View Full Version : Natural Gas Prices Lower?? Can be good news???

05-02-2012, 01:34 PM
Since the state is worried about the price of natural gas being low and lower predictions in the future - there should be good news as well. If a bulk of our electric power comes from natural gas - and natural gas prices are lower then obviously electricity prices should drop as well. Right? (Will never happen most likely!)

05-02-2012, 02:20 PM
What really should be dropping are the heating costs...

Yet my gas bill (for heat, stove and dryer) has only gone up.

05-05-2012, 07:51 AM
I wouldn't really expect any electric/gas company to give up any profit advantage they are having right now. Of course the minute gas prices start going back up they'll ask for rate increases. LOL

Larry OKC
05-07-2012, 01:25 PM
if their costs are dropping, it should be reflected in our bills and we shouldn't have to resort to their latest scam of charging more for your electric usage (thanks "smart meters") during the hrs of 2 to 7 pm.

05-07-2012, 08:05 PM
if their costs are dropping, it should be reflected in our bills and we shouldn't have to resort to their latest scam of charging more for your electric usage (thanks "smart meters") during the hrs of 2 to 7 pm.

What you don't buy those cheerful commercials on how many hundreds people save every year? LOL I wonder how cheery those people are when OG&E decides they feel like calling a critical day from 7AM to 7PM and quadruple everyone's rates for the day.

05-08-2012, 07:16 PM
NG prices have actually increased just a little in recent days

05-09-2012, 09:04 AM
NG prices have actually increased just a little in recent days

Better get prices increases out to consumers to compensate!

05-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Taken from Baker Hughes quarterly report......this is going to help support NG prices

"The number of rigs drilling for natural gas fell last month to the lowest level in 10 years, as historically low gas prices have forced companies to cut operations. The number of gas rigs have fallen 15 of the last 17 weeks, according to recent numbers put out by Baker Hughes the rig count has slid to 606, the lowest number since April 2002. On the other hand total rig count for oil and gas were up 20 last week totaling 1,965. Last year for the same week Baker Hughes reported a total of 1,836 rigs operating in the U.S."

The report goes on to say that any added NG drilling is directed to liquids-rich wells