View Full Version : Have you been Baptised?
mranderson 05-04-2005, 09:55 AM Have you been Baptised (or whatever term is used in your religion)? If so, do you still believe as strongly as you did then? If not, why?
I was Baptised in 1963, at Hillcrest Christian Church in southwest Oklahoma City, by Reverend Bell (first name escapes me).
Although my beliefs have changed to some many would call obsure, they are slowly building back to where they were at childhood.
Hillcrest, although not the last church I attended, will always be a special part of my life.
Midtowner 05-04-2005, 09:57 AM Sure. They did it a few weeks after I was born.
ErnieBall 05-04-2005, 10:53 AM Sure. They did it a few weeks after I was born.
Same here.
Ms.Relaxationstation 05-04-2005, 02:34 PM Yes, several times. I got baptised when I was young after coming back from youth camp because all of the other kids were getting it done. Then, when I was young and we changed denominations, the Baptist church we were moving to insisted I be Baptised again before joining that church. (Again, another mistake)
But when I was 18 and became a Christian (actually made a change in my heart and life) I was baptised one last time. This time was something that really represented something.
Keith 05-04-2005, 08:28 PM Yes, several times. But when I was 18 and became a Christian (actually made a change in my heart and life) I was baptised one last time. This time was something that really represented something.
Same here. I was baptized a couple of times when I was very young, although, like you, it really meant nothing...I just got wet.
While growing up, I always went to church, however, it was just a routine. After I got married, I had realized that I did not have a serious relationship with Christ, so I finally accepted Christ, and was baptized (going under the water...symbolizing burying the old life, and then coming up out of the water....symbolizing my new life in Christ). This time it really meant something, and I have never regretted it:wink: .
Patrick 05-05-2005, 02:21 AM Yup, at age 10......I finally realized that I was lost, and needed Christ. I accepted Christ, and wanted to make it public before men, thus I followed through with baptism.
naturelovertoo 06-20-2005, 03:28 PM I was baptized by someone who was given authority to do so by God. I am more devoted to Christ than ever. I cherish my baptism as a sacred ordinance performed by one having authority from God that is an everlasting covenant between Christ and myself that I will always remember him and keep his commandments. In return he will always be with me.
GrandMaMa 03-07-2006, 03:35 PM I was baptized by someone who was given authority to do so by God. I am more devoted to Christ than ever. I cherish my baptism as a sacred ordinance performed by one having authority from God that is an everlasting covenant between Christ and myself that I will always remember him and keep his commandments. In return he will always be with me.
I became a little curious about your vernacular regarding someone who was given authority to do so by God. Do you believe that there are just some people who have that authority and if so, why? And, how did they receive that authority? Secondly, I had always considered baptism as more of ritual, not a covenant nor certainly not an ordinance, which means something totally different to me. Lastly, Are you saying that if you DON'T remember him and keep his commandments, God will not always be with you? Do you feel that his presence has to be earned by something that you do or don't do? Please don't think that I am attempting to attack you or your beliefs in any way, as all of our beliefs are personal and should be, I just didn't understand what you really meant.
GrandMaMa 03-07-2006, 03:35 PM ok
naturelovertoo 03-07-2006, 06:04 PM If you will recall, God called John The Baptist and gave him authority to baptize. Jesus Christ sought out John to perform this ordinance and set an example unto us by being baptized.
We are free agents unto ourselves and can make any choice we want in our lives. God will not deny us this privilege. If we choose to follow him in our hearts, then our actions will follow. If we choose not to follow him then the opposite actions will follow.
God will not force any man to Heaven. So if we want the Spirit of Christ in our lives, we need to follow his example in all that we do, including baptism.
Thanks for your feelings on this matter. I respect how you or anyone else believes.
GrandMaMa 03-07-2006, 10:49 PM If you will recall, God called John The Baptist and gave him authority to baptize. Jesus Christ sought out John to perform this ordinance and set an example unto us by being baptized.
We are free agents unto ourselves and can make any choice we want in our lives. God will not deny us this privilege. If we choose to follow him in our hearts, then our actions will follow. If we choose not to follow him then the opposite actions will follow.
God will not force any man to Heaven. So if we want the Spirit of Christ in our lives, we need to follow his example in all that we do, including baptism.
Thanks for your feelings on this matter. I respect how you or anyone else believes.
Firstly, I would like to thank you for your polite response, it was informative (as far as your references go) and I appreciate the respect you used in referring to other's beliefs or lack thereof..I guess, what really bothers me is when someone shares their opinions or beliefs as FACTS, leaving no wiggle room for anyone to use their God given gray matter or whereever it came from. I was hoping for something other than the canned answers that I was always fed growing up in the Baptist church. It seems that I will never be able to reconcile what I perceive to be many glaring contridictions in every book that is considered to be THE HOLY WORD OF GOD...How we can be told not to be jealous or covet, yet, God is a jealous God. How God can be angered and we are not supposed to succumb to such weakness. How a God would need anyone to worship him/her to be happy or satisfied. How one Holy WORD can contradict yet another HOLY WORD...and all are supposed to be so believable that they are to die for, or worse yet, to kill for. I am like you, however in that I respect the right for anyone to believe anything they wish, fact or fiction or superstition.
naturelovertoo 03-08-2006, 05:17 PM I can see how you would feel confused about the things you mentioned. Sometimes I read things that confuse me. But being a parent, I realize that my children do not always understand my wisdom on many matters that are important to their growth and I feel God has the same concerns about us. So, I rely upon Him to guide me through his tool of inspiration which comes from the Holy Ghost.
bandnerd 03-20-2006, 06:10 PM As far as I know, I never was. Religion wasn't a big deal in my family. Sundays were more "family days" where we'd eat a late breakfast after sleeping in and reading the paper, and we'd often spend the afternoons watching movies or reading, sometimes baking or gardening depending on the weather.
I know some will say I'm missing out, but I have never had the urge to be baptised. But then again, I'm not really all that religious. I respect those that make that decision, especially as kids because that is a difficult decision for someone of a young age. It just isn't for me.
GrandMaMa 03-20-2006, 06:59 PM I can see how you would feel confused about the things you mentioned. Sometimes I read things that confuse me. But being a parent, I realize that my children do not always understand my wisdom on many matters that are important to their growth and I feel God has the same concerns about us. So, I rely upon Him to guide me through his tool of inspiration which comes from the Holy Ghost.
Again, thank you for being so respectful, albeit somewhat condescending. I am not confused, I just don't think that those contridictions can be reconciled. I just don't believe that when something can't be explained, there is only one answer, "You just have to have faith." Again, thanks for being so respectful.