07-11-2012, 08:09 PM
For the past several months I have been beleaguered with the laboring construction along the west side of Classen from Constitution to Imhoff and during that time had wondered what was being constructed. On my way into work at OU this afternoon I noticed new stop lights going up at the intersection of Classen and Imhoff. Let me be the first to say that this is quite possibly the dumbest traffic light installation I have yet to see in Norman (and this is saying a lot). I have driven this stretch of road from home to work every day for nearly 10 years and what this stretch of Classen needed was a middle turn lane that allowed vehicles to turn into Crimson Park and its surrounding businesses, not ANOTHER stop light along this light-filled stretch of Hwy 77. This now makes 3 stop lights in a stretch of 1/4 of a mile (Imhoff, Constitution, and 12th Ave) and will create even more of a bottleneck. I had hoped that the widening that was occurring on the west side would facilitate the creation of a middle turn lane but it now appears this was simply done to allow for the installation of this new light. Count me once again frustrated by Norman Transportation/ODot
07-12-2012, 10:37 AM
the light is okay with me if they had done it in conjunction with a middle turn lane... but alas, that does not appear to be the case
07-15-2012, 11:51 AM
I have heard they are going to have a turn lane turning left (east) onto Imhoff, and they are straighting the curve on Imhoff heading west to Classen. Im all for the signal light, seen many rearenders while turning left (east) onto Imhoff.
I heard that the trailer park is going away and a large development is going in that will include retail, restaurants and housing. The developer didn't want to start the project until the traffic light was installed.
07-16-2012, 05:06 PM
What ive heard is that it will have a center turning lane from constitution to hwy 9 when all finished.
07-16-2012, 07:53 PM
I heard that the trailer park is going away and a large development is going in that will include retail, restaurants and housing. The developer didn't want to start the project until the traffic light was installed.
A while back someone went after that park trying to force it empty or something and if memory serves they basically got showed the door. Can't recall the specifics, and well, maybe I even dreamed it, but that's the vague memory.
07-16-2012, 08:43 PM
A while back someone went after that park trying to force it empty or something and if memory serves they basically got showed the door. Can't recall the specifics, and well, maybe I even dreamed it, but that's the vague memory.
Your right, an out-of-state developer was proposing a multi-unit apartment complex.
07-16-2012, 10:15 PM
Your right, an out-of-state developer was proposing a multi-unit apartment complex.