View Full Version : Old OKC Jail Building

07-19-2012, 10:17 PM

Address (

KFOR channel 4 just ran an article about the Old Jail building. Said the City might be looking to sell. OKC Public Schools just lost a bid on Central High School..might they take a run at this? It is going to take a LOT of work & money. But the location is similar
size more realistic & parking.

OCURA RFP for Redevelopment (

07-19-2012, 10:28 PM
I think it would make a lot of sense for OKCPS to consider this building for their new admin building. Would its proximity to the new jail preclude that? Is it large enough to serve their needs? (It is rather small compared to Central HS.) Would the cost of renovations be too high? If these questions can be satisfactorily answered, I think they should strongly consider this.

07-19-2012, 10:35 PM
This is a fantastic historic building in a location that I have reservations over. It's not an unsafe location, just an undesirable one - so it's perfect for a government office building IMO.

07-19-2012, 11:39 PM
It would certainly require massive renovations to be used by the school district. It might be less expensive for them to remodel the current location than to tackle this. I also don't think it's an unsafe area (I park near there when attending events at the Civic Center), however I think the public perception might agree with that. I think there would be much more logical adaptive uses for this building than for the OKCPS offices.

07-20-2012, 11:07 AM
Here's the site plan for all the proposed changes around this site:

It is and will continue to be completely surrounded by mainly law enforcement uses and right next to the newish jail complex.

It's hard to imagine a use other than something government related, but we'll see what they turn up.

07-20-2012, 11:17 AM
I'm with ljbab on this. I'd like to see the building preserved (this was OKC Police Headquarters at one time, btw, in addition to being the jail), but I don't know if it would make a good school district HQ.

07-20-2012, 11:35 AM
Maybe someone could do something like the Liberty Hotel in Boston (

Just the facts
07-20-2012, 12:13 PM
Does anyone know what the inside looks like? People hear the word jail and they instantly think concrete block interior wall, bars, and such. It is an old city jail not a maximum security federal prison. I wonder how many apartments you make out of this and if anyone would want to live there (although if the price is right people will live anywhere).

Just the facts
07-20-2012, 12:14 PM
Maybe someone could do something like the Liberty Hotel in Boston (

Cha ching - that is a Thunder money ball.

07-20-2012, 12:57 PM
None of the above.

The best thing for the City to do with this site, is get it registered with the Oklahoma Historical Society, if its not already, get Historic Tax Credits, and renovate this into a museum. Just hire a few people to manage the building, and give tours, the city could charge admission. The Old Oklahoma City Jail Historical Museum.

The City could also add educational information re the history of the jail, and information on notorious criminals and crimes.

Just think, how many of us has actually had chance to tour inside an old jail? It could be educational and interesting. I think people would pay for this, I know I would.

07-20-2012, 01:16 PM
None of the above.

The best thing for the City to do with this site, is get it registered with the Oklahoma Historical Society, if its not already, get Historic Tax Credits, and renovate this into a museum. Just hire a few people to manage the building, and give tours, the city could charge admission. The Old Oklahoma City Jail Historical Museum.

The City could also add educational information re the history of the jail, and information on notorious criminals and crimes.

Just think, how many of us has actually had chance to tour inside an old jail? It could be educational and interesting. I think people would pay for this, I know I would.

It's not Alcatraz, don't think so. The Alcatraz tour ticket is 12 bucks, and they take you out on a nice boat ride to get's about a 4 hour total tour....just don't see it working here. I'd say go with a boutique hotel, or apartments.

07-20-2012, 01:20 PM
I wouldn't charge that much, maybe $5 max, just to keep up maintenance, not looking at this as a profitable business venture, but away to preserve the building in its entirety, and provide an educational and interesting experience. I think it could be a good asset to the area.

07-20-2012, 02:11 PM
Maybe someone could do something like the Liberty Hotel in Boston (

In Slovenia I once stayed at a really cool hostel in an old converted Yugoslavian prison. It was actually the coolest place I ever stayed at in Europe, including a $300 room in Stockholm's ice hotel once.

07-20-2012, 02:21 PM
Ah yes, I can see it now... Luxurious Okla. County Jail Hotel, with scenic views of the "new" Okla. County jail, a beacon of morality and freedom under threat from the feds, and the brand new municipal complex. Rates starting as low as $199.00 a night.

Are you guys insane? Rennovate it into city office space and be done with it. Save the building, increase the downtown working population, call it a day.

07-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Well, it IS a half block from the Civic Center, a block from the art museum, less than a block from the recently-announced Main Street Arcade project, a little over a block from the rapidly-transforming Film Row district - which I believe will creep north towards this location - and the City is in the planning stages for a massive makeover of the block the jail sets on...but you're right. We should never aspire to do anything special. Or even just have daydreaming online conversations about such things. What were we thinking?

Also, apparently I am indeed insane. Thanks for pointing it out.

Just the facts
07-20-2012, 03:27 PM
Berkman Plaza is one the premier residential towers in Jacksonville and it is located directly across the street from the Duval County jail.

07-20-2012, 04:56 PM
Where is the district attorney's office? Since I think it is too small for OKCPS, and it is located at the center of all thing law enforcement related in OKC, that might be a good use for it.

07-20-2012, 06:56 PM
Well, it IS a half block from the Civic Center, a block from the art museum, less than a block from the recently-announced Main Street Arcade project, a little over a block from the rapidly-transforming Film Row district - which I believe will creep north towards this location - and the City is in the planning stages for a massive makeover of the block the jail sets on...but you're right. We should never aspire to do anything special. Or even just have daydreaming online conversations about such things. What were we thinking?

Also, apparently I am indeed insane. Thanks for pointing it out.

I'm definitely with you, urbanized. You guys almost have to close your eyes and re-imagine this whole area. This area is going to be an obvious black hole standing in between Classen (perhaps even a revitalized Classen, as there MAY be GOLT bond funding for that if memory serves right??) and the new Bicentennial Park, exploding Film Row district, et al.

Then imagine this area of downtown with a grand roundabout tying Classen and Western into the Boulevard. This is an idea gaining a ton of traction. Chip Fudge predicted the boulevard will end up at-grade and that those blocks surrounding Film Row could become downtown's next big hotspot. I think we could even see the city reassert Main Street, leading from Devon out to Penn, as our historic main street.

So with all of that potential coming together right around police HQ/courthouse/old jail, how do you not try and do something about this little pocket of government blight? In that frame of mind, I wouldn't preclude anything. Sure a hotel is a stretch, but given the Civic Center and Film Row proximity, it makes more sense than some other things.

07-20-2012, 08:56 PM
Where is the district attorney's office? Since I think it is too small for OKCPS, and it is located at the center of all thing law enforcement related in OKC, that might be a good use for it.

I imagine Prater and crew are quite happy in the county annex building. That's the one right next to the OK County courthouse, which holds the district court courtrooms. Being in the annex he and his team are also only a few floors away from the county officers his office also advises. There is no reason for his office to even remotely consider using space at the old city jail.

City space would seem the more practical use,but yeah, a museum or an oddity hostel might be interesting.

07-20-2012, 09:39 PM
I at first thought the idea of lodging across the street from the jail was preposterous just like many, but I think a student-oriented hostel (which I concede used to be a Euro-only thing, but have been catching fire across America lately) would work great here due to the proximity to culture AND that younger people might even like the edgier surroundings, as long as they're close to a cool scene.

With that business model, the surroundings would be much less of a problem EVEN IF naysayers are right and this area never improves, which I believe is impossible. I personally think improvement is only inevitable for this area.

07-20-2012, 09:50 PM
The hostel idea is an interesting one - one I certainly didn't think of. It is one of those things that despite being a little bit outside of the norm might just work. Either way I am looking forward to seeing who does something with it and how it works out.

07-20-2012, 09:58 PM
Does anyone know what the inside looks like? People hear the word jail and they instantly think concrete block interior wall, bars, and such. It is an old city jail not a maximum security federal prison. I wonder how many apartments you make out of this and if anyone would want to live there (although if the price is right people will live anywhere).
When there were discussions of the city leaving the county jail complex we were hired to do an assessment of the OKC Jail so that is not that old of an assessment of the building and systems in place. It wouldn't be cheap but it isn't like the cost of some other types of conversions.

07-20-2012, 10:43 PM
I'm just glad the new headquarters building was approved. The first thought and planning back in '06/'07, as ridiculous as it sounds, was a renovation of the '65 building. The current building is totally 3rd class compared to other cities of our size and keeping that old building, even renovated, was an insult to OCPD. So, the ADG option 3 plan is great. However, this is clearly a law enforcement complex and anything else in the middle of it all is hard to imagine. Remember, the current headquarters will be razed and that entire space will be secure-entry parking.

Here's a better view looking west that puts into perspective just how, imo, out of place the old city jail would be for anything unrelated to law enforcement or city business.

Link to ADG Initial Report with the three options (large pdf but lots of information about the buildings) :

Link to Google QuickView of City Council approval memo with order to proceed with 'Scenario C' from ADG: 3D1523825+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgICa03D9_moTk5LBWmtdrYwgXkUomrMHOnSOut a3n6Wjfo2sMzjDoYqGeFh6FLGMBXH7VbMCt1dJ9fkZHuz7OVlA TK21cYLsJh3mSRVwMSZkTrlmYqlcMaSABS5VQNA9Yl7fOl&sig=AHIEtbQn6Gl5aaGulkR8LScrMYcoKRZRmA

Contract Awarded annnoucement from ADG:

07-20-2012, 11:08 PM
I agree that a hostel would be a good fit for somewhere downtown but this building isn't it. It's much, much, much larger than anything OKC would need for that purpose.

07-20-2012, 11:26 PM
I agree that a hostel would be a good fit for somewhere downtown but this building isn't it. It's much, much, much larger than anything OKC would need for that purpose.

You're right. I've never really thought about Oklahoma City not having a hostel, but downtown is a good fit. Yes, the old Oklahoma City Jail has wayyy too much space to use as a hostel. I can see one in the Bricktown area being a hit.

07-21-2012, 12:04 AM
I really don't think Bricktown is going to be much of a draw for a hostel. Keep in mind these are usually for student travelers with way more taste than money. Bricktown usually requires that people have way more money than taste. Although the north end of Bricktown maybe...Main Street has great potential for a cool vibe if more than two bars and restaurants existed along it.

That said, you guys hit it on the head. Downtown OKC, in my conservative guestimation, could probably consistently support a 50-bed hostel. That's two floors at most.

Just the facts
07-21-2012, 09:29 AM
Just like urban housing in Deep Deuce is attractive for people in the medical field, if you worked in the law enforcement or legal industries can you imagine a better place to live than right in the middle of every major OKC employer in that line of work? If I was a police officer, worked in the courts, etc I would love to live steps from my employer, and if I happen to change jobs, the new one is steps away also.

07-21-2012, 10:04 AM
The old city jail building has a lot of asbestos within it. Coiuld be a problem for any new construction.

07-21-2012, 12:16 PM
Just like urban housing in Deep Deuce is attractive for people in the medical field, if you worked in the law enforcement or legal industries can you imagine a better place to live than right in the middle of every major OKC employer in that line of work? If I was a police officer, worked in the courts, etc I would love to live steps from my employer, and if I happen to change jobs, the new one is steps away also.

Now this, I like!

07-21-2012, 10:10 PM
I really don't think Bricktown is going to be much of a draw for a hostel. Keep in mind these are usually for student travelers with way more taste than money. Bricktown usually requires that people have way more money than taste. Although the north end of Bricktown maybe...Main Street has great potential for a cool vibe if more than two bars and restaurants existed along it.

That said, you guys hit it on the head. Downtown OKC, in my conservative guestimation, could probably consistently support a 50-bed hostel. That's two floors at most.
I agree we need a hostel. I mentioned this idea on here and to the Chamber several years back. The discussion never got anywhere. OKC image would really benefit on the travel scene by having a hostel and bring more diversity here.

Larry OKC
07-26-2012, 10:17 AM
Would this make an even better location for the Law School???

07-26-2012, 10:20 AM
Would this make an even better location for the Law School???


Larry OKC
07-26-2012, 11:26 AM
why? it is in very close proximity to those entities they said they wanted to be closer to...

Just the facts
07-26-2012, 12:32 PM
why? it is in very close proximity to those entities they said they wanted to be closer to...

Geographically it is much better based on statements made OCU regarding their purchase of Central High, but size wise it might not be good.

07-26-2012, 12:47 PM
Interesting idea on the law school but the old Central High building is in much better shape and better suited to them.

Also, I believe the single biggest issue remaining in our central core is breathing life into the relative nothingness between NW 4th & 10th. It's a massive hole between the CBD and Midtown, and the law school will at least be the start of bringing more people to the area. Hopefully, more development will follow.

07-26-2012, 12:52 PM
I think the streetcar will be big, but I see that area as having lots of opportunity. The Better Block Project showed what could be done with average streets, and in addition it also has a nice area around the Memorial and Automobile Alley, as well as a good amount of housing.

The worst hole is centered around NW 10th and Hudson.

09-19-2012, 04:00 PM
The City sent out an RFP to redevelop the Old Jail, and here is their timeline:

Selection Timeline

JUL 17, 2012 Announcement for Request for Proposals
JUL 24, 2012 Non-Mandatory Building Tour
AUG 2, 2012 Non-Mandatory Building Tour
AUG 10, 2012 Deadline for Questions
SEPT 25, 2012 Deadline for Proposals
OCT 2-5 Review by Selection Committee
OCT 10, 2012 Short List Notification
OCT 29-31 Interviews with Short Listed Proposers
NOV 27, 2012 Selection Announced through Council (notice to proceed with negotiation)

Just the facts
09-20-2012, 08:58 AM
NOV 27, 2012 Selection Announced through Council (notice to proceed with negotiation)

Hurrah - an early Christmas present.

11-07-2012, 08:57 AM
From the Journal Record:

Developer to turn old OKC jail into offices

Developer Marva Ellard has put in a bid to redevelop the old city jail as offices. The building is part of the city's original WPA civic complex built in the 1930s. Oklahoma City put out an RFP to develop the jail a few months back, but Ellard was the only respondent.

11-07-2012, 09:06 AM
Great - a place to consolidate all of the bail bondsmen in the area.

11-07-2012, 09:19 AM
From the Journal Record:

Developer to turn old OKC jail into offices

Developer Marva Ellard has put in a bid to redevelop the old city jail as offices. The building is part of the city's original WPA civic complex built in the 1930s. Oklahoma City put out an RFP to develop the jail a few months back, but Ellard was the only respondent.

it will be interesting to see what she can do with it .... hopefully something comes together it would be a huge win for the area and for OKC

11-07-2012, 10:33 AM
I think office space, easily the most boring adaptive reuse idea, is probably the best solution for this building and location. Good for Marva.

11-07-2012, 12:25 PM
I think the economics of this should work out very well for Marva. I agree with Spartan that it is boring. Except making money is exciting and will spur her and others to do more downtown.

Just the facts
11-07-2012, 12:36 PM
Who would be potential tenants?

OKCCoCo-like company
Small companies

11-07-2012, 12:40 PM
We need more office space everywhere downtown, but particularly in that area.

We need more space for employers who bring in more employees which in turn fuels retail, residential and all the sexier things we want for the central core.

I hope Marva can pull this off and reinvigorate that historic building and at the same time bring more life into an area that is pretty dead.

12-02-2013, 01:53 PM
Since this hasn't been updated for awhile... from Steve's chat on Friday:

BethanySooner 11:48 a.m. Is the old city jail building at Shartel and Colcord being pursued by any developers for conversion to housing or offices?

Steve Lackmeyer 11:50 a.m. The police department wants to see the building razed. But City Hall can't do that and still argue for preservation of historic old buildings. So it looks like it will be kept in place. There's a lot of discussion going on behind the scenes involving this building. I'll be writing about it soon.

Also, Pete, you mentioned above the RFP and the timeline, but you didn't attach it ( Was thinking it should be attached above as it has some good info about the history and condition of the building.

Lastly, do we know if anyone submitted proposals and what the result was? It's been a year since those dates...

12-02-2013, 02:33 PM
The RFP was left hanging....

12-02-2013, 02:40 PM
Thanks Steve

12-02-2013, 02:58 PM
In light of the 21c announcement only about a block and a half away, the RFP should be re-issued and the developers of the Liberty Hotel in Boston (, among others, should be courted in an effort to get them to submit proposals. I would think 21c would get their attention.

12-02-2013, 03:05 PM
Liberty Hotel ain't the only jail converted to interesting, upscale hotel (, by the way...

12-02-2013, 03:06 PM
In light of the 21c announcement only about a block and a half away, the RFP should be re-issued and the developers of the Liberty Hotel in Boston (, among others, should be courted in an effort to get them to submit proposals. I would think 21c would get their attention.
