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Bunty 07-14-2018, 02:04 PM Yesterday during the press conference announcing the lawsuit, Isaac Caviness with stated they've likely passed the 100,000 mark, but the last few days have been so hectic they didn't know where they stood. Him and Chip said that during this entire 4 year process, they've never seen the interest EXPLODE like it has after the Health Department negotiated behind closed doors and screwed the voters. He said they've got 3 printers running 24/7 trying to keep up with demand for new petitions at their 300 locations across the state.
What I found very interesting is that Isaac Caviness said that the whole idea behind Green the Vote was to have a constitutional amendment as backup in case 788 was butchered. He said 797 (recreational) was primarily intended as a reliable polling instrument. Essentially, 797 was a trial run to see what people liked/opposed about recreational cannabis in OK. They never intended for it to get the traction it has. As of the last reliable count, he said 797 was easily 10,000 signatures ahead of 796 and that they were even surprised at the outcome.
They've stated the goal is to get to 150,000 signatures in case the corporation commission find any "problems" with the signatures. Heck, even if half of 788 voters signed, they'd blow it out of the water!!
If you're reading this and haven't signed, find a store that has the petition here:
Sign, tell your friends to tell their friends, take selfies with it and post them all over the place! While we still have ~2 weeks, the goal is to get as many signatures as possible YESTERDAY so that the Corp Commission has time to count.
Isaac still isn't sure if the measure will be on the November ballot, primarily due to the time it takes the Corporation Commission to very all the signatures. It IS a valid petition though. Early in the week there was some concern that the signatures weren't valid due to some technicality.
It's the Oklahoma Secretary of State's office, located in the state capitol, that counts signatures and verifies there are enough. The Corporation Commission has nothing to do with it.
pw405 07-14-2018, 03:57 PM It's the Oklahoma Secretary of State's office, located in the state capitol, that counts signatures and verifies there are enough. The Corporation Commission has nothing to do with it.
Oh ya... my mistake.. haha I thought something didn't feel right about that. My corporation documents were filed with the Secretary of State, maybe why I got confused.
Can we volunteer to help the Secretary of State count the signatures? I promise I'll behave!! :cool: :cool::cool:
OKCRT 07-14-2018, 05:22 PM Just went and signed both petitions.
Video Expert 07-15-2018, 04:12 PM you are one of the biggest of the whiners on this board and probably one of the posters everyone is referring to. Go sign the petition and quit moaning about the same things over and over again, or find a way to go somewhere else like you’ve been threatening to do for the last 7 years. You’ve literally posted different versions of the same rant multiple times in this thread and others. The legislature as a whole didn’t even have anything to do with this and supported it being implemented as it was. The religious issues you continually bring up have been all but absent from anything that’s been passed here over the last 4 years or so. The board of healths decision had nothing to do with religion or any of the other issues you mention...they didn’t feel they could pass off something that involved smoking as medical which as stupid as it seems like that is, doesn’t have anything to do with all the social issues you blabber on and on about.
Thank you, Thank you!!!
jerrywall 07-15-2018, 04:47 PM So sort of slightly related. Per my vets advice we started giving my 15 yo basset CBD oil because he's been constantly anxious and achy and grouchy. The change in behavior and attitude was amazing and quick. To me, giving cannabis product to a pet takes away the placebo effect factor. I know this doesnt have THC but still, this has convinced me of the benefits.
king183 07-15-2018, 05:42 PM EDIT: I am an idiot. It could be on the ballot in November as SQ 797. I had forgotten there is a signature petition going on right now to put it on the ballot. My apologies. I don't know how organized the effort is; I haven't heard much of it. Perhaps it gains steam after tonight.
I doubt recreational marijuana would pass in November, but I think the chances are much much greater after tonight.
I want to revisit what I said on primary election night. I said I doubted recreational marijuana would pass in November, and I said that because I didn't think there was a cohesive, serious campaign by any organization to get it passed nor did I think the voters were ready for it. The events of the last week show you just how quickly the dynamics in politics can shift. I think the Board of Health's actions likely ignited a movement and angered so many people that the chance of recreational marijuana passing in November increased substantially. I think, though I have no quantitative evidence to prove it, there is a significant number of people who were either apathetic or undecided to the state question that are outraged by the government's gutting of the people's will. You don't have to approve of marijuana legalization to be angered by that--and I think that's going to have a massive impact in November.
OKCRT 07-15-2018, 07:47 PM I want to revisit what I said on primary election night. I said I doubted recreational marijuana would pass in November, and I said that because I didn't think there was a cohesive, serious campaign by any organization to get it passed nor did I think the voters were ready for it. The events of the last week show you just how quickly the dynamics in politics can shift. I think the Board of Health's actions likely ignited a movement and angered so many people that the chance of recreational marijuana passing in November increased substantially. I think, though I have no quantitative evidence to prove it, there is a significant number of people who were either apathetic or undecided to the state question that are outraged by the government's gutting of the people's will. You don't have to approve of marijuana legalization to be angered by that--and I think that's going to have a massive impact in November.
I agree. I don't think it had a very good chance of getting on the ballot much less passing before the Health Department gutted 788. Now,it's a different story. If they would have upheld the Will Of The People with SQ 788 I doubt we are even talking about these petitions,at least not nearly as much. The people are not happy with what they did. They told us that we didn't know what we were voting for and that they are going to do what THEY think is best. They are protecting Big Pharma and maybe another or 3 special interest groups by what they did. I think they really think most voters are blind or have ear plugs in.
securityinfo 07-15-2018, 07:52 PM Anyone catch Flashpoint on KFOR this morning? Kirk Humphreys was pointedly badgering Dollens on the "amendment" issue, the entire time looking very much like the proverbial cat that ate the canary....
Looked to me like Kirk was loving every minute of this most recent example of how things really work in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, the entire half-hour was IMHO a waste, as there were no new points made.
Bunty 07-15-2018, 10:57 PM They're still well on their way to getting there. I expect to turn in around 16 pages of signatures later this week.
BridgeBurner 07-16-2018, 08:43 AM Can't wait to see my tax dollars at work defending Fallin and the Health Board...
Interested to hear Stitt's take, honestly been pretty disappointing that neither Stitt or Cornett has made a public statement regarding the SQ788 drama- seems cowardly.
Spoke too soon, all 3 major candidates came out against Health Board's decision.
"There are unelected bureaucrats changing the will of the people," Stitt, of Tulsa, said. "It's just kind of a nightmare with them reinterpreting and rewriting laws.
"Day one, I'll be the first governor that gets to appoint the new head of the Department of Health. I'm excited to do that. I'm going to bring somebody in from the outside that has health experience."
gopokes88 07-16-2018, 02:08 PM Just 20,000 signatures short. Could very well be on the ballot this November
jonny d 07-16-2018, 02:17 PM Just 20,000 signatures short. Could very well be on the ballot this November
A part of me thinks that, after the fiasco with 788, there will be far fewer voters in November. That, and I think it might be a case of "too much, too soon" in regards to marijuana.
gopokes88 07-16-2018, 02:22 PM Just 20,000 signatures short. Could very well be on the ballot this November
bchris02 07-16-2018, 02:27 PM A part of me thinks that, after the fiasco with 788, there will be far fewer voters in November. That, and I think it might be a case of "too much, too soon" in regards to marijuana.
It won't be on the ballot until 2020. That is a good thing as by then, I think it will be much more likely to pass.
PhiAlpha 07-16-2018, 02:31 PM It won't be on the ballot until 2020. That is a good thing as by then, I think it will be much more likely to pass.
That is the more likely scenario but isn't necessarily the case. It can still get on the November ballot.
onthestrip 07-16-2018, 02:35 PM Just 20,000 signatures short. Could very well be on the ballot this November
You most certainly will not see this on the ballot in November. Nov is approaching quickly and there can be legal games played when it comes to verifying signatures and ballot language that can delay it just enough to prevent a November ballot having it. Plus, Fallin and the GOP saw how many voters 788 brought out and how those voters werent automatic GOP voters, so they will delay as much as they can. Otherwise they could be making Drew Edmonson the favorite for gov.
gopokes88 07-16-2018, 02:46 PM You most certainly will not see this on the ballot in November. Nov is approaching quickly and there can be legal games played when it comes to verifying signatures and ballot language that can delay it just enough to prevent a November ballot having it. Plus, Fallin and the GOP saw how many voters 788 brought out and how those voters werent automatic GOP voters, so they will delay as much as they can. Otherwise they could be making Drew Edmonson the favorite for gov.
We'll that's not entirely true because 788 was doomed without reliable Republican votes. Repubs had just as much to do with it passing as dems. Repubs can still kill anything in the state they want too, if they unite. What your seeing is the spilt between urban/rural repubs that leads to 788 passing. (Teacher pay raises showed a lot of this as well) Cornett (maybe Stitt, not sure) will have every Repub united plus a chunk of OKC's moderates/independent. Edmonson is toast.
We saw the legal games with 788, such as Pruitt writing the ridiculous title that delayed it because it had to go through the courts.
LocoAko 07-16-2018, 03:57 PM Keep in mind many of the signatures will be deemed invalid, so they're going to need appreciably more than the 124,000 required. Still a good sign, though.
Bunty 07-17-2018, 12:48 AM Keep in mind many of the signatures will be deemed invalid, so they're going to need appreciably more than the 124,000 required. Still a good sign, though.
What would be an invalid signature? The printed name is illegible? Address and/or town illegible? They're already considered as valid registered Oklahoma voters.
LocoAko 07-17-2018, 10:42 AM What would be an invalid signature? The printed name is illegible? Address and/or town illegible? They're already considered as valid registered Oklahoma voters.
I'm not totally sure to be honest. My impression is just that organizers gathering signatures for these types of things try to way overshoot the target for this inevitability. I assume it's a) people who think they're registered but aren't, b) people who are not properly registered at the address they list, and c) writing that can't be deciphered.
Ross MacLochness 07-17-2018, 11:17 AM I'm not totally sure to be honest. My impression is just that organizers gathering signatures for these types of things try to way overshoot the target for this inevitability. I assume it's a) people who think they're registered but aren't, b) people who are not properly registered at the address they list, and c) writing that can't be deciphered.
Do I need to put the address that is on my voter registration card or my current address? I have moved since registering to vote
d-usa 07-17-2018, 11:22 AM If I remember correctly from participating in past signature collections, an invalid signature invalidates the entire page of signatures.
gopokes88 07-17-2018, 12:29 PM
“On Monday, Bates asked Attorney General Mike Hunter to help the agency decide how to address the lawsuits. Hunter agreed, but stopped short of saying he would send lawyers to represent the Board of Health.”
Logically, if the AG doesn’t provide lawyers to the health department, those regulations are toast.
LocoAko 07-17-2018, 12:31 PM The General Counsel (whose advice was not taken in implementing these new emergency rules) has resigned.
CloudDeckMedia 07-17-2018, 01:08 PM What would be an invalid signature? The printed name is illegible? Address and/or town illegible? They're already considered as valid registered Oklahoma voters.
The signature-gatherer must meet certain criteria. I believe that one condition is that they must be Oklahoma residents. If not, then every signature they have obtained must be thrown out.
gopokes88 07-17-2018, 01:17 PM
Woah updated. She sent the threats to herself and has been charged with two felonies.
What a sh*t show.
LocoAko 07-17-2018, 01:39 PM
Woah updated. She sent the threats to herself and has been charged with two felonies.
What a sh*t show.
Yeah, wow. That escalated quickly:
Yeah, wow. That escalated quickly:
This Tulsa World article has a lot of details...
TheTravellers 07-17-2018, 07:03 PM The signature-gatherer must meet certain criteria. I believe that one condition is that they must be Oklahoma residents. If not, then every signature they have obtained must be thrown out.
Used to have to be a qualified elector in OK to be a circulator, but not now ( Here's *some* info about petitions (first link is OK-specific, second is general, didn't have time to dig around more): (has some links at the bottom that might be more informative about invalid signatures)
securityinfo 07-17-2018, 07:06 PM This Tulsa World article has a lot of details...
Paywall :-(
pw405 07-17-2018, 07:42 PM Paywall :-(
Apparently Tulsa world only lets you view a certain amount of articles. I was able to get to THAT article, but on my next article is said to subscribe. Try incognito mode, worked for me.
pw405 07-17-2018, 07:48 PM Sheesh, not really sure what to make of all this. I'm not sure that her antics really help or hurt the cause. I'm REALLY curious to know what her motivations were.
Was she secretly pro 788 and trying to convince others at the Health Department that "the movement" is threatening personal harm so they should act in compliance with their wishes?
Or was she anti 788 and trying to make the movement seem like a dangerous band of hooligans?
Jersey Boss 07-17-2018, 08:23 PM Sheesh, not really sure what to make of all this. I'm not sure that her antics really help or hurt the cause. I'm REALLY curious to know what her motivations were.
Was she secretly pro 788 and trying to convince others at the Health Department that "the movement" is threatening personal harm so they should act in compliance with their wishes?
Or was she anti 788 and trying to make the movement seem like a dangerous band of hooligans?
My money is on the later. "Lock her up".
OKCRT 07-17-2018, 08:40 PM My money is on the later. "Lock her up".
Haha, you're prob. correct.
PhiAlpha 07-17-2018, 10:19 PM The signature-gatherer must meet certain criteria. I believe that one condition is that they must be Oklahoma residents. If not, then every signature they have obtained must be thrown out.
I would imagine they probably look for duplicate signatures as well
jccouger 07-18-2018, 08:45 AM Edited post**
I was wrong & confused about who proposed the changes. My bad PW405.
Bunty 07-18-2018, 11:13 AM I would imagine they probably look for duplicate signatures as well
I'm more concerned over how important it is for the info written down to be legible for the signature to count. What if the printed name and/or address can't be made out?
gopokes88 07-18-2018, 11:22 AM
AG told them to go fix it. Whether that means add more language to defend smokeable or strip it we don’t know yet.
gopokes88 07-18-2018, 11:30 AM Say goodbye to those dumb rules. AG just told them to repeal them.
LocoAko 07-18-2018, 11:32 AM Say goodbye to those dumb rules. AG just told them to repeal them.
Article mentions the THC limits and pharmacist requirement (perhaps the most restrictive and damaging of all these rules) but doesn't mention the whole issue of smokeable forms being forbidden. I guess we'll see when more information becomes available.
Edited: Nevermind. This Tulsa World article states clearly that that's part of his recommendations.
You can read AG Hunter's entire letter here:
TheTravellers 07-18-2018, 06:34 PM I would imagine they probably look for duplicate signatures as well
I posted earlier about what they check for invalid signatures (yes, they check for duplicate signatures), as well as clarifying that signature collectors *do not* have to be OK residents now (they used to have to be, but a court ruling changed that).
OKCRT 07-18-2018, 07:36 PM Fallin calls on Health Dept to rescind those last minute rules. Didn't she sign those rules into law about as fast as she possibly could?
HangryHippo 07-18-2018, 08:01 PM Fallin calls on Health Dept to rescind those last minute rules. Didn't she sign those rules into law about as fast as she possibly could?
Just another example of her foolish "governing".
LocoAko 07-18-2018, 08:48 PM It's going to be hysterical when these rules are repealed but the momentary surge of outrage about them leads to recreational marijuana coming to Oklahoma. Whoopsies!
Bunty 07-18-2018, 11:30 PM My state rep signed both petitions while commenting he thinks the Oklahoma Constitution is too long. He thinks a special session is likely after the runoff elections.
BoulderSooner 07-19-2018, 08:10 AM My state rep signed both petitions while commenting he thinks the Oklahoma Constitution is too long. He thinks a special session is likely after the runoff elections.
this is an issue that i wish both parties in the legislature would fix
our state gov would run so much better if most things were just laws that could be changed over time instead of almost everything being a constitutional amendment
gopokes88 07-19-2018, 08:37 AM Repealing the entire constitution and starting from scratch wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Bill Robertson 07-19-2018, 08:42 AM Radio news this morning said the state doesn’t think the petitions can be verified in time for the November ballot.
jerrywall 07-19-2018, 01:48 PM Yeah, and the conspiracy theories are already flowing. However, there is a built in legal process which makes the timing tight, especially considering the time for the election board to get the ballots done and certified and the early and absentee ballots out.
OKCRT 07-19-2018, 02:19 PM Yeah, and the conspiracy theories are already flowing. However, there is a built in legal process which makes the timing tight, especially considering the time for the election board to get the ballots done and certified and the early and absentee ballots out.
Then what is the good of having a deadline to get the petition in? Maybe they need to change the deadline date? More foolishness IMO.
LocoAko 07-19-2018, 02:49 PM Well well well......,%20Board%20 of%20Pharmacy%20director%20offered%20attorney%20a% 20job
jerrywall 07-19-2018, 02:55 PM Then what is the good of having a deadline to get the petition in? Maybe they need to change the deadline date? More foolishness IMO.
Because constitutionally there's a limit on the amount of days to be circulated (90 days I believe). And by law this 90 timer can't start more than 15 days after the initial petition has been filed and any appeals or challenges have been concluded (and that's after a 10 day period for folks to file an objection). Then there is a 5 day review process by the AG to confirm the legality of the ballot title, and another 10 days if necessary they have to provide a corrected ballot. So theoretically this 15 day gap could be eliminated or shortened to a day or two.
Then they publish a notice and there's a mandatory 10 day waiting period for objections to be filed to the completed initiative. Assuming no objections, it then gets a proclamation from the governor publishing the text and the date on which the election will be held. And of course there has to be time for the ballots to be prepared and such.
So at the minimum, there's at least 125-170 days needed for a ballot initiative to go through the process. The start of this is typically mostly controlled by the folks doing the petition. Just like with 788, they may have started too late for November.
baralheia 07-19-2018, 03:04 PM Then what is the good of having a deadline to get the petition in? Maybe they need to change the deadline date? More foolishness IMO.
It's way more complicated than that. So after an initiative petition is initially filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State and the Attorney General, that kicks off a process of variable length before the circulation of petitions and signature collection can even begin. The SoS sets the SQ and Petition numbers, notifies the governor and election board, and then publishes a public Notice of Filing - allowing up to 10 days for any citizen to protest the constitutionality of the petition. If someone does protest, then that begins another 10-day (minimum) process to allow for hearings and a decision from the state Supreme Court. Once any legal controversy is settled, then the SoS has up to 30 days to set a date to begin the circulation period to gather signatures. The petition has a maximum of 90 days from that date to collect and return signatures. The full process is outlined here:
This is all enshrined in law. As a result of all of that, you can't just change the deadline. You have to start the whole process early, but that won't even guarantee an early petition deadline if there are multiple legal challenges after filing. The petitioner has little control over when their final deadline is set.
EDIT: Ha! Jerrywall beat me to the punch. I didn't type fast enough! Lol.
OKCRT 07-19-2018, 05:29 PM It's way more complicated than that. So after an initiative petition is initially filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State and the Attorney General, that kicks off a process of variable length before the circulation of petitions and signature collection can even begin. The SoS sets the SQ and Petition numbers, notifies the governor and election board, and then publishes a public Notice of Filing - allowing up to 10 days for any citizen to protest the constitutionality of the petition. If someone does protest, then that begins another 10-day (minimum) process to allow for hearings and a decision from the state Supreme Court. Once any legal controversy is settled, then the SoS has up to 30 days to set a date to begin the circulation period to gather signatures. The petition has a maximum of 90 days from that date to collect and return signatures. The full process is outlined here:
This is all enshrined in law. As a result of all of that, you can't just change the deadline. You have to start the whole process early, but that won't even guarantee an early petition deadline if there are multiple legal challenges after filing. The petitioner has little control over when their final deadline is set.
EDIT: Ha! Jerrywall beat me to the punch. I didn't type fast enough! Lol.
Good job explaining that , both of you guys. I guess we will have to wait and see for sure but it appears that there's not much of a chance getting it on the ballot this year.
gopokes88 07-19-2018, 05:34 PM Well well well......,%20Board%20 of%20Pharmacy%20director%20offered%20attorney%20a% 20job
Somebody needs to write all of them a marijuana prescription so they all chill the F out
PhiAlpha 07-19-2018, 06:43 PM I posted earlier about what they check for invalid signatures (yes, they check for duplicate signatures), as well as clarifying that signature collectors *do not* have to be OK residents now (they used to have to be, but a court ruling changed that).
Gotcha, didn’t go far back enough.
PhiAlpha 07-19-2018, 06:45 PM Say goodbye to those dumb rules. AG just told them to repeal them.
Just another example of our corrupt, regressive, overly conservative, bible thumping, religion obesessed government at work..........
jonny d 07-19-2018, 08:23 PM Just another example of our corrupt, regressive, overly conservative, bible thumping, religion obesessed government at work..........
I really wish people would quit blaming Christians for everything...Conservative does not equal Christian. Thinking so is pure, unadultered ignorance...
gopokes88 07-19-2018, 09:27 PM They’re all going to be fired and hopefully prison so that’s a positive.