View Full Version : 55 Years Today

07-07-2012, 05:30 PM
July 6, I missed a day.

From MSNBC Entertainment (
Paul McCartney and John Lennon met for the first time on July 6,
1957, at the St. Peter Church Fete in Woolton, Liverpool, England.

Prunie Ed: John was 17 and Paul was 16

Lennon was playing in his band, the Quarry Men, and a mutual
friend and sometimes band mate, Ivan Vaughan, brought
McCartney along and introduced the two.

07-07-2012, 06:21 PM
Wow a simple introduction led to the formation of one of the greatest bands of the past 50 yrs. Now if we could only go back in time and trade in Justin Beiber and Jay Z for Lennon and Harrison all would be groovy.

07-07-2012, 08:27 PM
I just read the other day that there's a plaque there that says "John and Paul met here...." No need for last names.

Here! I found it:

07-07-2012, 11:52 PM
I suppose that, on account of tomorrow is Sunday, it would be a good time to test John Lennon's ancient observation/theory that The Beatles are more popular than Jesus. (And even after all these years . . . on "the long and winding road" . . .etc....) . . .

I suspect that his observation was accurate.
(no moral/ethical or value/virtue judgement implied)

Yet . . . What if the drummer from this group had appeared on the scene to replace Pete Best instead of Yoko Ono?
And what if Brian Epstein had not decided to not sue over "A Hard Days Night" "sampling" for the video? . . .

There are no coincidences.
It is only what we make of events.

07-08-2012, 01:43 AM
Yet . . . What if the drummer from this group had appeared on the scene to replace Pete Best instead of Yoko Ono?


Okay, your posts are different in structure than what one usually finds at an online forum, but I usually get the gist and catch most (not all) of your references. In fact, I think you're a fascinating writer who should be published, but I'm flummoxed with this one.

Dino Danelli was The Rascals drummer, right? IMO, the greatest drummer in rock 'n roll history. So, yeah, imagining the Beatles with Danelli is a mind-expanding experience. But Ringo was pretty good, yes? I simply am lost with the Yoko Ono reference. Lost.

I'm serious about your writing.

07-08-2012, 12:21 PM
Yet . . . What if the drummer from this group had appeared on the scene to replace Pete Best instead of Yoko Ono?

With Oklahoma's own?

07-08-2012, 05:19 PM
I'm so glad I found this. This is a perfect video that showcases Dino Danelli ... what a drummer.


07-08-2012, 06:47 PM
From: Radical Moderate
To: MikeOKC
Re: An Apology (Formatting: e.g./spec.ref.: Non Annoying, Non "Poetic" Minimal EnterKeys to establish concept breaks =)

The understandably flummoxing--and nearly confusing--post, (spec. ref. #4, above), was essentially a metaphorical "mind-fart"--so to speak--to ease the cramping caused by ingesting all of the "anti-church(es)/"religion" "processed-meat-drive-by-by-product substitute" that passes for "rhetoric" over on that thread diss-cussin' "Mega-Churches" . . . and then going swimming on this thread too soon thereafter. Rather than to the "spray park".

John Lennon's accurate (and notorious! and controversial!!) observation that "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ" naturally came to mind. I'm sure that many would argue that Lady Gaga, Madonna or [insert celebrity, not currently including Mylie Cyrus] would be equal to The Beatles in the "modern" context Mr. Lennon described way back when.

The translation of the stream (rivulet?) of semi-consciousness, above, (plus the video that is worth a thousand words to the thousandth power that I tossed into the mix) was intended only to say that there are many ways to spend or invest in a Sunday. Personally, I prefer "Groovin'" . . . but I had to work today.

I don't think that my subliminal dig at Yoko Ono requires further explanation.
Except to say that I still hold a grudge against her for her role in breaking up The Beatles.
And here is why: If The Beatles aren't the most influential, original and talented group in history, they are at least in the Top 3 or 4.
Yoko Ono had a negative impact on that money machine. I know that I shouldn't hold a grudge . . . But there it is.

On the other hand, at least "The Beatles" aren't playing third fiddle at a local ("cheatin' indian") casino featuring Jeff Dunworthy's Puppet Show and a DooWop Tribute Band.

Oh! Pete Best vs. Ringo (as compared to) the drummer for "The [Young] Rascals" . . .
In fact, the best "drummers" ever documented were George Martin, Brian Epstein and either P.T. Barnum or that "Col." Elvis Guy.

Watch "This is Spinal Tap" or "Saxondale" or "Walk Hard" for further clarification, if you don't catch my drift.

Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and forgiveness.

P.S.: As penance for the venial sin of flummoxing . . .
Please refer to the most recent donation to DIY Dinners . . . =)

P.P.S. (PS2): Restoration, Threadal (Relevance)
Did John Lennon meet Paul McCartney by accident?
Or was it by, the more substantial, intelligent design?
Of "the accident"? =)

After all . . . The Great Meeting occurred at the British Version of a Church Social . . .!!!
The Snack du Jour was: Zen Cones! (the vicar was on the inclusive side)

Edited to Add:
Sorry . . . Almost forgot . . .
In answer to your direct question regarding the drumming abilities of Ringo (aka Richard Starkey) the answer is Yes.
Doesnt' that Rascals Drummer Dude Live down around Ada?
I thought I heard a rumor to that effect on Gallery on OETA a while back =)

07-12-2012, 07:27 PM
But Ringo was pretty good, yes?
Ringo was what the Beatles needed. Simply a solid drummer that
didn't interfere in the creative processes of John and Paul. The
Beatles didn't need a jazz drummer.

07-13-2012, 07:16 AM
Very true . . . A 15 minute drum solo would have ruined "I Saw Her Standing There" or "I Wanna Hold Your Hand". Not to mention "Michelle" "Eleanor Rigby" "Yesterday" or "Revolution #9".

07-13-2012, 08:04 PM
I bought the USA Today Special Edition Beatles rag last month. I already know all I want to know about The Beatles and haven't bought any mags since the 60's, but this didn't have advertising and proved to be good candy for $5.

On page 6 is a historian saying the only crucial members were John and Paul. Ringo wasn't a great drummer, he said. Then, this, on George: " . . he ruined every early album with his incessant clankers in guitar and the later ones with that god-awful sitar. He sang good harmony with Paul but that's it." I had to laugh in agreement on the sitar part, though I wouldn't say it ruined albums.