View Full Version : OU - Texas at Cotton Bowl

05-12-2012, 01:53 AM
Staying-at-the-cotton-bowl-through 2020. No exact word on what the $25M in improvements will entail although I heard something about press box improvements.

05-12-2012, 10:20 AM
They're going to rebuild the press box, which probably represents the lion's share of the funds they're spending. I don't think that press box has been substantially changed perhaps ever, meaning its probably in more desperate need of overhaul/renovation than the press box at OMS in Norman (and its in pretty dire shape from what I've heard, approaching 40 years old).

They're also going to extend the art deco facade around the exposed skeletons of the new endzone decks to give the stadium a uniform appearance. Upgrades to concessions are also in the mix, but considering the only real "stands" are in the bowels of the lower decks, "upgrading" is a curious word to use. Now, having said that, they do have a "window" for concession sales in (at least) the new east endzone, but they've never used them for more than selling bottled beverages and boxed snacks.

Biggest thing they need to address is the sanitary facilities - even with the renovations that added the deck enclosures, the bathrooms apparently still break down just about every year as they're supposedly substantially untouched from their original construction. For OU-Texas, I make it a point to at least try and get that business taken care of before the game.

Nice to hear the Dallas city council is getting the job done, though. At least they're trying, which is more than could be said of prior administrations down there.