08-25-2016, 08:34 AM
So it seems like all the claims about the massive conspiracy against the SQ were manufactured?
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jerrywall 08-25-2016, 08:34 AM So it seems like all the claims about the massive conspiracy against the SQ were manufactured? Bullbear 08-25-2016, 08:42 AM So it seems like all the claims about the massive conspiracy against the SQ were manufactured? has it been announced that it is indeed on the ballot for November?. I haven't seen an update TU 'cane 08-25-2016, 08:57 AM So it seems like all the claims about the massive conspiracy against the SQ were manufactured? You give the state leaders and offices way too much credit. Just because some of us are skeptical that it will indeed get on the ballot after all the effort put in, doesn't necessarily merit bringing the conversation down by suggesting those who are suspcious are conspiracy theorists. The state has had active interest in keeping all forms of marijuana illegal. Did you not keep up with AG Pruitts antics against Colorado? And you want to sit there and act like we're making things up and are to expect a completely fair process? Read that last sentence at least twice before you answer. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 09:41 AM You give the state leaders and offices way too much credit. Just because some of us are skeptical that it will indeed get on the ballot after all the effort put in, doesn't necessarily merit bringing the conversation down by suggesting those who are suspcious are conspiracy theorists. The state has had active interest in keeping all forms of marijuana illegal. Did you not keep up with AG Pruitts antics against Colorado? And you want to sit there and act like we're making things up and are to expect a completely fair process? Read that last sentence at least twice before you answer. It's not been simple suspicion or caution. It's been flat out accusations. Without proof. At best that's slander, and it looks to be untrue. And this is against a Governor which has come out against the war on drugs (called it a failure), has pushed through SQ's to reduce criminality for drug possession and use, and a state AG who just recently sided with and pushed through strong beer by the pint at breweries. Yes, I'd say these accusations are unreasonable, when even Dorman, a hypocritical critic of Fallin, just clarified why the process happened the way it did. So yes, you're making things up. And I read it three times. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 09:43 AM has it been announced that it is indeed on the ballot for November?. I haven't seen an update Has it been blocked? Has the Governor decided to violate the constitution? I haven't seen an update. It will be on a ballot, regardless of the timing, if it has the requisite number of signatures. I don't have to prove a negative. You do. It's slanderous to accuse folks of violating the constitution when they haven't. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 09:48 AM BTW - As an example, here's a post on Facebook from Oklahoman's for Health... Mary Fallin and Scott Pruitt don't care about the hundreds of thousands of people in Oklahoma that need medical marijuana. They don't want the people of Oklahoma to vote on medical marijuana because they know it will pass if it's on the ballot. To make the situation worse they are pulling ever dirty trick in their arsenal to deny SQ788(medical marijuana) access to the November 8th ballot! I'm waiting to see what dirty tricks they're pulling. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? barrettd 08-25-2016, 09:52 AM BTW - As an example, here's a post on Facebook from Oklahoman's for Health... I'm waiting to see what dirty tricks they're pulling. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Well, our governor and AG following the Constitution for once is kind of a dirty trick :D Bullbear 08-25-2016, 09:56 AM Has it been blocked? Has the Governor decided to violate the constitution? I haven't seen an update. It will be on a ballot, regardless of the timing, if it has the requisite number of signatures. I don't have to prove a negative. You do. It's slanderous to accuse folks of violating the constitution when they haven't. It was a simple question as your statement made it sound like people who thought they might drag their feet getting in on the November ballot were wrong. So asking if you saw that their thoughts were unfounded and it was indeed on the ballot. but clearly you just came to pick a fight. Sorry if you don't think I have a right to think they would drag their feet but its definitely how I feel. If the petition was to get the 10 commandments back at the capitol we would most likely have already heard it has cleared all hurdles and is on the ballot.. Oh but it didn't need a petition did it. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 10:05 AM It was a simple question as your statement made it sound like people who thought they might drag their feet getting in on the November ballot were wrong. So asking if you saw that their thoughts were unfounded and it was indeed on the ballot. but clearly you just came to pick a fight. Sorry if you don't think I have a right to think they would drag their feet but its definitely how I feel. If the petition was to get the 10 commandments back at the capitol we would most likely have already heard it has cleared all hurdles and is on the ballot.. Oh but it didn't need a petition did it. Oh, the 10 commandments state question cleared all the hurdles? Thought it died. Hrmm. Not getting your point regardless. I just don't like false accusations and conspiracy theories, and I think they hurt progress and over politicize something which doesn't need to be. Bullbear 08-25-2016, 10:08 AM State question 790 which was added by Failin last week. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 10:11 AM State question 790 which was added by Failin last week. Thought it died in committee. Either way, saying "added by Failin" still maintains some consipiratal stance. I guess she should have violated the constitution and not added a passed (overwhelmingly) SQ to the ballot? I mean, she has literally done nothing but certify the passed SQ's to the ballot on a timeline requested by the state election board. NOTHING. That's it, and people are losing their minds because she's doing her damn job. Grow up folks. I can't figure out why not adding something to the ballot which at the time hadn't been certified is a crime. She can still add it. And if it doesn't get on in November, it will still get an election. TU 'cane 08-25-2016, 10:17 AM Chill out Jerry, seriously. You're all over the place and you are on some witch hunt against those of us skeptical of the process. Just stop man. Did you conveniently miss the part in my post about Pruitt? How are we to have any confidence after WITNESSING his actions? Pruitt tried to sue the state of Colorado twice because of their policies. Meanwhile, people have been trying for years to get medicial marijuana on a ballot and now that there are enough signatures, THE STATE sent out preliminary statements saying it's possible this may not make it onto the ballot in November. That is what I have been focused on and making my own statements on. God forbid I be a litte suspicious and then to have YOU tell me that I'm off base? Stop. I've noticed lately some people on this board are seeking out arguments. Some people are miserable and find arguing and debating to be some type of relief. Just take stile99 in the license plate thread who came after me in a hostile post after a couple observations I made. This is getting out of hand. I think I'll be taking a break from the people of OKC Talk. ctchandler 08-25-2016, 10:28 AM Today's DOK addresses this on page 5A. The main thing people are interested is the following that I copied. C. T. "But a series of deadlines means the question likely will have to wait until June or November 2018, the next scheduled primary and general elections.". ctchandler 08-25-2016, 10:37 AM CBS can be hacked. Anytime you get online you are subject to false information. Wikipedia is a great tool if you know how to use it. Read the article and verify using the sources and links posted at the bottom. It is up to you to further decide how credible the website listed is. PP, Hacking and "editing" are two totally different things. Any system can be hacked, but you cannot legitimately edit CBS, however you can legitimately edit Wikipedia (I am not familiar with the approval process, but I'm sure it's probably pretty good). My point is, there are better sources for serious conversation than Wikipedia. I go to Wiki often for a lot of things and I appreciate their efforts to provide that information. C. T. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 10:42 AM TU 'cane, in case you missed my earlier post, I am as supportive as ANYONE on this, and not just for some recreational pothead reason. I have epilepsy, liver disease, and chronic pain. I could be the freaking poster child on medicinal marijuana. HOWEVER, it HURTS the cause to make up BS. If they somehow block this, I will be first in line with pitchforks and torches at the capital. But, this post on the lost ogle says it best... The proponents waited too long to circulate and turn in their petitions. That’s it. It usually takes a couple of months for a question to clear all the legal hurdles. There will be legal challenges on this. There are legal challenges on virtually every one, even those that aren’t controversial. They knew that going in, and they should have started gathering signatures so they could have turned them in no later than June if they were serious about getting it on the November ballot. This conspiracy BS is just that. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 10:44 AM PP, Hacking and "editing" are two totally different things. Any system can be hacked, but you cannot legitimately edit CBS, however you can legitimately edit Wikipedia (I am not familiar with the approval process, but I'm sure it's probably pretty good). My point is, there are better sources for serious conversation than Wikipedia. I go to Wiki often for a lot of things and I appreciate their efforts to provide that information. C. T. The single defense I can make of Wikipedia is they try to be good about requiring citations. While things can be up or edited for a short time, most stuff that's regularly read will get edited and require citations. Bunty 08-25-2016, 01:02 PM It's not been simple suspicion or caution. It's been flat out accusations. Without proof. At best that's slander, and it looks to be untrue. And this is against a Governor which has come out against the war on drugs (called it a failure), has pushed through SQ's to reduce criminality for drug possession and use, and a state AG who just recently sided with and pushed through strong beer by the pint at breweries. Yes, I'd say these accusations are unreasonable, when even Dorman, a hypocritical critic of Fallin, just clarified why the process happened the way it did. They seem to be downers, expecting the worst from the governor and Pruitt. Pruitt did not insert himself into this ordeal as some people seem to believe. The secretary of state deemed the ballot title as insufficient and asked the attorney general to rewrite it. So the SOS may not be helping manners any, especially, if he's biased against it. Bunty 08-25-2016, 01:07 PM It may be better if it is on the ballot in June, IMO. June 2018, is a long time to wait. It will be interesting to see if Green the Vote will try another medical marijuana petition next year. I won't help them unless they have paid signature takers. GTV will surely want to go for a constitutional change and that will require 124,000 signatures. That is too much to realize, I think, unless they use paid signatures from the start. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 01:15 PM June 2017, or June 2018? Unfortunately, unless we spend the money on a special election, June 2018 I believe. Jersey Boss 08-25-2016, 01:20 PM Elections held in off presidential years have shown to have a more conservative electorate. Best chance for approval is ''16 or ''20. Bunty 08-25-2016, 01:31 PM Unfortunately, unless we spend the money on a special election, June 2018 I believe. The state has so many fiscal problems, the legislature may have to hold a special election of its own to try to solve them in 2017. 788 could be included then as well as the alcohol reform question SQ 791, if it gets all the way through. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 01:40 PM Elections held in off presidential years have shown to have a more conservative electorate. Best chance for approval is ''16 or ''20. Really? Even if a special election? soonerguru 08-25-2016, 03:53 PM So it seems like all the claims about the massive conspiracy against the SQ were manufactured? You like jumping to conclusions? Gov. Fallin is already playing parlor games to keep this off the ballot. Pruitt is dragging his penny loafers. The ONLY thing that will get this on the fall ballot with those to shuffling their feet is the threat of legal action and / or absolute fear of retribution by the voters. Pruitt may believe he has bought himself street cred with the under 75 crowd by allowing the sale of craft brews on site. soonerguru 08-25-2016, 03:55 PM Today's DOK addresses this on page 5A. The main thing people are interested is the following that I copied. C. T. "But a series of deadlines means the question likely will have to wait until June or November 2018, the next scheduled primary and general elections.". The fix is in. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 04:18 PM You like jumping to conclusions? Gov. Fallin is already playing parlor games to keep this off the ballot. Pruitt is dragging his penny loafers. The ONLY thing that will get this on the fall ballot with those to shuffling their feet is the threat of legal action and / or absolute fear of retribution by the voters. Pruitt may believe he has bought himself street cred with the under 75 crowd by allowing the sale of craft brews on site. You seem to be the only ones jumping to conclusions. Jersey Boss 08-25-2016, 04:47 PM Really? Even if a special election? The data I have read contrasts Presidential election year results with those of mid term elections. The data is based on national data of the voting electorate. I have not seen anything that would study such a small data base as a special election. I am making the leap that a special election would find a ho hum attitude among many voters. When was the last special that was a state wide election? David 08-25-2016, 05:19 PM From the AG's office: OKLAHOMA CITY – Attorney General Scott Pruitt on Thursday submitted the ballot title for State Question 788, a measure that would legalize the use of medical marijuana in Oklahoma. “I commend the attorneys in my office for their diligent work to complete this ballot title in an efficient manner. While my office has done its part by preparing the ballot title well before the September 1 deadline, there are still steps remaining in order for the question to be placed on a ballot,” Attorney General Pruitt said. “We are dealing with processes established in both federal and state election law for initiatives proposed by the people that require specific procedures to be followed. Even with expedited efforts of both the Secretary of State’s office to count the signatures and my office to write the ballot title, the state is running up against deadlines imposed by this process. It’s important for the people of Oklahoma to know, regardless of the substance of the state question, the signatures were not submitted with enough time to allow this process to be played out completely.” After the Attorney General's Office submits the substitute ballot title to the Secretary of State, it must be published and opponents must have ten business days to object to the ballot title based on the validity or number of signatures or a challenge to the ballot title. Pursuant to 34 O.S. § 12, the governor cannot issue the proclamation placing the initiative petition on the ballot until the timeline for objections and protests has passed. To view a copy of the submitted ballot title, click here ( And for the rewritten title: BALLOT TITLE FOR STATE QUESTION NO. 788 This measure legalizes the licensed use, sale, and growth of marijuana in Oklahoma. There are no qualifying medical conditions identified. Possession and use of marijuana is authorized through a medical marijuana license that is valid for two years, rather than by prescription. An Oklahoma board certified physician must recommend the license using the same accepted standards for recommending other medications, and must sign the application for the license. The State Department of Health must issue a license to an applicant who: • submits a valid application, • is eighteen years or older, and • is an Oklahoma resident. Applications for individuals under eighteen must be signed by two physicians and by a parent or legal guardian. The Department also issues seller, grower, packaging, transportation, research, and caregiver licenses to those who meet certain minimal requirements. A 7 percent state tax is imposed on retail sales of marijuana. Unlicensed possession by an individual who claims to have a medical condition is punishable by a fine not exceeding $400. Local government cannot use zoning laws to prevent the opening of a retail marijuana store. This measure does not change federal law, which makes use, sale, and growth of marijuana illegal. David 08-25-2016, 05:23 PM And the original title, for comparison purposes: This measure amends the Oklahoma State Statutes. A yes vote legalizes the licensed use, sale, and growth of marijuana in Oklahoma for medicinal purposes. A license is required for use and possession of marijuana for medicinal purposes and must be approved by an Oklahoma Board Certified Physician. The State Department of Health will issue medical marijuana licenses if the application is eighteen years of older an Oklahoma resident. A special exception will be granted to an applicant under the age of eighteen, however these applications must be signed by two physicians and a parent or legal guardian. The Department will also issue seller, grower, packaging, transportation, research and caregiver licenses. Individual and retail businesses must meet minimal requirements to be licensed to sell marijuana to licensees. The punishment for unlicensed possession of permitted amounts of marijuana for individuals who can state a medical condition is a fine not exceeding four hundred dollars. Fees and zoning restrictions are established. A seven percent state tax is imposed on medical marijuana sales. OKCRT 08-25-2016, 06:49 PM The fix is in. Kinda what I am thinking also. It's so Oklahoma. Plutonic Panda 08-25-2016, 08:47 PM PP, Hacking and "editing" are two totally different things. Any system can be hacked, but you cannot legitimately edit CBS, however you can legitimately edit Wikipedia (I am not familiar with the approval process, but I'm sure it's probably pretty good). My point is, there are better sources for serious conversation than Wikipedia. I go to Wiki often for a lot of things and I appreciate their efforts to provide that information. C. T. Hacking and editing are two different things, but I believe my point still remains valid. Plutonic Panda 08-25-2016, 08:48 PM And the original title, for comparison purposes: This is great. Now it just needs to pass. Which probably won't happen. Fingers crossed it does though! :) ctchandler 08-25-2016, 10:42 PM The single defense I can make of Wikipedia is they try to be good about requiring citations. While things can be up or edited for a short time, most stuff that's regularly read will get edited and require citations. Jerrywall, I can't argue with your comment. My original comment was that there are better sources, nothing more, nothing less. C. T. ctchandler 08-25-2016, 10:45 PM Hacking and editing are two different things, but I believe my point still remains valid. PP, I think I will just give up. We will have to agree to disagree. C. T. jerrywall 08-25-2016, 10:56 PM Jerrywall, I can't argue with your comment. My original comment was that there are better sources, nothing more, nothing less. C. T. I don't disagree. That's why my comment was qualified. Plutonic Panda 08-25-2016, 11:52 PM PP, I think I will just give up. We will have to agree to disagree. C. T. No worries man! :) soonerguru 08-26-2016, 07:21 AM Well Pruitt killed it, as predicted. Running out the clock. No wonder EVERY DAY some young person in my FB feed is moving the hell out of this state. catch22 08-26-2016, 07:43 AM Well Pruitt killed it, as predicted. Running out the clock. No wonder EVERY DAY some young person in my FB feed is moving the hell out of this state. I'd move back in a heart beat if I were able. If their main asperation for moving out of state is for recreational weed, they won't go very far in life unless they plan on owning a dispensary. Most serious jobs won't let you come to work high all of the time. Which is a stiff reality for everyone moving to Colorado for legal weed. They find out they can't afford it after they get fired from 2 jobs for being high all the time. Your income potential is limited to McDonald's and 7/11. jerrywall 08-26-2016, 08:40 AM Well Pruitt killed it, as predicted. Running out the clock. No wonder EVERY DAY some young person in my FB feed is moving the hell out of this state. How did he kill it? By prioritizing the requested renaming and getting it done before the deadline? This is seriously crossing into "if he walked on water folks would accuse him of not being able to swim" territory. Even Dorman has said they turned in the petitions very, very, very, close to the deadline, knowing the risk, because they needed the time to get the signatures. Laramie 08-26-2016, 09:28 AM I'd move back in a heart beat if I were able. If their main asperation for moving out of state is for recreational weed, they won't go very far in life unless they plan on owning a dispensary. Most serious jobs won't let you come to work high all of the time. Which is a stiff reality for everyone moving to Colorado for legal weed. They find out they can't afford it after they get fired from 2 jobs for being high all the time. Your income potential is limited to McDonald's and 7/11. Love your posts, catch 22. However, McDonald's & 7/11 have standards. OKC 7/11s (which are the original 7/11s--not apart of the national chain) not only screen, but do drug test their prospective employees. jerrywall 08-26-2016, 09:38 AM I asked my wife, who is an HR manager for a local company which has locations in places where recreational use is legalized, how they deal with it. Response? If it's illegal federally, and comes up on a drug test, you're fired. jerrywall 08-26-2016, 09:47 AM Love your posts, catch 22. However, McDonald's & 7/11 have standards. OKC 7/11s (which are the original 7/11s--not apart of the national chain) not only screen, but do drug test their prospective employees. Semi unrelated story... A lifetime ago when I was a McDonald's manager, I had an employee who was worthless unless he was "medicated". When he came in, and I could tell he wasn't, I would send him out to the dumpster area to smoke. SoonerDave 08-26-2016, 09:48 AM Well Pruitt killed it, as predicted. Running out the clock. No wonder EVERY DAY some young person in my FB feed is moving the hell out of this state. Forgive me if I simply do not believe there is some mass exodus of people from Oklahoma merely on the basis of their inability to get weed. C'mon. jerrywall 08-26-2016, 09:56 AM Forgive me if I simply do not believe there is some mass exodus of people from Oklahoma merely on the basis of their inability to get weed. C'mon. Dontcha know? There's a mass exodus from Oklahoma happening, we'll never compare to Tulsa, much less Charlotte, OSU is taking over the riverboat district, and no businesses will ever come here unless we totally change our liquor laws. I've been on okctalk long enough to learn all that. Rocky in your Radio 08-26-2016, 10:17 AM I've been lurking on this thread long enough.. so just to add my two cents worth.. This will be a long uphill battle to get cannabis legalized for medical use in this state as long as a Republican is in office. This doesn't surprise me that Gov. Fallon is backpedaling from a statement she made earlier this year that she would look into the possibility of medical MJ being legal here. Real sad as there are countless studies verifying that proper medical uses can alleviate a multitude of health issues. On our broader scale.. nationwide, I think the path towards overall decriminalization of MJ will be more clear cut IF Hilary Clinton is elected.. which to this day, I still believe will happen. If however, Donald Trump should be elected; That road will have far more potholes to traverse through and in fact, I anticipate he will enforce the federal statues against MJ. Trump however may ease up on the medicinal uses.. maybe. It wouldn't surprise me though that he retracts the recreational use that several states have already voted on. Time will tell how this all turns out. If the fed's can just decriminalize it nationwide, that alone will help in the serious overcrowding of our jails.. especially in Oklahoma, where places like the Oklahoma County jail is bursting at the seams. jerrywall 08-26-2016, 10:28 AM How is she backpedaling, out of curiosity? OKCRT 08-26-2016, 10:43 AM How did he kill it? By prioritizing the requested renaming and getting it done before the deadline? This is seriously crossing into "if he walked on water folks would accuse him of not being able to swim" territory. Even Dorman has said they turned in the petitions very, very, very, close to the deadline, knowing the risk, because they needed the time to get the signatures. The bottom line is the petitions were turned in before the deadline. That is really the bottom line. They have a deadline and these were there before the deadline. Anything they say after that is just noise and excuses. Key word "Deadline" jerrywall 08-26-2016, 10:52 AM The bottom line is the petitions were turned in before the deadline. That is really the bottom line. They have a deadline and these were there before the deadline. Anything they say after that is just noise and excuses. Key word "Deadline" Deadline for the petition turn in. Even Dorman has publicly stated they "pushed it" against the process time that the constitution requires (such as the 10 day objection period). As you quoted and ignored. If they move as quick as possible, as they are evidently trying, then there is a one day gap. Not impossible, but unlikely. This was a failure of the organizers. And this preemtive excuse building is no different than Trumps "the election is rigged" preemtive moves. David 08-26-2016, 11:25 AM The main question I would have at this point is how hard and justifiable the deadline of today is for the ballot printing. The date itself isn't something I can see as being targetted at this state question considering it was set back on May 13th, though I am a little curious about how the petition start and stop dates were set and by who. Rocky in your Radio 08-26-2016, 11:37 AM How is she backpedaling, out of curiosity? In honesty jerrywall, it's what I've been reading from various sources, perhaps some of which may be questionable. I do my best to keep informed from all sources. Also, I do have friends who personally know Gov. Fallon, a couple of which having this discussion with, has said she has been on the fence concerning the medical MJ issue and recently has been pressured to keep it illegal altogether. I know the majority of the state senators and congress people who are Republican have sided with keeping the current laws as is, sighting that medical evidence is lacking to personally vote for it. I guess, I need to do more research myself to see where some of our elected officials stand on this issue.. really though, it makes no big difference to me as I don't partake in doing this, chiefly because it's illegal. What my biggest concerns are; people who just recreationally use it.. get arrested and thrown into an overcrowded jail. I personally don't see the big deal and I would vote for full legalization but strictly regulated.. Harder drugs, like heroin, cocaine, meth, etc.. and mainly those who peddle that crap.. should have the book thrown at them. OKCRT 08-26-2016, 04:56 PM Deadline for the petition turn in. Even Dorman has publicly stated they "pushed it" against the process time that the constitution requires (such as the 10 day objection period). As you quoted and ignored. If they move as quick as possible, as they are evidently trying, then there is a one day gap. Not impossible, but unlikely. This was a failure of the organizers. And this preemtive excuse building is no different than Trumps "the election is rigged" preemtive moves. Then they need to change the deadline. When one submits before a deadline they should not have to worry about said object being late. This is why we have deadlines. If they can't get things done then they need to change the deadline to allow for more time. Plutonic Panda 08-26-2016, 05:09 PM So wait, they submitted it before the deadline and now it isn't going on the ballot? It doesn't matter how close to the deadline you submit it, a deadline is a deadline. If you meet it, you should get it in. That is like if I turn in my homework by the given deadline of November 10th, but I still get a late mark because I turned it in on the 9th and my professor didn't grade it in time. Am I wrong with that analogy? soonerguru 08-26-2016, 05:18 PM Forgive me if I simply do not believe there is some mass exodus of people from Oklahoma merely on the basis of their inability to get weed. C'mon. Not what I said. There are people leaving because of the overall mismanagement of the state and the oppressive political culture. It's an accumulation of many things over a long period of time. I fear the brain drain will come back with a vengeance. Fortunately OKC has measurable momentum from the boom of a few years ago, and many improvement projects under way or in the pipeline. But there is a larger story here: uncompromising, ideological, conservative political leadership, failing schools, budget failure, rank incompetence in government. If you think young people don't recognize the trend you're crazy. It's just weird because for several years there were so many people FIRED UP about OKC, and they were young people who could theoretically go anywhere. Many of these same people, some of whom are in their 30s, cannot wait to get out. It is literally almost a daily occurrence on my FB feed. When a trickle becomes a stream you begin to notice. soonerguru 08-26-2016, 05:21 PM So wait, they submitted it before the deadline and now it isn't going on the ballot? It doesn't matter how close to the deadline you submit it, a deadline is a deadline. If you meet it, you should get it in. That is like if I turn in my homework by the given deadline of November 10th, but I still get a late mark because I turned it in on the 9th and my professor didn't grade it in time. Am I wrong with that analogy? By writing the ballot title, Pruitt automatically built in a 10-day waiting period by law. Then, he probably wrote it in such a way it can be constitutionally challenged. Then, the guy printing the ballots whines "it can't get done." My guess is they will figure out dozens of ways to ensure this never reaches the ballot. It is complete and total BS. The only thing that is going to change this state is to vote these idiots out, and since so many moderate and progressive people are fleeing the state, I don't see it happening any time soon. Plutonic Panda 08-26-2016, 05:31 PM By writing the ballot title, Pruitt automatically built in a 10-day waiting period by law. Then, he probably wrote it in such a way it can be constitutionally challenged. Then, the guy printing the ballots whines "it can't get done." My guess is they will figure out dozens of ways to ensure this never reaches the ballot. It is complete and total BS. The only thing that is going to change this state is to vote these idiots out, and since so many moderate and progressive people are fleeing the state, I don't see it happening any time soon. You're not wrong. I see on here many people saying they know a lot of people who are moving to OKC or want to or know people that are, but my personal experience is completely different. Most of my friend are moving away from the city just be in a better environment. jerrywall 08-26-2016, 05:43 PM Then they need to change the deadline. When one submits before a deadline they should not have to worry about said object being late. This is why we have deadlines. If they can't get things done then they need to change the deadline to allow for more time. I think the confusion is terminology. The state has a deadline for putting initiatives on the ballot. It's the latest one in the country, and according to ballotpedia is Sept 7. However, there is a process an initiative must go through, including a 10 day objection period, and a review by the SoS. And a title rewrite if requested by the SoS. Dorman knew this process going in, and has publicly stated they were aware that they pushed to very close. Also, back in May the election board requested the ballots by today to have time to print them. If Dorman doesn't know how the process works, it's a good thing he didn't win the gubernatorial election. Laramie 08-26-2016, 06:41 PM The people who collected those signatures as well as the voters who signed those petitions deserve to have this put on the ballot for a November vote even if Scott Pruitt has to work overtime to get it done--he's salaried. OKCRT 08-26-2016, 06:50 PM The people who collected those signatures as well as the voters who signed those petitions deserve to have this put on the ballot for a November vote even if Scott Pruitt has to work overtime to get it done--he's salaried. Correct. It's the will of the people. If this doesn't make the ballot many people here in State and around the country will see this as nothing more than a stall tactic by State officials misusing their power to corrupt the system. I wonder how many people in this State are in jail or tied up in the court system because of possession of MJ? Not pushers just regular people that were busted for small amounts. This is for medical reasons not so people can go out and get high. There are many people that could use this drug to stay off many of the pills that big Pharma wants DRs to push for them. TU 'cane 08-26-2016, 07:02 PM I'm not going to say a single d@mned word given how the past few pages have gone. This speaks for itself. Whether it's following process (to an extent, given the fact that the deadline was met) or not, will/was there even an attempt to get this on the November ballot by the proper offices and agencies? That's all I'll ask, not going to suppose a conspiracy, just a simple question. BA Patient Devastated By Medical Marijuana Ballot Delay Tells Her Story Posted: Aug 26, 2016 6:44 PM CDT Updated: Aug 26, 2016 6:44 PM CDT BY: ANNIE CHANG, NEWS ON 6 A group called Oklahomans for Health celebrated earlier this month when they got enough signatures to get medical marijuana on the November ballot, but state officials say it wasn’t soon enough. That means, medical marijuana supporters, and those who would benefit from it, will have to wait. "Every morning I wake up sick, vomiting, tired," Wells said. She’s suffered for years, and every day she takes 24 medications. But recently, Wells learned medical marijuana is an option for patients like her. She tried it and says it works. "It helps with the nausea, sometimes, because marijuana can cause you to get hungry,” she explained. “So it helps us eat. It helps with the pain, it helps with the depression." But it looks like Wells will have to wait another two years for the next statewide election to legally get the treatment she needs. The State Board of Elections will start printing ballots next week and State Question 788, whether to legalize medical marijuana, won't be on them. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt says Oklahomans for Health will not meet the September 1st deadline to get everything in order for November, saying: "It's important for the people of Oklahoma to know, regardless of the substance of the state question, the signatures were not submitted with enough time to allow this process to be played out completely." And Jerry, unrelated/related, we're good. No hard feelings at all, honestly. BlackmoreRulz 08-26-2016, 07:18 PM if you meet the deadline, you meet the don't move the goal posts after the fact. Bunty 08-26-2016, 07:19 PM Well Pruitt killed it, as predicted. Running out the clock. No wonder EVERY DAY some young person in my FB feed is moving the hell out of this state. They should wait to see how the elections on Nov. 8 turn out, especially to see if criminal justice reform questions are approved as well as the one for alcohol law reform. It will help if incumbent Republican legislators get thrown out. |