View Full Version : Titanic II

04-30-2012, 01:13 AM
This is an enteresting concept but I'm not sure how viable it is as an economically viable enterprise. After the initial interest it has to sustain continued bookings. It appears that it won't be connected to any current major cruise company. I just don't see how such a limited market can survive since the novelty will wear off.

04-30-2012, 09:15 AM
Titanic II Encounters Unexpected Landberg on Maiden Voyage
No Injuries Reported . . . $10 Offer Made for Salvage and Movie Rights
Insurance Investigators Eyeing Faulty GPS and Texting While Navigating

Just the facts
04-30-2012, 10:37 AM
This is an enteresting concept but I'm not sure how viable it is as an economically viable enterprise. After the initial interest it has to sustain continued bookings. It appears that it won't be connected to any current major cruise company. I just don't see how such a limited market can survive since the novelty will wear off.

It sure won't be able to play in the big boy markets of the Caribbean. If it sticks to smaller seasonal markets (Alaska, New England, Scandinavia, Aegean Sea) they might make a go of it.

04-30-2012, 10:43 AM
Titanic II Captain Blames "False" Reports
of Rising Sea Levels Due To Global Warming
For Unexpected Landburg Encounter

Steerman Third Class Svenson
Mentions Swerving To Avoid Swimming Polar Bear

Disembarking Passengers Complain
About Lack of Beach Sidewalks

04-30-2012, 08:19 PM
The articles I've seen on this story state the replica will be of the same dimensions as the original Olympic-class ships (887' L, 97' W), so that limits the number of passengers it will carry, quite a bit fewer than present day cruise ships. Plus, the original ships had a small gymnasium (with such amusements as rowing machines and "electric camels"), a squash court, Turkish Bath, and a small salt water swimming pool (way down on F-deck), a far cry from the theatres, casinos, rock climbing walls, and other amenities that modern cruise travelers have come to expect. And it won't be enough of a replica to excite the real Titanic enthusiasts.

Back in '97-98, in the tsunami of the Cameron film, there were a half-dozen proposals for Titanic "replica" ships, and NONE of them ever got beyond the talking stage. Now we've made it to the Titanic centennnial, and up pops another replica proposal. I suspect this proposal will quietly fade away like the others, for the reasons cited above.

05-01-2012, 12:51 AM
Like this? (

05-01-2012, 10:53 PM
Looked more like the Queen Mary.