View Full Version : Dogs and Swimming Pools

05-29-2005, 09:09 PM
We have a swimming pool that is a couple of years old, and still in real good condition. It is a 10 ft X 2-1/2 Ft pool that takes shape once you put the water in. Two years ago we set it up and had a blast, however, last year we didn't set it up because we had a dog, and we had no way to protect the pool from the dog.

This year we decided to take a chance, so we are in process of putting it up. I am just wondering if my dog (part lab/part shepherd) will bother the pool or try to jump in it. Actually, she would have a difficult time getting in it, however, what are the chances that she may puncture it? We are planning on getting a kiddie pool for her, hoping to keep her away from our pool. Any comments or suggestions???

05-29-2005, 10:31 PM
Well my question is how likeable is she to water? Does she like playing in it? Have you had her at the lake and she if she would run in or just sit there? If she likes the water and would jump in and play then I would be worried about the pool. But maybe if you had the kiddie pool for her to play in then maybe she would leave the bigger one alone unless she is egged on and teased then she may go for the big one to jump in and want to play to.

05-30-2005, 05:13 PM
Well my question is how likeable is she to water? Does she like playing in it? Have you had her at the lake and she if she would run in or just sit there? If she likes the water and would jump in and play then I would be worried about the pool. But maybe if you had the kiddie pool for her to play in then maybe she would leave the bigger one alone unless she is egged on and teased then she may go for the big one to jump in and want to play to.
I don't know what she thinks of water, except that she hates it when it rains and she gets wet. When we give her a bath, she does great. So far, we have had the pool up for 24 hours and she hasn't messed with it. We keep it covered when it is not in use.

05-31-2005, 12:53 PM
Labs and water attract. I bet she tries to jump in.

I had a Lab as a kid and he jumped in the pool all the time. So, it would not surprise me if she did the same.

05-31-2005, 01:06 PM
I agree with mranderson. Keith, I'd bet the dog gets in the pool and punctures the liner. I'm not sure what your options are at this point! Maybe fence off a certain portion of your yard for the pool, and the other portion for the dog.

06-01-2005, 04:38 PM
I have a similar pool and it seems pretty sturdy to me. The pool material is very thick. If you keep her nails trimmed, I'd bet it wouldn't be a problem. The only exception is that on mine it has an inflatable top ring thats pretty thin (not sure if your pool has this).

The pump hoses may be a cause for concern though if she likes to chew.

06-01-2005, 07:16 PM
Keith, whatever you do, make sure your dog can get OUT of the pool!! My Lab lives for water and always tries to jump in any body of water - problem is, once in, there is no way to get out, we used to bring him in the pool as a puppy but it took only one time for him to jump in when we weren't watching and he almost drowned. No more Kodi in the pool - we have a creek, he can go swim there.
If you let him in once, he will always want to go in, just make sure you train them on how to climb out.

06-01-2005, 10:00 PM
Keith, whatever you do, make sure your dog can get OUT of the pool!! My Lab lives for water and always tries to jump in any body of water - problem is, once in, there is no way to get out, we used to bring him in the pool as a puppy but it took only one time for him to jump in when we weren't watching and he almost drowned. No more Kodi in the pool - we have a creek, he can go swim there.
If you let him in once, he will always want to go in, just make sure you train them on how to climb out.
Thanks for the advice. Actually, we always keep the pool cover on when the pool is not in use. The only time the cover is off is when the kids are swimming. Actually, when they are swimming, the dog stays clear of the pool.