View Full Version : Shame on Mercy?

04-27-2012, 12:37 AM
Somebody may have already posted this....

What is the deal with the Shame On Mercy Labor Dispute Banner in front of the office park at Hefner Road and Hefner Parkway?

It looks to be a publicity stunt on behalf of Mercy or Lakeside.

04-27-2012, 01:58 AM
Somebody may have already posted this....

What is the deal with the Shame On Mercy Labor Dispute Banner in front of the office park at Hefner Road and Hefner Parkway?

It looks to be a publicity stunt on behalf of Mercy or Lakeside.

Not sure who they are or what they're angry about, other than they're a union of some sort. They've been out there for at least 2 months. Usually it's just two people reading books as they man the banner. The lower part of the banner can be removed and replaced with a different name so they can "Shame on" someone else at moment's notice. I saw them put another organization on there in March and briefly protest someone else. Whoever it is, they need to learn better, more effective tactics to get their point across.

04-27-2012, 02:18 AM
It must be the same 2 guys that protest a company on Boulevard south of 15th in Edmond. I see them just standing there holding the sign up. It has been a few months and they are still up there on certain days.

04-27-2012, 07:44 AM
Same things been going on at Saints for along time. Gotta love unions.

04-28-2012, 08:50 PM
Yeah, darn those pesky worker rights..

04-29-2012, 06:05 AM
Yeah, darn those pesky worker rights..

Yes they have the right to sell their labor to a higher bidder any time they choose to do so. Nobody has a "right" to a higher wage or more benefits.

04-30-2012, 06:57 AM
Yes they have the right to sell their labor to a higher bidder any time they choose to do so. Nobody has a "right" to a higher wage or more benefits.

But they do have the right to withhold that labor to demand better compensation. Otherwise, all of the power is with the employer. Unions are just a means to equalize the coercive power of workers and employers in the labor market. There's nothing evil about it. Don't believe the propaganda.

04-30-2012, 07:05 AM
The point is that "workers rights" was mentioned in the post with implication that wages / conditions were workers rights. The new normal in this country that's been created by liberals is that wages, etc are rights. Nowhere was my post implying that there wasn't a right to go on strike. No strawmen needed here.

04-30-2012, 07:31 AM
The point is that "workers rights" was mentioned in the post with implication that wages / conditions were workers rights. The new normal in this country that's been created by liberals is that wages, etc are rights. Nowhere was my post implying that there wasn't a right to go on strike. No strawmen needed here.

This "new normal" has existed since the 1930s. Are you suggesting this is something new? Do you long for the gilded age with the robber barons and such? Back then we could just shoot workers if they got too uppity--back in the good 'ol days.

04-30-2012, 07:38 AM
No argument / no moral high ground = slurs, innuendos, aspersions cast. You're following the liberal playbook to a T.

04-30-2012, 08:20 AM
What's liberal about anything I said?

04-30-2012, 08:55 AM
You asked if I longed for those days of management / worker abuse as if I ever agreed with them when they happened 100 years ago. That's implying that I did approve of any of that and it was a cheap shot.

04-30-2012, 09:56 AM
I'm pointing out that unions are a balancing force in the economy and even in politics. The middle class doesn't really have much of a powerful advocacy group outside of unions.

I've also noticed these same folks holding a banner at 10th and Walker by St. Anthony's.

Jersey Boss
04-30-2012, 11:23 AM
Just curious Stick, How have "liberals" made wages and working conditions "rights"? I would say that working conditions are neither liberal or conservative, just decency. Is this not why OSHA was created in 1970?

04-30-2012, 11:46 AM
If you offered these "by-standers" (by the road) ten dollars "for the cause" do you suppose they would clean your windshield? Or would they be insulted at the inference that you presumed they had their own, OSHA-Approved, squeegies?

04-30-2012, 01:45 PM
Just curious Stick, How have "liberals" made wages and working conditions "rights"? I would say that working conditions are neither liberal or conservative, just decency. Is this not why OSHA was created in 1970?

I would change the word benefits for conditions in my post if I could. I used the wrong word there. Working conditions are a right and I don't know anyone who wouldn't agree with that. Yes OSHA came in to protect working conditions and it's a very good substitute for labor unions as far as worker safety.

04-30-2012, 01:49 PM
Just curious Stick, How have "liberals" made wages "rights"

Other than the minimum wage they are not rights but you only have to look at Wisconsin to see that the Left believes they are.

04-30-2012, 02:18 PM
Wisconsin is the coolest state ever . . .
Where are they hiding?

Oooo . . Sawry . . . When yoo said "rights" i tot u said lefts! . . .
Common sense sez . . . swerve to the left to avoid the deer . . .

(This only applies outside "urban areas" a long way away from Madison/SDSburg)

04-30-2012, 02:24 PM
Leave it to a bunch of Okies to start bashing unions when they don't know a darn thing about the dispute.

04-30-2012, 02:29 PM
So now there is a Random Picketers Union?
Involving OKayS?!
Oy Vey?! (only on behalf willhelm rogerskisteins)

Seriously . . . vere ist de "bashing"? . . .
you cheapen the suffering . . .
by zuch allegati8shuns . . .

P.S. To Friend Midtowner (esq.?)
I don't know a lot about "law" but I do know that using "Okie" as an implied insult round these here parts could be misconscrewed as another lawyer talkin' out his ass--like Baa'laam's or whutever . . .

04-30-2012, 03:57 PM
BTW: When you say "Midtowner" (from an atty's xptive)... with 11K posts in here . ..
i have to wonder if you might be "happier" on the other side of the river in Hudson, WI.

Truly: There is no spot I have seen that is as close to the minimizing of nit-picking objections as that spot.

O!: you didn't mention Wisconsin . .. the plaintiff did . . . sorry.

04-30-2012, 04:24 PM
Just texted to "Demontrator":
Sub: A Pox on Mercy . . .
(aren't folk more intimidated by "pox"s than "shame")
except, of course if you aren't referring ot ER waiting times?)

04-30-2012, 04:38 PM
So now there is a Random Picketers Union?
Involving OKayS?!
Oy Vey?! (only on behalf willhelm rogerskisteins)

Seriously . . . vere ist de "bashing"? . . .
you cheapen the suffering . . .
by zuch allegati8shuns . . .

P.S. To Friend Midtowner (esq.?)
I don't know a lot about "law" but I do know that using "Okie" as an implied insult round these here parts could be misconscrewed as another lawyer talkin' out his ass--like Baa'laam's or whutever . . .

Are you drunk?

04-30-2012, 10:45 PM
Shame On is a group of unions doing picketing, most of the "protesters" are "outsourced" to day laborers, not union members. They don't feel it worthy enough to have union members doing the picketing or to pay them union wages/benefits. One of the TV stations here in Denver had a story on it last week, I have seen it a couple of places here and there was a group picketing the church expansion project at my wife's church in Austin. They tend to picket construction projects, the general used some non-union crews on the church but they didn't say "shame on" the contractor, it was shame on the pastor. He wasn't the one hiring the subcontractors. It just goes to show that unions really aren't any different than the corporations (or small businesses) they seem to despise, all they care about is the money.

9News - 'Shame on' union won't answer questions, accusations (

05-01-2012, 12:47 AM
No argument / no moral high ground = slurs, innuendos, aspersions cast. You're following the liberal playbook to a T.

This post provides nothing constructive in any form of the word. You have completely ignored anything involved in the current discussion for the sake of simply deriding the opposite faction of your talking head of choice. Focusing your efforts on finding ways to use the word "liberal" (or also "conservative" or other political catch-all phrase) as a dirty word and simply insult the other person is 100% destructive and 0% constructive. It does not do you, your beliefs, this discussion, this message board, or indeed this nation any favors. I implore you to, in the future, spend a greater effort debating actual issues and philosophies rather than simply trading insults and tearing down the other side for simply being "the other side."

05-01-2012, 05:44 AM
This post provides nothing constructive in any form of the word. You have completely ignored anything involved in the current discussion for the sake of simply deriding the opposite faction of your talking head of choice. Focusing your efforts on finding ways to use the word "liberal" (or also "conservative" or other political catch-all phrase) as a dirty word and simply insult the other person is 100% destructive and 0% constructive. It does not do you, your beliefs, this discussion, this message board, or indeed this nation any favors. I implore you to, in the future, spend a greater effort debating actual issues and philosophies rather than simply trading insults and tearing down the other side for simply being "the other side."

Your post just says how unaware you are of what had been implied and the manner is which I became the target for merely stating that "workers rights" were not why the strikers were picketing. There is room for more than one opinion on here but the Liberals don't want a level playing field thus a post like the one I made doesn't get by until there are innuendos, etc cast at the person who made it. Don't believe it, then you're not paying attention.

05-01-2012, 09:47 AM
Your post just says how unaware you are of what had been implied and the manner is which I became the target for merely stating that "workers rights" were not why the strikers were picketing. There is room for more than one opinion on here but the Liberals don't want a level playing field thus a post like the one I made doesn't get by until there are innuendos, etc cast at the person who made it. Don't believe it, then you're not paying attention.

It's a known fact that if you don't support the liberal agenda your opinion is not welcome here. That is the one thing I hate about staunch liberals and conservatives they can't see the forest for the trees. They get so wound up in their opinions they forget their is more then one solution to every problem and problems don't get solved by building a eutopia. A eutopia will never happen because one perons idea of paradadise is hell for another. We can change the world for the better however everyone is going to have to stop seeing people that disagree with them as evil. Sometimes a person with a diffrent point of view has a better solution then yours. Sometimes you can solve problems by adopting ideas from people both sides of an argument.

In my opinion, this country is being destroyed by two groups of rich people duking it out in the name of saving the world for the little guy. Meanwhile the little guy is on the sidelines shaking his head thinking both sides are wrong. They both want to spend money like there is no tomorrow and control people from what they feel our things destroying our society. Truth be told the things they are so wrapped up in have been happening since the dawn of time and everytime they try to fix the world they make it worse.

Then again we have become a world that is controlled by people that got their knowledge from a textbooks instead of real hands on experience. How many politicans can acutally say they know what it is like to live on a budget? How many politicians have to haggle with the billing office with water department or the electric company so they can keep their household operational until payday? How many have to go visit the pawn shop or payday loan store to buy groceries? I am willing to bet none of them have ever had to do those things. Practically every politician has grown up in a life of privilage where all they had to do is say I want and they got it instantly.

I would love to see a world ran by the working class not the conservative and liberal silver spoon crowd who have no experience in the real world. However, I am not going to get my hopes up in November because we will probably elect the same idiots who will bail on this country when we fall to third world status. People like me will be left behind to clean up the mess and fight the government dependent people who will turn into a society of animals when the handouts are gone. Meanwhile the folks on the left and the right who claimed they were for the little guy will be living it up in their European Villas and on their private islands.