View Full Version : Cannabis

Jeremy Martin
09-06-2022, 05:26 PM
Ever notice all the dispensary's next to the states boarders? We have tons of product that is purchased here and immediately taken out of the state and we already get the sales tax revenue from those purchases. However, I think we would see a significant sales tax increase if we did open it up to recreational at this point. I've talked with people in the industry and they all say that a very significant amount of the product they grow/produce is not intended for sale in OK. And, if you live in OK we all know it's basically recreational now.

09-06-2022, 06:31 PM
Ever notice all the dispensary's next to the states boarders? We have tons of product that is purchased here and immediately taken out of the state and we already get the sales tax revenue from those purchases. However, I think we would see a significant sales tax increase if we did open it up to recreational at this point. I've talked with people in the industry and they all say that a very significant amount of the product they grow/produce is not intended for sale in OK. And, if you live in OK we all know it's basically recreational now.

Are you saying Oklahoman's with a MM card are purchasing it by the boarder and transporting across state lines? And distributing it?

Bill Robertson
09-06-2022, 07:17 PM
Are you saying Oklahoman's with a MM card are purchasing it by the boarder and transporting across state lines? And distributing it?If so that would be a felony I believe. And no non citizen of Oklahoma can get an Oklahoma medical card.

09-06-2022, 09:43 PM
If so that would be a felony I believe. And no non citizen of Oklahoma can get an Oklahoma medical card.

That was my point and asking for clarification. Stating that dispensaries are set up by the border and possibly non residents are coming into Oklahoma, purchasing and returning home which can't be done. Or Oklahoman's with cards purchasing and distributing across the boarder which would be no different than dealing.

Jeremy Martin
09-06-2022, 10:57 PM
Are you saying Oklahoman's with a MM card are purchasing it by the boarder and transporting across state lines? And distributing it?
Something like that. Not sure of the process but if I had to guess I would say multiple people with a card go to multiple dispensaries close by and purchase the limit each day. That product then leaves the state to be sold again elsewhere. Every small town along the boarder has at least one dispensary. Are we to believe that these small towns that have trouble supporting a grocery store have the demand for 2-3 dispensaries? I don't even smoke but I can see the benefit to the state of making recreational weed a thing in the state. It basically is now for OK residents so let's capture the additional $ from all the people from the surrounding states who come to the boarder casinos.
Most of us know someone with a MM card that will purchase products for friends/family who do not have one. Why would we think that some are also not doing it to make some $ and take the product out of the state.

09-07-2022, 07:20 AM
Something like that. Not sure of the process but if I had to guess I would say multiple people with a card go to multiple dispensaries close by and purchase the limit each day. That product then leaves the state to be sold again elsewhere. Every small town along the boarder has at least one dispensary. Are we to believe that these small towns that have trouble supporting a grocery store have the demand for 2-3 dispensaries? I don't even smoke but I can see the benefit to the state of making recreational weed a thing in the state. It basically is now for OK residents so let's capture the additional $ from all the people from the surrounding states who come to the boarder casinos.
Most of us know someone with a MM card that will purchase products for friends/family who do not have one. Why would we think that some are also not doing it to make some $ and take the product out of the state.

Buying some and handing it to a friend, while still illegal, is different from transporting across state lines and selling it for profit. I also have no idea what the going rate is on the illegal market, but would it even be worth it?

Also, don't some medical states allow reciprocity with a visitor's medical card? Seems I've heard of it but admit it could be total fiction.

Plutonic Panda
09-07-2022, 07:32 AM
I guess the experts have weighed in and determined placing the recreational marijuana question on the state ballot would benefit democrats. Who knew?

Jeremy Martin
09-07-2022, 08:31 AM
Transporting across state lines happens everyday in every state in the US. We don't think about that in OK anymore because we have more dispensaries that CO and CA combined. I am obviously just guessing here but if I were a person who sold illicit products in north Texas it seems to me that driving 45 min to the OK boarder to pick up my product is much more convenient than purchasing from someone who might be associated with a cartel.

09-07-2022, 12:16 PM
I've heard up to 60% of the Republican legislators at the state capitol don't mind if rec marijuana is legalized in Oklahoma. They just don't want to be associated with making it happen, especially if it somehow goes wrong.

They are afraid of being primaried -- as they would be. That's why any meaningful legislation not associated with culture wars is decided by voters through state questions, not the legislature.

09-07-2022, 02:37 PM
If so that would be a felony I believe. And no non citizen of Oklahoma can get an Oklahoma medical card.

That is not true, Any person that has a medical card in another state can apply for a temporary 30 day OKMMJ card so they can legally get what they need while in Oklahoma. My friend living SF has had a temporary card each time he comes home to visit.

Pretty sure the temp out of state card is going to change from 30 days to 6 months. of,available%20to%20adults%20and%20minors.

Bill Robertson
09-07-2022, 03:02 PM
That is not true, Any person that has a medical card in another state can apply for a temporary 30 day OKMMJ card so they can legally get what they need while in Oklahoma. My friend living SF has had a temporary card each time he comes home to visit.

Pretty sure the temp out of state card is going to change from 30 days to 6 months. of,available%20to%20adults%20and%20minors.
I should have been more clear. No non citizen of Oklahoma who doesn't have a medical card or is from a state that doesn't have med cards cannot get an Oklahoma card. And someone with a card buying products and selling them to someone that can't get one is illegal. And that's what the conversation was assuming is the reason for having dispensaries on the border.

09-07-2022, 06:28 PM
Transporting across state lines happens everyday in every state in the US. We don't think about that in OK anymore because we have more dispensaries that CO and CA combined. I am obviously just guessing here but if I were a person who sold illicit products in north Texas it seems to me that driving 45 min to the OK boarder to pick up my product is much more convenient than purchasing from someone who might be associated with a cartel.

Right, but you were talking about medical cardholders buying and reselling product across state lines as it compares to a cardholder buying product and giving it to family and friends. One is a lot more prevalent than the other, I would assume, because the laws are much stricter when it crosses state lines.

I'm still not sure how prevalent your scenario is since the first thing you would lose in that instance is your ability to hold a medical card, in addition to whatever laws are broken. Would a medical cardholder make enough money in this scenario to make it worth it? Would the dealer? I have no idea about the illegal market, so those are honest questions.

Jeremy Martin
09-07-2022, 09:32 PM
All valid questions, I would like to know as well.
I do know a person who works at a processing plant in Ok and he has told me that a substantial portion of his processed oil goes to the NE US.
Thinking about his business that does this it seems extremely probable that he is not the only one. For me it's info like that that helps explain the dispensaries clustered around the boarders.
With all of that said, just make recreational legal so we can capture some additional revenue from all the Texans that come to the boarder casinos.

09-08-2022, 01:31 AM
We make our state laws for our state. If any state is perplexed and confused, they can figure it out.

09-08-2022, 07:39 AM
All valid questions, I would like to know as well.
I do know a person who works at a processing plant in Ok and he has told me that a substantial portion of his processed oil goes to the NE US.
Thinking about his business that does this it seems extremely probable that he is not the only one. For me it's info like that that helps explain the dispensaries clustered around the boarders.
With all of that said, just make recreational legal so we can capture some additional revenue from all the Texans that come to the boarder casinos.

I'm still not following the logic, though. Your friend at the processing plant sending product to NE US is much more likely to be prevalent than medical cardholders buying their daily allotment of product and cruising to another state to sell it. I can certainly see wanting to load up one last time on your way to an illegal state, for personal use, which would still be illegal, but I would think that's the biggest reason the dispos are on the border, which is usually devoid of anything of interest.

Of course, I have no facts to back up any of this, just thinking out loud. Have you seen reports of medical cardholders buying in bulk and reselling? If I were a cardholder, I wouldn't want to jeopardize my access just to make a few dollars.

09-08-2022, 08:31 AM
All valid questions, I would like to know as well.
I do know a person who works at a processing plant in Ok and he has told me that a substantial portion of his processed oil goes to the NE US.
Thinking about his business that does this it seems extremely probable that he is not the only one. For me it's info like that that helps explain the dispensaries clustered around the boarders.
With all of that said, just make recreational legal so we can capture some additional revenue from all the Texans that come to the boarder casinos.

your friend admitting that his employer is engaging in felony criminal activity is maybe not the smartest thing ..

09-08-2022, 08:42 AM
Well the seed to sale tracking is supposed to clean up some inventory "slippage", at least in theory

09-08-2022, 09:03 AM
Does anybody know how to find out if the OMMA database is accessible by any entities during a background search? I've emailed them, but have gotten no response. I believe that it's *not*, according to what was said a while back by them (law enforcement was trying to get access, but OMMA said no, it's not shareable, IIRC), and want to confirm what was said up-thread that other agencies are getting access now. Or is this something a news organization should take up because I'm just a normal citizen and they won't give me the time of day?

09-08-2022, 09:13 AM
Does anybody know how to find out if the OMMA database is accessible by any entities during a background search? I've emailed them, but have gotten no response. I believe that it's *not*, according to what was said a while back by them (law enforcement was trying to get access, but OMMA said no, it's not shareable, IIRC), and want to confirm what was said up-thread that other agencies are getting access now. Or is this something a news organization should take up because I'm just a normal citizen and they won't give me the time of day?

it absolutely is accessible .. for federal investigations ..

09-08-2022, 09:14 AM
it absolutely is accessible .. for federal investigations ..

How do you know that, and why won't OMMA confirm that? And it seems like if it is, the Feds could just vacuum up the entire database and charge every person with a federal crime (if they wanted to)?

09-08-2022, 09:34 AM
How do you know that, and why won't OMMA confirm that? And it seems like if it is, the Feds could just vacuum up the entire database and charge every person with a federal crime (if they wanted to)?

talking about background not criminal (i don't know anything about that area)

and the feds (ATF/FBI ect) could absolutely arrest everyone who sells/grows/uses med or rec in every state and charge them with felonies. (but the current policy is not to) keep in mind having a med card is not a crime federally .. .

09-08-2022, 10:57 AM
How do you know that, and why won't OMMA confirm that? And it seems like if it is, the Feds could just vacuum up the entire database and charge every person with a federal crime (if they wanted to)?

That particular set of information is kept in various locations, due to the way OMMA/OkHealthDept choose to do the licensing. From a data protection perspective, it is very unlikely that much is done to ensure that the information collected by the interested agencies is protected to any given standard... as there is no Federal standard for such data. It is not HIPPA data, no matter how many ways the facts are twisted. I suspect that if a particular entity wanted access to the information contained in those databases, a good old-fashioned phone a friend would be all it would take to get a quick lookup done. As far as OMMA ever making any statement on the record regarding information they may or may not hold on Federal drug felons... well, there you are. If it concerns you regarding your employment, don't do it. There is a carve out in the "Unity Bill" (ugh) that allows businesses to state that a particular position of employment is "safety sensitive" and can use that in their hiring/termination process. It will be interesting to see what if anything changes on that front if full legalization is implemented.

09-08-2022, 10:59 AM
The Feds should be involved in interstate crime and banking fraud. All they have to do is decriminalize marijuana on a federal level.

Plutonic Panda
09-08-2022, 11:03 AM
The Feds should be involved in interstate crime and banking fraud. All they have to do is decriminalize marijuana on a federal level.
It’s very odd that this hasn’t already been done. Decriminalization at the very least(not even full legalization) seems to have across the board support from all angles. Or at least it seems that way. But I don’t know much about the process and just how much effort it would take to do that.

Bill Robertson
09-08-2022, 11:05 AM
Does anybody know how to find out if the OMMA database is accessible by any entities during a background search? I've emailed them, but have gotten no response. I believe that it's *not*, according to what was said a while back by them (law enforcement was trying to get access, but OMMA said no, it's not shareable, IIRC), and want to confirm what was said up-thread that other agencies are getting access now. Or is this something a news organization should take up because I'm just a normal citizen and they won't give me the time of day?I don't think anyone tells the Fed Govt investigators no.

09-08-2022, 11:25 AM
It’s very odd that this hasn’t already been done. Decriminalization at the very least(not even full legalization) seems to have across the board support from all angles. Or at least it seems that way. But I don’t know much about the process and just how much effort it would take to do that.

I believe all it takes is a federal bill to become law or an Executive Branch petition/decision and there have been many attempts. Yeah, that's "all" it takes, absolutely ridiculous that it's been attempted an insane number of times and still fails. No doubt it's law enforcement that's pulling the strings behind the scenes to have it not descheduled, they'd lose millions, if not billions, of "revenue" from drug busts/seizures. led_Substances_Act

09-08-2022, 11:39 AM
There is too much money made in keeping cannabis illegal, at the federal level. Money is the root of EVERY law in America. So if you have to ask, there is your answer.

09-08-2022, 11:45 AM
The Feds can enforce the law at any time.

Jersey Boss
09-08-2022, 11:48 AM
I don't think anyone tells the Fed Govt investigators no.
There seems to be a certain previous elected official who is quite adept at telling Fed Govt investigators "no". Js

Jersey Boss
09-08-2022, 11:52 AM
talking about background not criminal (i don't know anything about that area)

and the feds (ATF/FBI ect) could absolutely arrest everyone who sells/grows/uses med or rec in every state and charge them with felonies. (but the current policy is not to) keep in mind having a med card is not a crime federally .. .

Having a card is not a crime federally, it is a crime to use. In that same construct it is not a crime to have a medical card when applying to purchase a gun. But lying on the background check form that you are not a user is.

09-08-2022, 11:54 AM
It is a very interesting reason to nullify arguments.

09-14-2022, 11:41 AM
Today or tomorrow may mark the 10 business day protest window...

Interested to see what happens

09-14-2022, 07:33 PM
Looks like there is a challenge one the basis that signatures collected on sovereign Indian land are not valid. It's obvious the powers that be do not wanna live up to their end of the deal and do not want this on the ballot during this election.

09-15-2022, 07:51 AM
Looks like there is a challenge one the basis that signatures collected on sovereign Indian land are not valid. It's obvious the powers that be do not wanna live up to their end of the deal and do not want this on the ballot during this election.

that is interesting .. . .

09-15-2022, 08:14 AM
Both challenges seem weak. But considering the SC would have just 4 business days to decide on them seems like it will be effective in keeping it off the ballot by the deadline. Which by the way it seems insane to require ballots to be printed 48 days in advance of the election.

09-15-2022, 08:28 AM
Mike Reynolds challenge will get tossed right away, he thinks he needs to challenge the signatures which isn't true they have already been verified and Paul Tay is a joke.

Neither challenge will stand.

09-15-2022, 09:28 AM
that is interesting .. . .


09-16-2022, 08:43 AM
... Which by the way it seems insane to require ballots to be printed 48 days in advance of the election.

Ballots have to be printed, delivered, stuffed and mailed out for overseas and absentee voters in enough time for them to be mailed back.

09-16-2022, 08:51 AM
Ballots have to be printed, delivered, stuffed and mailed out for overseas and absentee voters in enough time for them to be mailed back.

they have to mailed by the 23red which is all next week

09-16-2022, 01:57 PM
I've never used marijuana but I'm thinking about it considering the current I hope it makes it on the ballot and gets approved, because we all probably need a little calming effect.

09-16-2022, 02:08 PM
I've never used marijuana but I'm thinking about it considering the current I hope it makes it on the ballot and gets approved, because we all probably need a little calming effect.

start low and slow...cannabis is way stronger than in the 90's or even the aughts as far as flower goes.

Edibles can get as strong as they can make them in this state, most states have a 100mg limit with ten pieces that are each 10mgs

09-16-2022, 02:12 PM
I've never used marijuana but I'm thinking about it considering the current I hope it makes it on the ballot and gets approved, because we all probably need a little calming effect.

So not to crush your hopes but its not. Stitt and the signature verification is just bold faced croneyism. The process has also more likely than not been corrupted by phone calls and winks betweennthe oklahoma supreme court and the governors office

09-16-2022, 02:46 PM
So not to crush your hopes but its not. Stitt and the signature verification is just bold faced croneyism. The process has also more likely than not been corrupted by phone calls and winks betweennthe oklahoma supreme court and the governors office

You are probably right but you can't say for sure. I'm hopeful because the supreme court could have said we aren't going to get involved and that would have been it but the SC of OK said we will wait until the 10 day period is up.

09-16-2022, 02:47 PM

09-16-2022, 02:56 PM
You are probably right but you can't say for sure. I'm hopeful because the supreme court could have said we aren't going to get involved and that would have been it but the SC of OK said we will wait until the 10 day period is up.

With two senators on the line it would be a a malpractice to not employ some dirty trick especially with how poorly stitt is doing., last thing he needs is every progressive in the state showing up to vote

09-18-2022, 12:35 PM
One of the dismissed complaints came from a former Oklahoma lawmaker, Mike Reynolds, who alleged that a recently enacted state law on election integrity made it a “practical impossibility” to review signatures because, he said, they’ve been made inaccessible without taking legal action to review.

The court pointed out that, by Reynolds’s own admission, he was able to get a digitized version of petition “hours after” filing out the application according to statute. And his request for an additional 10 days to challenge the measure after reviewing the signatures would “violate both legislative intent and the plain language of the statue,” the Court said.

09-18-2022, 06:28 PM

Good news!

09-21-2022, 02:51 PM
No ballot this gear. Not that anyone thought it would. Definitely some electioneering happening today

Secretary of State Election Board Paul Ziriax is saying that but the OK supreme court can rule against him but I have a hard time believing they will. After all it is Oklahoma and political corruption that has no interest in representing their constituents only their donors and the corrupt OKFB AG PAC is to blame for this b'll sh't they do not want adult use cannabis

edit: well hell, just saw this

09-21-2022, 11:06 PM
We now have a 2 year road of politics. The larger argument will be to eradicate citizen petitions. The Marijuana initiative will be used to enhance the positions.

09-22-2022, 08:31 AM

This article is blocked by a pay wall. But the fact is the organizations pushing this did everything right and yet our elected and appointed leaders still found a way to keep this off the ballot in November. This isn't right and it doesn't matter who this would help or hurt in November. The people have a right to get a referendum on the ballot and it's pretty filthy that our government is afraid to let us vote on issues that we see as important.

09-22-2022, 11:06 AM
I deleted a bunch of purely political posts.

I realize how hard it is to separate politics from issues such as this, but for obvious reasons, this type of rhetoric cannot be allowed. This site has been a better and more even-tempered place since we suspended the politics forum.

I also realize when we have to get involved in deleting that people on both sides will see this as some sort of bias.

09-22-2022, 09:12 PM
The people who didn't want the people who would vote for this to vote managed to use the system to keep this off the ballot. Hope that's not too political.

09-22-2022, 11:00 PM
A well monitored and enforced political forum with clearly defined guidelines required to follow would be interesting and informative, along with being one of the busiest parts of the forum site. If monitored strictly enough, it would not have to turn toxic and reflect poorly on the rest of the site. Personal attacks, racism and hate for starters would never be tolerated and quickly deleted. Repeat offenders banned. Advertisers and many members would appreciate that part of it.

09-22-2022, 11:09 PM
The people who didn't want the people who would vote for this to vote managed to use the system to keep this off the ballot. Hope that's not too political.

It's probably just as well. In the summer of 2018, Soonerpoll found that 62% of Oklahomans it polled were somewhat to strongly opposed to legalizing rec marijuana. However, that was 4 years ago. It's probably time to take a new poll on that. Soonerpoll did correctly predict from its polling that SQ788 would likely pass. Anyway, I don't sense anywhere as much strong support for legalizing rec marijuana as I did for legalizing medical marijuana. I wasn't surprised petitions for 818 and 819 got nowhere from promoters not having much money. When will it ever be learned that you have to have plenty of financial support to compensate signature takers when it comes to the greatly increased signatures required for a state constitutional change.

09-22-2022, 11:34 PM
These people just want to make an issue about citizen petitions. Your governor will tell you that is all about out of state political fiends.

09-22-2022, 11:35 PM

09-23-2022, 12:05 PM
It's probably just as well. In the summer of 2018, Soonerpoll found that 62% of Oklahomans it polled were somewhat to strongly opposed to legalizing rec marijuana. However, that was 4 years ago. It's probably time to take a new poll on that. Soonerpoll did correctly predict from its polling that SQ788 would likely pass. Anyway, I don't sense anywhere as much strong support for legalizing rec marijuana as I did for legalizing medical marijuana. I wasn't surprised petitions for 818 and 819 got nowhere from promoters not having much money. When will it ever be learned that you have to have plenty of financial support to compensate signature takers when it comes to the greatly increased signatures required for a state constitutional change.

That sooner poll was way off, 788 passed with 57% and you are wrong about the support for recreational cannabis. 820 received way more signatures than needed.

More people consume cannabis in this country than you can imagine it is more prominent than alcohol but since it is still illegal in a lot of states people keep it private. The people that put out 818 and 819 were not very organized.

Funny, everytime adult use cannabis is put on a ballot in a state it passes.

09-23-2022, 01:13 PM
That sooner poll was way off, 788 passed with 57% and you are wrong about the support for recreational cannabis. 820 received way more signatures than needed.

More people consume cannabis in this country than you can imagine it is more prominent than alcohol but since it is still illegal in a lot of states people keep it private. The people that put out 818 and 819 were not very organized.

Funny, everytime adult use cannabis is put on a ballot in a state it passes.

No wonder why 820 got more signatures. It got funded from an out of state organization so volunteer signature takers could get compensated. SQ 788 couldn't get so much as dime from any out of state cannabis organizations, such as MPP or NORML. If it wasn't for the highly devoted determination for unpaid volunteers for SQ 788 to keep a tent open to take signatures every day at NW Expressway and the entrance to Hefner Park, there would not have been enough signatures. For a time, they even kept it open 24 hours a day until the city stopped it by making them take the tent down during park curfew hours. That is a legendary part of the story for successfully getting SQ 788 to the ballot. I wonder if there was a tent there taking signatures for 820.

Yes, the Soonerpoll could be way off, especially for now after 4 years of legal medical cannabis. But then maybe not.

I wonder if promoters for 818 and 819 tried asking MPP or NORML for money but were denied.

09-23-2022, 03:53 PM
No wonder why 820 got more signatures. It got funded from an out of state organization so volunteer signature takers could get compensated. SQ 788 couldn't get so much as dime from any out of state cannabis organizations, such as MPP or NORML. If it wasn't for the highly devoted determination for unpaid volunteers for SQ 788 to keep a tent open to take signatures every day at NW Expressway and the entrance to Hefner Park, there would not have been enough signatures. For a time, they even kept it open 24 hours a day until the city stopped it by making them take the tent down during park curfew hours. That is a legendary part of the story for successfully getting SQ 788 to the ballot. I wonder if there was a tent there taking signatures for 820.

Yes, the Soonerpoll could be way off, especially for now after 4 years of legal medical cannabis. But then maybe not.

I wonder if promoters for 818 and 819 tried asking MPP or NORML for money but were denied.

Yeah, people for 788 busted their butts but now you have to realize with a million dispensaries in the state now, getting signatures for 820 was a peace of cake.

I was walking home from the annual paseo arts festival when I was approached and asked to sign and I signed.

OK will have adult use cannabis in 2023 and for sure 2024

this is interesting

Plutonic Panda
09-26-2022, 06:42 PM
So Oklahoma is basically turning itself into an authoritarian type state: