05-12-2012, 10:32 PM
View Full Version : New Business and Relocations Including Dick's, McAlisters, Office Depot and Gap Pages :
grandshoemaster 05-12-2012, 10:32 PM mmonroe 05-12-2012, 11:24 PM Finally!!!!! kevinpate 05-13-2012, 11:24 AM Sounds like good news for MWC. mcca7596 05-13-2012, 12:27 PM I'm very surprised that the first freestanding Gap store in the metro would be in an old strip mall in MWC. Good for them though. oneforone 05-14-2012, 12:21 AM It should be noted that GAP Inc. owns Old Navy and it will more than likely be an Old Navy store. GAP Inc. probably signed the lease with intention of opening an Old Navy. bombermwc 05-14-2012, 08:02 AM I would almost bet that the North Star folks made a What-A-Deal for Gap Inc. That location on 15th and Key (really Midwest) is a pretty good sized space. It would comfortably fit any Gap Inc store, but like you, I would bet it's an Old Navy rather than a Gap. What I will be interested in is the facade work. North Star crapped out once they got to that section (phase III) and really pissed me off. Their renovation on Uptown really pooped out and they never replied when I asked about it...repeatedly. And I'm wondering where Langston's is going to fit too. I don't really know of any other spaces that size in the Uptown area that it would fit. Maybe it would be best if they moved into where Office Depot is coming out of? :) What is weird, is Sooner Investments complained for years about West Side being there because they said it affected restauruants coming in because of the proximity for liquor laws. Except that's a bunch of crap because Santa Fe is a stone's throw away. And what do we have now, Office Depot and McAlister's going in. I just hope the Office Depot space doesn't go vacant for long. That center on Air Depot has had a hard time keeping large tenants in the past, but I believe it would be the only empty space in the building now....really in that whole area people claim is dead, even though the mall is the only empty thing there. Now, what I'd really like to see is that hole next to Best Buy fill in! Soonerman 05-14-2012, 11:08 AM It should be noted that GAP Inc. owns Old Navy and it will more than likely be an Old Navy store. GAP Inc. probably signed the lease with intention of opening an Old Navy. Thats what I'm thinking as well. But I'd figure Old Navy would want to be in that 29th street center by Target. Lauri101 09-20-2012, 03:56 AM According to MWC Building permits office - In addition to McAllisters and Dicks and "an office supply", there will be a Schlotsky's built further north toward's the Fairchild end of that lot. The over all plan - that entire area will be infilled with perhaps some residential rentals above retail. And Target is slated to expand to add more groceries - including meat and produce! Who knew getting a building permit could be so informative? bombermwc 09-20-2012, 08:21 AM I'm glad to see Schlotzkys coming back! And Target??? YIPEEEE!!! I was suprised by the Old Navy thing as well. Especially with that large open lot next to Best Buy and Ulta....seems like a perfect fit. But it is in "the back" of the development. On 15th, they get front door presense...and probably cheaper rent. Although it's not often you find one that far from the highway. I'm hoping that spurs Sooner Properties to get off the crap-wagon and finish their updates on Uptown. It still pisses me off they let the most filled section get by with just a paint job and not any actual work. so1rfan 09-20-2012, 08:35 AM I hope that Scholtsky's hires decent help. One of the main reasons I quit eating at the MWC one before it closed was the employees all looked like post-apocalyptical druggies from an 80's horror film. bombermwc 09-21-2012, 08:42 AM I call that plmccordj 09-23-2012, 01:14 PM The link above does not work anymore. I can't get eastword to load at all. Does anyone have the article they can post? I can only assume from postings here that several stores incliding Gap/Old Navy, Dick's Sporting Goods, Schlotzsky's is moving into the UPtown shopping centers at SE 15th between Key and Midwest Blvd? Is that right? Lauri101 09-23-2012, 03:34 PM The link above does not work anymore. I can't get eastword to load at all. Does anyone have the article they can post? I can only assume from postings here that several stores incliding Gap/Old Navy, Dick's Sporting Goods, Schlotzsky's is moving into the UPtown shopping centers at SE 15th between Key and Midwest Blvd? Is that right? Deli, sporting goods store coming to MWC - Eastword News - Midwest City, OK ( And the main Eastword site is Eastword News - Midwest City, OK ( I think the articles get moved after 2-3 months, but can be found in a vaguely-placed archives through the search function. It's a weekly paper that would do better to stick to business news, local sports and PTA meetings and stay out of the editorial business. But at least they try! bombermwc 09-24-2012, 09:39 AM The link above does not work anymore. I can't get eastword to load at all. Does anyone have the article they can post? I can only assume from postings here that several stores incliding Gap/Old Navy, Dick's Sporting Goods, Schlotzsky's is moving into the UPtown shopping centers at SE 15th between Key and Midwest Blvd? Is that right? Gap/Old Navy - it's speculation on which it is, but we're all betting it's Old Navy rather than GAP. The same company owns them both, and also Banana Republic. It is planned to go where Langston's is now. Langston's is supposed to move elsewhere in Uptown. Dick's/Office Depot are in Town Center (the old West Side Elementary plot). You can see the Dick's signs up now. Office Depot has yet to hoist a sign, but if I remember right, they are building more North from Dicks....building yet to be constructed. Given the plot that Dicks is on, i don't think an Office Depot fits but I could be wrong. The plots north of there are pretty skinny though, so no matter where it goes, that's a weird layout. Schlotzky's would go in the small shop space attached to the west-facing side of the new building Dicks is a part of. Lauri101 09-25-2012, 04:00 AM Actually, McAllister's Deli is in same building as Dick's, according to MWC permits office. Schlotzky's will be further north on Air Depot, closer to Fairchild Street. They also said they weren't sure about Office Depot being the store, only knew it was an office supply store. bombermwc 09-26-2012, 08:23 AM I thought Office Depot previously said they were going to be relocating to this area. If it's not them, then it's going to be a Staples. I don't know that they could both survive there though. bombermwc 09-26-2012, 11:20 AM Well scratch that, i head today that Staples is closing their stores and are going to convert to online/business only. OKCTalker 09-26-2012, 11:27 AM Well scratch that, i head today that Staples is closing their stores and are going to convert to online/business only. Staples is closing 15% of their stores - they're not closing their stores. jn1780 09-26-2012, 11:54 AM Staples is closing 15% of their stores - they're not closing their stores. True, it does show their current thinking toward brick and mortar locations though. Doesn't seem like they would be interested in adding locations. Lauri101 09-27-2012, 03:56 AM It makes sense to me that Office Depot would be the store moving - the Reno/AD store isn't in the middle of a retail hotbed any more. I didn't take the permits office comments as anything more than not wanting to commit if they haven't been told officially. I do think the idea of mixed retail with residential rentals is interesting - at least one building will have apartments available for rent on uppper story - the hint was that it would be Schlotzky's. bombermwc 09-27-2012, 07:50 AM That would make sense if it's the area north of Dick's. I say that because those lots are only as wide as a residential lot since that's what they were. You've got to squeeze in some long narrow somethings in there....and you can maximize that cash flow by going vertical. Perhaps this was the part that MWC mentioned in the Original Mile plans? I thought that was supposed to go in on Lockheed near Jenkins but I can't remember why i thought that.....or maybe it was Mid-America now that the water tower's gone....hmmmmm Lauri101 09-30-2012, 11:21 AM Walked by the Mid America - old water tower site the other day while they were rolling out sod. One of the workers said it was to be a park. Hope they put a path through it. As far as AD north of Dicks - right on corner of Fairchild and Dick's they were digging out a basement-looking area before the rains came. That would make sense for area where Schlotzkys might be. Lots of lot prep going on in that strip of land. Can't wait to see what's next! bombermwc 10-01-2012, 07:32 AM That park is supposed to be part of the original mile work the city is doing....rather than part of Town Center's stuff. I really though it was going to be a very long time before we saw anything move, but the infrastructure work has been going on for a while. Drive around back there and you'll see quite a few roads repaved, or even completely rebuilt. Step 1.... Lauri101 10-03-2012, 05:12 AM They do need to get Mid-America and feeder streets re-paved and/or repaired. The semi-circle from W. Rickenbacker to E. Rickenbacker is a mess, plus not clearly marked with lanes. Since that is a much-used cut through, fixing sooner rather than later would help with developing that area. bombermwc 10-04-2012, 07:54 AM I can't seem to find the document now, but I thought I read at one point that they were actually going to pull the road out and re-design that area so this plot of land had more actual useable land on it rather than the old "circle". It makes sense to me, and frees up land on either side of the street. Just make Rickenbacker go straight across to connect the two halves and then you've added to the plots directly south of Rickenbacker on each side of Mid-America. Doing that could allow for the plot between Best Buy and Ulta to be a much larger store than it is today as well. The west side plot...i don't know. It's sort of all by itself and hidden behind the other end of the center. mmonroe 10-08-2012, 09:06 AM There has been a sign posted near the north end of construction near Dick's that a Schlotzky's and Cinnabon are coming soon. Lauri101 10-09-2012, 03:54 AM Mmmm...Cinnabon! Didn't even know they had any other than at airports - that's the only place I've seen them in years. WilliamTell 10-09-2012, 05:50 AM When does Dicks Sporting goods open ? I've seen the opening new sign but wondered if there was a date. Lauri101 10-10-2012, 03:36 AM When does Dicks Sporting goods open ? I've seen the opening new sign but wondered if there was a date. Only thing I've heard is "before Black Friday". At the rate they are moving along, I'd say not too much longer. mmonroe 10-10-2012, 08:59 AM The landscaping and lightscaping are coming along very nicely for that area, its like a more complete picture of the Town Center. I'm impressed. Lauri101 10-10-2012, 06:42 PM Exactly - the progress has been amazing! I was out of town for 5 days and it looks completely different. I'm not likely to be a Dick's shopper - not their demographic - but I am looking forward to the deli and other stuff. I drive past that corner every day on way home and I have visions of better meals ahead. mmonroe 10-10-2012, 08:40 PM I live on W. Douglas now and my street opens right up to the north end of Dick's. It's going to be a nice change of view when its done. mmonroe 10-26-2012, 04:19 PM Grand Opening Weekend for Dick's Sporting Goods is November 2-4th, 2012. Jesseda 11-09-2012, 03:04 PM Just curious someone told me a Family Dollar was going to be put in that area were Dicks is at? Kind of odd place you would think better retail would be a choice, does anyone know if this is true? Lauri101 11-09-2012, 08:56 PM Just curious someone told me a Family Dollar was going to be put in that area were Dicks is at? Kind of odd place you would think better retail would be a choice, does anyone know if this is true? When I asked the MWC folks, they had not heard that. Let's hope not - we have enough of that type of store in MWC already. mmonroe 11-11-2012, 08:21 PM Let's hope not - we have enough of that type of store in MWC already. Amen! WilliamTell 11-12-2012, 06:10 AM I'll say it - I went into dicks last week and i didnt think it was that great. Im happy they expanded into our market and they do have alot of nice premium products but i cant really picture shopping there. I looked around for 30 minutes and left empty handed. ThomPaine 11-12-2012, 07:15 AM I'll say it - I went into dicks last week and i didnt think it was that great. Im happy they expanded into our market and they do have alot of nice premium products but i cant really picture shopping there. I looked around for 30 minutes and left empty handed. I thought it was just a nicer, better designed Academy. Long lines due to recent opening. mmonroe 11-12-2012, 08:56 AM I'll say it - I went into dicks last week and i didnt think it was that great. Im happy they expanded into our market and they do have alot of nice premium products but i cant really picture shopping there. I looked around for 30 minutes and left empty handed. I went the first night of the pre-grand opening, I went really for two things, 1. Do they refill air tanks for paint ball, and yes they do. 2. Where are the disc golf discs.. overpriced of course and I would still buy the same discs online cheaper and the selection at Dick's was smaller. Not real impressed with the disc golf stuff, but everything else was nice. Besides, where else are you going to buy a kayak in the middle of the afternoon? ThomPaine 11-12-2012, 09:56 AM I went the first night of the pre-grand opening, I went really for two things, 1. Do they refill air tanks for paint ball, and yes they do. 2. Where are the disc golf discs.. overpriced of course and I would still buy the same discs online cheaper and the selection at Dick's was smaller. Not real impressed with the disc golf stuff, but everything else was nice. Besides, where else are you going to buy a kayak in the middle of the afternoon? PLEASE! If you want a good kayak (all price ranges) and want to support a local businessman who gives a ton back to the community, go to OKC Kayak!!! He's open morning, noon and night... ThunderFan 11-13-2012, 03:30 PM PLEASE! If you want a good kayak (all price ranges) and want to support a local businessman who gives a ton back to the community, go to OKC Kayak!!! He's open morning, noon and night... Same can be said for filling your paintball tanks. Go see the guys at avid extreme sports. bombermwc 11-15-2012, 09:42 AM Local doesn't always work out well....see Twids as an example. Sometimes the large chains just do a better job and deserve the business. mmonroe 11-15-2012, 05:26 PM Same can be said for filling your paintball tanks. Go see the guys at avid extreme sports. ...and where is this place? Dick's is right across the street for me. PHXguyinOKC 11-16-2012, 12:43 PM are they putting apartments above the Schlotzky's? ThomPaine 11-16-2012, 03:48 PM Local doesn't always work out well....see Twids as an example. Sometimes the large chains just do a better job and deserve the business. You're right. For niche products like kayaks though, you need (well, I need) more expertise, advice, and long-term service. They are also out doing things like free demo days, organizing creek clean ups, etc. There is room for both local and chain stores, but don't forget the local guys! Lauri101 11-17-2012, 10:18 AM are they putting apartments above the Schlotzky's? Yes, according to what City folks told me. Kind of strange - who would want to live above a restaurant, except maybe the manager or maybe one of the bakers. Would make getting up to make cinnamon rolls easier - put 'em in oven and take a nap. mcca7596 11-17-2012, 07:25 PM Yes, according to what City folks told me. Kind of strange - who would want to live above a restaurant, except maybe the manager or maybe one of the bakers. Would make getting up to make cinnamon rolls easier - put 'em in oven and take a nap. New Urbanism, baby. mmonroe 11-17-2012, 09:02 PM There are no windows facing the street..... or the holes for them haven't been cut out yet, which seems strange. Eagles_07 11-20-2012, 01:25 AM I believe the holes just haven't been cut out yet looks like it could happen any day now though. Lauri101 11-20-2012, 03:03 AM New Urbanism, baby. Urbanism in suburbia? What will they think of next?:cool: woodyrr 11-20-2012, 06:32 AM I went the first night of the pre-grand opening, I went really for two things, 1. Do they refill air tanks for paint ball, and yes they do. 2. Where are the disc golf discs.. overpriced of course and I would still buy the same discs online cheaper and the selection at Dick's was smaller. Not real impressed with the disc golf stuff, but everything else was nice. Besides, where else are you going to buy a kayak in the middle of the afternoon? ...and where is this place? Dick's is right across the street for me. I use CO2 tanks and used to have them filled at a little paint ball store on Air Depot. Avid Extreme Sports is in Moore off I-35. I would use my CO2 more often if I didn't have to drive across town to get my tanks filled. Thanks for the information. mmonroe 11-20-2012, 08:57 AM When I think of the OKC Metro.. I picture a DFW (minus the bad parts that come to mind) in twenty years with how fast these suburbs are growing. We could be urban before you know it. Lauri101 12-08-2012, 05:23 PM Saw in Real Estate section of Oklahoman today that McAlisters signed lease - hope that means something will happen soon. Not sure what's going on with Dick's, but they do not seem to be getting much business. I've been in there twice now and have been surrounded by associates immediately. Although I appreciate the excellent service, it doesn't seem to bode well for future employment if business is slow. Yes - they are pricey, but I found several items in there that kept me from having to order and wait for LL Bean delivery. Only store in eastern OK county that carries Brooks Adrenaline for women- and at a good price. mmonroe 12-09-2012, 01:30 PM I'm still trying to figure out what is going in about 3/4 of a mile north on the east side of the road. Browning Capital, LLC or something like that... but no signs about what is going in... Lauri101 12-09-2012, 03:23 PM I'm still trying to figure out what is going in about 3/4 of a mile north on the east side of the road. Browning Capital, LLC or something like that... but no signs about what is going in... I've wondered myself, but no indication whatsoever. Hope it's not another insurance company! bombermwc 12-10-2012, 08:19 AM So far it looks like just what MWC needs....yet another little couple store strip center......SARCASM. mmonroe 12-10-2012, 08:52 AM We NEED more form based design when it comes to these places, and a little cohesiveness to tie them together... Wambo36 12-17-2012, 09:28 AM I may have missed it while reading through the thread but, does anyone know where McAllisters is going to be? mmonroe 12-17-2012, 09:05 PM per my understanding, it's suppose to be on the west end of the same building "Dick's" is in. Wambo36 12-17-2012, 10:31 PM Thanks. When my daughter came home from college for Christmas, she was lamenting the fact that we didn't have a McAlisters in MWC. I told her they were putting one in but I wasn't sure where. |