View Full Version : Obscenities highlight BET Awards
bucktalk 07-02-2012, 08:23 AM After reading what took place at the BET Awards regarding performances and some the 'thug' performers - it just seems like these kinds of things just reinforces a culture that continues to perpetuate itself. In light of all the inner city murders in Chicago and other cites, in relation to thug territoriality disputes - it seems like BET is being totally irresponsible for adding fuel the the fire. Makes me both mad and sick.
Midtowner 07-02-2012, 08:40 AM The key word in the name of the network is 'entertainment.' They exist to sell commercials. They are a symptom, not the problem.
If I could pinpoint government spending to fix things, it'd be on education and child welfare.
Easy180 07-02-2012, 07:07 PM MTV ain't much better...Unfortunately
RadicalModerate 07-03-2012, 08:38 AM This all smacks of unconscious m*****f****n' racio-culturist m*****f****n' bigotry by The Oppressors against the m*****f****n' Urban Youth Culture.
(when i hear "urban youth culture" the phrase "cranial mold" comes to mind.)
Cocaine 07-04-2012, 02:49 AM MTV is pretty much the same thing as BET.
JayhawkTransplant 07-04-2012, 02:12 PM ...or any other reality show-centered cable channel, for that matter.
bucktalk 07-04-2012, 02:13 PM If these shows are a reflection of our culture....we're in bad shape.
SOONER8693 07-04-2012, 03:25 PM As my late father-in-law used to say, "10% of society causes 90% of the problems". This BET, MTV stuff just perpetuates the "thug" culture we see today.
HewenttoJared 07-04-2012, 03:31 PM If these shows are a reflection of our culture....we're in bad shape.
They are not any worse than most of the rest of the garbage on TV. Are we learning good, moral lessons from two and a half men?
bucktalk 07-04-2012, 03:38 PM Exactly!!!!
WilliamTell 07-04-2012, 05:22 PM After reading what took place at the BET Awards regarding performances and some the 'thug' performers - it just seems like these kinds of things just reinforces a culture that continues to perpetuate itself. In light of all the inner city murders in Chicago and other cites, in relation to thug territoriality disputes - it seems like BET is being totally irresponsible for adding fuel the the fire. Makes me both mad and sick.
Yawn...Why is there not a thread devoted to Jersey Shore or any other show on cable. Heck, if we are purely talking profanity just go see the teddy bear movie thats out right now and was the highest grossing movie last week among the general population - made 51.4 million dollars. (don't really get whiter than seth mcfarland the creator of family guy) and watch a teddy bear and marky mark drop endless f bombs, talk about whores, sticking things in there whores holes, and doing drugs for two hours.
It really does amaze me at the things people take offense about when and then turn it into a racial issue. Why?...just why?
But yeah yeah, all blacks are thugs and they are the problem with society, keep telling yourself that.
Achilleslastand 07-04-2012, 05:25 PM As my late father-in-law used to say, "10% of society causes 90% of the problems". This BET, MTV stuff just perpetuates the "thug" culture we see today.
How dare you speak the truth......
And the percentage is pretty spot on.
MikeOKC 07-04-2012, 05:32 PM It really does amaze me at the things people take offense about when and then turn it into a racial issue. Why?...just why?
I wonder that every time I see Jesse Jackson, Reverand Al, Cornel West, etc. open their mouth. Why? Just why?
Maynard 07-04-2012, 05:37 PM Happy '4th'!
HewenttoJared 07-04-2012, 05:41 PM William has a point. You don't see people complaining about American Pie and "white culture".
MikeOKC 07-04-2012, 05:44 PM "White culture." That's a bad thing for many blacks, HWTJ. You can't "act white" you know.
This young black girl has it spot-on.
WilliamTell 07-04-2012, 06:57 PM How dare you speak the truth......
And the percentage is pretty spot on.
William Tell
Go see the teddy bear movie thats out right now and was the highest grossing movie last week among the general population (WHITE PEOPLE) - made 51.4 million dollars. (don't really get whiter than seth mcfarland the creator of family guy) and watch a teddy bear and marky mark drop endless f bombs, talk about whores, sticking things in their whores holes, and doing drugs for two hours.
F*cking savages. And their savage culture.
What, doesnt go both ways?
WilliamTell 07-04-2012, 06:58 PM I wonder that every time I see Jesse Jackson, Reverand Al, Cornel West, etc. open their mouth. Why? Just why?
William Tell
Go see the teddy bear movie thats out right now and was the highest grossing movie last week among the general population (WHITE PEOPLE) - made 51.4 million dollars. (don't really get whiter than seth mcfarland the creator of family guy) and watch a teddy bear and marky mark drop endless f bombs, talk about whores, sticking things in their whores holes, and doing drugs for two hours.
F*cking savages. And their savage culture.
What, doesnt go both ways?
In other words - Its only noteworthy when a n*gger does it (aka "thug"), when a white person does it they dont represent the culture or the race. Only blacks.
Umm, ok.
Direct qoutes from the movie - "F*ck you thunder you can s*ck my d*ck, F*ck you thunder because you can s*ck my d*ck', ----while taking bong hits - What you dont expect her to expect something big do you, what like anal? no like circular f*cking going around her hole on the finger, f*ck that, its been four years... Lets get high mother f8cker, you f*ck, whats her name, white trash stamp mother fu*cker, dont f*ck with me on this i know this sh*t, mother *cker, do you see me f*cking with you, im going to rattle off some wh*res names so let me know if i get the sl*t right, when i get it right f*cken bust it.
RadicalModerate 07-05-2012, 12:20 AM And a couple more On-Topic Audio Clips in Honor of Independence Day
(and what it means and so forth)
From back around '69 or'70 when I was more "radically political" =)
(and actually bought this Inspiring LP . . . =)
"There is nothing new under the sun . . .
It is all vanity . . ."
Including the words of this dead Jew junkie who tried to put all this non-sense in context . . .
I'm fairly sure that Crispus Attucks would agree . . .
Larry OKC 07-05-2012, 07:51 AM They are not any worse than most of the rest of the garbage on TV. Are we learning good, moral lessons from two and a half men?
1) Charlie (the character) often had consequences for his actions. In the end he learned (the hard way) that his lifestyle eventually did catch up with him when one of his numerous lady friends ended up pushing him on the tracks hit by a train.
2) Charlie (the actor) hopefully learned not to call your boss (writer, executive producer etc) out and not expect there to be consequences.
Swake2 07-05-2012, 11:31 AM Vulgar musicians are nothing new.
RadicalModerate 07-05-2012, 11:48 AM So . . . Apparently these so-called "thugganstawannbee" "musicianspissindissinfromatree" are actually trying to "act white" . . .
Very interesting . . . Maybe they should have picked a role model who didn't put so many m*****f****n' notes in his compositions.
Just the facts 07-05-2012, 12:00 PM "White culture." That's a bad thing for many blacks, HWTJ. You can't "act white" you know.
This young black girl has it spot-on.
Is that the new urban-malt Capri Sun she has?
Maynard 07-05-2012, 12:20 PM Is that the new urban-malt Capri Sun she has?
RadicalModerate 07-05-2012, 12:21 PM 2:26 = Punch Line.
RadicalModerate 07-06-2012, 11:06 PM Oh! Dr. King, Stokley Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X, and Fred Sanford asked me to post this as a message against Black Exploitation Teleblindness . . .