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07-10-2018, 12:27 PM
Being unfamiliar with MJ, will you still be able to get the same effects / results from other kinds of MMJ? If so, how? Edibles? Gummies? Oils?

07-10-2018, 12:28 PM
They did it. Not that anything else was expected. This is the Bible Belt.

Well... the state board of health just gave enough signatures for the recreational marijuana petition. and probably enough support for it to pass in November. A pissed off electorate is a is often a voting electorate.

07-10-2018, 12:29 PM
They did it. Not that anything else was expected. This is the Bible Belt.

What a crock of ****......

07-10-2018, 12:30 PM

The key line is "Hausheer says she’s convinced Oklahoma voters didn’t fully realize the implications of State Question 788, which passed June 26 with nearly 57 percent of the vote."

An absolute insult toward all of us who voted for the SQ.

07-10-2018, 12:31 PM
Being unfamiliar with MJ, will you still be able to get the same effects / results from other kinds of MMJ? If so, how? Edibles? Gummies? Oils?

That I don't know. Smokable form will provide patients with the quickest form of relief. Others have to take time to digest and get into the system.

07-10-2018, 12:33 PM
They did it. Not that anything else was expected. This is the Bible Belt.

Unbelievable but totally believable at the same time. What actions can a normal citizen take against this board decision or the composition of the board members in general? It seems pretty ridiculous the freedom they have to edit and make (possibly illegal?) last minute changes to a state question.
"She cautioned board members that the two new rules they added to the proposed rules might not be allowed under the state question, inviting a court challenge."

07-10-2018, 12:34 PM

The key line is "Hausheer says she’s convinced Oklahoma voters didn’t fully realize the implications of State Question 788, which passed June 26 with nearly 57 percent of the vote."

An absolute insult toward all of us who voted for the SQ.

It's the Oklahoma way. Big money and religious leaders know best and everyone is just supposed to take it up the a**. They did the same thing with criminal justice reform, it's just that those were constitutional amendments and much more difficult to dismantle.

07-10-2018, 12:35 PM
"She cautioned board members that the two new rules they added to the proposed rules might not be allowed under the state question, inviting a court challenge."

A court challenge is probably what's coming.

07-10-2018, 12:35 PM
Unbelievable but totally believable at the same time. What actions can a normal citizen take against this board decision or the composition of the board members in general? It seems pretty ridiculous the freedom they have to edit and make (possibly illegal?) last minute changes to a state question.
"She cautioned board members that the two new rules they added to the proposed rules might not be allowed under the state question, inviting a court challenge."

I would like to know this as well. What can we do?

07-10-2018, 12:36 PM
The state question was poorly written and vague. I don’t think it mentioned smoking at all.

07-10-2018, 12:38 PM
The state question was poorly written and vague. I don’t think it mentioned smoking at all.

Do all other states with MMJ allow smoking, or are we going to be the first to ban it completely?

07-10-2018, 12:38 PM

from the news ok article

Julie Ezell, the Health Department’s general counsel, presented the rules to a packed board room and to members of the public watching in an overflow room and online. She cautioned board members that the two new rules they added to the proposed rules might not be allowed under the state question, inviting a court challenge.

so their own general counsel advised them against this... won't take much in court to fight it

07-10-2018, 12:41 PM
from the news ok article

so their own general counsel advised them against this... won't take much in court to fight it

My only question is how will they know if this is not allowed under the state question? Who makes this decision, and how is that decision rationalized?

07-10-2018, 12:42 PM

07-10-2018, 12:44 PM
I would imagine that pharmacists might be prohibited from distributing a Schedule 1 substance, regardless of what the state law says.

Did anybody check with the Board of Pharmacists?

07-10-2018, 12:51 PM
I would imagine that pharmacists might be prohibited from distributing a Schedule 1 substance, regardless of what the state law says.

Did anybody check with the Board of Pharmacists?
this is correct. it is why separate dispensaries are set up and not using traditional pharmacies

07-10-2018, 12:53 PM
My only question is how will they know if this is not allowed under the state question? Who makes this decision, and how is that decision rationalized?

it will be a judge. and perhaps all the way to the Oklahoma State Supreme Court. But this is pretty clear... Section 1 Article A of the State question clearly separates all the types of marijuana this would allow.. and their own General Counsel said it probably is against it.

07-10-2018, 12:55 PM
They did it. Not that anything else was expected. This is the Bible Belt.

So it's like recreational joints are safer than medical joints. Once again, this odd American custom that you have to legalize medical marijuana before you can legalize recreational marijuana is the height of ridiculousness. Just blame it on the Feds. However, if things become more rational by the DEA taking marijuana off of Schedule 1 or better, yet, an act of Congress decriminalizes marijuana, then the state health department and opponents of SQ788 will look all the more ridiculous and oppressive. It will be interesting to see if November elections significantly changes things toward the more rational in 2019.

07-10-2018, 12:58 PM
it will be a judge. and perhaps all the way to the Oklahoma State Supreme Court. But this is pretty clear... Section 1 Article A of the State question clearly separates all the types of marijuana this would allow.. and their own General Counsel said it probably is against it.

And yet doesn’t say one word about smoking it.

07-10-2018, 01:02 PM
And yet doesn’t say one word about smoking it.

But it includes plants and leaves which they are trying to ban......

07-10-2018, 01:04 PM
And yet doesn’t say one word about smoking it.

well what else is the medical way to consume the 3 ounces of marijuana on your person that the license allows in Section 1 Article A subsection 2... subsection 5 talks about concentrated marijuana and having once ounce of it... and subsection 6 talks specifically about the amount of edible marijuana you can have...

you are correct, it doesn't specifically say the word "Smoke"... but how does one consume marijuana that is not part of an edible, nor concentrated?

07-10-2018, 01:08 PM
Make brownies?

07-10-2018, 01:15 PM
Make brownies?

no where in the state question 788 does it state that it is legal to make or own edibles. only to purchase them, and there is a statement specifically about the amount of edibles one is able to have on their person.

So now you are adding items that are not specifically mentioned in the state question.

So if it is specifically stated that it is legal to purchase marijuana and have up to 3 ounces, and does not explicitly give the ability to create edibles from the purchased marijuana... then how does one consume the purchased marijuana.

07-10-2018, 01:15 PM
Make brownies?
He specifically said "...that is not part of an edible...". Christ, you're dense when you think you're trying to make a point.

07-10-2018, 01:16 PM
I imagine this will be challenged in court pretty quick. Ignored the will of the people here.

07-10-2018, 01:17 PM
Make brownies?

Section 4 Arcticle C is the only section that talks about the ability to make edibles... and it only give the authority to licensed processors,

C. A licensed processor may take marijuana plants and distill or process these plants into concentrates, edibles, and other forms for consumption.

07-10-2018, 01:26 PM
And yet doesn’t say one word about smoking it.

Section 4 Article F

F. Any device used for the consumption of medical marijuana shall be considered legal to be sold, manufactured, distributed, and possessed. No merchant, wholesaler, manufacturer, or individual may unduly be harassed or prosecuted for selling, manufacturing, or possession of medical marijuana paraphernalia.

except for the purpose of smoking, what other forms of consumption of any form of marijuana would facilitate the need for this paraphernalia?

07-10-2018, 02:10 PM
Gladly signed the SQ797 petition today while working downtown. Went to Chad Moody's law office next to the courthouse to sign it.

07-10-2018, 02:43 PM
I will be going to sign SQ797 after seeing this ridiculous comments from supposed medical professionals claiming I didn't know what I voted for.

07-10-2018, 02:57 PM
When can we expect something to happen? What happens now?

07-10-2018, 02:59 PM
When can we expect something to happen? What happens now?

ACLU or another group will fine for an injunction or an expedited review and decision.

07-10-2018, 03:02 PM
While I did vote for 788, I didn't sign the 788 petition because I never was offered a chance and it wasn't a big enough deal for me to go look for a place to sign.

It's now a big deal to me. The state playing games like this against the will of the people really irks me. Did they learn nothing from the teachers?

Where is a list of locations where people can sign?

07-10-2018, 03:05 PM
While I did vote for 788, I didn't sign the 788 petition because I never was offered a chance and it wasn't a big enough deal for me to go look for a place to sign.

It's now a big deal to me. The state playing games like this against the will of the people really irks me. Did they learn nothing from the teachers?

Where is a list of locations where people can sign?

07-10-2018, 03:05 PM
While I did vote for 788, I didn't sign the 788 petition because I never was offered a chance and it wasn't a big enough deal for me to go look for a place to sign.

It's now a big deal to me. The state playing games like this against the will of the people really irks me. Did they learn nothing from the teachers?

Where is a list of locations where people can sign?

lol... like I said earlier... the health department just got 797 to pass... haha

07-10-2018, 03:11 PM
Meanwhile, a lawsuit might also stop the law from going into effect because none of the rules can be enforced. Which may be the long con the agencies and groups are going for.

07-10-2018, 03:20 PM
Meanwhile, a lawsuit might also stop the law from going into effect because none of the rules can be enforced. Which may be the long con the agencies and groups are going for.

That was probably their real intention. Now implementation will be on hold indefinitely while this works its way through the court system. One of the worst things about living in Oklahoma is that the agenda of hyperconservative religious leaders and big money interests always override the will of the people.

The silver lining is this may result in a stronger push to get SQ 797, which is full legalization, on the ballot.

07-10-2018, 04:06 PM
Well... the state board of health just gave enough signatures for the recreational marijuana petition. and probably enough support for it to pass in November. A pissed off electorate is a is often a voting electorate.

This was my initial thought. Might actually be a good thing for rec if these rules stand

07-10-2018, 04:14 PM
Jean would love to hear from you!

Jean R. Hausheer, MD
3201 W Gore Blvd # 200, Lawton, OK 73505
(580) 250-5855

07-10-2018, 04:57 PM
Jean would love to hear from you!

Jean R. Hausheer, MD
3201 W Gore Blvd # 200, Lawton, OK 73505
(580) 250-5855

It takes over half a million people to get this thing to pass, but only one person to screw it ALL up. How does that even make sense?!

07-10-2018, 05:48 PM
Good job state.

Was probably gonna vote no on rec.

Signing petition and voting yes.

07-10-2018, 05:56 PM
Jean would love to hear from you!

Jean R. Hausheer, MD
3201 W Gore Blvd # 200, Lawton, OK 73505
(580) 250-5855

I don't have a Twitter or Facebook account, but would be good for someone that did to post that there with the info about her being president of the organization that stopped it all, probably put the signatures on rec over the top...

07-10-2018, 06:04 PM

The key line is "Hausheer says she’s convinced Oklahoma voters didn’t fully realize the implications of State Question 788, which passed June 26 with nearly 57 percent of the vote."

It just went from one of the most lax MMJ laws in the nation to the most stringent. Typical Oklahoma.

(Sarcasm) oh man now it’s gonna be super tough to prove to a judge these regulations weren’t just an attempt to stifle the will of the people and are 100% based in medical facts.

07-10-2018, 06:07 PM
Yikes, that escalated quickly:

07-10-2018, 06:14 PM
Lets just legalize recreational and be done with these imbeciles. I think they just spit in the face of every voter that was in favor of 788.

07-10-2018, 06:15 PM
Like to point your all's attention to the that occurred around Prop 8. Yes, it only takes one to thwart the will of the people, on multiple occasions. Don't get all bent out of shape, just be patient. Somehow as a society we have survived this long with medical weed, I'm sure we can survive a bit longer while this certainly works itself out.

07-10-2018, 06:27 PM
Like to point your all's attention to the that occurred around Prop 8. Yes, it only takes one to thwart the will of the people, on multiple occasions. Don't get all bent out of shape, just be patient. Somehow as a society we have survived this long with medical weed, I'm sure we can survive a bit longer while this certainly works itself out.

I wondered how long it was going to be before somebody compared this to gay marriage. The difference is with Prop 8 (and similar measures across the country) the population voted to take away a specific group's rights and the courts said they couldn't do so. With SQ788, the population voted to give people rights and the powers that be i.e. private prisons, big pharma, and religious leaders have said that people cannot have what they voted for.

07-10-2018, 06:31 PM
Voted for 788, but don't really smoke marijuana myself. Was kind of ambivalent towards signing the petition for 797, but I will definitely sign now.

What a blatant disregard for the citizens' votes. How disgusting.

07-10-2018, 06:38 PM
Even house repubs are pissed. At least they’re being consistent in their hatred of unelected morons getting to make rules.

House Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols, an Oklahoma City Republican, said in a phone call he was blindsided by the amendments Tuesday, even though he had been in touch with medical marijuana groups, the business community and the Health Department. The ban on selling smokeable forms of marijuana and the pharmacist requirement had never come up before, he said.

“I called to find out what happened with those new regulations, to figure out if I was being negotiated with in bad faith or how did this happen?” he said. “What appears to have happened is the unelected board of health chose to amend those regulations on the spot, to things that had never been discussed.”

07-10-2018, 07:08 PM
I wondered how long it was going to be before somebody compared this to gay marriage. The difference is with Prop 8 (and similar measures across the country) the population voted to take away a specific group's rights and the courts said they couldn't do so. With SQ788, the population voted to give people rights and the powers that be i.e. private prisons, big pharma, and religious leaders have said that people cannot have what they voted for.

The only point I was trying to make was that one person/entity slowed things up, however this too will likely turn out the right way. It just takes time.

Jersey Boss
07-10-2018, 07:13 PM
It will be interesting when the inevitable lawsuit is filed and depositions are taken as well as seeing the discovery.

07-10-2018, 07:28 PM
This is the beginning of making the majority will of the people benign. If proponents do not stand up to fight this very transparent attempt to effectively neuter the approved SQ then the opponents desired results will be achieved. You get what you vote for in State leadership. The Governor and legislature are cleverly ignoring statutory framework giving the SQ the force of law by leaving the interpretation of intent of the SQ to the Medical Community which will strip and/ or over regulate to minimize access and as we see modes of medication

07-10-2018, 08:02 PM
Voted for 788, but don't really smoke marijuana myself. Was kind of ambivalent towards signing the petition for 797, but I will definitely sign now.

What a blatant disregard for the citizens' votes. How disgusting.

Spread the word! Glad to hear. I'm in roughly the same boat - I don't even use cannabis much anymore, but I sure as hell did when I was in college. The entire war on drugs is a sham and such a waste of taxpayer resources. With cannabis especially, the consequences of getting in trouble are worse than any effects from actually using the substance.

Every year in Oklahoma, about 9,000 people get arrested for cannabis possession/sales combined. Imagine if our society could use those resources for more important things.

Today was a reminder that this is a long fight. Today's F***ING in the ass by the health department was completely unexpected.

Representative Emily Virgin had a useful update no the matter:

I've had quite a few questions about what's next for the emergency rules approved by the Board of Health today on medical cannabis. Here's the process required by the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act:

1) The Governor now has 45 days to approve or disapprove these rules. If she does nothing, the rules are disapproved.

2) If the Governor approves the rules, the legislature can disapprove them in our next session.

3) The emergency rules can only be in effect until September 15, 2019.

4) The agency will have to promulgate permanent rules to replace the emergency rules before they expire. The legislature also has the power to disapprove permanent rules.

So, long story short, the Governor or the legislature can fix this mess by disapproving these rules. A lawsuit could also halt the implementation if/when one is filed.

I hope this helps address some of your questions!

07-10-2018, 08:08 PM
Lord, what a bad day for cannabis reform.

Oklahoman's for Health, in a comment somewhere lost in all the insanity of today, said that 796 and 797 will have to be on the 2020 ballot for some reason.

Hopefully by then, the general public in OK will have less fear of the evil weed and the measures will pass. Sigh. The 2020 Election is going to have everybody and their dog coming out of the woodwork to either reject/approve Trump.

Still, petitions must be signed regardless of when the vote will take place.

I honestly think the best strategy is to have two versions of recreational petition - one as merely a law (like 788) that has a lower signature threshold. The other should be a constitutional amendment. I think it increases the chances of getting it on the ballot and getting it passed.

07-10-2018, 08:41 PM
Hopefully by then, the general public in OK will have less fear of the evil weed and the measures will pass. Sigh. The 2020 Election is going to have everybody and their dog coming out of the woodwork to either reject/approve Trump.

That is what I am hoping. I think as of right now, recreational marijuana would probably fail in Oklahoma by a few points but by 2020 that might not be the case, especially if Democrats take congress this fall and deschedule it in 2019. Public opinion on this is changing fast especially among younger generations. Even today, it's mostly people who financially benefit from it being illegal and holier-than-thou religious people that are still against it. After it gets descheduled more progressive states will probably start legalizing like dominoes.

07-10-2018, 08:52 PM
This is the beginning of making the majority will of the people benign. If proponents do not stand up to fight this very transparent attempt to effectively neuter the approved SQ then the opponents desired results will be achieved. You get what you vote for in State leadership. The Governor and legislature are cleverly ignoring statutory framework giving the SQ the force of law by leaving the interpretation of intent of the SQ to the Medical Community which will strip and/ or over regulate to minimize access and as we see modes of medication

well no, it was the Health Department and House Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols provided a pretty spicy statement to The Oklahoman.

Don’t spread fake news.

07-10-2018, 08:55 PM
That is what I am hoping. I think as of right now, recreational marijuana would probably fail in Oklahoma by a few points but by 2020 that might not be the case, especially if Democrats take congress this fall and deschedule it in 2019. Public opinion on this is changing fast especially among younger generations. Even today, it's mostly people who financially benefit from it being illegal and holier-than-thou religious people that are still against it. After it gets descheduled more progressive states will probably start legalizing like dominoes.

It would pass today. It attracts significant republican support.

Federally there’s a law working its way through Congress now that would leave marijuana regulation up to the states if they legalize it, it would also open up the banking system to the industry. Looks likely to pass.

07-10-2018, 09:02 PM
It would pass today. It attracts significant republican support.

Federally there’s a law working its way through Congress now that would leave marijuana regulation up to the states if they legalize it, it would also open up the banking system to the industry. Looks likely to pass.

For reference -

07-10-2018, 09:21 PM
It would pass today. It attracts significant republican support.

Federally there’s a law working its way through Congress now that would leave marijuana regulation up to the states if they legalize it, it would also open up the banking system to the industry. Looks likely to pass.

I can't find it now, but IIRC the last time Sooner Poll (for whatever that's worth) polled about recreational it was somewhere in the mid-30s for support. Let's not forget that much of the opposition to 788, though defeated, was that it was "too much like recreational". I'm less optimistic, but this is probably the best thing that could've happened for 797 support.

Emily Virgin has explained what happens now. It sounds like there's still plenty of stopgaps against this going into effect this way:

Representative Emily Virgin
2 hrs ·
I've had quite a few questions about what's next for the emergency rules approved by the Board of Health today on medical cannabis. Here's the process required by the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act:

1) The Governor now has 45 days to approve or disapprove these rules. If she does nothing, the rules are disapproved.

2) If the Governor approves the rules, the legislature can disapprove them in our next session.

3) The emergency rules can only be in effect until September 15, 2019.

4) The agency will have to promulgate permanent rules to replace the emergency rules before they expire. The legislature also has the power to disapprove permanent rules.

So, long story short, the Governor or the legislature can fix this mess by disapproving these rules. A lawsuit could also halt the implementation if/when one is filed.

But, she recommends contacting your legislator and the Governor's office to make your voice heard. Do it up, folks!

07-10-2018, 09:52 PM
As of two days ago, the official petition signature count was

796 (medicinal): 73,431
797 (recreational): 81,116

They need 125,000 to get it on the ballot, but it's typical for a decent number of the signatures to be invalid, so they're aiming for 180,000 just to be safe. It's going to be a close call and probably hard to do, but if you feel strongly about it (esp. after what the DoH did today) go ahead and get the word out.

07-10-2018, 10:04 PM
well no, it was the Health Department and House Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols provided a pretty spicy statement to The Oklahoman.

Don’t spread fake news.

Fake News???