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01-16-2019, 03:29 PM
And so it begins.

Tl;Dr - it gives counties the option to completely ban marijuana and even to arrest cardholders. In addition, it removes employment protections for cardholders.

It will be interesting to see if he amends it so that those caught with marijuana but have license are exempt. I doubt a county would want to jail patients with difficult medical conditions. If not amended, or better thrown out, it remains as an attack on medical marijuana patients.

01-16-2019, 03:49 PM
It will be interesting to see if he amends it so that those caught with marijuana but have license are exempt. I doubt a county would want to jail patients with difficult medical conditions. If not amended, or better thrown out, it remains as an attack on medical marijuana patients.

Also if any patients were jailed in these backwoods counties wouldn't the authorities be required to give the perp their medical MJ while in jail?

01-16-2019, 03:52 PM
Oklahoma County jail has enough problems paying contractors for basic medical care of inmates; you can imagine the legal expense they would incur should they have to ship inmates to local hospitals--not to mention the security that would accompany the inmate.

01-16-2019, 04:08 PM
I don't see why jails would have an obligation to provide or allow use of medical marijuana. Any more than an in-patient at a hospital can expect it to be provided.

01-16-2019, 07:17 PM
Just emailed my Rep. and Sen. to ask them to vote against it.

01-17-2019, 08:31 AM

01-17-2019, 09:18 AM
It will be interesting to see if he amends it so that those caught with marijuana but have license are exempt.

According to a TW article, that seems to be his plan.

Casey Murdock said, though, that he plans to amend the bill to ensure licensees in counties that opt out won’t be harassed for having medical marijuana, whether homegrown or purchased legally. Murdock also told the World he anticipates incorporating a grandfather clause so businesses in operation won’t have to close if their respective counties later decide to opt out.

All this being said, there's nothing to say this bill will even get heard, or out of committee.

01-17-2019, 02:00 PM
The grandfather clause is surely to make a relative of his happy, who has a med marijuana operation in his district. How cool. The relative won't have to face any new competition.

01-17-2019, 02:20 PM
The grandfather clause is surely to make a relative of his happy, who has a med marijuana operation in his district. How cool. The relative won't have to face any new competition.

I thought the same thing when I saw the relative was opposing this bill. I'm like, dude, shut up and take the good thing when you get it.

01-17-2019, 06:04 PM

I wonder what kind of regulations we can expect. Qualifying conditions? THC limits? Ban on certain types of products (like Arkansas)?

01-17-2019, 06:18 PM

I wonder what kind of regulations we can expect. Qualifying conditions? THC limits? Ban on certain types of products (like Arkansas)?

I really hope they go to the multitude of states that have already done this, both medically and recreationally and take the successful parts of what they've done. We're not the first ones that have done this and do not need to start from the ground up or do really stupid things (like entertain the option of banning it county-by-county)! :doh:

01-17-2019, 06:42 PM
I think there are things that need to be changed/clarified but I'm very concerned they are going to attempt more Reefer Madness bullstitt. I'm worried about a Utah situation happening here, where the LDS church managed to lobby and overrule the will of the people. The MMJ program they ended up with is extremely restrictive.

01-18-2019, 02:53 PM

They want to allow limits on the amount of THC product that can be purchased each month. Seems to me this would be a very difficult thing to actually implement. Maybe I'm wrong though. Does the OMMA currently track purchases for cardholders?

01-18-2019, 04:53 PM

They want to allow limits on the amount of THC product that can be purchased each month. Seems to me this would be a very difficult thing to actually implement. Maybe I'm wrong though. Does the OMMA currently track purchases for cardholders?

And how exactly are they going to measure the exact amount of THC each product contains? I don't think OK is at that stage of technology yet, but I could be wrong. Anyway, another bill I get to send emails to my Sen. and Rep. about, thankfully they're Hicks and Walke, so they'll probably vote the correct way on it if it makes it to the floors. :(

01-18-2019, 08:13 PM
Seems sort of meaningless. It's up to the doctor if a limit is set. I cant see any of the current ones wanting to set limits. Maybe this would get more mainstream doctors to make MM recommendations?

01-18-2019, 11:16 PM
Seems sort of meaningless. It's up to the doctor if a limit is set. I cant see any of the current ones wanting to set limits. Maybe this would get more mainstream doctors to make MM recommendations?

I seriously doubt mainstream doctors associated with a big hospital group would make MM recommendations - my doctor is affiliated with Mercy and he said he believes in MM, but he suspects Mercy won't let any of their doctors sign off on MM. Figure it'll be the same way for Integris, etc.

01-19-2019, 04:10 AM
And how exactly are they going to measure the exact amount of THC each product contains? I don't think OK is at that stage of technology yet, but I could be wrong. Anyway, another bill I get to send emails to my Sen. and Rep. about, thankfully they're Hicks and Walke, so they'll probably vote the correct way on it if it makes it to the floors. :(

I don't have an Oklahoma MM card and have no plans to get one. That said, when I was buying regulated THC products in Colorado, during my cancer treatment, the products were clearly labeled with how much THC was in each serving (edibles, shorties, etc.). In fact, as a recreational buyer there is a limit. The seller adds up the total amount of THC you have purchased and cuts you off at a certain point. Of course, nothing keeps you from going from one shop to the next, to the next, etc.... Most were in 5 or 10MG serving sizes. Each dispensary then had to put their own unique label on each product as it was purchased.

01-19-2019, 08:16 AM
You can measure THC amounts through lab testing.

Some dispensaries and growers use testing and some don't. This law would make it necessary for them all to do testing through a certified lab.

01-19-2019, 02:44 PM
You can measure THC amounts through lab testing.

Some dispensaries and growers use testing and some don't. This law would make it necessary for them all to do testing through a certified lab.

Yeah, that's kind of what I meant - I know it's possible, but I don't think every dispensary in OK has the means to do that yet, seems like some are barely getting by right now monetarily (I could be wrong on that, though).

01-19-2019, 10:54 PM
I seriously doubt mainstream doctors associated with a big hospital group would make MM recommendations - my doctor is affiliated with Mercy and he said he believes in MM, but he suspects Mercy won't let any of their doctors sign off on MM. Figure it'll be the same way for Integris, etc.

Many doctors won't recommend marijuana as long as it remains Schedule 1. Hopefully, Congress changes that this year.

01-25-2019, 07:00 PM
The most worrisome bill yet regarding SQ788. Still it isn't as bad as it could be. Some of these are reasonable such as the ban on public smoking but others are troubling such as the removal of employment and housing protections. Also very troubling is the recriminalization for people caught with less than 1.5 oz and without their card on them (regardless if they are a patient). As usual, if this passes Oklahoma will be moving backwards in relation of where the rest of the country is going.

Everyone who voted yes on 788 and doesn't want to see it gutted needs to be vigilant and needs to contact their representative and Governor Stitt to make their voice heard.

Here's what it does.

SQ 788 ensures patients who have not yet obtained their state license but are found to be in possession of less than 1.5 ounces of marijuana would face only a misdemeanor charge and $400 fine. Paxton’s measure would instead institute those penalties for a licensed patient who is not in possession of their state-issued card at the time of the law enforcement action. Those who have no patient license would be subject to the same criminal law as before SQ788.

SQ 788 seals patient applications and ensures no personal information is retained for the state’s digital records of patient licenses. Paxton’s measure would have the state retain all information from patient applications, but the records would still be sealed.

Paxton’s measure would allow municipalities to enact ordinances banning patients from smoking or vaping anywhere that’s not a private residence.

SQ788 protects patients from being punished by employers, refused by schools and declined by landlords “unless failing to do so would imminently cause (the employer, school or renter) to lose a monetary or licensing related benefit under federal law or regulations.” Paxton’s measure would remove “imminently,” instead saying “the potential” to lose money is enough to allow patient discrimination.

Paxton’s measure would add a classification of employees not protected as patients if they are in a “safety-sensitive position.” Those employees could be fired upon a positive test for marijuana or a determination that the employee holds a patient card.

SQ788 states that municipalities cannot change laws to prevent the opening of a retail marijuana establishment. Paxton’s measure adds language clarifying that clause but would establish that growers and processors may be prohibited, by ordinance, from opening within the limits of a city or county.

SQ788 states that medical marijuana establishments may not be located within 1,000 feet of a school entrance. Paxton would have that changed to include only dispensaries in the distance requirement.

SQ788 established what’s been called a gross receipts tax of 7 percent on retail medical marijuana sales. Paxton would specifically call that a sales tax and add language that ensures municipalities would be permitted to add additional local sales tax on medical marijuana. (Note: A lawsuit over the established tax structure is pending, as Oklahoma Tax Commission is instructing retailers to collect not only the 7 percent tax but also a 4.5 percent Oklahoma state sales tax.)

01-25-2019, 07:16 PM
Take cash. They are not kidding about extra tax and fees. $3.50, for using my Check Card. There are pre printed lines for, THC, CBD and CBN, just no numbers. For now. Use the Weedmaps app to find and check out the ratings for a good Dispensary. I have tried three and I recommend Very clean and high tech. Friendly and knowledgeable. A mice addition for that part of Western.

01-31-2019, 11:32 AM
Just got approved yesterday for my MMJ card. Anybody who has a card recommend a good dispensary in the north OKC area?

Jersey Boss
01-31-2019, 11:40 AM
This link will provide more answers than any other source.

01-31-2019, 11:46 AM
Out of curiosity, is it kosher to discuss pricing and selection/quality of specific dispensaries here?

01-31-2019, 12:04 PM
Just got approved yesterday for my MMJ card. Anybody who has a card recommend a good dispensary in the north OKC area?

Midtown Cannabis and Sage Wellness. I also highly recommend CannaSouth on the south side. They aren't on weedmaps but their quality is extremely high and their prices are good.

02-03-2019, 08:19 PM
Out of curiosity, is it kosher to discuss pricing and selection/quality of specific dispensaries here?

Why not? It's legal.

02-03-2019, 11:19 PM
More Dispensaries are growing their web presence every day. You can use weedmaps to locate ones in your area.

02-04-2019, 08:10 AM
Why not? It's legal.

Making sure. For me it would be helpful. It's easy to find dispensaries with online listings, but finding inventory, strains, prices, etc is trickier. Reddit helps some.

02-04-2019, 08:51 AM
Making sure. For me it would be helpful. It's easy to find dispensaries with online listings, but finding inventory, strains, prices, etc is trickier. Reddit helps some.

on this particular thread... i think it would not be the best place... i would think creating a separate thread just for it. as this one is more about the legalization process and movement.

02-04-2019, 06:48 PM
The most worrisome bill yet regarding SQ788. Still it isn't as bad as it could be. Some of these are reasonable such as the ban on public smoking but others are troubling such as the removal of employment and housing protections. Also very troubling is the recriminalization for people caught with less than 1.5 oz and without their card on them (regardless if they are a patient). As usual, if this passes Oklahoma will be moving backwards in relation of where the rest of the country is going.

Everyone who voted yes on 788 and doesn't want to see it gutted needs to be vigilant and needs to contact their representative and Governor Stitt to make their voice heard.

Here's what it does.

SQ 788 ensures patients who have not yet obtained their state license but are found to be in possession of less than 1.5 ounces of marijuana would face only a misdemeanor charge and $400 fine. Paxton’s measure would instead institute those penalties for a licensed patient who is not in possession of their state-issued card at the time of the law enforcement action. Those who have no patient license would be subject to the same criminal law as before SQ788.

SQ 788 seals patient applications and ensures no personal information is retained for the state’s digital records of patient licenses. Paxton’s measure would have the state retain all information from patient applications, but the records would still be sealed.

Paxton’s measure would allow municipalities to enact ordinances banning patients from smoking or vaping anywhere that’s not a private residence.

SQ788 protects patients from being punished by employers, refused by schools and declined by landlords “unless failing to do so would imminently cause (the employer, school or renter) to lose a monetary or licensing related benefit under federal law or regulations.” Paxton’s measure would remove “imminently,” instead saying “the potential” to lose money is enough to allow patient discrimination.

Paxton’s measure would add a classification of employees not protected as patients if they are in a “safety-sensitive position.” Those employees could be fired upon a positive test for marijuana or a determination that the employee holds a patient card.

SQ788 states that municipalities cannot change laws to prevent the opening of a retail marijuana establishment. Paxton’s measure adds language clarifying that clause but would establish that growers and processors may be prohibited, by ordinance, from opening within the limits of a city or county.

SQ788 states that medical marijuana establishments may not be located within 1,000 feet of a school entrance. Paxton would have that changed to include only dispensaries in the distance requirement.

SQ788 established what’s been called a gross receipts tax of 7 percent on retail medical marijuana sales. Paxton would specifically call that a sales tax and add language that ensures municipalities would be permitted to add additional local sales tax on medical marijuana. (Note: A lawsuit over the established tax structure is pending, as Oklahoma Tax Commission is instructing retailers to collect not only the 7 percent tax but also a 4.5 percent Oklahoma state sales tax.)

Thanks for posting bchris - Here's to hoping Paxton get's Yen'd. Heck, who knows... maybe we'll get lucky and he'll "Pull a Shortey"!

02-04-2019, 07:29 PM
One of the news shows in Denver has been reporting on a semi truck stopped in Pawhuska with charges for a huge pot bust. Authorities claim its pot while the trucker and a support car driver who owned the stuff claims its hemp. lts either the biggest pot bust in ok history per our news, or just a hemp truck on its way to Dallas. Those busted claim they were on their way from Denver to Dallas. My question is if they are going from Denver to Dallas, why are they in Pawhuska - not even close to a route they should be on? ls this being reported at all down there?

02-04-2019, 10:06 PM
One of the news shows in Denver has been reporting on a semi truck stopped in Pawhuska with charges for a huge pot bust. Authorities claim its pot while the trucker and a support car driver who owned the stuff claims its hemp. lts either the biggest pot bust in ok history per our news, or just a hemp truck on its way to Dallas. Those busted claim they were on their way from Denver to Dallas. My question is if they are going from Denver to Dallas, why are they in Pawhuska - not even close to a route they should be on? ls this being reported at all down there?
It's been pretty silly. The hemp is supposed to be sent to Colorado for more tests. Testing was delayed due to government shutdown. I thought the hemp was going to a Colorado company, rather than Dallas. Yeah, the truck should have taken the Cimarron Turnpike and turned right at I-35. Some of the law enforcement are going to be slow about giving up cannabis as a big money maker.

And then there is this. Two arrested truck drivers are legals from Africa with English only a 2nd language.

02-05-2019, 12:42 AM
They are reporting it here as Denver to Dallas. In any case, how and why they got to pawhuska is my biggest question. The fastest route to Dallas is thru Amarillo to Wichita Falls to Dallas. You don't even go thru OK. The extra fuel cost going where they are makes me suspicious.

Very sad about the drivers.

02-05-2019, 10:54 AM
Out of curiosity, how long did it take everybody to get their card and/or approval letter? I was seeing a lot of disgruntled people on Twitter last night saying how long it has taken to get their card. One person stated they submitted their application in December and got approved but haven't received their card yet. Is OMMA really that far behind?

02-05-2019, 11:03 PM
For most of my patients it is taking about 7-10 business days; this is provided there are no issues with the recommendation form and it was filled out correctly.

02-06-2019, 07:04 AM
I applied on 01/15, was approved on 01/31 and received my card on 02/04.

The OK Marijuana ( reddit has been a good resource, they have a patient application processing thread stickied in the mega thread. There seems like a lot of confusion as to whether it's business days or calendar days so seems like a lot of people are upset after 14 calendar days, which just seems silly. Also seems that most apps are going through and most of what are denied are due to submission issues such as not including the back of your DL or not taking the picture correctly according to their guidelines.

02-06-2019, 11:11 AM
My card took about 7 Days to arrive. That was last year, when they first started. It may be a case of overload.

Plutonic Panda
02-27-2019, 07:11 PM
Perhaps this thread title should be changed to something more relevant as it has been legalized for medicinal use.

02-27-2019, 09:47 PM
Or just take out the last three words. Minimal thread interruption.

02-27-2019, 10:38 PM
Or just take out the last three words. Minimal thread interruption.

Or the last 5 words. It's time to legalize Cannabis. Period.

02-28-2019, 12:58 PM
Or the last 5 words. It's time to legalize Cannabis. Period.

That would work too. Should still be easy to search for the thread.

05-06-2019, 07:34 PM
Searched a bit for a list of doctors that would do recommendations and didn't really find much, except for Is that, and the few ads that say they do doctor recommendations in the Gazette, about it or is there another site I'm missing?

05-06-2019, 08:36 PM
Searched a bit for a list of doctors that would do recommendations and didn't really find much, except for Is that, and the few ads that say they do doctor recommendations in the Gazette, about it or is there another site I'm missing?

You can find doctors on here. Leaf & Relief is where I went.

05-06-2019, 08:46 PM

You can find doctors on here. Leaf & Relief is where I went.

Thanks, and duh, been seeing their billboard literally a few blocks from our house, don't know why that didn't occur to me.

05-07-2019, 07:52 AM
Searched a bit for a list of doctors that would do recommendations and didn't really find much, except for Is that, and the few ads that say they do doctor recommendations in the Gazette, about it or is there another site I'm missing?

This is freaky, I was literally coming today to this thread to post this same exact question.

Weedmaps seems kind of hard to navigate. Is there a way to refine the options by rating, or by appointment costs? I'm really just looking for the cheapest option.

05-07-2019, 08:00 AM
This is freaky, I was literally coming today to this thread to post this same exact question.

Weedmaps seems kind of hard to navigate. Is there a way to refine the options by rating, or by appointment costs? I'm really just looking for the cheapest option.

There's not a great single listing I found. However, I watched for announcements on patient drives. I did mine where the doctor recommendation was $75 and it gave with $50 in credit at the dispensary. It's pretty easy to find recommendations/drives for about $100 most weekend in OKC. Plus they do drives whenever they hold the big events/conventions. I do know there is a doctors office on 23rd and Classen that always charges $99 (or $149 if you want help submitting your application).

For those not aware, none of this includes the actual fee you pay OMMA ($100).

05-07-2019, 09:17 AM
There's not a great single listing I found. However, I watched for announcements on patient drives. I did mine where the doctor recommendation was $75 and it gave with $50 in credit at the dispensary. It's pretty easy to find recommendations/drives for about $100 most weekend in OKC. Plus they do drives whenever they hold the big events/conventions. I do know there is a doctors office on 23rd and Classen that always charges $99 (or $149 if you want help submitting your application).

For those not aware, none of this includes the actual fee you pay OMMA ($100).

Thanks for the info!

How often do events/drives tend to happen? I know there probably isn't a big sample size to determine that.

05-07-2019, 09:32 AM
Over 108,000 patient licenses have already been issued for Oklahoma.

That's far more than anyone predicted and the number continues to grow quite rapidly.

05-07-2019, 09:44 AM
Thanks for the info!

How often do events/drives tend to happen? I know there probably isn't a big sample size to determine that.

I feel like the drives happen on a weekly basis for the past few months, although it's been quieter since 4/20 (so many did drives that day, plus there were two events that weekend, one downtown and one at the fairgrounds). They may go away at some point as there's been a couple of bills that will remove the ability to hold patient drives submitted this year...

05-07-2019, 09:48 AM
I may be wrong, but I believe Happy Root 420 up on Britton and Western is having a patient drive today! This is the dispensary I go to. They have a great selection of items!

05-07-2019, 09:53 PM
I went to Edin in MWC complaining that I get severe anxiety buying illegal weed and two weeks later I’m legally buying weed in the state of Oklahoma and my anxiety it totally cured. It’s just that simple. Behold the marvels of modern medicine!!!

05-07-2019, 10:13 PM
Wo/Mens Ultimate Healthcare at 500 N. Meridian was excellent...they not only do licensing but also primary care and hormone and endocrine-related health issues. I got in and out quickly lunchtime, office times are by appt. only.

Contact Nicole at 405-479-9446 or Kenzie at 405-464-6477, if interested

05-08-2019, 09:53 AM
Thx for the replies, think MMDOKC sounds good, they're close and the article about them in the Gazette's Extract insert was informative. They say on their website that if you go back annually for a $49 visit twice after your initial evaluation, your renewal is free (not quite sure how they would do that, but it's something I'll ask about). I didn't see anything on OMMA's website about how much it costs or what the process is for renewing after it expires in 2 years, but inferring from what is on there, it's probably the same cost, and hopefully the process isn't the same as the initial application every time (I suspect it will be, though).

05-08-2019, 10:22 AM
I'm hoping that by the time 2 years is up this card won't be needed.

05-08-2019, 11:19 AM
Just think how much $$$ Oklahoma could make if they were to legalize recreational Cannabis.

05-08-2019, 11:49 AM
I'm hoping that by the time 2 years is up this card won't be needed.

Or maybe they can do a lifetime card if it's still required.

05-08-2019, 11:50 AM
Just think how much $$$ Oklahoma could make if they were to legalize recreational Cannabis.

They might as well do it and start cashing in. The cats out of the bag now and it's just a matter of time before it's legal IMO.

05-08-2019, 12:55 PM
They might as well do it and start cashing in. The cats out of the bag now and it's just a matter of time before it's legal IMO.

I agree. I really thought we would see more people with issues with MMJ. I see many people who are interested in the cards or realize it just isn't a big deal (anymore than alcohol). I think there will always be a prohibition aspect to any state (against alcohol, mmj, etc) but I think the majority will swing to recreational.

There was a pretty big marketing campaign against medical and it went over by a pretty big margin.

jonny d
05-08-2019, 01:03 PM
I agree. I really thought we would see more people with issues with MMJ. I see many people who are interested in the cards or realize it just isn't a big deal (anymore than alcohol). I think there will always be a prohibition aspect to any state (against alcohol, mmj, etc) but I think the majority will swing to recreational.

There was a pretty big marketing campaign against medical and it went over by a pretty big margin.

Imagine the marketing campaign against recreational. Might get ole DT to appear in a commercial calling it the downfall of America.