View Full Version : Cannabis

07-30-2018, 09:44 AM
Dude, please stop or move. You have a fetish for the Christian right? You talk about them in every post. I am a very Christian man who supports marijuana. I won't use it, but see no reason for it to be illegal. I get you hate everything Republican, but it doesn't make you morally superior. Quit taking shots. It makes it really hard to have discussions with you.

Well when it comes to this particular subject they are relevant because it's typically the most religious authoritarian politicians (the ones preaching family values) that are also the most anti-cannabis. Religious people tend to think that any criticism of the religious right is an attack on them but that isn't the case. The issue isn't religion. It's politicians that use religion as a wedge and as a tool to control others and as a cover for corruption. Anyways, this will be my last post on this topic for now.

07-30-2018, 10:03 AM
Can the pro marijuana folks help me out. This is a serious question. I am not trying to play gotcha or anything like that. I am trying to understand the mindset why smoking cigarettes is bad but marijuana is just fine health wise.

In 1990s brought big tobacco where states sued for billions, which Oklahoma has TSET. The lawsuits were cigarettes were bad for you because they were addictive and smoking was bad for health especially lungs. It causes higher rates of cancer, second hand smoke and all that stuff.

In regards to smoking marijuana, what is the difference between smoking cigarettes and smoking marijuana in regards to health. In 1950s health journals said smoking cigarettes were good for you.

Are we going to have big marijuana in 40 years and she the companies for billions.

Am I missing something. Is marijuana any healthier than cigarettes in how it effects the body through smoke to the lungs? How about second hand smoke.

"There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous."

As for marijuana, when bought illegally, who really knows what's in it pesticide-wise, etc., but odds are there aren't more than 600 chemicals (with dozens of them that are carcinogens and/or poisonous) in/on it. When bought legally (medical or recreational), I'm guessing there are restrictions as to what can be put in/on it, but not totally sure about that.

07-30-2018, 10:35 AM
Just because there hasn't been enough research doesn't mean there's not similar risks to smoking marijuana as there is to smoking cigarettes. The american lung association has a pretty clear view on this.

I'm not saying folks shouldn't be allowed to do this, just like they're allowed to smoke tobacco and drink. But let's not act like these activities are harmless. It doesn't take medical experts to recognize that any time you're breathing in smoke, regardless of the source, you're risking damaging you're lungs, developing bronchitis, and more. Even breathing in smoke from a campfire can cause health issues.

So folks have to balance the risk and reward scenario. Personally, if someone is going through chemo and other cancer treatments, if it makes their life more tolerable, and it's the best method for them, I say go for it. For my epilepsy and other issues, I'll probably stick with other methods.

07-30-2018, 11:08 AM
Can the pro marijuana folks help me out. This is a serious question. I am not trying to play gotcha or anything like that. I am trying to understand the mindset why smoking cigarettes is bad but marijuana is just fine health wise.

In 1990s brought big tobacco where states sued for billions, which Oklahoma has TSET. The lawsuits were cigarettes were bad for you because they were addictive and smoking was bad for health especially lungs. It causes higher rates of cancer, second hand smoke and all that stuff.

In regards to smoking marijuana, what is the difference between smoking cigarettes and smoking marijuana in regards to health. In 1950s health journals said smoking cigarettes were good for you.

Are we going to have big marijuana in 40 years and she the companies for billions.

Am I missing something. Is marijuana any healthier than cigarettes in how it effects the body through smoke to the lungs? How about second hand smoke.

Inhaling any smoke isnt good. But there are major differences. Pot doesnt have the harmful chemicals in cigarettes. You also dont have people smoking a pack of pot joints a day, pot smokers might not breathe in the amount of smoke in a month that a cigarette smoker will in a day. Also, tobacco is way more addictive than pot. Lastly, you dont have a few big corporations marketing pot like they did cigarettes back in the day. The pot market is made up of smaller growers and suppliers and they arent promising what cigs used to promise. People actually find benefits and relief in pot, not sure anyone found much of that in cigs.

07-30-2018, 11:14 AM
Inhaling any smoke isnt good. But there are major differences. Pot doesnt have the harmful chemicals in cigarettes. You also dont have people smoking a pack of pot joints a day, pot smokers might not breathe in the amount of smoke in a month that a cigarette smoker will in a day. Also, tobacco is way more addictive than pot. Lastly, you dont have a few big corporations marketing pot like they did cigarettes back in the day. The pot market is made up of smaller growers and suppliers and they arent promising what cigs used to promise. People actually find benefits and relief in pot, not sure anyone found much of that in cigs.

Excellent points and very true.

07-30-2018, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the information and insight folks on cigarettes vs marijuana. Very helpful.

07-30-2018, 01:10 PM
Much government funding for marijuana research set out to prove how bad on health marijuana can be. This study by Dr. Taskin was to prove smoking marijuana causes lung cancer, but failed to do so. However, the risks of heavy, long-term marijuana smoking were inconclusive.

08-01-2018, 07:57 AM
This document shows who contributed to the anti-788 campaign.


Forward OKC (OKC Chamber of Commerce) $165K
Devon Energy $100K
Continental Resources $100K
Chichasaw Nation $100K
Gulfport Energy $50K
Chesapeake Energy $25K
Loves $25K
Arvest Bank $25K
Dolese $25K
Enable Mistream $25K
OG&E $25K
IBC Bank $20K
BancFirst $10K

08-01-2018, 08:37 AM
Our energy overlords apparently hated 788.

08-01-2018, 08:44 AM
Our energy overlords apparently hated 788.

Its not just energy companies that hated it. Half the companies Pete listed are in other fields. Generally companies don’t like marijuana legalization of any kind because it is in conflict with and will complicate their drug policies. That’s not an energy industry specific issue but given the fact that a large portion of work in that industry involves large groups of people operating very large, complicated and dangerous machinery, it’s not really surprising that they would be against legalizing any substance that could alter someone’s state of mind or reaction time if used, even under a medical pretense, on the job. Other states that have legalized it have seen similar corporate backlash.

08-01-2018, 08:50 AM
Its not just energy companies that hated it. Half the companies Pete listed are in other fields. Generally companies don’t like marijuana legalization of any kind because it is in conflict with and will complicate their drug policies. That’s not an energy industry specific issue but given the fact that a large portion of work in that industry involves large groups of people operating very large, complicated and dangerous machinery, it’s not really surprising that they would be against legalizing any substance that could alter someone’s state of mind or reaction time if used, even under a medical pretense, on the job. Other states that have legalized it have seen similar corporate backlash.
I was just being snarky, nothing serious meant. My apologies.

08-01-2018, 08:55 AM
In the cases of employers and especially those who employ people in the industrial sector - read oilfield - I’m sure that the motivation behind their opposition was not based on moral reservations but instead concerns regarding productivity, job site safety, required HR changes and the potential for expensive legal challenges. There are plenty of studies showing decreased productivity related to use, and the safety concerns are self-evident.

I know I personally have for years been monitoring HR practices and legal outcomes in states where medical and even recreational use have been decriminalized (we really should all call it what it is, owing to the fact it is still a schedule 1 illegal substance on the federal level). I’ve done this not because I ever dreamed it would become legal in Oklahoma but because I was curious about how employers could/should handle a situation where an employee goes to a “legal” state and consumes but then comes home and tests positive.

Interestingly, laws and rulings even in those states with full-blown recreational have generally supported an employer’s right to maintain a drug-free workplace, ESPECIALLY in cases of operating equipment, doing jobs impacting public safety, etc.. There is also the idea that you wouldn’t let someone on painkillers or legally using alcohol perform these jobs, either.

The problem with marijuana is that there is residual evidence of use for weeks after, and there’s yet to be a widely-available test which reliably distinguishes between someone who is currently intoxicated vs used last weekend. Also, along with recognized medical applications you start to encounter ADA requirements, such as not asking about conditions requiring use and also making accommodation for someone using medically (which could involve transferring them to tasks for which they were not hired, in an effort to accommodate).

Before anyone thinks that I personally am anti, let me just state that I am GENERALLY supportive of medical and not even bothered by the idea of recreational, but I do recognize the (expensive and inconvenient) Pandora’s box that is about to be opened for employers and understand why organizations like the Chamber or large employers would have funded opposition.

08-01-2018, 08:56 AM
Welp. You guys beat me to it while I was typing all of that. :)

08-01-2018, 09:00 AM
I was just being snarky, nothing serious meant. My apologies.

No worries, I was just commenting on why they would be against it. If I were in their position, I might have been against it as well.

08-01-2018, 09:18 AM
No worries, I was just commenting on why they would be against it. If I were in their position, I might have been against it as well.
Understandable. I, like Urbanized, generally support medical use, but it's pretty clear there are some loopholes/issues with the bill that will undoubtedly have to be resolved.

08-01-2018, 09:23 AM
Several things:

Is today the last day to sign? My family has already signed but I could maybe do some promoting to the procrastinators.

Mr. Bates that’s an amazing story about the beneficial power of medical MJ. I have no doubt it’s contributed to your recovery. Back in the early 2000’s I helped my grandfather with incurable pancreatic cancer by buying huge bags of dirty old brick weed and extracting the cannibinoids by boiling it in a pot with water and a pound of butter. After you cool the whole mess all the vegetable sinks and the butter rises and solidifies. I the. Used the butter to bake fudge brownies. It was amazing how well they worked for sleep, appetite, and mood elevation considering he’d been issued a death sentence. I got the idea after he’d been issued an insane amount of opioids and a trial synthetic THC drug that did nothing, he couldn’t eat or sleep, and my poor grandmother was distraught. He still died of course, but I firmly believe the process was more comfortable thanks to MJ. It’s essentially what made me a medical MJ activist.

To the “smoking is bad” question. Sure, it’s probably not the healthiest way to ingest. But even plant material can be vaporized to not include the vegetable smoke by using specialized equipment. Not to mention various concentrates, shatter, wax, crumble, hash oil, etc. that don’t include any vegetable matter in the “smoke.” I can’t immagine it being remotely as dangerous to smoking cigarettes. My personal method of ingestion is a vape pen. There’s no “juice” or glycol, just cannabis oils being heated and vaporized in a small, sometimes disposable device. No smoke, just vapor. And as I stated in a previous post, dispensaries that I have visited have a strict testing process that ensures all their product is analyzed for safety, and most importantly, chemical content. So you know exactly what your buying and what effects it will have so the user can custom tailor the product to their needs. It’s an extremely diverse and customizable product.

Cigarettes on the other hand, as people have mentioned release thousands of compounds. MJ does release many chemical compounds, but not nearly as many, and not any to my knowledge that are known carcinogens, except maybe to the state of California, that lists charred meat and coffee as “items know to the state.”

08-01-2018, 05:35 PM
Several things:

Is today the last day to sign? My family has already signed but I could maybe do some promoting to the procrastinators.

Mr. Bates that’s an amazing story about the beneficial power of medical MJ. I have no doubt it’s contributed to your recovery. Back in the early 2000’s I helped my grandfather with incurable pancreatic cancer by buying huge bags of dirty old brick weed and extracting the cannibinoids by boiling it in a pot with water and a pound of butter. After you cool the whole mess all the vegetable sinks and the butter rises and solidifies. I the. Used the butter to bake fudge brownies. It was amazing how well they worked for sleep, appetite, and mood elevation considering he’d been issued a death sentence. I got the idea after he’d been issued an insane amount of opioids and a trial synthetic THC drug that did nothing, he couldn’t eat or sleep, and my poor grandmother was distraught. He still died of course, but I firmly believe the process was more comfortable thanks to MJ. It’s essentially what made me a medical MJ activist.

To the “smoking is bad” question. Sure, it’s probably not the healthiest way to ingest. But even plant material can be vaporized to not include the vegetable smoke by using specialized equipment. Not to mention various concentrates, shatter, wax, crumble, hash oil, etc. that don’t include any vegetable matter in the “smoke.” I can’t immagine it being remotely as dangerous to smoking cigarettes. My personal method of ingestion is a vape pen. There’s no “juice” or glycol, just cannabis oils being heated and vaporized in a small, sometimes disposable device. No smoke, just vapor. And as I stated in a previous post, dispensaries that I have visited have a strict testing process that ensures all their product is analyzed for safety, and most importantly, chemical content. So you know exactly what your buying and what effects it will have so the user can custom tailor the product to their needs. It’s an extremely diverse and customizable product.

Cigarettes on the other hand, as people have mentioned release thousands of compounds. MJ does release many chemical compounds, but not nearly as many, and not any to my knowledge that are known carcinogens, except maybe to the state of California, that lists charred meat and coffee as “items know to the state.”

Just wondering about the vape. Does it still have the smell like smoking?

08-01-2018, 06:52 PM
Looks like the board of health got rid of the limits on THC, pharmacist present and the ban on smokeable today:

08-01-2018, 08:32 PM
Is there any stipulations on women having to take a pregnancy test? I heard someone say this but I haven't read anything on it.

08-01-2018, 09:38 PM
They went away.

08-02-2018, 01:52 AM
Several things:

Is today the last day to sign? My family has already signed but I could maybe do some promoting to the procrastinators.

No. One can find business locations to sign here: But they won't be taking signatures much longer. Call ahead before going to any of them. Otherwise, the tent location at the northeast corner of NW Expressway and Meridian will be open every day until Aug. 7th from 9am to 9pm. The final day to sign will be at the south side of the state capitol on Aug. 8th until 4:20 pm at a tent.

08-02-2018, 12:01 PM
I just wonder how long it will be before some inspired individual realizes that if they can legalize marijuana, why not legalize narcotics or meth. No to mention, there used to be a time when you could go into a pharmacy, sign a form and purchase schedule V cough syrup. (officially you still can, but I don't know of any pharmacies that will sell these days without a prescription.

You are still thumbing your nose at federal law.

08-02-2018, 12:24 PM
I just wonder how long it will be before some inspired individual realizes that if they can legalize marijuana, why not legalize narcotics or meth. No to mention, there used to be a time when you could go into a pharmacy, sign a form and purchase schedule V cough syrup. (officially you still can, but I don't know of any pharmacies that will sell these days without a prescription.

You are still thumbing your nose at federal law.

Narcotics lol

Ending the war on drugs would decrease crime, decrease overdoses, and decrease public funding. Sounds like a great thing to me.

08-02-2018, 01:01 PM
Narcotics lol

Ending the war on drugs would decrease crime, decrease overdoses, and decrease public funding. Sounds like a great thing to me.

All accounts from Portugal show it’s a beneficial platform to decriminalize the drugs, and offer support and counseling to the addicts.

08-02-2018, 01:13 PM
Just wondering about the vape. Does it still have the smell like smoking?

Yes, it has the distinct pot smell and taste. But without the smoke. It’s simply a concentrate of the oils and terpines extracted from the plant material, no added glycol, flavorings, additives, or perfumes. The flavor and smell can vary between products like a sativa called “super lemon haze” or a indica like “northern lights” or hybrids like “Chemdawg and OG kush.” The smell and fast can vary from earthy, woody, sour, berry, most dispensaries have highly knowledgeable staff that can walk one through the process. It’s vastly variable chemical composition is what makes it so viable and exciting as a medicinal product. Everyone’s got problems, and pot takes hundreds of forms that can alleviate what ails you.

08-02-2018, 02:00 PM
I just wonder how long it will be before some inspired individual realizes that if they can legalize marijuana, why not legalize narcotics or meth. No to mention, there used to be a time when you could go into a pharmacy, sign a form and purchase schedule V cough syrup. (officially you still can, but I don't know of any pharmacies that will sell these days without a prescription.

You are still thumbing your nose at federal law.

Opiates and meth-like drugs are already legal with prescription. Cannabis is nothing like them in either effect or addictive potential.

Most of the opposition to marijuana legalization is cultural and because of stigma that has little basis in fact. Anti-cannabis propaganda has been very effective all the way back to the original Reefer Madness movie in 1936.

08-02-2018, 02:16 PM
Let’s not forget racism when the tax act was established, and racial bias when it pertains to prosecution of possession for the last 100 years. It scared the hell out of people to hear propaganda that young men would get referred up and rape white women.

08-02-2018, 04:47 PM
I just wonder how long it will be before some inspired individual realizes that if they can legalize marijuana, why not legalize narcotics or meth. No to mention, there used to be a time when you could go into a pharmacy, sign a form and purchase schedule V cough syrup. (officially you still can, but I don't know of any pharmacies that will sell these days without a prescription.

You are still thumbing your nose at federal law.

Anyone that links MJ and Meth together are living in the dark ages and are just plain ignorant to the facts. If that's the FEDS then so be it.

08-03-2018, 08:36 AM
Anyone that links MJ and Meth together are living in the dark ages and are just plain ignorant to the facts. If that's the FEDS then so be it.

Its the same argument that legalizing gay marriage is gonna lead to society legalizing pedophilia.

08-03-2018, 08:38 AM
Anyone that links MJ and Meth together are living in the dark ages and are just plain ignorant to the facts. If that's the FEDS then so be it.

Well, it depends on the basis for the argument. Obviously, the harm/risks aren't equatable. But if you're arguing on the basis that folks should be able to do to their own bodies what they want, and assume the risks they want (I mean, alcohol is one of the deadliest and most addictive drugs there is), then you can link them together.

08-04-2018, 12:11 PM
Its the same argument that legalizing gay marriage is gonna lead to society legalizing pedophilia.

It’s already starting. It’ll be another 15 years but it’s coming.

08-04-2018, 12:24 PM
It’s already starting. It’ll be another 15 years but it’s coming.

WTF?, just WTF? I don’t know if your citing that website as a reference or just making a joke. It might as well be a fake news Facebook page, but I’m sure it violates Facebook policy.

That website is disgusting. And to insinuate that 2 dudes or 2 chics that want to couple or even get married on the sole basis to rape children is also disgusting and pure fantasy.

08-04-2018, 12:31 PM
It’s already starting. It’ll be another 15 years but it’s coming.

That's Lifesite, a far right evangelical Christian "news" site that likes to run headlines that trigger the rage of their audience. They also frame the outlawing of gay-to-straight conversion therapy for minors as "banning the Bible." Few do hyperbole as well as Lifesite and their audience eats it up.

And it's ironic that it's mostly far-right Christian conservatives known for wanting to ram the Bible down everyone's throats by law *cough* Shortey *cough* that get exposed as pedophiles.

08-04-2018, 12:40 PM
It’s just abhorrent. Also shocking that they can get adult minded people to believe that crap. I’m on the edge of millennial (according to the polls) at age 37 & grew up with dial up internet and “America On Line” I built my first computer in 1993. I’ve been exposed to a lot of radical things and I suppose the first thing I learned was, “if it’s on the internet, it’s probably not true.” But nowadays I see fringe garbage online that tries to make itself so legitimate. I guess you can tell how crap it is by how much advertisement is on the side bars,

08-04-2018, 12:44 PM
It’s just abhorrent. Also shocking that they can get adult minded people to believe that crap. I’m on the edge of millennial (according to the polls) at age 37 & grew up with dial up internet and “America On Line” I built my first computer in 1993. I’ve been exposed to a lot of radical things and I suppose the first thing I learned was, “if it’s on the internet, it’s probably not true.” But nowadays I see fringe garbage online that tries to make itself so legitimate. I guess you can tell how crap it is by how much advertisement is on the side bars,

One of the biggest problems with today's society is the fact people believe fake news simply because they want to believe it and don't even bother to fact check it. Back in the 90s, a lot of stuff like this went around via chain email but today it's presented in a manner that appears far more legitimate. Far right Christian conservatives will jump on any story that tries to compare homosexuality to pedophilia because they've been saying since the '80s that homosexuality is a stepping stone to normalization of adult-child relationships. They want their worst fears confirmed because when you get down to it, they are addicted to their anger and outrage. They also desperately want to be able to say "I told you so" in regards to all of the doomsaying they've done over the decades about what would happen if gay marriage were legalized.

08-04-2018, 12:58 PM
I think your statement “addicted to anger and outrage” speaks more to your point than anything else. Because I can’t see any point to that type of propaganda than to enrage people. It reminds me of when my grandparents would listen to rush limbaugh on AM radio and get caught up in conspiracy theories that bill Clinton was a Martian sent from space to give minorities equal rights.

08-04-2018, 02:20 PM
I think your statement “addicted to anger and outrage” speaks more to your point than anything else. Because I can’t see any point to that type of propaganda than to enrage people. It reminds me of when my grandparents would listen to rush limbaugh on AM radio and get caught up in conspiracy theories that bill Clinton was a Martian sent from space to give minorities equal rights.

Really sad. Latest rumors are that Hillary Clinton is a reptilian--a really bad rumor. Didn't feel any comfort to reveal such.

08-04-2018, 02:22 PM

08-05-2018, 07:28 AM
It’s already starting. It’ll be another 15 years but it’s coming.

I'm going to jump on this bandwagon. This is plainly idiotic and there is a defining characteristic which cannot--CANNOT--exist in adult-child sexual relationships which exists in mostly all adult relationships.

Consent. Children. They can't give it.

This exhibits dumbassery on the same level as the folks who preached that gay marriage would bring us bestiality. Just don't.

jonny d
08-05-2018, 07:55 AM
You guys have spent 15 or 20 posts discussing a .0000000000000000003% of all Christians. I have never heard any person in any church I have been to all over this state and country say anything remotely close to this. Don't worry your pretty little minds about a group that small and crazy.

08-05-2018, 09:02 AM
Has anyone heard the final number of sigs for the petitions?

08-06-2018, 11:49 AM
Has anyone heard the final number of sigs for the petitions?

We won't know final numbers until GtV turns the petitions in to the Secretary of State on the 8th. So... two more days.

08-06-2018, 06:45 PM
Looks like she signed them. I thought for sure she was going to wait as long as possible to do so in order to delay implementation.

08-07-2018, 12:16 AM
Apparently the entire Green The Vote organization has practically been a sham. If you go to their Facebook page, the truth has been revealed about the signature numbers. Supposedly, the numbers that have been presented to us are not even close to what has really been collected. Such a disappointment..........

08-07-2018, 01:14 AM
It's disgusting how it looks like a house of cards is falling. All they can do now is hope for a miracle and a half that enough signatures will come in from what little time is left.

08-07-2018, 07:03 AM 20Petition%20totals%20%27a%20big%20lie%27

How disappointing. I guess we will see what happens, but the leadership of the movement have shown their true unprofessional colors here and probably damaged the cause. Or, at the very least caused an imminent surge of outrage when the state claims there aren't enough signatures and people automatically jump to conspiracies. What a mess.

08-07-2018, 07:22 AM

Lol. Wtf

08-07-2018, 11:28 AM
Kind of a cluster right now. Hopefully there's someone with a magic wand

08-07-2018, 12:01 PM

08-07-2018, 03:10 PM
Cray cray unprofessionalism. They could have thrown each other all under the bus AFTER the sigs were submitted. It’s like you asked a bunch of stoners to work for, or practically for free and then...oh wait.

08-07-2018, 03:16 PM
I dont see the value for them inflating the numbers. 8t could actually depress signer turnout. Unless they were trying to set the board to call foul play if the count didn't go thier way.

Ross MacLochness
08-07-2018, 03:18 PM
Doesn't have anything to do with stoners and has everything to do with liars.

08-07-2018, 03:33 PM
Doesn't have anything to do with stoners and has everything to do with liars.

The liars, I think, were even putting their faith in their lies. Issac was probably lying to himself when he said those petitions should be able to get done without paid signature takers.

08-07-2018, 03:36 PM
I think this is comparable to the event promotion/convention world. I noticed in my time doing this that everyone inflated their numbers. I don't know if it's to seem more successful, or if they just suck at estimation. I've gotten pretty good and ballparking crowd sizes based on the event I've run, and I'm amazed how many events that might be lucky to be at 1000-1200 will report 5000 or higher.

08-07-2018, 03:42 PM
Remember that ignouration a few months back?


08-07-2018, 04:01 PM
I hate to be this way, but this is kind of one of those situations where the jokes write themselves.

This is the image Tulsa World is running today regarding this counting "scandal" or whatever you want to call it.

ANd the World has been overly sympathetic to the movement in my estimation, then they run this to make the guy look like, well...

08-07-2018, 04:13 PM
That could pass for a mug shot.

08-07-2018, 05:12 PM
I mean can no one in this state act like an adult?

08-07-2018, 05:39 PM
I hate to be this way, but this is kind of one of those situations where the jokes write themselves.

This is the image Tulsa World is running today regarding this counting "scandal" or whatever you want to call it.

ANd the World has been overly sympathetic to the movement in my estimation, then they run this to make the guy look like, well...

They look stoned to me. Seen that look in my earlier years on Paseo and Memorial Park.

08-07-2018, 05:51 PM
I am not gonna dog them too much because they have done more to help the cause than just about any one else that I can name. People fluff the numbers all the time and it's actually pretty normal to do so in some cases. It's keeps the moral up for the people out there sweating on the streets trying to get sigs. Every national media outlet was fluffing when they were declaring Hillary the winner before election day. They acted like it was cut and dry and their polls proved it.