View Full Version : Video question

07-24-2012, 12:27 PM
At one time I could click on a video and it would play. Now I
have to click twice, and not on the same button. Below is a
You Tube video. Before I could see the video itself with a
'Play' button. Press and it played. Now there this F, perhaps for
flash, and I have to click it to get to the You Tube. Why?


07-24-2012, 12:30 PM
I ain't even know!


07-24-2012, 11:39 PM
Are you using IE or have you recently updated your flash player? There is a safety feature in either the flash player itself or the browser that stops you from clicking a flash enabled space so as not to run action scripts unknowingly. The first click is an acknowledgement by the user that it is a flash object and the second allows you to control the flash. Google it.

07-25-2012, 01:20 PM
Are you using IE or have you recently updated your flash player?
There is a safety feature in either the flash player itself or the
browser that stops you from clicking a flash enabled space so as
not to run action scripts unknowingly. The first click is an
acknowledgement by the user that it is a flash object and the
second allows you to control the flash. Google it.
I use Firefox 14. Has You Tube changed to flash?

My googling has come up short.

07-25-2012, 01:32 PM
I accidentally found the bug. I right clicked and found
"accept flash from this site".

07-26-2012, 10:38 AM
Bug? I think you found the bug when you went to the mirror to shave/comb your hair. Actually, it is an option to allow you to choose or to allow it to occur automatically. I'm sure there was box to check when the Flash update took place. I still plan to visit Ingrid's one of these Saturdays.
C. T.