View Full Version : Where in Google Earth - A Game

Just the facts
05-30-2012, 10:04 AM
I created a little game using Google Earth to teach my kids about world geography so I thought I would share it. It seems like fun to me. Basically I find on object on Google Earth and give them some clues to find it. You will need to have Google Earth and turn on the 3D buildings option. If interested here is the first one.

What time is it? (Hint - you are looking for a clock)

Clue 1: The world's most famous "Main St"
Clue 2: The Sunshine State
Clue 3: This game is Goofy
Clue 4: Mr. Magourium's Wonder "___________"

05-31-2012, 06:00 AM
Neat idea. I saw the google street car in Edmond yesterday, you should strategically place yourself in google shots for the kids!

05-31-2012, 09:09 AM
No Kidding, No Joke: THIS was a GREAT IDEA!
I tip my hat to you sir.

I know where to find the answer (based on the clues) but I don't have Google Earth =(.

Back in the day . . .
I would bet that Parker Bros. would have paid good money for the concept.
Now it is ALL "public domain" . . .

(we recently got the NEW IMPROVED card version of Trivial Pursuit . . . it makes me nostalgic.
i think i'll dig around in the storage closet and see if i can find those dusty relics such as
Africa Corps . . .
Risk . . .
Pente . . .
Breakout . . .
Mhing . . .
Backgammon . . .
Chess . . .
Stocks and Bonds . . .


Again: GREAT concept.
No Kidding. No snark.

05-31-2012, 10:53 AM
No Kidding. No snark.

(kiddish-snarkish wink)

05-31-2012, 10:56 AM
Is that Waldo?
And where in the world is he?
(I'm thinkin' somewhere in Canada . . . or Norway?)

05-31-2012, 01:31 PM
It's Canada, with Picante Sauce.

Just the facts
05-31-2012, 04:10 PM
I know where to find the answer (based on the clues) but I don't have Google Earth =(.

Google Earth is free.

05-31-2012, 04:46 PM
yeah . . . (sob) . . .
i know . . . (sob, sob) . . .
it's free . . .
but . . . (sniffle) . . .
my antique browser/software/computer
won't support it . . .
(sob . . . waaaaaaaaah)

again: great idea to educate the kids
as to geography/lateral thinking/"problem solving"
please be sure that they are wearing helmets
as you tow them in a wagon
pulled by your bicycle
while their little eyes
are focused on the little screens
and not distracted
by the bigger picture
of what is actually
going on

dang. i wish i could stop doing that =)

Just the facts
06-01-2012, 09:51 AM
You know, that is actually a serious problem with today's kids. I remember as a kid traveling in the car the only thing I watched was the world go by. By the time I was 12 we had made so many trips between OKC and Northen California I knew every town along the route. With kids watching TV today they have no idea where they are. I have actually been with parents who estimate time to destination in the number of SpongeBob episodes, as in, how long does it take to get from OKC to Tulsa? Answer, 4 episodes of SpongeBob.

06-01-2012, 10:38 AM
Car and Driver ran a humorous article several years back about how driving in a pickup changes you -- you start to measure distances in beers consumed rather than miles, for one.