View Full Version : Cannabis
TheTravellers 06-21-2018, 06:56 PM ... I mean if it is the will of the people to make it legal they couldn't just throw it out just because,correct?
Nope, they could throw it out just because, they've done it before with SQ 780 and 781. Or at the very least, they could rewrite or amend it so the will of the people is basically undone. Can't remember how changed 780 and 781 were when they finished, but yes, the legislature could do bad things to SQ 788, if not outright nullify it.
Jersey Boss 06-21-2018, 07:25 PM Tell me again why it's so important to vote and not just an exercise in futility
Bunty 06-21-2018, 08:15 PM Tell me again why it's so important to vote and not just an exercise in futility
To get back at the no opposition who spent over $800,000 on that persistently annoying Reefer Madness TV ad. If they lose take delight in how they lost their money.
OKCRT 06-21-2018, 08:15 PM Tell me again why it's so important to vote and not just an exercise in futility
Yep,tis the reason the majority of folks don't bother to vote.
pw405 06-21-2018, 08:20 PM Regardless of what happens to 788 after the fact, it is still vitally important that it passes IMHO. For many of the reasons already discussed, wasting our state's financial resources on prohibition simply hasn't worked. Police need to focus on more important things. Those tax dollars need to be put to better use. Economically, the state needs the diversification.
Also.. this is just a personal thing, but I REALLY want our state to have legality before Texas. Just to brag to all my friend's I've lost to that damn state!
onthestrip 06-22-2018, 10:41 AM Regardless of what happens to 788 after the fact, it is still vitally important that it passes IMHO. For many of the reasons already discussed, wasting our state's financial resources on prohibition simply hasn't worked. Police need to focus on more important things. Those tax dollars need to be put to better use. Economically, the state needs the diversification.
Also.. this is just a personal thing, but I REALLY want our state to have legality before Texas. Just to brag to all my friend's I've lost to that damn state!
Ignoring the health and social aspects, this reason alone is worth voting yes. We are now incarcerate the most people in the country, which also means the world. Regardless of what has passed the last few years, we are still a long way away from really making a difference on justice reform and locking up less people. Taking away pot as a reason LEOs can arrest and DAs can charge people would go a long way to helping reduce prisoners and sentencing terms. We save $20k/yr for every person who isnt locked up or who is released. And many of them are there for pot. Vote yes and you will likely see new state revenues in the form of pot taxes and also savings from incarceration, all of which could be put toward more important things.
Ignore all the chamber scare tactics that will all be addressed in a special session.
David 06-22-2018, 10:48 AM Proposed rules show how Oklahoma might regulate medical marijuana if voters approve State Question 788 (
Five working groups, comprised of state department of health officials, helped write the 63 pages of proposed rules, which StateImpact obtained through a request under Oklahoma’s Open Records Act. Law enforcement agencies are also working with the health department to make sure such rules address their public safety concerns.
The rules are subject to change, but a draft dated June 19 stipulates that only doctors of medicine or osteopathic medicine, whose Oklahoma medical license is in ‘good standing’ can recommend patients for a medical marijuana license. Doctors who recommend medical marijuana could not hold a ‘commercial interest’ in any entity that grows, processes or dispenses medical marijuana.
The doctor and patient must have a ‘bona-fide’ physician-patient relationship, under the proposed rules, and have conducted a physical exam, including discussing the risks of marijuana consumption. Physicians must also make a diagnosis that medical marijuana would help alleviate a patient’s symptoms, though no qualifying conditions are specified. The patient then has 30 days to file an application and fee with the state health department for a two-year license.
pw405 06-22-2018, 01:01 PM Proposed rules show how Oklahoma might regulate medical marijuana if voters approve State Question 788 (
The legislature is going to fight this hard. Seems like these are some brainstorming ideas. I sorta agree that doctors shouldn't have interests in the cannabis industry... BUT, the current Big Pharma industry is so corrupt that I'm sure worse is happening already. Hell, they spent $800,000,000 lobbying congress for opiates.
jerrywall 06-22-2018, 01:06 PM Its surprising to me that the local news media seems to be falling on the yes side.
pw405 06-22-2018, 01:06 PM There's another personal reason I'd like to see 788 pass and that is because while I've lost friends to Texas, at least they are still alive.
It was so sad for me in my late 20's to see friends that have become addicted to opiates, and a few that died from opiates. 788 isn't going to cure the opiate crisis, but it is SOMETHING. Something to start patients on an alternative path. Once you start with opiates... geez. Seems like very few get out. Relapses are especially dangerous because people's tolerance resets and then they OD because they took a dose that they were formerly able to handle, but it winds up killing them.
One friend of a friend who OD'd asphyxiated on his vomit and his 6 year old son found him in the morning. FDA approved medicine at it's finest!
pw405 06-22-2018, 01:10 PM Its surprising to me that the local news media seems to be falling on the yes side.
Yes!, I saw News 9's rebuttal to the negative ad campaign this morning and they seemed fairly positive about it. People are making such a stink about this, but again, people already grow marijuana, smoke it in public, and sell it illegally. I knew somebody who DID grow marijuana in their dorm room. Nobody even noticed. He didn't take it to harvest obviously, but it got about 12" high and then he claims to have planted it somewhere outside the city.
bchris02 06-22-2018, 01:29 PM There's another personal reason I'd like to see 788 pass and that is because while I've lost friends to Texas, at least they are still alive.
It was so sad for me in my late 20's to see friends that have become addicted to opiates, and a few that died from opiates. 788 isn't going to cure the opiate crisis, but it is SOMETHING. Something to start patients on an alternative path. Once you start with opiates... geez. Seems like very few get out. Relapses are especially dangerous because people's tolerance resets and then they OD because they took a dose that they were formerly able to handle, but it winds up killing them.
One friend of a friend who OD'd asphyxiated on his vomit and his 6 year old son found him in the morning. FDA approved medicine at it's finest!
My mom was addicted to opiates for a while. Eventually she quit cold turkey but the withdrawals were awful. Really sorry to hear about your friend of a friend. Stories like that are far too common.
Yet, according to some we cannot even consider any kind of marijuana legalization because of some religious people's personal biases against the plant. We have to deny people beneficial medicine because somebody might get high and that is a sin. A plant that has never killed anyone, yet is the "devils lettuce." People also act like that the fact it's illegal is keeping stoners from getting stoned. It's not. I really hope it passes, but the evangelicals are getting fired up against it and I'm starting to become concerned.
LocoAko 06-22-2018, 01:34 PM Its surprising to me that the local news media seems to be falling on the yes side.
Except for the Oklahoman, of course.
LocoAko 06-22-2018, 01:38 PM Proposed rules show how Oklahoma might regulate medical marijuana if voters approve State Question 788 (
Honestly, these proposed changes are much more minimal than I'd have expected and mostly seem quite reasonable. The bunker-like buildings are laughable, though. What other medicine do we prohibit from being sold on Sundays?
Scott5114 06-22-2018, 01:52 PM Tell me again why it's so important to vote and not just an exercise in futility
If there's the votes to pass SQ 788, then presumably there's the votes to boot anyone out of office who messes with 788.
baralheia 06-22-2018, 05:09 PM If there's the votes to pass SQ 788, then presumably there's the votes to boot anyone out of office who messes with 788.
This. So much this.
d-usa 06-22-2018, 05:44 PM Single issue voters will care more about taxes, guns, abortions, etc and will keep legislators that support those issues even if they disagree on weed, at least that’s my take on voters.
bchris02 06-22-2018, 05:46 PM Single issue voters will care more about taxes, guns, abortions, etc and will keep legislators that support those issues even if they disagree on weed, at least that’s my take on voters.
That's pretty much how politics works in Oklahoma. God, abortion, guns, and gays are all that a lot of people care about. Politicians here can get away with anything as long as they stick to the party line on those issues. It's becoming a lot more that way at the national level than it used to be.
OKCRT 06-22-2018, 10:26 PM This. So much this.
Need to keep a close eye on the Ones...
OKCRT 06-23-2018, 02:33 PM That's pretty much how politics works in Oklahoma. God, abortion, guns, and gays are all that a lot of people care about. Politicians here can get away with anything as long as they stick to the party line on those issues. It's becoming a lot more that way at the national level than it used to be.
God-People around the world worship all types of gods. It's not my place or anyone elses place to tell someone which God if any to worship.
Abortion should be the womans choice up to a point IMO.
Guns-We as Americans have the right to bear arms. No matter what anyone says about gun laws there is no way to keep a gun out of a crazy nut jobs hands. If they want a gun bad enough they will get it no matter what law is on the books.
Gays- It may not be the lifestyle I choose to live but it's not my place to tell someone else how to live. I have quite a few gay friends and I don't have any issues with them.
Pretty much common sense stuff here folks. Which brings me to MMJ. Anyone of legal age should have the right to this product if they choose. Much safer than many of the drugs Big Pharma and Docs have been pushing on patients. Let the people choose for themselves if they want this. I bet there will be a bunch that try it and decide it's not for them. Then again there will be some that would have never considered taking it that will try it and use it. But bottom line it should be up to the person to decide if it's right for them IMO.
jccouger 06-25-2018, 07:50 AM Tomorrow is the big day! Been seeing a lot of "Yes on 788" signs around the city.
Excited to be a part of history for our state tomorrow.
brian72 06-25-2018, 08:06 AM I would like this thing to pass, but I'd be shocked if it does. Hopefully I'm wrong.
jccouger 06-25-2018, 08:31 AM I would like this thing to pass, but I'd be shocked if it does. Hopefully I'm wrong.
You just gotta get out and vote! Make sure to encourage your friends on social media as well!
CloudDeckMedia 06-25-2018, 09:10 AM If there's the votes to pass SQ 788, then presumably there's the votes to boot anyone out of office who messes with 788.
If SQ788 passes, it goes to the legislature in a special session. The language WILL BE completely rewritten - that’s for certain - and into what form is anyone’s guess. And remember - our legislature has a habit of writing laws that are later determined to be unconstitutional.
My problem with this question is that it defines marijuana as a drug, but then it changes the rules in comparison with how we obtain other prescription drugs. It completely redefines how it is tested, produced, prescribed, dosed and dispensed. The marijuana you would ingest hasn’t been subjected to drug trials, isn’t produced in an approved lab or manufacturing facility, the potency and specific dosages are estimates, side effects would be unknown and undocumented, an MD isn’t required to prescribe, contact with the prescriber isn’t required for two years, and it won’t be dispensed by a pharmacist. If you don’t respond as hoped or you have a negative reaction, no-one can help you understand how to make adjustments, because neither you, an MD nor a licensed pharmacist knew precisely what you took, or its origin. If you DID benefit from taking it, you won’t know if your next “refill” will have the same positive effect.
I am totally in favor of making another drug available to ease pain & suffering, but I don’t see how this question achieves that goal.
jccouger 06-25-2018, 09:23 AM If SQ788 passes, it goes to the legislature in a special session. The language WILL BE completely rewritten - that’s for certain - and into what form is anyone’s guess. And remember - our legislature has a habit of writing laws that are later determined to be unconstitutional.
My problem with this question is that it defines marijuana as a drug, but then it changes the rules in comparison with how we obtain other prescription drugs. It completely redefines how it is tested, produced, prescribed, dosed and dispensed. The marijuana you would ingest hasn’t been subjected to drug trials, isn’t produced in an approved lab or manufacturing facility, the potency and specific dosages are estimates, side effects would be unknown and undocumented, an MD isn’t required to prescribe, contact with the prescriber isn’t required for two years, and it won’t be dispensed by a pharmacist. If you don’t respond as hoped or you have a negative reaction, no-one can help you understand how to make adjustments, because neither you, an MD nor a licensed pharmacist knew precisely what you took, or its origin. If you DID benefit from taking it, you won’t know if your next “refill” will have the same positive effect.
I am totally in favor of making another drug available to ease pain & suffering, but I don’t see how this question achieves that goal.
I think you underestimate the science & research that has been done on medical marijuana. Oklahoma is not a guinea pig. There are concentrates & accurate readings for the level of compounds in a dosage, and those can absolutely be measured & prescribed in dosages.
Also, most of the rules & practices that are in place for current prescription drugs is because altering dosages can have a severe effect on health. Medical marijuana is literally safer to digest than your standard over the counter ibuprofen and other over the counter medications.
LocoAko 06-25-2018, 09:40 AM If SQ788 passes, it goes to the legislature in a special session. The language WILL BE completely rewritten - that’s for certain - and into what form is anyone’s guess. And remember - our legislature has a habit of writing laws that are later determined to be unconstitutional.
My problem with this question is that it defines marijuana as a drug, but then it changes the rules in comparison with how we obtain other prescription drugs. It completely redefines how it is tested, produced, prescribed, dosed and dispensed. The marijuana you would ingest hasn’t been subjected to drug trials, isn’t produced in an approved lab or manufacturing facility, the potency and specific dosages are estimates, side effects would be unknown and undocumented, an MD isn’t required to prescribe, contact with the prescriber isn’t required for two years, and it won’t be dispensed by a pharmacist. If you don’t respond as hoped or you have a negative reaction, no-one can help you understand how to make adjustments, because neither you, an MD nor a licensed pharmacist knew precisely what you took, or its origin. If you DID benefit from taking it, you won’t know if your next “refill” will have the same positive effect.
I am totally in favor of making another drug available to ease pain & suffering, but I don’t see how this question achieves that goal.
It's subject to change, but here's an article discussing the changes that have been proposed so far. For the most part they seem entirely reasonable. And, to jccougar's point, it would open the door for research into medical marijuana to be conducted here in Oklahoma (in addition to what is being done elsewhere).
onthestrip 06-25-2018, 10:08 AM If SQ788 passes, it goes to the legislature in a special session. The language WILL BE completely rewritten - that’s for certain - and into what form is anyone’s guess. And remember - our legislature has a habit of writing laws that are later determined to be unconstitutional.
My problem with this question is that it defines marijuana as a drug, but then it changes the rules in comparison with how we obtain other prescription drugs. It completely redefines how it is tested, produced, prescribed, dosed and dispensed. The marijuana you would ingest hasn’t been subjected to drug trials, isn’t produced in an approved lab or manufacturing facility, the potency and specific dosages are estimates, side effects would be unknown and undocumented, an MD isn’t required to prescribe, contact with the prescriber isn’t required for two years, and it won’t be dispensed by a pharmacist. If you don’t respond as hoped or you have a negative reaction, no-one can help you understand how to make adjustments, because neither you, an MD nor a licensed pharmacist knew precisely what you took, or its origin. If you DID benefit from taking it, you won’t know if your next “refill” will have the same positive effect.
I am totally in favor of making another drug available to ease pain & suffering, but I don’t see how this question achieves that goal.
I think thats because its completely unlike all other prescription drugs and that this is simply a plant that anyone can grow and then simply ingest through smoking or eating and not die or worry about mixing it with other Rx drugs. It also requires no manufacturing or processing, you only have to heat it. I think it makes perfect sense to have it prescribed very differently than all other drugs.
d-usa 06-25-2018, 01:20 PM An FDA panel also recommended a marijuana based drug for approval today:
Zuplar 06-25-2018, 02:10 PM I'm real disappointed our COO today is passing around propaganda coming out against 788. A bunch of the same crap that's been debunked previously.
CloudDeckMedia 06-25-2018, 03:01 PM I'm real disappointed our COO today is passing around propaganda coming out against 788. A bunch of the same crap that's been debunked previously.
Can you say what he/she is saying, and why it's wrong?
Bunty 06-25-2018, 04:15 PM On Sat. and Sun. I went to Gay Pride to get signatures on the petitions to vote on placing legal medical and recreational marijuana in the Oklahoma Constitution. There were at least a dozen people there young and old getting signatures. One of them, a real nice lady, must have been in her 70s. On Sunday, due to a rain delay, I didn't start until 3:30 when the rain stopped and 39th St. quickly began filling up with people. I teamed up with a delightful lady who was more outgoing than me in approaching people for signatures. After over 12 hours of work on my feet, I got 108 signatures for medical and 110 for rec. Yeah, that may not seem like much and can see why many people don't want to volunteer to do that job, but every little bit counts and adds up. Kinda frustrating parts of the job were comments like, "I'm from California, good luck" and "We already signed." Anyway, a good time was had. The lady I teamed up with said it was her first first Pride Parade, enjoyed it, and sensed there was a lot of love there. The rain cooled, cloudy weather was a sheer delight for the parade.
sooner88 06-25-2018, 04:36 PM The Chamber sent out an email today stating that they oppose SQ 788
tyeomans 06-25-2018, 04:49 PM The Chamber sent out an email today stating that they oppose SQ 788
I'm starting to get a little concerned about all the opposition that's came out in the last week or so. Are people still thinking it's going to pass?
d-usa 06-25-2018, 05:17 PM I think all the last minute opposition may be a good sign in favor of the Yes folks.
BG918 06-25-2018, 05:22 PM How many states with MM on the ballot have turned it down? Polling was significantly in favor of it but has narrowed with the latest opposition. The key for those in favor will be to make sure you get out and vote.
Bunty 06-25-2018, 05:38 PM How many states with MM on the ballot have turned it down? Polling was significantly in favor of it but has narrowed with the latest opposition. The key for those in favor will be to make sure you get out and vote.
South Dakota is the only state that I can think in which voters rejected legalized medical marijuana.
I think Stillwater is okay with passing SQ788. There are yes signs scattered around town. I have not seen any no signs. I got little negative feedback there while getting around 850 signatures for the SQ788 petition. The Stillwater News Press endorsed passage of SQ788 on Sunday.
I think SQ788 will pass state wise. By how much, I wouldn't venture to guess. Since 2004, Oklahoma voters have passed a number of state questions over conservative Christian opposition, so why not medical marijuana? This conservative Christian pastor no longer opposes medical marijuana:
pw405 06-25-2018, 06:21 PM On Sat. and Sun. I went to Gay Pride to get signatures on the petitions to vote on placing legal medical and recreational marijuana in the Oklahoma Constitution. There were at least a dozen people there young and old getting signatures. One of them, a real nice lady, must have been in her 70s. On Sunday, due to a rain delay, I didn't start until 3:30 when the rain stopped and 39th St. quickly began filling up with people. I teamed up with a delightful lady who was more outgoing than me in approaching people for signatures. After over 12 hours of work on my feet, I got 108 signatures for medical and 110 for rec. Yeah, that may not seem like much and can see why many people don't want to volunteer to do that job, but every little bit counts and adds up. Kinda frustrating parts of the job were comments like, "I'm from California, good luck" and "We already signed." Anyway, a good time was had. The lady I teamed up with said it was her first first Pride Parade, enjoyed it, and sensed there was a lot of love there. The rain cooled, cloudy weather was a sheer delight for the parade.
Awesome! Was her name Pam, by chance? I ran into a lady that sounds just like her outside of a music venue a few months back. She's super dedicated and great to have for the cause.
No matter what happens with 788 tomorrow, we must try and get 796 and 797 on the ballot in November! Seems like you're well on your way.
pw405 06-25-2018, 06:40 PM If SQ788 passes, it goes to the legislature in a special session. The language WILL BE completely rewritten - that’s for certain - and into what form is anyone’s guess. And remember - our legislature has a habit of writing laws that are later determined to be unconstitutional.
My problem with this question is that it defines marijuana as a drug, but then it changes the rules in comparison with how we obtain other prescription drugs. It completely redefines how it is tested, produced, prescribed, dosed and dispensed. The marijuana you would ingest hasn’t been subjected to drug trials, isn’t produced in an approved lab or manufacturing facility, the potency and specific dosages are estimates, side effects would be unknown and undocumented, an MD isn’t required to prescribe, contact with the prescriber isn’t required for two years, and it won’t be dispensed by a pharmacist. If you don’t respond as hoped or you have a negative reaction, no-one can help you understand how to make adjustments, because neither you, an MD nor a licensed pharmacist knew precisely what you took, or its origin. If you DID benefit from taking it, you won’t know if your next “refill” will have the same positive effect.
I am totally in favor of making another drug available to ease pain & suffering, but I don’t see how this question achieves that goal.
A few points here:
-Possible that your overestimating the effectiveness of our legislature.
-A board certified physician is able to prescribe - not veterinarians, not chiropractors or dentists.
-Won't be "dispensed by a pharmacist"? Pharmacists dispense the most deadly and addictive drugs you'll find. This sounds like a good thing. I'll trust the guy at the store can place things on a scale and read the number. A pharmacists doesn't have magical detection powers for potency/purity of the 1,000's of pills he puts in bottles everyday.
-Ask all the pain patients that OD if "making contact with the prescribing physician" every 30 days made their overdose experience any safer.
I do agree that I'd like to see standardization of all the cannabinoids in certain strains so that the precise ratios could be achieved. This will be solved by technology & testing which will come as the industry matures.
pw405 06-25-2018, 06:40 PM double post, delete me.
OKCRT 06-25-2018, 08:15 PM A No Vote is supporting the Cartels.
jccouger 06-25-2018, 09:03 PM My post was rude, self moderating.
LocoAko 06-26-2018, 08:41 AM Get out there today and vote, folks!
onthestrip 06-26-2018, 09:17 AM The Chamber sent out an email today stating that they oppose SQ 788
Chamber has been against it for a while now and is who is mostly behind the nearly half million ad buy thats been running the last few weeks. The commercials are bogus, but probably effective in scaring some people. It will be close in the end I think, but I predict yes 54%-46%
d-usa 06-26-2018, 09:52 AM
The FDA is slowly acknowledging what science has been saying.
OKCRT 06-26-2018, 10:27 AM Quite a few folks out voting this morning. Seems higher than normal. Repubs have a closed primary so if you are Indy you can only vote Dem ticket. That seems like a scam to me.
Rover 06-26-2018, 10:29 AM Quite a few folks out voting this morning. Seems higher than normal. Repubs have a closed primary so if you are Indy you can only vote Dem ticket. That seems like a scam to me.
How is it a scam? Republicans had the same opportunity to include independents. They were most likely afraid of watering down the effect of the far right tea partiers.
OKCRT 06-26-2018, 10:35 AM How is it a scam? Republicans had the same opportunity to include independents. They were most likely afraid of watering down the effect of the far right tea partiers.
To me if you are Independent you should be able to vote for anyone you choose to. Some of us are not a straight party line voter.
bchris02 06-26-2018, 10:38 AM To me if you are Independent you should be able to vote for anyone you choose to. Some of us are not a straight party line voter.
The way the system works here is designed to keep this a single-party state. First, make the primaries closed primaries so the more right-wing, extreme candidates will win. Second, keep straight-ticket voting an option so Republicans always win by default just because they are Republican.
OKCRT 06-26-2018, 10:39 AM The way the system works here is designed to keep this a single-party state. First, make the primaries closed primaries so the more right-wing, extreme candidates will win. Second, keep straight-ticket voting an option so Republicans always win by default just because they are Republican.
Correct,that is why I call it a scam.
d-usa 06-26-2018, 11:22 AM I think the compromise should be that parties choosing to keep their primaries closed should be billed for the cost of having the state conduct an intra-party election for them.
dcsooner 06-26-2018, 12:04 PM The way the system works here is designed to keep this a single-party state. First, make the primaries closed primaries so the more right-wing, extreme candidates will win. Second, keep straight-ticket voting an option so Republicans always win by default just because they are Republican.
BG918 06-26-2018, 12:05 PM To me if you are Independent you should be able to vote for anyone you choose to. Some of us are not a straight party line voter.
Independents can vote in the primaries in Colorado. You have to choose Republican or Democrat though.
jerrywall 06-26-2018, 12:12 PM To me if you are Independent you should be able to vote for anyone you choose to. Some of us are not a straight party line voter.
That's absurd. Why should you be allowed to pick a party's candidate if you're not a member of the party? Do you not know how parties work? You do get to vote for or against their candidate in the general election but the primary is for the members of the party to pick their representative they want to back and fund. This is like being upset that you can't vote for the mayor of Norman while living in Edmond, or not being able to vote for the president of the local Lions club while not being a member.
d-usa 06-26-2018, 12:35 PM Does the local Lions Club get taxpayers to fund and the state to administer their elections?
tyeomans 06-26-2018, 12:37 PM I'm hearing lots of rumblings that some polling places aren't handing out the ballot with SQ 788. This is absolutely ridiculous, and whoever is running these polls needs to be held accountable. What would the charge be for tampering with votes?
jerrywall 06-26-2018, 12:45 PM Does the local Lions Club get taxpayers to fund and the state to administer their elections?
Nope. Doesnt matter. It's a service to make the primary accessible for the members around the state vs limiting it to only those delegates at a state convention. Plus there are other issues on the ballot, so it's not like the ink costs that much for party specific questions. If you want to make decisions in a party, join it.
jccouger 06-26-2018, 12:49 PM Just voted!
Felt monumental.
jerrywall 06-26-2018, 12:50 PM I'm hearing lots of rumblings that some polling places aren't handing out the ballot with SQ 788. This is absolutely ridiculous, and whoever is running these polls needs to be held accountable. What would the charge be for tampering with votes?
I'd need to see proof of this. Ballots are preprinted so if they're saying that there are versions of the ballot that dont include it I'd be surprised and it would be unprecedented. If it's that people are being refused ballots to vote on this, they need to call the police. The third alternative and what I consider more likely is that there are some pro 788 voters who showed up at a random ballot place without knowing if that is there location or even registering to vote. This isn't a stoner assumption, but more a college age kid assumption. I love my sons and they are smart but this is totally something they would do. I walked my oldest through verifying his voting location and making sure he was set to vote yesterday.
d-usa 06-26-2018, 12:54 PM The parties have the means to run private elections. There is no reason to make taxpayers fund their intro-party search for candidates. Make them open or pay your share.
jccouger 06-26-2018, 12:54 PM I'd need to see proof of this. Ballots are preprinted so if they're saying that there are versions of the ballot that dont include it I'd be surprised and it would be unprecedented. If it's that people are being refused ballots to vote on this, they need to call the police. The third alternative and what I consider more likely is that there are some pro 788 voters who showed up at a random ballot place without knowing if that is there location or even registering to vote. This isn't a stoner assumption, but more a college age kid assumption. I love my sons and they are smart but this is totally something they would do. I walked my oldest through verifying his voting location and making sure he was set to vote yesterday.
You are supposed to be handed 2 ballots. 788 is on the ballot with the District Judge vote.