Does anyone have AAA for their homeowner's insurance? If so, what has your experience with them been like? Unfortunately we have some damage from the recent hail storm (just like so many other people do). It looks like we'll need to file a claim. I'm wondering what to anticipate and how easy or difficult (relatively speaking) they are to work with during the claims process?
06-05-2012, 12:06 PM
My mom uses AAA and has had nothing but great things to say about them. She's had to put a new roof on several times in the last few years after her town was battered by huge hail, and has never had a problem.
06-05-2012, 01:29 PM
I've had it for a couple of years now (including the hail storm in 2010) and am satisfied with the price/service. One thing I would specify when you file your claim is that you want an actual claims adjuster to come inspect your house and not a preferred contractor. In 2010 they sent someone out almost immediately who pretty much represented themselves as an adjuster for AAA when in fact they were just a contractor. After they inspected my house they went through all the damage and told me how much everything would cost and asked me to just sign the line and they'll "take care of everything." Thankfully I read the backside of the page which was actually a contract for them to perform the repairs. I was not happy about that and let them know as well as AAA. This time around I made sure they sent an adjuster and he was out Saturday and has already submitted my claim.
That's good to hear. Definitely not good about the multiple hail storms, but good that her experience with AAA has been pleasant. Hopefully we'll have the same results. Thanks.
06-05-2012, 02:58 PM
Does anyone have AAA for their homeowner's insurance? If so, what has your experience with them been like? Unfortunately we have some damage from the recent hail storm (just like so many other people do). It looks like we'll need to file a claim. I'm wondering what to anticipate and how easy or difficult (relatively speaking) they are to work with during the claims process?
I was talking with a friend this week that has AAA. He could not be happier with the way they handled his hail claim from last weeks storm. Both cars and the roof of his house were damaged. After talking to him I am looking at switching to AAA myself this fall when my insurance is up for renewal.
That's wonderful! I guess I need to get the ball rolling. We were part of a conversion from Traveler's to AAA. I will say that at the time I did a little shopping and their pricing was very, very good. We shall see how it goes.