View Full Version : Cannabis

07-21-2014, 10:23 AM
Was interesting to see on Saturday that petition volunteers were set up at 27th and Penn at the organic grow shop and there was a policeman sitting in his parked cruiser in the parking lot. He just appeared to be watching...wouldnt have doubt if he was running tags though. Just seemed odd, like maybe he was trying to use his presence as a scare tactic for potential signers?

07-21-2014, 11:07 AM
Times have changed.

Let's get real. Marijuana has its pros and cons just like other drugs. It's the abuse of anything which causes it to be detrimental to one's health.

It should be a wake up call to all of us. Accept people as they are; don't pass judgment upon them because of the way they dress. Dress has its appeal. Decades come and go as we all know; there are places where they wouldn't want to appear to be supporting a push for marijuana in any form. Just sign the petitions so we can put it up for a vote and live with the results. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

07-21-2014, 11:22 AM
Maybe "they" should put up a petition booth over there at the intersection near the end of Meridian (northbound) just south of its intersection with the eastbound frontage road to the Kilpatrick Turnpike (formerly known as "Memorial Road")adjacent to the Mercy Hospital sign, around which protesting strangers seem to like to demonstrate their unhappiness about something. Traffic could be impeded as motorists pause for the cause and they might even get a stray physician from time to time to pose for a photo op.

Perhaps they could even make a deal with The Powers That Be to set up a recording device next to a sign saying "Honk If You Are In Favor of The Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana" and have each passing honk officially recorded as a signature in favor of the proposal?

07-21-2014, 11:52 AM
This just absolutely disgusts me, 4 pages gone - seriously, resorting to crime? Scumsucking $*@*#%%#$%%!(^$#%#&!$^)$% Hopefully the organizers are telling folks to keep it under tighter control and no more will be stolen.

Medical marijuana petition stolen - KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls, TX: News, Weather, Sports. ABC, 24/7, Telemundo - (

I guess the official petition handler needs to dress up like Shaggy and drive around in a Scooby doo themed Mystery Van that way there won't be any confusion on who is supposed to be picking up the petitions.

07-21-2014, 12:02 PM
Agreed, and most of the petitions are at pawn shops, vape shops, tattoo shops, etc., so it would be nice and help their cause if they could get them into "better" (as it were) places...

A lot of people may support the cause are not going to spend the time to actually sign the petition because they don't actually have any need or desire for it at the time being. They would vote yes if their already there at the voting booth.

07-21-2014, 06:11 PM
Agreed, and most of the petitions are at pawn shops, vape shops, tattoo shops, etc., so it would be nice and help their cause if they could get them into "better" (as it were) places...

The Stillwater Hideaway's excuse for declining to be a petition site was, "As a business, we don't involve ourselves in politics."

07-21-2014, 06:15 PM
wouldn't it be closer to 160?

No. There's space on a signature page for 20 signatures.

07-21-2014, 08:47 PM
The Stillwater Hideaway's excuse for declining to be a petition site was, "As a business, we don't involve ourselves in politics."

Man, I could say something about businesses/corporations getting involved in politics, but I just won't.......

07-21-2014, 10:05 PM
Man, I could say something about businesses/corporations getting involved in politics, but I just won't.......

So because Hobby Lobby got involved then all businesses have to? That's a pretty silly argument. A business has every right to not get involved in a controversial issue if they so choose.

07-22-2014, 10:13 AM
Why are we not hearing radio ads from doctors promoting this cause in Ok? I assume it's a money issue?

07-22-2014, 11:37 AM
Why are we not hearing radio ads from doctors promoting this cause in Ok? I assume it's a money issue?

Perhaps, because doctors fear they will be investigated by the OBN, if they do that.

OBN says it will go in overdrive to counter legalizing medical marijuana, if it's on the ballot. That's easy to understand why, since nearly half the states have approved of legalizing medical marijuana beginning since the 1990s, and none have decided it was such a bad mistake that it had to return to prohibiting it.

07-22-2014, 12:30 PM
Okay . . .
So here is a proposal for the perfect screen shot involving the use of MaryJane in The New Millenium . . .
Cop in Full Body Armor Facing Down a Hipster Who is Placing a Sprig of Marijuana in The Donut of The Enforcer.

Along the lines of this, except a bud embedded veggie rather than a daisy
And a donut instead of a rifle.

geez . . . these "culture wars" are more difficult to decode, attempt to understand,
and comment upon . . .
than the friggin' eastern Ukraine shootdown
of a Malaysian passenger airliner
for no apparent reason
except for oops. =)

07-22-2014, 12:37 PM
Why are we not hearing radio ads from doctors promoting this cause in Ok? I assume it's a money issue?

Marijuana, even medical marijuana, has such a massive negative stigma associated with it that nobody wants to be associated with legalizing it. And the first doctor that did promote it in OK would most likely be investigated, house searched by militarized police drug squads with a no-knock warrant, and ruined. That's the attitude towards it here in OK from law enforcement (as well as the national DEA head's attitude). I'm joking (kind of, just a little bit), but that's what anybody with any kind of professional reputation would be wondering if they came out in favor of it, especially since OK has some of the nastiest penalties around for marijuana.

How many people have died as a direct result of drinking alcohol/using tobacco ever since it's been legal in the USA? I can't even begin to count, there are so many hundreds of thousands (most likely in the seven figures)...

How many have died as a direct result of smoking marijuana? Pretty much zero.

Just absolutely insane that we keep prohibiting marijuana (and perpetuating the massively stupid and losing "war on drugs"), but let smoking and drinking be acceptable...

08-08-2014, 02:54 PM
An important message from Oklahomans For Health:

This is our final week Oklahoma! Now is the time to push harder than ever! Victory is within our grasp, so grab those petitions and gather signatures every where you can! In the past few weeks thousands of signatures have poured in every day as you have ramped up the effort.

Now is the time to push harder than ever, for liberty and justice, for the lives of the children we can save, for the soldiers suffering from PTSD, for the diabetics, those with MS, chronic pain, and the list goes on...

Grab your petitions and gather signatures if you haven't and keep up the fire if you have. This is our final battle!

Print the petitions from here on LEGAL paper:

Oklahomans For HealthDownload Petition | Oklahomans For Health (

When you have gathered the signatures, printed name, and address where folks are registered to vote, then you fill out the affidavit on the back of the sheet by printing the name of the person who signed corresponding to the same line number! Then get em notarized.

Then mail them overnight, drop them off, or get them to us ASAP!

Oklahomans for Health
9717 East 42nd Street STE 109
Tulsa, OK 74146

Plutonic Panda
08-11-2014, 05:33 PM
Regular Pot Use is Bad for Young Brains | IFLScience (

08-13-2014, 02:12 PM
Oklahoma Governor Announces Support For 'Medicinal' Marijuana Oi - - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - | (

It is an election year....

08-13-2014, 02:44 PM
a bit too restrictive to say only one product and with severe regulations. .but yah its just a thing to throw out there for election year.. Gosh I hope I don't have to see her Thin lips around for another term

08-14-2014, 10:27 AM
a bit too restrictive to say only one product and with severe regulations. .but yah its just a thing to throw out there for election year.. Gosh I hope I don't have to see her Thin lips around for another term

How dare the person we criticize for not listening to the populace do something the populace asks for!

08-14-2014, 10:31 AM
How dare the person we criticize for not listening to the populace do something the populace asks for!
only in an election year and really not listening. with her motivation I would almost wonder if she has a family member needing the exact treatment she will support.

08-14-2014, 10:34 AM
When its a politician we like, and they do something good, they're showing leadership. When we don't like them, it's pandering. Every time.

08-14-2014, 12:26 PM
They indicate they will be taking more petitions and notarizing them, if needed, at the State Capitol tomorrow, Friday, from 1 to 4pm. Also anyone who hasn't signed the petition can do so then. The word out as to how things are going is "So close". But don't know if that means the required signature count or the deadline to getting them in.

Plutonic Panda
09-11-2014, 02:27 PM g?oh=2692fa5c16c9ab4811952c9a7ace3702&oe=548C1BBC&__gda__=1419854256_03f7b4a9709e0e8b19a32f2b626767e 9

Plutonic Panda
09-11-2014, 02:28 PM
Major American City Set To Decriminalize Marijuana. |Higher Perspective (

Plutonic Panda
10-03-2014, 03:17 AM
New plan: Texas authorities won?t prosecute first-time marijuana offenders | (

10-03-2014, 06:50 PM
New plan: Texas authorities won?t prosecute first-time marijuana offenders | (

A step in the right direction, good!

Plutonic Panda
10-26-2014, 10:33 PM
In States With Medical Marijuana, Painkiller Deaths Drop by 25%

Plutonic Panda
12-02-2014, 02:25 PM
Marijuana?s Long Term Effects On The Brain Finally Revealed! | Earth. We are one. (

12-02-2014, 06:36 PM
Interesting how I never see people wanting to show studies or pictures on the long term effects of alcohol on the brain or liver.

During the 1930's, the Oklahoma Legislature allowed the people to vote on legalizing beer. They did. In 1959, the Oklahoma Legislature allowed the people to vote on legalizing liquor. They did. So the legislators next year might as well allow the people to vote on legalizing marijuana. But what are they afraid of? Afraid people will vote YES to legalize?

12-02-2014, 07:52 PM
Regular Pot Use is Bad for Young Brains | IFLScience (

That sounds like getting old also.

12-02-2014, 10:16 PM
One reason why it's so hard to get medical marijuana legalized in Oklahoma is because at least one spokesman for OBN seems to associate it with a risk for causing death: Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Out of Touch with Cannabis Science | #illegallyhealed (

Plutonic Panda
12-02-2014, 10:48 PM
Interesting how I never see people wanting to show studies or pictures on the long term effects of alcohol on the brain or liver.

During the 1930's, the Oklahoma Legislature allowed the people to vote on legalizing beer. They did. In 1959, the Oklahoma Legislature allowed the people to vote on legalizing liquor. They did. So the legislators next year might as well allow the people to vote on legalizing marijuana. But what are they afraid of? Afraid people will vote YES to legalize?
The brain I'm honestly not sure. The liver however is devastating and usually fatal.

Plutonic Panda
12-30-2014, 04:24 AM
Really puts things in perspective...

MOST people would agree that some drugs are worse than others: Heroin is probably considered to be more dangerous than marijuana, for instance. Because governments formulate criminal and social policies based upon classifications of harm, a study published by the Lancet on Nov., 1, 2010, makes interesting reading.

Researchers led by Professor David Nutt, a former chief drugs adviser to the British government, asked drug-harm experts to rank 20 drugs (legal and illegal) on 16 measures of harm to the user and to wider society, such as damage to health, drug dependency, economic costs and crime.

Alcohol is the most harmful drug in Britain, scoring 72 out of a possible 100, far more damaging than heroin (55) or crack cocaine (54). It is the most harmful to others by a wide margin, and is ranked fourth behind heroin, crack, and methamphetamine (crystal meth) for harm to the individual.

The authors point out that the model's weightings, though based on judgment, were analysed and found to be stable as large changes would be needed to change the overall rankings.

Read more: Drugs that cause most harm: Scoring drugs | The Economist (

12-30-2014, 07:09 AM
Obviously mushrooms are the way to go.

12-30-2014, 11:18 AM
Obviously mushrooms are the way to go.

I wonder if you can get up to life in prison in Oklahoma for selling them? Or growing them?

12-30-2014, 12:17 PM
I must be pretty naive or something. Haven't heard of a few of those on the list. Good time to do some googling.

12-30-2014, 12:19 PM

Chewing Qat (aka "Getting High") In Yemen - Wandering Earl (

12-30-2014, 08:11 PM
I wonder if you can get up to life in prison in Oklahoma for selling them? Or growing them?

Who knows?

The potent magic mushrooms (shrooms) come from cow manure or can be grown. They are referred to as Psilocybin (Psychedelic) mushrooms--they contain a chemical that bruises blue in the cap or stem. This chemical is very toxic to the body, poisonous mushrooms look very similar; if you don't know what you're getting (can't identify), there is a risk--sickness and/or death.

My first and only experience was at a Halloween party; you're talking about laughing hysterically--it was a silly (yet risky) experience in my life. Everything in sight would make you laugh; this went on for about two hours. Believe me, knowing what I know now, it's not worth the risk.

Shroomery - Magic Mushrooms (Shrooms) Demystified (

01-05-2015, 10:48 PM
Who knows?

The potent magic mushrooms (shrooms) come from cow manure or can be grown. They are referred to as Psilocybin (Psychedelic) mushrooms--they contain a chemical that bruises blue in the cap or stem. This chemical is very toxic to the body, poisonous mushrooms look very similar; if you don't know what you're getting (can't identify), there is a risk--sickness and/or death.

My first and only experience was at a Halloween party; you're talking about laughing hysterically--it was a silly (yet risky) experience in my life. Everything in sight would make you laugh; this went on for about two hours. Believe me, knowing what I know now, it's not worth the risk.

Shroomery - Magic Mushrooms (Shrooms) Demystified (

What so bad about laughing too easily? It's better than tanking up on alcohol until you can't see straight and pass out with a bad hangover the next morning.

White Peacock
01-06-2015, 01:33 PM
I've eaten enough mushrooms in my pre-parental past to know that they definitely demand, and deserve, respect. But the toxicity of psilocybin isn't really a concern at all. Amanita Muscaria (aka Fly Agaric), the often depicted 'magic mushrooms' that are red with white spots, their toxicity is a concern, but they don't contain psilocybin at all. Incidentally, Amanitas are totally legal.

If you only giggled for a couple hours, you barely had a dose at all.

01-06-2015, 05:53 PM
So can we order these on our Pizza? How about some magic pizza tonight? Sausage and shrooms please.

Plutonic Panda
03-04-2015, 05:31 PM
Boldest Move Against the Drug War to Date Just Came Out of Texas, from a Republican | The Free Thought Project (

Plutonic Panda
03-04-2015, 05:34 PM
Obviously mushrooms are the way to go.Don't forget LSD.

Plutonic Panda
03-05-2015, 09:53 AM

TU 'cane
03-05-2015, 10:46 AM
Sorry, not going to read through 30+ pages of "drug" talk just to see if what I'm sure has been said has:

The time is now for Oklahoma to introduce itself to the 21st century and pass marijuana legislation.
The archaic laws have seen their time and they've produced no benefit whatsoever to the good citizens.

My advice: introduce the positive benefits of cannabis, hemp, etc. in conversation to family and friends and always compare it to alcohol and cigarettes.
Just start putting some words in their ears, turn the conversations. It starts with the people. From there, we go bigger and demand legislation.

It'll work, trust me. Even in this state. We just have to get the conversation going mainstream and EDUCATE people.

And no, I don't partake in the benefits of said narcotic... :p Never have, just looking at this issue from a liberty and common sense perspective.

03-06-2015, 03:35 PM
Lets see what happens if/when it is legalized nationally. I think in 2015 Oklahoma is a long long ways - maybe decades - from accepting cannabis legalization on its own. After it is removed from the national list of schedule I substances, states like Oklahoma will be forced to revisit policy on it. You can't have something that is legal in neighboring states and on tribal lands landing people in prison for life if they are caught with it on the wrong side of an imaginary line. I am sure that if the legislature refuses to do something, there may be a fight that ends up an federal court when that day comes.

Does anybody know whether marijuana is mentioned in the Oklahoma constitution? Will legalizing it require an amendment or is it something the legislature could do?

TU 'cane
03-06-2015, 04:08 PM
Not sure about the latter part of your post/question (maybe I'll look through the OK Constitution this weekend), but I am confident that we aren't decades away. The reason being is this:

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - An effort to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma has fallen short of the number of signatures needed to put the issue on a ballot, but the initiative petition’s organizer vowed Thursday to circulate a new ballot measure next year.

Officials at the Secretary of State’s Office said Tulsa-based Oklahomans for Health needed 155,216 voter signatures to get the medical marijuana issue on the Nov. 4 general election ballot. But workers who wrapped up the validation process on Thursday counted only 75,384 valid signatures..."

Read more: Oklahoma medical marijuana petition falls short - Washington Times (

To note, and this is a BIG note, Tulsa county had to leave ALL of their signatures behind due to a clerical error if what I was told was correct. I believe that had some 20,000-30,000 signatures alone. Also, I wasn't able to sign, nor any potential family and friends who I think may have signed in favor.
The conversation is turning, it's up to us, the people, to keep it turning. If we rise, and pressure OKC, they will bend in fear of their jobs and legacies. We can make progress, we just have to continue educating and telling people it's not as scary as they've been told their whole lives. Which is why I made the note to always compare it to alcohol and cigarettes (both combined kill hundreds of thousands a year).

03-07-2015, 12:07 AM
But getting marijuana legalized in Oklahoma requires a lot of political demand on the part of the people. Getting all those 75,000+ signatures with only little more than $60,000 budget and without much paid help, much was voluntary, was quite a remarkable feat but was far from enough. Fortunately, with the next petition requiring fewer or around 135,000 signatures and hopefully much more funding for the campaign, it can succeed. I tend to doubt it will take decades more before it can be legalized, especially if legalization in other states continue appearing to go well. Besides, over crowded Oklahoma prisons can not be sustained with ever more drug prisoners. Oklahoma anti drug laws are going to have to be significantly reformed sooner or later, but not decades from now.

The clerical error had to do with volunteers printing petitions on standard sized typing paper, rather than the mandatory legal sized paper.

03-07-2015, 04:41 PM
When does the next petition drive start? One would think that some of those folks from other States that have passed the law would want to come and help Ok.

03-07-2015, 05:49 PM
The low end of the spectrum would make a good crop for Oklahoma. Hemp rope is strong and you can put in your composter after it breaks or wears out.

TU 'cane
03-09-2015, 11:11 AM
When does the next petition drive start? One would think that some of those folks from other States that have passed the law would want to come and help Ok.

The group that was promoting it the most was Oklahomans for Health (Medical Marijuana Legalization | Oklahomans For Health ( and it actually shows a calendar for the next petition drive starting August 1st, 2015, although the site seems a little light on overall content. Their focus is on medicinal marijuana (probably the most viable option right now for our state in regards to what can pass).

03-09-2015, 01:07 PM
The group that was promoting it the most was Oklahomans for Health (Medical Marijuana Legalization | Oklahomans For Health ( and it actually shows a calendar for the next petition drive starting August 1st, 2015, although the site seems a little light on overall content. Their focus is on medicinal marijuana (probably the most viable option right now for our state in regards to what can pass).
I hope they can figure out a way to raise a lot more money to pay signature takers. That was the main reason their petition failed the first time around. They had hoped generous donations would come in from outside the state, but it never happened. And then not enough highly spirited volunteers rose up for the cause. But with 75,000 signatures officially counted and thousands more that didn't get counted, it was still great for what they did for what little money they had to work with.

TU 'cane
03-09-2015, 01:17 PM
I agree. Perhaps last year was really just the foundation being laid. I'm sure this year they'll have even more exposure. It was literally one of those things that just popped up out of no where and showed promise of sprouting legs. I believe this year will be the year we see those legs start walking.

03-10-2015, 07:19 PM
The historic medical marijuana bill a trio of senators plan to unveil on Tuesday has a bit of something for everyone.

The bill, which activists describe as a first for the Senate, would end the federal prohibition on medical marijuana and implement a number of critical reforms that advocates of both medical and recreational marijuana have been seeking for years, according to several people familiar with the details of the proposal. It would reclassify the drug in the eyes of the Drug Enforcement Administration, allow for limited inter-state transport of the plant, expand access to cannabis for research, and make it easier for doctors to recommend the drug to veterans and easier for banks to provide services to the industry.

More ---> What?s in the historic medical marijuana bill being unveiled - The Washington Post (

TU 'cane
04-16-2015, 11:26 AM
FYI, I came across this tidbit about an official rally and petition kick off this Saturday, 4/18 at Burn Co hosted by Oklahomans for Health:

Free RSVP Online | Track RSVP?s and registrations for your events and recurring meetings. (

I can't find much else on it, but it does appear legit.
I may try and go if I have time, although my Saturday was already planned. It looks like you have to RSVP, but, surely they don't expect all attendees to RSVP.

If I may encourage, if you can't go, please forward this info along to a friend or family member who you may think is interested.

TU 'cane
05-31-2015, 10:10 PM
Another update:

Group launches petition to legalize medical marijuana

By: Tom George, Reporter

"Oklahomans could soon have the opportunity to vote on allowing medical marijuana in the state

The group Oklahomans for Health announced it will be launching a petition that would allow the use of medical marijuana for people with a documented need for it.

Last year, a similar petition fell short. This year, the group will need around 130,000 signatures of registered voters to get the measure on the ballot.

This year, lawmakers passed "Katie's Law," which allows the use of cannabis oil for conditions like seizures, but only with low THC content.

Brittany Warrior moved to Colorado from Tulsa with her 2-year-old daughter Jaqie. Jaqie has improved from having hundred of seizures a day to making strides in therapy, talking, and moving. Her mom says "Katie's Law" doesn't go far enough for her daughter.

The group will start gathering signatures in August, and have until October to get to 130,000. From there, medical marijuana will go to voters."

TU 'cane
06-01-2015, 09:46 AM
^^ Forgot to add the source: Group launches petition to legalize medical marijuana (

06-01-2015, 01:42 PM
Less signatures required, a little more experience this go around, another year of more people realizing the damages of prohibition...I think they get it on the ballot this time.

06-01-2015, 01:56 PM
If they we're smart they'd try to get on the 2018 ballot and not 2016. Too many presidential turnout voters in 16 who will say no. But '18 the turnout will be low and the # of people required to get a yes on the issue won't be as many. Sets the bar lower to pass.

06-01-2015, 03:41 PM
If they we're smart they'd try to get on the 2018 ballot and not 2016. Too many presidential turnout voters in 16 who will say no. But '18 the turnout will be low and the # of people required to get a yes on the issue won't be as many. Sets the bar lower to pass.

The number of signatures required is based off the previous statewide elections. Seeing how Presidential elections on the ballot increase the turnout by a large margin, waiting until after the "16 election would require much more signatures. Oklahoma had a depressingly low turnout in November of 2014 so the best opportunity to get the required signatures is before 2016.

And I think you would be surprised by the amount of people that will vote yes for legalization, especially if its just for medicinal use. When it comes to individual issues like higher min wages, pot decriminalization, even red state voters have shown to vote more liberal

TU 'cane
06-02-2015, 08:54 AM
If they we're smart they'd try to get on the 2018 ballot and not 2016. Too many presidential turnout voters in 16 who will say no. But '18 the turnout will be low and the # of people required to get a yes on the issue won't be as many. Sets the bar lower to pass.

I have to applaud the strategy thought out here, and it certainly makes sense, but...

The number of signatures required is based off the previous statewide elections. Seeing how Presidential elections on the ballot increase the turnout by a large margin, waiting until after the "16 election would require much more signatures. Oklahoma had a depressingly low turnout in November of 2014 so the best opportunity to get the required signatures is before 2016.

And I think you would be surprised by the amount of people that will vote yes for legalization, especially if its just for medicinal use. When it comes to individual issues like higher min wages, pot decriminalization, even red state voters have shown to vote more liberal

I think supporters of this could easily mobilize enough to get out one day to vote for this. Social media is on the side of issues like these, given the number of younger people utilizing social media compared to older.
Start spreading the word around to friends and family NOW, so it's in the back of their minds come August, when you can then remind them to get out and go find a ballot.

This would be a huge step forward for Oklahoma.