View Full Version : Grand jury clears Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater
BBatesokc 06-15-2012, 10:54 AM Grand jury clears Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater
Oklahoma grand jurors on Thursday cleared Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater of any wrongdoing involving a 2006 victory party, and they condemned defense attorney Irven Box for making the allegations.
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Midtowner 06-15-2012, 10:57 AM Irven may be a little butthurt following the very public spanking he got with the Ersland case. If he made false allegations to a Grand Jury, a public condemnation will be the least of his worries.
BBatesokc 06-15-2012, 10:59 AM I have posted the Grand Jury Interim report if anyone wants to read it.
I'm glad this is almost over. Looks like Irven may be facing indictment.
I know all those involved and its despicable what Joe Brett, the Box's and Johnson tried to do. And to use Joe Brett (a dying man) as their patsy was simply cowardice IMO.
If you have an honest beef, so be it, but don't use lies to condemn your enemies.
Roadhawg 06-15-2012, 11:07 AM Was this decision expected?
RadicalModerate 06-15-2012, 11:13 AM I don't have a shark in this fight, so the decision didn't "rock my world" but I will say that one of the "principles" involved took all of the money that an old--not guilty--friend of mine could scape together for his defense then had him take a "plea bargain" that sent him to prison for about three years. Perhaps a spanking IS in order . . . perhaps not . . .
BBatesokc 06-15-2012, 11:35 AM Was this decision expected?
As usual, it mostly comes down to one's bias toward the parties involved. People who hate Prater for whatever reason (Ersland case, etc.) were all convinced he'd done something wrong.
Those who think Prater is ethical felt he didn't do anything wrong.
I heard several people say that since Prater returned the cash that he 'must have done something wrong.' Guess some people have a hard time with the concept of trying to make sure even the whisper of an impropriety is avoided.
Box's statement that its just prosecutors protecting prosecutors is way off base. My own relatives were questioned by the OSBI regarding this case simply because they were donors around the time of the questionable activities. This case was thoroughly investigated.
BBatesokc 06-15-2012, 11:54 AM I guess actually, the one indictment may actually be against Starr of Cafe Nova and Deep Fork - which would be a shame (but kinda hard to defend)
Midtowner 06-15-2012, 12:25 PM I don't have a shark in this fight
I see what you did there.
PennyQuilts 06-15-2012, 12:38 PM I just read the interim report. Made me feel sick.
BBatesokc 06-19-2012, 11:22 PM Grand jury indicts Oklahoma City restaurant owner...
RadicalModerate 06-20-2012, 01:42 AM I hope that the quality of the food at Deep Fork doesn't suffer on account of all this . . .
That would be a travesty of justice . . . not to mention the ripple effect on the local culinary scene.
On the other hand, perhaps the time is right to start posting signs like:
Miners and Sidearms OK . . . No Lawyers Allowed.
(just kidding)
BBatesokc 06-20-2012, 06:10 AM I must admit I initially thought Wade Starr played no real part in this fiasco to lynch Prater and simply signed a piece of paper presented by a friend and good customer in good faith. But, after reading court documents and testimony I am of the opinion (as apparently was the Grand Jury) that Starr did a despicable thing.
I personally will not patronize his establishments again in the future.
Of Sound Mind 06-20-2012, 09:42 AM Miners and Sidearms OK . . . No Lawyers Allowed.
(just kidding)
Didn't realize they catered specifically to people who worked in mines.
Roadhawg 06-20-2012, 09:51 AM This sure has become a mess for several folks.... I wonder if attorney Larry Derryberry ever thought of changing his name.
RadicalModerate 06-20-2012, 09:52 AM Didn't realize they catered specifically to people who worked in mines.
what? you never heard of Data Miner Cafés?
actually that is the so-called "arkie" spelling of Minors.
but I really did once see the phrase No Miners Allowed
on the side of a tavern in Tuttle
and wondered wtf?
I wonder if attorney Larry Derryberry ever thought of changing his name.
i think that Perry Derryberry was once under consideration . . .
Roadhawg 06-20-2012, 09:54 AM Probably because of all the coal dust on them
RadicalModerate 06-20-2012, 10:05 AM Yeah. Coal dust. And the fact that they refused to wear Dockers instead of Original 1849 Button Fly Levis despite the dress code. Not to mention their atrocious taste in ties.
blangtang 06-20-2012, 01:10 PM So what happens to Irven Box? It appears he and the now deceased other attorney may have hatched this scheme, but the guy who signed a statement is the only one who gets charged?
RadicalModerate 06-20-2012, 01:20 PM maybe it's a professional courtesy deal?
Of Sound Mind 06-20-2012, 03:13 PM So what happens to Irven Box? It appears he and the now deceased other attorney may have hatched this scheme, but the guy who signed a statement is the only one who gets charged?
It does seem a bit askew, doesn't it?
I wonder if a Bar complaint will be filed against Mr. Box, if it hasn't already.
Roadhawg 06-20-2012, 03:17 PM Is there a law about conspiracy to commit perjury?
BBatesokc 06-20-2012, 03:26 PM So what happens to Irven Box? It appears he and the now deceased other attorney may have hatched this scheme, but the guy who signed a statement is the only one who gets charged?
Box may not be off the hook. The G.J. meets again in July and it appears they may have some unfinished business regarding this manner. However, the way the judge read the unsealing this morning, made it sound like the case was closed.
However, the Bar will most likely be taking this up.