View Full Version : Better watch them $14 utility bills

04-25-2012, 11:04 AM

An Oklahoma City woman is facing a felony charge after being accused of threatening to blow up OG&E.

It all started with a look at the electric bill. Apparently, it was a bit too high for the customer. So, she picked up the phone, called OG&E and admits things got ugly.

"I remember flipping out, but I don't really remember what was said," OG&E customer Deidra Reed said.

Reed was enjoying her Tuesday afternoon until she learned she was charged with the felony of making a bomb threat. Earlier in April, police say Reed called OG&E and said, "I am going to blow OG&E up cause ya'll are charging me for electric I haven't used."

Investigators say the call was never recorded, but the employee on the other end of the line will testify against Reed in court.

"The detective actually told me he heard [the call to OG&E], so I can't really argue with it if it's me," Reed said.

Police say Reed has a history with threats. In 2011, she was accused of making yet another bomb threat. However, she wasn't charged.

"I don't have a criminal record," Reed said. "I'm struggling to pay $40 a month for rent. How the hell am I to buy some bomb equipment. I don't even know how to make a bomb."

Reed says she wishes she would have done things differently. As for that electric bill, she is still not convinced she should have to pay. Reed is protesting a bill in the amount of $14.

Reed says she has learned a lesson from this experience. With an arrest looming, that lesson could far from over. Reed says she has apologized to OG&E for her behavior.

OG&E could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

04-25-2012, 11:21 AM
I watched a video of this on News9. This story is really an insult to working class people who don't have government subsidized housing. She STRUGGLES TO PAY $40 A MONTH ON RENT? Even if you just have a part-time job at minimum wage, you shouldn't have to struggle to pay $40 a month in rent. I wonder where the rest of her money is going.

04-25-2012, 11:32 AM
I don't know her situation, such as her age or any disabilities, I was just commenting on it's not smart to threaten to blow a business up over $14.

04-25-2012, 11:39 AM
Her boo prolly used the 'lectric --rackin' up bills!


04-25-2012, 12:33 PM
I don't know her situation, such as her age or any disabilities, I was just commenting on it's not smart to threaten to blow a business up over $14.

True, but of course it wouldn't be any better for someone to make such a threat over a dispute on a larger amount. I wouldn't wanna be before a jury in this area on any bomb threat charge anytime soon.

04-25-2012, 12:49 PM
Good grief don't the police have anything better to do than to try to put a harmless lunatic in jail. What have ever happened to common sense.

04-25-2012, 12:51 PM
i couldn't decide which one to say, so here's both:

"no, no, no... what i meant was a $14 electric bill is the bomb"



04-25-2012, 01:02 PM
Good grief don't the police have anything better to do than to try to put a harmless lunatic in jail. What have ever happened to common sense.

I don't get your gripe. She threatened an act of violence in a day and age when society continually calls for more action to prevent such tragedies and you're upset that a woman with a history of making such threats is investigated and charged?

If police did nothing and then she did act out, you and everyone one else would be pointing the blame at the police and DA's office.

I'd imagine she will be charged and then work out some plea that calls for no jail time but that has enough teeth that if she does this again, then she will be in some serious trouble.

04-25-2012, 05:20 PM
I wish my bill was $14

04-26-2012, 12:00 AM
If police did nothing and then she did act out, you and everyone one else would be pointing the blame at the police and DA's office.

100% correct!

04-26-2012, 09:43 AM
I don't know her situation, such as her age or any disabilities, I was just commenting on it's not smart to threaten to blow a business up over $14.She looked to be in her mid to late 20's with no apparent disabilities. Unless you want to classify anger management as a disability.