View Full Version : Cannabis

06-26-2018, 09:41 PM
called my shot.
I am for total legalization... if people from texas want to come up and buy pot and OK gets the tax money, i am fine with that

That's the next step. I think it will be fully legal in OK within 3 years.

06-26-2018, 09:42 PM
What does this mean for recreational MJ also being an option in November?

06-26-2018, 09:45 PM
called my shot.
I am for total legalization... if people from texas want to come up and buy pot and OK gets the tax money, i am fine with that

Hopefully Texas is the last state to pass it

06-26-2018, 09:47 PM
Got a call from my relatives in New Mexico, they are excited about what is happening in Oklahoma. Contacted my cousin in Tyler, he's :o pissed that Oklahoma approved Medical Marijuana ahead of Texas. :D: ;) :)

06-26-2018, 09:56 PM
What does this mean for recreational MJ also being an option in November?

EDIT: I am an idiot. It could be on the ballot in November as SQ 797. I had forgotten there is a signature petition going on right now to put it on the ballot. My apologies. I don't know how organized the effort is; I haven't heard much of it. Perhaps it gains steam after tonight.

I doubt recreational marijuana would pass in November, but I think the chances are much much greater after tonight.

06-26-2018, 09:57 PM
Senator Yen being lit makes me even happier than SQ 788. He has singlehandedly defeated the expansion of Advanced Practice Nurses in this state.

06-26-2018, 10:20 PM
About 0% chance this will start in 30 days. If the over under is 300 days the smart money should take the over

There’s going to be an absolute war if MF and the Legiature try to F around with the intent of the people.

06-26-2018, 10:27 PM
EDIT: I am an idiot. It could be on the ballot in November as SQ 797. I had forgotten there is a signature petition going on right now to put it on the ballot. My apologies. I don't know how organized the effort is; I haven't heard much of it. Perhaps it gains steam after tonight.

I doubt recreational marijuana would pass in November, but I think the chances are much much greater after tonight.

I think if the Legislature guts this and tries to make it too hard for people to get then it might be easier to pass full recreational than some think. The people have spoken and will be waiting and watching for the next step.

06-26-2018, 10:34 PM
And... Sen. Yen has lost his primary against Joe Howell in an upset. Looks like speaking out against 788 cost him his seat.

I voted for Howell.
Yen voted against craps and other dice games for casinos. Hoping craps and roulette pass ---> then a sports book is next.
Lets get these things done before Texas has a sports book. Just imagine the size of Winstar if pot was legal as well as a sports book. Now imagine how much money in tax dollars we would get from Texans.

06-26-2018, 10:57 PM
Looks like over 500k voted in favor for 788. That seems like a pretty high turnout to me and a pretty resounding YES. Hope the legislature is taking note. It's not like this was a slim victory.

06-26-2018, 11:05 PM
A historic day for our state!

Get ready to contact your reps and senators.

Our legislators will reveal their hands during a special session (if it happens). Remind them that their efforts are futile because 796 and 797 are on the way regardless of what actions they take against 788. The last guy that messed with 788 was shown the door. They come out too strong, they could risk losing in November.

The timing of all this has created a political minefield. The people's will is now clear.


*42,840 MORE Oklahomans voted yes for SQ 788 than voted Mary Fallin into office.

*120,582 MORE Oklahomans voted yes for SQ 788 than voted no.

06-26-2018, 11:07 PM
I voted for Howell.
Yen voted against craps and other dice games for casinos. Hoping craps and roulette pass ---> then a sports book is next.
Lets get these things done before Texas has a sports book. Just imagine the size of Winstar if pot was legal as well as a sports book. Now imagine how much money in tax dollars we would get from Texans.

I love the way you think!

06-26-2018, 11:30 PM
So realistically, how bad can the state legislature change this before it becomes law?

06-26-2018, 11:46 PM
Looks like over 500k voted in favor for 788. That seems like a pretty high turnout to me and a pretty resounding YES. Hope the legislature is taking note. It's not like this was a slim victory.

And a resounding victory in the urban counties which bodes well for future progressive state questions.

06-27-2018, 01:16 AM
I voted first thing in the morning, for both the SQ and Cornett, and against Yen. I'm pretty pleased how the day went.

06-27-2018, 01:26 AM
So realistically, how bad can the state legislature change this before it becomes law?

The people spoke so it should be properly dispensed. :)

Seriously, the law, if you read it, has a lot of holes. It took several years, in Colorado, of plugging up gaps in the law and adding things people didn't think of so the legislature has a lot of work to do.

Judging by thet OK legislature, I bett there are all sorts of attemts to change the intent so people will neted to watch them closely.

06-27-2018, 07:24 AM
A historic day for our state!

Get ready to contact your reps and senators.

Our legislators will reveal their hands during a special session (if it happens). Remind them that their efforts are futile because 796 and 797 are on the way regardless of what actions they take against 788. The last guy that messed with 788 was shown the door. They come out too strong, they could risk losing in November.

The timing of all this has created a political minefield. The people's will is now clear.


*42,840 MORE Oklahomans voted yes for SQ 788 than voted Mary Fallin into office.

*120,582 MORE Oklahomans voted yes for SQ 788 than voted no.
+1 I am cautious optimistic that this new realization of the power of vote will continue and move Oklahoma forward through demanding elected officials legislate according to the will of the people, not oil and gas or other special interest. Really proud of my home State

06-27-2018, 07:34 AM
Jon Echols was on TV last night and a lot of what he said has me hopeful. He is my Rep and I've written him several times in regards to SQ788. He has been against it, but I was hopeful at his support last night for the will of the people. He stated several times during the interview that the people have spoken and now it's up to the legislature to get this right based on what the people vote for. His words last night let me to believe that while there may be holes to fill, they wouldn't be gutting it. I plan on writing another letter to him today letting him know I appreciated what he said and hope he sticks to his word and deliver to the people what we voted for. His office seems to do a good job of responding so I'm hopeful that this has some impact, because I know that several of us in his district have been in his ear and it's seemed to change the tone.

06-27-2018, 07:38 AM
The clock is ticking. 788 has passed and they have 30 days to get this to the people. There are 29 other states that already have MMJ and it shouldn't be too hard for them to adopt some guidelines. They need to get to work.

06-27-2018, 07:53 AM
County by county results interactive map:

06-27-2018, 08:34 AM
Hopefully all the twitters in the state are letting the Legislators know not to mess this up or they will be gone like Yen.
There is some info at

06-27-2018, 08:43 AM
Looking @ the county map and seeing the results of both this SQ and the Bernie vote a couple years back. The purple shift is real. I cannot believe it.

06-27-2018, 09:26 AM
Went to my polling station and magically my name, the name of the guy in front of me and the name of another guy further up the line were not in the eligible voter books.

Then the lady volunteering at the check-in says this has been happening all day - names unexplainably not in the books.

I was told I could fill out a provisional ballot, but that "it might not count" anyway. I was literally the last person in line at my polling location.

I called the Oklahoma County Election Board and they looked me up and said they couldn't explain why I wasn't in the book.

* In hindsight I should have filled out the provisional ballot. But, after hearing some polling stations were withholding ballots with SQ788 on them, I lost all confidence in our system and left.

have you change addresses in the past 10 years and updated your voting information after that change? This happened to me for the presidential election in nov 2016. Cleveland County Election Board said I was still registered. but when I had them read all the information, it was showing at my old address again, even though I had filled out the address change form and have previously voted at my new polling place. for some reason when they printed out the books, it printed me out for my old polling place, and the address with the election board was back to my old one. After having to re-fillout the form again to change my address. I haven't had an issue since.

06-27-2018, 09:27 AM
Looking @ the county map and seeing the results of both this SQ and the Bernie vote a couple years back. The purple shift is real. I cannot believe it.

not a real comparison. I know many Very Very Red Republicans who voted for this

06-27-2018, 09:41 AM
not a real comparison. I know many Very Very Red Republicans who voted for this

Yes, this is an issue which crosses party lines more than most. Of course Republicans who base much of their political belief on their Evangelical faith and also strict law and order types would likely be opposed, but a lot of Republicans are still cut more from libertarian (small "L") cloth and those people would be generally favorable I would think.

06-27-2018, 09:46 AM
County by county results interactive map:
This is a very interesting map. I wonder how much the strong "no" in the panhandle was influenced by legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado and even to a lesser degree medical in Kansas. Meaning those who would have been likely to vote "yes" may have stayed away because of the ease in obtaining recreational pot a county or two away. Also, the "no" votes might have been tipped by there being a lot of interdiction and crime issues in the panhandle from all of the traffic across the border to Colorado. Illegal trafficking may be impacting their daily lives more than ours.

06-27-2018, 09:55 AM
This is a very interesting map. I wonder how much the strong "no" in the panhandle was influenced by legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado and even to a lesser degree medical in Kansas. Meaning those who would have been likely to vote "yes" may have stayed away because of the ease in obtaining recreational pot a county or two away. Also, the "no" votes might have been tipped by there being a lot of interdiction and crime issues in the panhandle from all of the traffic across the border to Colorado. Illegal trafficking may be impacting their daily lives more than ours.

My aunt and Uncle in Boise City actually say the opposite. they say that since Colorado legalized it recreationally, that most of the riff-raff (their words, not mine) that occasionally came through town have kind of disappeared and that, again from their perspective. things are much more calm and feel safer now than before. They still say there are Meth Lab Raids fairly regularly... but the days of shady characters who would travel through town every two to three weeks, seemed to go away.

Of I know they were going to be no votes on this, just because they said everyone in their church was very opposed to it. (but when my aunt got off the phone and it was just my uncle, he said he was still voting no for medical hear, because if he wanted some, he would just make the trek into Colorado and not worry about it.)

06-27-2018, 10:25 AM
Looking @ the county map and seeing the results of both this SQ and the Bernie vote a couple years back. The purple shift is real. I cannot believe it.

Yeah I also know many very republican people who voted in favor of this and would do the same for recreational. None of those people would ever support a Bernie sanders type or probably any democrat nominee for president or even governor. As others have said, this and alcohol reform might actually be the two issues that unite us all hahaha.

06-27-2018, 10:28 AM
...when my aunt got off the phone and it was just my uncle, he said he was still voting no for medical hear, because if he wanted some, he would just make the trek into Colorado and not worry about it.)

That actually exactly confirms my theory, at least in that house. Why bother to vote yes for medical - or go through the rigmarole to get a card - when you can just drive across county lines and freely buy recreational weed? I'll bet a TON of yes votes stayed home there.

06-27-2018, 10:50 AM
If you buy in Colorado can't you still be prosecuted for possession in OK?

06-27-2018, 10:51 AM
If you buy in Colorado can't you still be prosecuted for possession in OK?


06-27-2018, 10:58 AM
BTW, Todd Lamb not even making the run-off seems to be very telling.

Remember, his campaign chairman was Larry Nichols of Devon and Devon and Chesapeake both sent emails to all their employees urging them to vote for Lamb and other energy-friendly candidates which were specifically named.

Lamb ran on the loyal-to-oil plaform which many viewed as business as usual and even contrary to proper education and general budget funding.

Could very much be the first signal that the tide is starting to turn on these issues.

06-27-2018, 11:01 AM
After scrolling a bit in the link, listen to this young gentleman, Frank Grove, who has led the effort to get medical marijuana legalized in Oklahoma since 2014. He thought of putting up Ft. Cannabis in OKC at the entrance to Hefner park for the petition drive in 2016. Very inspiring. His father has a brain tumor. Also on page is interactive map for how each county voted.

06-27-2018, 11:20 AM
This is a very interesting map. I wonder how much the strong "no" in the panhandle was influenced by legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado and even to a lesser degree medical in Kansas.

Just FYI there's no medical MJ in Kansas

06-27-2018, 11:44 AM
It may not have been a straight up political earthquake but the winds have definitely changed.

06-27-2018, 11:51 AM
Weren't there more registered democrats to vote than republicans? I know at some point that was the case but never looked at the finals numbers.

06-27-2018, 11:54 AM
That actually exactly confirms my theory, at least in that house. Why bother to vote yes for medical - or go through the rigmarole to get a card - when you can just drive across county lines and freely buy recreational weed? I'll bet a TON of yes votes stayed home there.

Not even county lines. Back at some point (I'm gonna say past the statute of limitations) when someone I knew wife's was going through chemo, they asked me to help them source some specific strains which their doctor said would help with the side effects. It wasn't hard to locate in Oklahoma.

I'm ecstatic about this vote, will definitely get a license for my epilepsy and rheumatoid arthritis, and am already talking to my cousin who owns multiple dispensaries and grow houses on the west coast about partnering up and opening up one here.

06-27-2018, 12:09 PM
Good luck!
Let us know if it seems to work on relieving your symptoms when you do. I am interested to know.

06-27-2018, 12:31 PM
BTW, Todd Lamb not even making the run-off seems to be very telling.

Remember, his campaign chairman was Larry Nichols of Devon and Devon and Chesapeake both sent emails to all their employees urging them to vote for Lamb and other energy-friendly candidates which were specifically named.

Lamb ran on the loyal-to-oil plaform which many viewed as business as usual and even contrary to proper education and general budget funding.

Could very much be the first signal that the tide is starting to turn on these issues.

I think it has much more to do with 2 things

1st that a bunch of voters relate lamb with Fallon wether that is fair or not

And 2nd he was up against 2 well funded and well known candidates from the 2 largest metros in the state

As to the oil and gas guys. It is pretty likely that the OKC ones at least will very much support Mick. As an aside clay Bennet has supported mick all along

06-27-2018, 12:33 PM
Budtender job openings are about to skyrocket

06-27-2018, 12:42 PM
Just FYI there's no medical MJ in Kansas

Here is the map of the other 29 states as of April 2018. Oklahoma will join Arkansas and Florida as the only southern states with legal MM

06-27-2018, 12:46 PM
Here is the map of the other 29 states as of April 2018. Oklahoma will join Arkansas and Florida as the only southern states with legal MM

But I thought we were the most backwards state everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

06-27-2018, 01:06 PM
Weren't there more registered democrats to vote than republicans? I know at some point that was the case but never looked at the finals numbers.

That used to be the case but isn't anymore. As of 2018 there are 943k Rs, 770k Ds, and 299k Is. But of course, Is can vote in Dem primaries but not Republican ones, so that kind of obfuscates turnout and who all is voting for what.

06-27-2018, 01:07 PM
Nice big word lol

06-27-2018, 01:11 PM
But I thought we were the most backwards state everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

It's a mixed bag, that's for sure. The work our legislature does, and many people we send up there, is pretty backwards and makes us look pretty horrible.

The results of direct democracy via ballot actions, at least over the past few years, are a pretty direct contrast to the actions coming out of the capitol though.

Ross MacLochness
06-27-2018, 02:16 PM
Here is the map of the other 29 states as of April 2018. Oklahoma will join Arkansas and Florida as the only southern states with legal MM

Route 420 could almost exist... Aside from a small tip of Missouri and indiana, you could drive coast to coast in cannabis states.

06-27-2018, 02:42 PM
Ft. Canna, not Ft. Cannabis that is. Out of apparent respect for the 1st Amendment, it was allowed to go nonstop 24 hours a day for several weeks. After complaints, the city decided the tents had to pack up and leave during Hefner park curfew hours and start all over the next day. During one of the final days, I visited Ft. Canna to be a part of unprecedented history in the making and most of all help get more signatures, including sign holding. I was sure needed, since the guy manning it napped much of the time, while I was there. The "sign it again" sign was meant to get across that it wasn't the 2014 or 2015 petition, so come sign again. The people doing the two current cannabis petitions might as well reestablish Ft. Canna.

06-27-2018, 02:47 PM
ft. Canna, not ft. Cannabis that is. Out of apparent respect for the 1st amendment, it was allowed to go nonstop 24 hours for several weeks. After complaints, the city decided the operation had to pack up and leave during hefner park curfew hours. During one of the final days i had to go to ft. Canna to be a part of its history and most of all help get more signatures! The "sign it again" sign was meant to get across that it wasn't the 2014 or 2015 petition, so come sign again.

vote early and vote often

06-27-2018, 02:59 PM

06-27-2018, 03:34 PM
It's a mixed bag, that's for sure. The work our legislature does, and many people we send up there, is pretty backwards and makes us look pretty horrible.

The results of direct democracy via ballot actions, at least over the past few years, are a pretty direct contrast to the actions coming out of the capitol though.

Every state legislature is embarrassing, that's what most of the nancies around here don't get.

Next year I'm gonna start a thread dedicated to all the dumb stuff state legislatures do nationwide.

06-27-2018, 04:32 PM
That used to be the case but isn't anymore. As of 2018 there are 943k Rs, 770k Ds, and 299k Is. But of course, Is can vote in Dem primaries but not Republican ones, so that kind of obfuscates turnout and who all is voting for what.

Correct. I am registered Indy and would have voted pretty much right down the Republican line yesterday if I could have.

06-27-2018, 04:37 PM
Ft. Canna, not Ft. Cannabis that is. Out of apparent respect for the 1st Amendment, it was allowed to go nonstop 24 hours a day for several weeks. After complaints, the city decided the tents had to pack up and leave during Hefner park curfew hours and start all over the next day. During one of the final days, I visited Ft. Canna to be a part of unprecedented history in the making and most of all help get more signatures, including sign holding. I was sure needed, since the guy manning it napped much of the time, while I was there. The "sign it again" sign was meant to get across that it wasn't the 2014 or 2015 petition, so come sign again. The people doing the two current cannabis petitions might as well reestablish Ft. Canna.

I have signed both times at that location. I remember a police car sitting off to the side trying to intimidate people driving in. I sat in the parking lot for about 10 minutes after I pulled in and watch people pull in and turn right around and exit when they saw the police sitting there. What a shame.

Of Sound Mind
06-27-2018, 05:04 PM
Correct. I am registered Indy and would have voted pretty much right down the Republican line yesterday if I could have.

06-27-2018, 06:33 PM
Just FYI there's no medical MJ in Kansas
Ah, man I thought that passed a couple of years ago but obviously didn't pay close enough attention. I know it was close. I try really hard not to shoot my mouth off around here without researching/confirming, so thanks for keeping me honest.

06-27-2018, 09:09 PM
Correct. I am registered Indy and would have voted pretty much right down the Republican line yesterday if I could have.

The republican ballot had 49 republican candidates. What do you mean by you would voted right down the republican line?

06-28-2018, 07:43 AM
The republican ballot had 49 republican candidates. What do you mean by you would voted right down the republican line?

It means I would have voted for a Republican Gov and State Sen ect. but I didn't have a choice as they only gave me a democrat ballot.

06-28-2018, 07:56 AM
Ah, man I thought that passed a couple of years ago but obviously didn't pay close enough attention. I know it was close. I try really hard not to shoot my mouth off around here without researching/confirming, so thanks for keeping me honest.

Only reason I knew that off the top of my head was because I was just home in KS for a high school reunion of sorts and was talking to some folks about OK voting on MMJ and they were surprised and wondering if KS might pass something if OK did. Still had to wikipedia it though before posting cause I thought 'no way Urbanized has something wrong, I don't want to look like a dummy contradicting him!' lol

06-28-2018, 08:03 AM
It means I would have voted for a Republican Gov and State Sen ect. but I didn't have a choice as they only gave me a democrat ballot.

So you would have filled in every single box on a R ballot?

You could have just handed the D ballot back to them, or left it blank.

06-28-2018, 08:13 AM
It means I would have voted for a Republican Gov and State Sen ect. but I didn't have a choice as they only gave me a democrat ballot.

"They" only gave you a Democratic ballot because the Republican party has decided not to open its primary to Independents. It doesn't have to be this way.

06-28-2018, 08:27 AM
It means I would have voted for a Republican Gov and State Sen ect. but I didn't have a choice as they only gave me a democrat ballot.

Speaking as an independent. If you want to vote in the Republican party primary, just join the party. You have no valid complaint.