibly aesthetic area, great location and shopping center full of stores that no one really cares about.
The most popular accounts are Starbucks, panera Bread and Ann Taylor Loft.
This is not a destination center. They do not have a nice steak restaurant for an anchor. And now they are working with a store that does housewares for TJ Maxx?!?
Someone has dropped the ball on this development. This looks like low level JV project compared to Classen Curve.

Just to be clear, the proposed development is through a completely separate group from the one that built the existing center.

04-22-2014, 11:15 AM
Thanks Pete
And just to be clear my message was for the entire development

04-22-2014, 11:16 AM
Understood and I agree that given the natural setting and demographics, that whole corner deserves better.

04-22-2014, 12:18 PM
The developers of Spring Creek may be the worst recruiters of nice developments that I've followed. They have an incredibly aesthetic area, great location and shopping center full of stores that no one really cares about.
The most popular accounts are Starbucks, panera Bread and Ann Taylor Loft.
This is not a destination center. They do not have a nice steak restaurant for an anchor. And now they are working with a store that does housewares for TJ Maxx?!?
Someone has dropped the ball on this development. This looks like low level JV project compared to Classen Curve.

Then why is there so much vacancy still at Classen Curve?

I'd venture to say Barre3, Coolgreens, New Balance, Chicos, White House black market are a couple of places people care about considering their popularity.

Also, all 3 (SC Village, SC Plaza, and Bridges at SC) have different developers.

04-22-2014, 12:41 PM
Classen Curve was caught up in a no-mans land when the economy dipped just as they entered the construction phase, followed shortly thereafter by CHK's CEO (and chief Classen Curve visionary) becoming increasingly at odds with demanding shareholders (which short-circuited whatever plan he had). There was never a truly-concerted leasing effort by an overriding entity with national retail leasing experience. The property has JUST changed hands, and already there has been significant leasing activity and negotiation with enviable national brands. Individually Whole Foods, Anthropologie (the two biggest wins by the original developer) and now West Elm eclipse anything at Spring Creek, and I think the new owners are just getting started. CC, the Triangle at CC and Nichols Hills Plaza combined have the potential to even best Utica Square as the top upscale national shopping concentration in the state over the next few years.

04-22-2014, 02:10 PM
Classen Curve was very poorly managed by Chesapeake. Under the new owners I expect it to realize more of its potential.

04-22-2014, 03:46 PM
If your hanging your hat on White House Black Market, New Balance Shoes and Cool Greens...well you just made my argument for me

04-22-2014, 03:50 PM
Please don't forget Omaha Steaks

04-22-2014, 05:10 PM
If your hanging your hat on White House Black Market, New Balance Shoes and Cool Greens...well you just made my argument for me

Im not much of a shopper at these places so I dont hang my hat on them, just pointing out that they are quite popular retail establishments. Id venture to say better than the half filled Classen Curve. Plus, the West Elms and such are too big for SC Plaza and Village so Im not sure what you expect. The Bridges developers have the space to do some of these bigger high end stores but Im not sure you can ever count on Sooner Investment to go above and beyond.

04-22-2014, 05:36 PM
Im not much of a shopper at these places so I dont hang my hat on them, just pointing out that they are quite popular retail establishments. Id venture to say better than the half filled Classen Curve. Plus, the West Elms and such are too big for SC Plaza and Village so Im not sure what you expect. The Bridges developers have the space to do some of these bigger high end stores but Im not sure you can ever count on Sooner Investment to go above and beyond.

Chesapeake made a huge mistake when they insisted on only local retailers locating in Classen Curve. Big name chains draw shoppers and generate excitement. I am excited about the direction of these properties under the new owners. We just need to give them time.

04-22-2014, 05:51 PM
Classen Curve is now about 75% full and once Aubrey was out, they did sign a lease with Lululemon, a national retailer.

The space towards the front should fill but there is still some at the back that will be a bigger challenge.

04-23-2014, 09:31 AM
The Edmond Planning Commission met yesterday and approval for this development was "continued indefinitely".

Bad sign.

04-23-2014, 09:41 AM
I'm guessing they are having to wait until they have a grocer signed to a LOI or lease. Would be hard for them to begin without that big anchor the grocery store provides.

04-23-2014, 09:44 AM
Or, they just can't get past the community opposition.

Seems like Reasor's was in pretty early on in this process, the issue has always been re-zoning and the site plan.