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08-22-2012, 11:19 AM
Here's the complete Powerpoint presentation:

08-22-2012, 11:25 AM
Don't forget to submit public comment forms. You can do it via email. Here's what I submitted:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Although I live in Edmond, I work in the CBD in Oklahoma City (Chase Tower). I would like to urge the DOT to consider the following issues in determining the configuration and alignment of the proposed Oklahoma City Boulevard:

1. The Boulevard should be built in such a way to encourage development and citizen interaction. To that end, it should not be a throughway (we already have that with new I-40), but should be a low speed, pedestrian friendly landscaped drive. Four lanes with parallel street parking, a wide median and wide sidewalks accomplish this best in my opinion.

2. It should be at grade for as much of its length as possible. Again, this is a development issue. However, it is also an issue of dividing the city. From my office in Chase Tower, I can see what a difference the removal of the old elevated I-40 has made in opening up the southern half of downtown. I have no doubt but that area will be revitalized by the core-to-shore project, but also because there is no longer an artificial barrier between that part of the city and the CBD. Elevated roadways encourage blight and block development.

3. The possible inclusion of part of the streetcar route in the boulevard median or otherwise should be considered and designed in.

4. It is not necessary that the Boulevard be a through street. I think that terminating it at the east and west ends of the street grid and returning some of the old right of way to private development would serve the purpose of facilitating entry and exit to the CBD without creating another pedestrian unfriendly corridor like EK Gaylord. We need to get cars onto the grid so that all of the CBD can develop, without artificial barriers.

5. Finally, please make sure that access to the Bricktown district is easy and efficient.

Thank you for considering my thoughts.

08-22-2012, 12:38 PM
Also, for your public comments go here:

In the left column the pdf aerials are provided for your viewing pleasure. I based my comments upon sectioning them by these pdf files. My comments turned into three printed pages and I am going to take them home tonight and write them down on the comments sheet provided and send them in the old fashioned way ;-)

I can't believe I wrote three pages worth!

08-22-2012, 01:34 PM
I can't believe I wrote three pages worth!

Same here - I wrote down everything I have been thinking about this street(s) and what they can potentially do for downtown. Here it is:

The street that will replace the nearly demolished Interstate 40 Crosstown Expressway is a critical component of the redevelopment of downtown Oklahoma City. Extensive urban blight in the area south of the old interstate right of way and along the old elevated right of way in the western section of downtown can be directly attributed to the design of the old roadway. It is vitally important to the citizens of Oklahoma City this project design is updated to consider the numerous changes to the city since the initial design was developed nearly 15 years ago.

1. The 2014 “deadline” for the boulevard’s construction is an artificial one solely imposed by ODOT. The citizens of Oklahoma City prefer this issue being thoroughly analyzed and all alternatives examined over any attempts to expedite construction merely to meet this deadline.

2. A “Business I-40” is not desired and would merely recreate the conditions that were detrimental to significant areas of downtown Oklahoma City. This is essentially what is being proposed by ODOT presently. There is no absolute requirement for the connection to Interstate 40 on the east and west sides of the central business district to be connected to one another.

3. Strong consideration should be given to NOT connecting these two roads. Separating the western and eastern connections to Interstate 40 will provide numerous opportunities to revitalize a blighted area of downtown. I strongly recommend connecting Interstate 40 to the street grid using California Ave in the west and 3rd Street (Old Crosstown path) in the east.

4. If the two Interstate connections are kept separate the need to elevate the boulevard over the Western/Classen/Reno intersections is eliminated. This will reduce construction costs significantly and permit those funds to be redirected into street level amenities and preparation for the future streetcar system.

5. Constructing the boulevard(s) at grade level in the Farmer’s Market District will facilitate revitalization of that district where the elevated Crosstown caused extensive urban blight. Significant private investment in this area has been made in the hope of more pedestrian and automobile traffic being brought into the district by the new street rather than bypassing it. This will benefit Oklahoma City’s Core to Shore redevelopment plan immensely by eliminating the blight adjacent to that area’s planned redevelopment.


7. Reducing the boulevard from 6 to 4 lanes will vastly improve pedestrian access to future development along the street or streets.

8. All traffic control techniques including the use of modern design roundabouts should be considered. Synchronized signaling based on the posted speed limits should be modeled and fully analyzed.

9. Extensive landscaping, curb bump outs, facilitation of pedestrian movement, on street parking, and preparation for the streetcar should be given priority over increasing the speed at which vehicular traffic enters and exits downtown.

All these factors are critical to the restoration of downtown Oklahoma City. The design of the new street will have lasting impact on the urban core of an up and coming city. To repeat the well documented mistakes of the past would be a great disservice to the present and future citizens of Oklahoma City.

08-22-2012, 10:13 PM
I too was at the meeting last night and strongly encourage everyone with an interest to submit a public comment to ODOT. I will take the folks at their word that they will use these in the decision making process. If we don't get involved at this point we have no one to blame if the project turns out to be a 6 lane speedway but ourselves. There were definitely people at the meeting last night who want the boulevard to be nothing but a road that alleviates traffic from I-40 and not a pedestrian friendly iconic (my new least favorite word) boulevard. From what I am hearing from people on OKCTalk and from the public forums most people want somthing better. Do not assume everyone else will take care of the situation, take a few momemts to let your voice be heard.

08-23-2012, 01:00 AM
I was thinking about parking shortages on both the eastern side with the stadium and bricktown and the western side with the farmers market and anticipated development and thought why can't we place a parking garage at either end of the boulevard one near the farmers market area and one on the eastern side somewhere. We could run 6 lanes of boulevard to where the garages are with one lane dedicated to entering and exiting the garages. Between the garages would be narrowed to 4 lanes. We could put the garages under or above ground or incorporate them with other projects such as the street car or bus system.

This would create places on either end of downtown for parking and open options in and around the area for more developement as well as destinations for streetcars and buses to ferry people around during events and and communting hours. Would create concentrations of riders to help make our cores transportation needs easier to be targeted and build out from the land would already be off property tax rolls thus not reducing revenues and reduces the number of vehicles traversing downtown during peak traffic hours making downtown more pedestrian and bike friendly

08-23-2012, 01:02 AM
Double post

08-23-2012, 01:35 AM
I was thinking about parking shortages on both the eastern side with the stadium and bricktown and the western side with the farmers market and anticipated development and thought why can't we place a parking garage at either end of the boulevard one near the farmers market area and one on the eastern side somewhere. We could run 6 lanes of boulevard to where the garages are with one lane dedicated to entering and exiting the garages. Between the garages would be narrowed to 4 lanes. We could put the garages under or above ground or incorporate them with other projects such as the street car or bus system.

This would create places on either end of downtown for parking and open options in and around the area for more developement as well as destinations for streetcars and buses to ferry people around during events and and communting hours. Would create concentrations of riders to help make our cores transportation needs easier to be targeted and build out from the land would already be off property tax rolls thus not reducing revenues and reduces the number of vehicles traversing downtown during peak traffic hours making downtown more pedestrian and bike friendly

Because there are not parking shortages in either place.

08-23-2012, 08:01 AM
Because there are not parking shortages in either place.

So true....there is a misconception of parking access.

Urban Pioneer
08-23-2012, 10:24 AM
Doing Oklahoma City boulevard right is more important than doing it quickly
The Oklahoman Editorial | Published: August 23, 2012 1 (

Relocation of Interstate 40 through central Oklahoma City was supposed to take six to eight years once funding was in place, according to a 1997 projection. Instead it took 15 years....

Read more:

This is pretty profound coming from the Oklahoman.

08-23-2012, 11:01 AM
Doing Oklahoma City boulevard right is more important than doing it quickly
The Oklahoman Editorial | Published: August 23, 2012 1 (

Relocation of Interstate 40 through central Oklahoma City was supposed to take six to eight years once funding was in place, according to a 1997 projection. Instead it took 15 years....

Read more:

This is pretty profound coming from the Oklahoman.

Regarding that article. There hasn't been any prolonged discussess about the boulevard and there hasn't been any delays. Last time I checked ODOT is still planning to reward the Penn to Western contract in September and the other contracts haven't come up yet in their schedule. The only thing that might be delayed is the Western to Walker section, but that isn't going to stop the eastern and central sections. Whatever gets built at Western to Walker section can be built just as fast if not faster as the elevated bridges they wanted to build.

Buffalo Bill
08-23-2012, 11:07 AM
Doing Oklahoma City boulevard right is more important than doing it quickly
The Oklahoman Editorial | Published: August 23, 2012 1 (

Relocation of Interstate 40 through central Oklahoma City was supposed to take six to eight years once funding was in place, according to a 1997 projection. Instead it took 15 years....

Read more:

This is pretty profound coming from the Oklahoman.

I think the operative words were, "once the funding was in place".

08-23-2012, 11:22 AM
Not the first time I have been impressed since the sale of the DOK.

08-23-2012, 05:58 PM
My jaw dropped when I read that - then I had to read it again to be sure I hadn't missed the punchline. Very refreshing from the Oklahoman editorial section and completely unexpected.

08-24-2012, 04:42 PM
Dismantling of the old I-40 claims the life of a construction worker:

The Mario Mejia-Ramirez Memorial Boulevard? I say yes...

08-24-2012, 05:50 PM
Dismantling of the old I-40 claims the life of a construction worker:

The Mario Mejia-Ramirez Memorial Boulevard? I say yes...

Its not any worse than Oklahoma City Boulevard.

08-24-2012, 06:05 PM
The Mario Mejia-Ramirez Memorial Boulevard? I say yes...

Shorten it to "Mejia-Ramirez Boulevard" and you might be on to something.

08-26-2012, 09:18 PM
I was in Wichita this weekend and noticed they have put two new roundabouts on either side of I-35 on exit 33. Nice two lane roundabouts. If you can use them coming directly off of a 75 mph turnpike you should be able to use them for a boulevard.

08-26-2012, 10:41 PM
Build Oklahoma City for people, not cars

Letter in the Sunday Oklahoman:

08-27-2012, 12:41 AM
Not a bad letter.

08-28-2012, 06:12 PM
"ODOT discourages pedestrian traffic within highway right of ways" - statement by consultant for MAPS3 sidewalks......ODOT does highways fairly well, not city streets. The boulevard cannot become another pseudo-highway running through downtown.

08-28-2012, 06:18 PM
"ODOT discourages pedestrians on their right of ways" - statement by consultant for MAPS3 sidewalks......ODOT does highways fairly well, not city streets. The boulevard cannot become another pseudo-highway running through downtown.

Why is why I find the concept of putting a boulevard on the planned elevated western portion of the boulevard ludicrous. Who would use it? If you wanted to walk on it or ride a bike on it, how would you get off the elevated boulevard once you're up there? Sidewalks and bike paths on the entrance and exit ramps? If we don't succeed in getting it changed and ODOT elevates that portion of the boulevard, they might as well save their money and make it look like the highway it will be. a fake "boulevard" on the fake boulevard would be another example of lipstick on a pig. Oklahoma Cityans deserve more honesty than that.

08-29-2012, 11:41 AM
Hope everything is at grade...

08-29-2012, 07:06 PM
This seems to be going great, read the op-ed and re-listened to the town hall on kgou...the synergy is incredible and feels great to have had an initial hand in. Life has been crazy for me and I still don't know when I'll have Internet due to a wiring problem in this vintage building that is my new home...grrr... With the excuses out of the way, could someone give me a quick update on how the ODOT forum went and how things have been since? :D

08-29-2012, 11:04 PM
ODOT forum was well attended - approx 350. In my opinion the most significant statements made were the following (paraphrased):

Eric Wenger - "All options are on the table and will be considered by the consultant that is being hired."

Chamber rep (Steve Mason?) - "The Chamber wants it finished no later than 2014."

There were a few people who want the Business I40 plan. There were 2 or 3 concerned business owners; the toughest situation being a man who rents space and wanted to know if he would be compensated if forced to move. I feel for the man as he has obviously spent years and a lot of effort with his company. I believe there will be fair and equitable solutions for that type of situation if necessary but I do not think it will be very common.

I nailed down the ODOT engineer in charge of the entire I40 relocation project and asked if the two interstate connection had to be connected to each other to which he indicated not necessarily. This gives me hope that the two connections will run straight into the street grid and a lot of effort will be spent on street amenities.

I think Eric Wenger should be commended for a very balanced presentation - much different from the 31 July City Council one even if some of the content was the same.

This citizen effort has had a profound impact on this process but it is not finished yet. There will be more public meetings in the future. Hope you can get to it.

09-03-2012, 09:33 AM
Deadline for public comments to ODOT regarding the OKC Boulevard is tomorrow, Sept 4. If you wish to comment but have not done so, the link to ODOT's form for electronic submission is below:

09-03-2012, 02:10 PM
Staff of ODOT,

I am excited to see the many developments that are taking place throughout Oklahoma City, including the long anticipated Boulevard. I understand that plans have been in place for quite some time as to how the new Boulevard will be constructed. However, the majority of citizens with whom I have spoken about this new Boulevard seem to agree that the plan that has been in place for a decade, regardless of any good intention and advantage it may possess, is not the best plan for the development of Oklahoma City's urban core. The following comments reflect what I think many feel are important elements in the design of the Boulevard so that OKC's urban core can be strengthened by this project.

1. This needs to be a very pedestrian friendly project. It seems that keeping the Boulevard to 4-lanes has been agreeable with most parties, and I think that is a step in the right direction. The other major area I feel needs to be addressed is the grade at which the road is constructed. Any elevation of the road east of Western Ave. for sure, but really Blackwelder Ave. will work against development of the area associated with the Boulevard. Pedestrians and bikers have no reason to travel westbound on an elevated road that connects with interstate highways and from which you cannot exit.

2. No development can occur on the berms that currently elevate that roadway west of Western Ave. This works against strengthening the viability of the urban core.

3. I cannot stress enough that drivers will not travel this road as a means to enter downtown unless there is significant street-front development along the Boulevard between Western and Walker and possibly even west of Western Ave. That will be made impossible by elevating the roadway. Firstly, online map programs such as Mapquest and Google Maps are going to recommend driving I-40 to the Shields exit to arrive at downtown destinations. Secondly, drivers who are targeting the skyline as an approximation of when to get off will exit I-40 on either Western or Shields and use the appropriate cross street to reach their destination.

4. Strong consideration should be given to returning to the street grid, especially between Classen and Walker. The new Boulevard would essentially become California extending west of Classen and SW 3rd extending east of Walker. This would mean revenue production for the city by selling the right of way turned property to private developers. It would also be the best solution for encouraging development on the western side of downtown.

5. I-40 is located less than one mile from the proposed Boulevard. There is no reason that the speed limits for the proposed Boulevard to exceed 35 MPH. If people need to drive fast, I-40 should be the road traveled (and would be the faster route). Extensive landscaping, curb bump outs, facilitation of pedestrian movement, on street parking and preparation for the streetcar should be given priority over higher speed limits.

6. Serious consideration needs to be given to usage of modern roundabouts as a means of efficient traffic flow and increased safety.

7. Lastly, the dialogue about changes to the current plan need not be made on the premise of Roundabout or Original Plan. This issue is not about roundabouts, their practicality, and whether citizens can figure them out. This issue is about designing a project that BEST strengthens the urban core (which is why serious consideration needs to be given to the simplest solution which is returning to street grid). And furthermore, the time-line need not be so pressing. The project should move as fast as we can accomplish the goal of the new Boulevard, which is to strengthen the viability of the core. The citizens of OKC would prefer the best Boulevard completed in 36 months over a Boulevard completed in the next 18 months that undermines the viability of the urban core.

Thank you for taking the time to read our comments. We appreciate your willingness to hear our voices on this issue and I look forward to the plans that come together over the coming weeks and months.

09-03-2012, 05:20 PM
:iagree: 100%. Well stated. Thank you for adding to the input ODOT has received.

09-04-2012, 11:47 PM
This is a pretty interesting subject on skyscrapercity. I started with page 304 but this page:

has an interesting post (#6147) with an interchange currently under construction with several roundabouts around it.

Come on, ODOT. I know you're viewing this page.

Just the facts
09-05-2012, 08:22 AM
I took a look at that interchange and it cracks me up that they included sidewalks. No one will ever walk there unless their car breaks down. Pedestrians aren't really meant to cross at roundabouts, they are to cross at mid-block crosswalks between roundabouts.

09-05-2012, 12:41 PM
Not the best example of pedestrian friendly roundabout. No one is going to be crossing an interstate. lol

Edit: Ok, not the actual interstate, but those frontage roads look like they may see alot of traffic also.

Just the facts
09-05-2012, 12:55 PM
Can you clarify what you mean? I've never crossed at a mid-block crosswalk when a roundabout was upcoming. And I am not just talking about in the US either. As a pedestrian, I have always crossed a roundabout just the way I thought they were intended to be crossed, using the sidewalk, pedestrian island(if there is one) and crosswalk at the roundabout.

I simply meant traditional intersections the crosswalks are at the point where the roads actually meet. On a roundabout the crosswalks are moved away from the conflunece of traffic. In this picture for example, a legacy intersection would have the crosswalk where the van is stopped. In this roundabout the crosswalks are moved away from the interesection at what appears to be about 25 feet (but you're right - certainly not 'mid-block'). In a lot place, depending on traffic and foot volume, fences are used to keep pedestrians out of the roundabout.

09-05-2012, 05:55 PM
I took a look at that interchange and it cracks me up that they included sidewalks. No one will ever walk there unless their car breaks down. Pedestrians aren't really meant to cross at roundabouts, they are to cross at mid-block crosswalks between roundabouts.

Oh, no doubt it is wacko. If MnDOT can do a project like this, surely ODOT can pull a magic trick out of their...

09-05-2012, 09:43 PM
And now...we wait.

Just the facts
09-05-2012, 10:18 PM
And now...we wait.

Kind of like an airplane ride. Excitement at take-off and landing, with hours of boredom in between.

09-05-2012, 10:32 PM
And now...we wait.

I know - but hopefully not too long.

09-05-2012, 11:07 PM
Kind of like an airplane ride. Excitement at take-off and landing, with hours of boredom in between.

Kinda like having your phone on airplane mode.

Larry OKC
09-06-2012, 11:40 AM
Kind of like an airplane ride. Excitement at take-off and landing, with hours of boredom in between.

except when you hit turbulence...the plane dives...the oxygen masks drop...

Just the facts
09-06-2012, 11:50 AM
Anyone know what process the consultants are going to follow. Are they going interview anyone from FFABB as part of their 'analysis', or are we just going to sit around and wait for their proposal?

09-06-2012, 05:05 PM

I cleared out my public folders on dropbox to make some more space for other things, so the links I posted earlier this summer for downloading the PDFs or images are no longer functional. If you would like a copy of those documents, feel free to PM me.

09-19-2012, 11:35 PM
ODOT seems to be giving plenty of time for the Western to Walker segment study and/or redesign to be completed. The new eight year plan now has an estimated letting date for August with everything else being let at the beginning of next year.

Urban Pioneer
09-27-2012, 07:19 AM
Yep. Essentially the new Boulevard issues will have to be resolved by November/December of this year. I'll bet Stantech is scrambling. There won't be much time for changes, that's for sure. Lol

I suspect they will go to Council with a buffet of options.

09-27-2012, 08:47 AM
ODOT seems to be giving plenty of time for the Western to Walker segment study and/or redesign to be completed. The new eight year plan now has an estimated letting date for August with everything else being let at the beginning of next year.

IIRC, it seems like they were going to bid the Penn-to-Western segment back in August. So they have delayed that portion until after the first of the year? If so, then it seems like that segment will most likely be changed.

09-27-2012, 04:43 PM
I think you are right Cuatro. I wish they had proceeded with the Eastern connection to I40 if they had the BNSF viaduct issues resolved to include streetcar passage. At least that way people would see progress and if it is decided to go with the "Grid Option", the 3rd Street "Blvd" could be completed very quickly. That would also relieve a good percentage of the traffic around Farmer's market at peak times (which really isn't all that bad.)

09-27-2012, 05:20 PM
If so, that makes me hopeful the Blackwelder-to-Western area will be redesigned to eliminate the bridge at Klein, get rid of the ramps, and tie the existing grid into the boulevard. I'm pretty sure the design of that portion of the project was almost completed and was to be put out to bid right away.

09-27-2012, 05:35 PM
I hope they halted everything between Penn and Hudson pending the recommendations of StanTech. I think we are going to have some of the western roadway elevated on the berm simply because of the elevation change from the I40 off ramp flyover to street level. There has been a significant amount of work done on the overpass above Reno so I do not see anyone asking for that to be abandoned.

09-27-2012, 05:44 PM
That would be ideal Sid, but I think there has been too much already built to reasonably hope for that part to change. IIRC there are a couple of flyovers already built over I40 and waiting only to be connected to the Blvd. I wish something could have been done about the elevation change but that needed to have been caught about 5 years ago.....

09-28-2012, 12:17 PM
I don't think an elevated roadway at portions of either end of the boulevard is such a terrible thing, nor will it be a barrier that inhibits growth south of the Boulevard as long as there is a good window where substantive development can push south of the old I-40 barrier, and then flow out to the east and west south of an elevated roadway.

To the east You have the Cottonseed Mill and I-40 swings up over the Boulevard anyway, so I don't think there is any real loss in development opportunity.

The issue is that a window between Walker and Shields simply is not a big enough, especially given the size of the Central Park, for development to flow from the CBD down to the River. That window only gives one block of development between Park and Elevated Roadway. Even if you elevate it after Western, you literally triple the amount of land available for non-MAPS, C2S development that can be tied into the CBD. If you get substantive development South of the Boulevard between Western and Walker, I think that can easily push development all the way to Penn on the south side of the Boulevard.

09-28-2012, 12:56 PM
To me the biggest loss is to the Boathouse District that will have the elevated portion as their skyline view to the N/NW.

Eh...I think it won't be noticed with the skyline being in sight along with some of the taller Bricktown structures that are going to be built in the next 10 years.

And there will be an NFL stadium at the cotton seed site in 30 years anyway ;)

09-28-2012, 12:59 PM
To me the biggest loss is to the Boathouse District that will have the elevated portion as their skyline view to the N/NW.

the new BLVD will provide another direct access to the district .. that is a huge win IMHO

Larry OKC
09-29-2012, 11:10 PM
Lost me on that is the Boulevard going to provide direct access (that isn't already being provided by the relocated I-40). Isn't the Boulevard a few blocks north of I-40 and the River/Boathouse District???

09-29-2012, 11:36 PM
Lost me on that is the Boulevard going to provide direct access (that isn't already being provided by the relocated I-40). Isn't the Boulevard a few blocks north of I-40 and the River/Boathouse District???

I-40 does not provide DIRECT access to the Boathouse District. The nearest exits are at Shields and Robinson (on the west requiring travel through Bricktown) and Eastern (on the east requiring travel through the East Reno Industrial District), either way, I-40 (new or old) doesn't have any access to the BHD.

What I assume BoulderSooner is referring to is the Blvd-I40 connection which includes access to and from SE 5th at the Phillips Ave. intersection and possibly Lincoln Blvd


09-30-2012, 11:49 AM
I-40 does not provide DIRECT access to the Boathouse District. The nearest exits are at Shields and Robinson (on the west requiring travel through Bricktown) and Eastern (on the east requiring travel through the East Reno Industrial District), either way, I-40 (new or old) doesn't have any access to the BHD.

What I assume BoulderSooner is referring to is the Blvd-I40 connection which includes access to and from SE 5th at the Phillips Ave. intersection and possibly Lincoln Blvd


This is the flyover that will connect to the Boulevard and the Boathouse district.

Also, is this the eastern end of the Boulevard? I've never figured that out.


09-30-2012, 03:26 PM
Also, is this the eastern end of the Boulevard? I've never figured that out.

Pretty much, it is for the boulevard's eastbound traffic; westbound i40, southbound i235 and northbound i35 will all have an exits that merge with it to allow access to the westbound boulevard lanes

10-01-2012, 07:37 AM
This is the flyover that will connect to the Boulevard and the Boathouse district.

Also, is this the eastern end of the Boulevard? I've never figured that out.

correct that flyover is the exit from the blvd to I 40 east .. and from the blvd to lincoln

10-01-2012, 08:33 AM
This is the flyover that will connect to the Boulevard and the Boathouse district.

Also, is this the eastern end of the Boulevard? I've never figured that out.


Go look up 'Forward I-40' and it shows everything.

10-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Better yet... 40 Forward: Oklahoma's I-40 Crosstown Expressway (

Larry OKC
10-01-2012, 12:06 PM
I-40 does not provide DIRECT access to the Boathouse District. The nearest exits are at Shields and Robinson (on the west requiring travel through Bricktown) and Eastern (on the east requiring travel through the East Reno Industrial District), either way, I-40 (new or old) doesn't have any access to the BHD.

What I assume BoulderSooner is referring to is the Blvd-I40 connection which includes access to and from SE 5th at the Phillips Ave. intersection and possibly Lincoln Blvd

That is interesting that a road further way would have direct access rather than the road that looks like it is right next to it...go figure.

10-01-2012, 12:21 PM
That is interesting that a road further way would have direct access rather than the road that looks like it is right next to it...go figure.

Yeah, but at least you wouldn't have to drive all the way through Bricktown and then have to backtrack using Lincoln.

10-01-2012, 12:48 PM
Confused by this. How is turning right on the grid "backtracking"?

The proposal is simply giving you a fancy, dedicated right hand turn. Reno option is standard grid, right? Or do you simply mean the zig zag Lincoln takes north of the river?

Ok, its only a block futher south with two or three less lights and less traffic to contend with. Its a nice option if that bridge is going to be there anyway for I-40 access. Im sure boathouse district access was an afterthought when they design the that bridge.