View Full Version : Six Flags and sex offenders

05-19-2005, 03:00 PM
Six Flags has started placing an announcement on their tickets saying they may prohibit or remove sex offenders from the theme parks. (sourse: Channel

What do you think about this practice? Is it descrimination? Does it amount to "dpuble jeopardy?"

05-19-2005, 03:29 PM
Six Flags has started placing an announcement on their tickets saying they may prohibit or remove sex offenders from the theme parks. (sourse: Channel

What do you think about this practice? Is it descrimination? Does it amount to "dpuble jeopardy?"

From the article: "However, company officials said there are no plans to check every person entering a park."

Since the amusement park doesn't typically check your driver's license and cross-reference it with the national sex offender registry this whole annoucement seems little more than empty words. Lots of businesses "reserve the right" to do or not do a lot of things. These statements are just legalese meant to cover their butts in case of any litigation. Given the fact that six flags paid $1.4 million from exactly that kind of litigation in Chicago it's no surprise to see this language from them now. I don't think it will result in any significant changes in practices at their parks.

As for your question, citizens have the right to use their private property as they see fit. I don't see Six Flags' policy as violating anything. In fact, they'd (obviously) be in worse legal shape by allowing sex offenders into their park.

05-19-2005, 08:14 PM
I don't care if it is discrimination - sex offenders shouldn't be anywhere near a place that is frequented by young children. Sex offenders are the lowest of the low in my opinion.

Actually, I have a plan for Six Flags, invite them in and put them all on a malfunctioning roller coaster ride where the seatbelts accidently unlock - ooops

05-19-2005, 08:38 PM
My son used to be on a T-ball team. Another one of the parents was an OKC police officer. Maybe he had a great memory but several times he recognized a sex offender and challenged them...kept with them until an on-duty officer could show up. He was OKC...recognized them in Moore.

I wonder if, like in most other crimes, most offenders are never caught.

I cannot understand how anyone can be arroused by a child. That's sick!! I'm sure there are many however who are arroused and never act on it. That's sick too.

It's too bad that a child's quality of life has to be sacrificed before society can do anything about it.

05-19-2005, 09:34 PM
My son used to be on a T-ball team. Another one of the parents was an OKC police officer. Maybe he had a great memory but several times he recognized a sex offender and challenged them...kept with them until an on-duty officer could show up. He was OKC...recognized them in Moore.

I wonder if, like in most other crimes, most offenders are never caught.

I cannot understand how anyone can be arroused by a child. That's sick!! I'm sure there are many however who are arroused and never act on it. That's sick too.

It's too bad that a child's quality of life has to be sacrificed before society can do anything about it.
Not only are sex offenders sick, but they are also cowards. Anyone who would prey upon an innocent child is a coward. I'm sure if we all looked closely, we would find out that a sex offender is living near us, and we don't even know it.

05-20-2005, 07:18 PM
That's such a wake up call for all of us to remember to talk to our kids!! Tell them about ploys used ( lost kitten, lost dog, free candy, mom told me to pick you up etc etc) Tell them to run like hell and scream 'You're not my dad or mom!' Never, ever get close enough to a car to be pulled in...

Strangers look like everyone!!! They are not monsters, strangers look like mom and dad - a stranger is Someone You Don't Know!!!!! Ask your kids what is a stranger, you will be so surprised at the answer.

Talk to them about secrets kept and to tell you anything - never to keep secrets from you, explain anything that a bathing suit covers up is off limits to anyone, hands to ourselves, explain that some people are not nice to kids and they need to tell you if someone tries to touch them.

I know it's a horrible thing to ruin innocence in kids but they need to be informed and educated - the alternative? Dead, abused and/or scarred for life in some cases.

05-26-2005, 09:27 AM
I completely agree with you all, I think we should learn to forgive, but something's you just shouldn't forget. And with that, I think it's well within people rights to take precautions to protect their children, from someone who's past history is marked by something as low as child sex offenders. Beyond normal reason, beyond any reason.

05-31-2005, 12:45 PM
I guess I'm sounding like a Republican in this sense, but it's not like it's a completely public place. It is a private park owned by Six Flags. I think they should be allowed to restrict whoever they want to from their park within reason. Obviously, racial discrimination shouldn't be allowed, and other forms of discrimination, but I see no problem with them banning former criminals, if that's what they want to do, especially since there are children in the park.

After you've committed a crime like that, as far as I'm concerned, you're rights are limited.