View Full Version : OKCTALK Meeting

06-20-2012, 01:10 AM
We need to have one.

Seriously. Put our indifferences aside and just meet up for the betterment of this site. Everyone against Spartan or everyone against Larry, hell...everyone against me!

No southside meetings at wherever...just all of us non opposed to the personalized meetings of each of us.

It can't get better than that and I truly believe that if we all meet eachother in person then that will only help our better understanding of each others views.

06-20-2012, 09:20 AM
Actuaslly that is a good idea. It may be a great way to better understand each other and could even open some new avenues for us. I like the idea of a happy hour, possibly someplace (like a restaurant) that has other refreshments for those that do not drink.

06-20-2012, 09:38 PM
We need to have one.

Seriously. Put our differences aside and just meet up for the betterment of this site. Everyone against Spartan or everyone against Larry, hell...everyone against me!

No Southside meetings at wherever...just all of us non opposed to the personalized meetings of each of us.

It can't get better than that and I truly believe that if we all meet each other in person then that will only help our better understanding of each other's views.I would love to see this happen, but I'm going to add a story and some qualification questions to that statement...

The OKC Southside (actually everyone was welcome) nostalgia group had get-togethers every month for three years. The meetings were marvelous and many lifelong friendships were developed. There was never an argument or squabble of any type during any of those meetings. One of the main reasons was because we didn't discuss politics or religion...we stuck (for the most part) to OKC nostalgia. No one had to tell any the 100s of different people that went to the meetings over the course of multiple years not to discuss certain subjects...they all simply knew it wouldn't be conducive to a good-natured gathering.
It was one of the most diversified and outstanding groups I have ever associated with. The wonderful memories and friendships will doubtless be with me for the rest of my life.

That said...

What subjects would be discussed during an open meeting filled with people that have diametrically opposed opinions on pretty much every subject ever discussed on this forum?
How many people would be worried that some nutcase would show up with intent to cause trouble or retribution for some imagined injustice?
Where would the meeting(s) be held? Would three people show up or would there be a hundred?
What would be a good day and time for the many diversified schedules?
Would everyone use name tags so we could tell who was who? Would those tags have the screen name and the person's real name?

"The best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry."

06-21-2012, 01:29 AM
good point . . . (yet =)
i think that the authentic Scottish/RobertByrnesian phrase is: /"sae oftn gang a glee".
however, i wouldn't begin to presume to be an expert on Celticstuff like that there.

the sort of gathering o' the posters sounds like a good idea.
hope it morphs from concept into reality.
and that it works with my schedule =)

06-21-2012, 03:25 AM
Frisky's comments made me think - maybe we should have several meetings based on interests? None would exclude others, but what if we were to have downtown workers/dwellers, Steve-stalkers, nostalgia buffs, south-siders, financial supporters of OKC Talk, etc? That might alleviate the "what would we talk about?' question.
Or, it could simply be a mix and mingle, happy-hour or even a "day at the park" bring your own refreshments, etc. In good weather, the possibilities are much greater.

06-21-2012, 11:06 AM
Um... instead of a formal meeting, why not do an unstructured, informal happy hour? That way there will be no heated debate in a formal setting and people can socialize in a more comfortable environment.

Urban Pioneer
06-21-2012, 12:16 PM
Um... instead of a formal meeting, why not do an unstructured, informal happy hour? That way there will be no heated debate in a formal setting and people can socialize in a more comfortable environment.

McNellies party room

06-21-2012, 07:35 PM
McNellies party room

That might get me to come

06-22-2012, 01:21 AM
Gotta be on a Saturday, after 3pm. I work mid afternoons/evenings and that would be the only time I'm available. A happy hour sounds good to me, though!

06-22-2012, 01:39 AM
Wherever there's booze I'm there

06-22-2012, 02:19 PM
Should meet in front of city hall we all can come togather for 1 purpose that I gather from this site and that is to not have a boulavard with only a few blocks at-grade. we could protest our dislike to the city and maybe the city will see voters so close to elections rising up and try to push harder for ODOT to do something different. we will not throw out proposals cause that would divide us lol.

06-23-2012, 01:01 AM
McNellies party room

Set a date! McNellie's in MidTown I assume?

06-23-2012, 04:46 PM
Set a date! McNellie's in MidTown I assume?

Make sure to bring extra chairs for the lurkers

06-24-2012, 01:51 AM
Make sure to bring extra chairs for the lurkers
