Doug Loudenback
05-27-2005, 08:31 AM
I've been attepting to post a message with an attachment (1st time to try) to see if anyone can identify an old postcard image I have as to if and when it may have been located in downtown, and, if so, I'd add it to my vintage pics at ... but when I've uploaded the attachment (apparently successfully) the message I've attempted to attach it to goes away ... so I must be doing something wrong.
Can anyone explain what I should be doing to succeed in posting a message with an attachment? When I learn how, I'll try again.
05-27-2005, 11:00 AM
Unfortunately, the uploading system on this software is weird. You're probably better off saving to another site or the photogallery and using the url, with code. You can email me the pic if you'd like:
Doug Loudenback
05-27-2005, 11:36 AM
Thanks, Patrick.
I know that uploading an image CAN be done since I've seen messages at OkcTalk that have images in them. Anyway, I've uploaded the image to my website. Here's the link:
Text imposed on the image reads, "Civic Center U.S.O. Club, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma", and, so that leads me to think that the building may have been downtown in or near what was called the "Civic Center" in the 1940s. Of course, that's just an unsupported guess. But, if the building was downtown, I'd like to add it in the vintage downtown Okc collection, possibly (?) here:
I'd appreciate any info!
Doug Loudenback
05-27-2005, 11:41 AM
Interesting pic Doug. I'm not sure where this was located:
05-27-2005, 11:43 AM
You might conctact Bob Blackburn...I know he could tell you where it was at:
Doug Loudenback
05-27-2005, 12:08 PM
Contact Bob by e-mail? Ha! It would be easier and more reliable if I would just SEE him! :) I sent Bob an e-mail about some downtown sit-ins pics, etc., for the 1950s-1960s pages last ... March, I think ... and have yet to get a reply! He doesn't live far from me, so maybe I should just drop in! <gr>
Well, on 2nd thought, why not try again! I've just posted an e-mail to Bob about the pic.
By the way, the avatar I've just uploaded is the old downtown Oklahoma County Courthouse built around 1902-05 at Main & Dewey. A larger version is in my 1900s vintage collection.
05-28-2005, 03:25 PM
Doug, here are some helpful tips:
Civic Center USO club... some quick research indicates it existed in 1943 for certain. Downtown library will either have a phone book or city directory for that year that will provide you with the address.
Second: go to the history museum's library/research/reading room. They have books and books of archive photos from which you can order prints. The photos should come with information attached.
As for the sit-ins, I know someone who has history on all that, and I'll try to provide what I find out on the blog.
- The Downtown Guy
Doug Loudenback
05-28-2005, 03:58 PM
Thanks, Downtown Guy! I'll be looking ...
So far, no response from Bro Bob B ... I've heard that he's not all that much into e-mail. But, your phone directory suggestion ... duh ... why didn't I think of that? :( Guess that speaks volumes about my researching skills!