View Full Version : Kids and Cell Phones
~~*DarlingDiva*~~ 04-28-2005, 05:25 PM Hi Everyone,
I wanted to ask a question,What do you all think of kids havinf their own cell phones?I think that keeping track of responsible teens that will actually answer and use it responsibly is a great idea.But,I have actually seen children under the age of 10 having there own phone.Am I the only one that thinks this is crazy?My son can't even keep his socks matched up let alone keep track of or be responsible with a phone.I just see major headaches even with teens.I just imagine sky high bills and alot of drama surrounding this issue.What do you all think?
dirtrider73068 04-28-2005, 05:40 PM I think it would be ok but at 10 yr old. I don't know about that one. Nowadays there are so many prepaid cell phones that can be used and limit how much they can use it. Tell them when time runs out for this month thats it till next month. I am sure that would help them decide on who and how long they talk on it. Plus help with responsibilty of keeping track of how much time they use.
mranderson 04-28-2005, 05:43 PM If they have a pre paid cellular phone for emergencies only, then maybe.
I would not even let a teenager, regardless of age have one unless it was pre paid with maybe 60 minutes a month. They talk it away, that is tough.
Keith 04-28-2005, 08:23 PM Hi Everyone,
I wanted to ask a question,What do you all think of kids havinf their own cell phones?I think that keeping track of responsible teens that will actually answer and use it responsibly is a great idea.But,I have actually seen children under the age of 10 having there own phone.Am I the only one that thinks this is crazy?My son can't even keep his socks matched up let alone keep track of or be responsible with a phone.I just see major headaches even with teens.I just imagine sky high bills and alot of drama surrounding this issue.What do you all think?
Actually, when my son started asking for one (when he turned 16), my wife and I were very hesitant about getting him one. Finally, about 6 months ago, he signed up with T-Mobile, and got a pre-paid plan. At the time, my wife and I were on Cingular, along with my mother-in-law...we were on the family plan.
We put him on the pre-paid plan because we didn't want him to go wild with a cell phone. Unfortunately, it wasa costing him an arm and a leg to buy minutes, and it got to the point where we couldn't call him because he had no minutes.
We finally decided, about three months ago, to let him get rid of the pre-paid phone, and put him on our family plan. Along with the priviledges of being on our plan, we had a set of rules that he had to abide by. I wrote the rules, he read them, and then I had him to sign it and date it as proof that he read them.
Naturally, as a teenager, he broke a few of the rules, which cost me a little, however, he eventually reimbursed me for his unauthorized charges. His girlfriend has Cingular also, so he is able to talk to her mobile to mobile for free. I cancelled his internet access and his text messaging feature on his phone so that I would not have anymore surprise charges.
Since then, he has become very responsible with his phone, and once a week, I get online and check his minutes to make sure he is abiding by the rules. Now, my wife and I can get hold of him anytime. When he is away from the house, he is required to keep his phone turned on. Now, if I can just get my wife to do the same thing......
My 12 year old daughter asked me this evening for a cell ain't happening.
asta2 05-02-2005, 10:55 AM I'm mixed about this one too. I have a 12, 10 and 8 yr old. We have a family plan with one extra phone. This is the family phone. My 12 yr old can use it if she's with her friends or playing golf so I know when to pick her up. My 10 yr old rarely uses it but gets to tell her friends she "has one". It pretty much sits on the counter. I remember getting my own phone line when I was about 14. I figure I won't have to do this because it's free after 7 and on weekends. I pay for unlimited text and internet access because I use it for work so they will have that option as well. It's not really costing me much more than another phone line at the house. I do not let the oldest one take it with her anywhere unless I really feel like she might need it. I do have her take it to the school dances and stuff so she can always call me if she wants to come earlier. Which she has done. Or we'll go the mall and she and her friends want to walk around alone with out mom tagging along and I can find her that way too. I see the benefits but it can definately be abused.
mom2des_n_nate 05-02-2005, 02:19 PM Ok I agree with dirtrider on the prepaid thing. Cell phones today are like pagers were back when I was in school it was and easy way for my mom to keep in touch..
Midtowner 05-02-2005, 05:16 PM Also, get the detailed bill, and you can see who and how often your kids are calling people. A useful tool if you think they're talking to people that they shouldn't be.
Y'all are on the money though, it's the parents' decisions. I wouldn't have negative vibes towards them no matter where they came down on this.
Intrepid 06-27-2005, 02:11 PM Hi all...
Being a customer service rep for Cingular, I talk to many parents everyday. What kills me is when a parent says "Oh my child doesn't know how to do that..." Well, my answer is "Yes ma'am/sir, they do know how to do that, and they ARE doing that". It's sorta like "my teenage son doesn't look at porn on the 'net" LOL, YEAH RIGHT! ;)
In most cases, I recommend parents get prepaid for their kids. Let them run out minutes a few times to teach them the cell phone should be used as a communications TOOL, not a luxury item to chat with their boyfriend/girlfriend.
dirtrider73068 06-27-2005, 03:48 PM If you really want to know something prepaid for me is cheaper, I can text message more and longer than if I talked on it. Most prepaid cells now are outgoing text cost you and incoming are free. I have had one contract with a cell company and didn't like it, I have been on prepaid ever since and have been very pleased with it. There is one prepaid I didn't like to well and that was virgin mobile, cingular preapaid is the worst I have had so far. I am now using t-mobile prepaid and have liked it and been pleased with it, no problems so far. They even went as far and credited me 5 bucks back cause they had a outage in my area. I don't know if my phone was affected or not cause I didn't use it at that time, but i was pleased the gave me the 5 bucks back, made me happy.
Faith 07-21-2005, 01:50 PM Regarding cell phones and children - I seen two boys that had to been around the age of 10 - 12 riding their bicycles down the street while talking on cell phones. I hadn't seen that before so it was a little shocking. But maybe they didn't have service and the boys were trying to look "cool". Maybe not. It looked ridiculous if you ask me.
okiemom 07-25-2005, 07:22 PM Our 17 year old has a cell phone, our 15 year old doesn't. But, the 17 year old drives and works part time. I don't see anything wrong with a teen having a phone. A young child having one is a different story.
karlanee 08-02-2005, 09:55 AM Our daughters share a cell phone. They are 10 and 12. They do not talk on it a lot - and it's mainly so we can stay in touch with them. If they are not with us, they have their cell phone on them.
BarbaraHarper 08-16-2005, 07:06 PM I am not sure that I agree with a 10-12 having a cell phone all the time - but I agree with karlanee, it is a great way to keep in touch with them.
I have two daughters and we have a total of three phones- both girls are on our plan.
I enjoy it as much as they do - (Mom can track them down pretty easy with just a phone call.) They are both on their way back to college in a few days- so no need to pay for a land-line phone at school or a long distance bill!
They both know that "they will be without" if they go over the text message limit or the number of minutes on the plan. (We have a one-strike you pay yourself rule on cell phones -Their Mom is mean!)
Hannah 08-21-2005, 09:24 PM My 16 year old has had a cell phone since she was 14. She went over one month and lost it. Now she goes on T Mobile all the time to check up on herself. She also knows she will lose it if I am not able to reach her when I need to. I tend to worry now that she is driving. We gave my step son and daughter phones and those did not last 6 months, their bills were HUGE. They are old enough to have their own now and don't think we were so mean like they did back when we were footing the bill. I am seriously thinking about giving my 11 year old my husbands phone, he moved out and left it with me since the plan was in my name. (family plan) and he has one provided through work. I am playing with the idea of getting rid of the land line and we each have our TMobile family plan. We have never gone over family minutes. Half the time we just listen to the home phone ring.........the ones we want to talk to call our cells :) My Cox bill could go way down!!
Half the time we just listen to the home phone ring.........the ones we want to talk to call our cells :)
Same goes for me. I rarely ever answer my home phone anymore.
Keith 08-21-2005, 09:45 PM Same goes for me. I rarely ever answer my home phone anymore.
What's a home phone??LOL. All in my family (myself, my wife , and 17 year old son) have cell phones and have the Cingular family plan with rollover minutes. All of our friends call us on our cell phones, so the home phone is just sitting there. The only reason we keep a land line is for the internet (yep, dial up). When the home phone does ring, we all look at each other to see who is going to answer it.
Hannah 08-21-2005, 09:49 PM DIAL UP????? Oh No, I feel for you. Recently we had to test a modem at work, I do not miss that dial up sound!!!
Go Hi Speed as soon as your area allows it.
I dont even know why I have a land line anymore, I guess in case I need to hook up my dial up maybe? still dont know why I have it.
Hannah 08-21-2005, 09:53 PM I am thinking it could save 35 bucks a month, that and get rid if the fancy digital cable which I cannot tell a difference in :)
I am thinking it could save 35 bucks a month, that and get rid if the fancy digital cable which I cannot tell a difference in :)
Would save me about 65 bucks a month to get rid of my land line. I have basic cable and that is good enough for me. My t.v is rarely on anyway. Most times I have the stereo going or just am not home to watch t.v.
PUGalicious 08-22-2005, 05:39 AM Been completely wireless for five years now. I've never really missed having a land line. Like Keith, we have the family plan with one for me, one for my wife and one for the girls to share. It's really a bargain when you compare options.
KrispysKingdom 11-11-2005, 11:18 AM I don't think the things we give our kids should be based on age. Kids mature at different times - my 10 year old is quite immature still, but he has medical issues. My cousin, who is 9 is much more mature than my son. I could see my cousin getting a cell phone way before my son. I know plenty of kids who are young, but definitely more mature than their age.
Ronin 11-27-2005, 08:21 PM What's a home phone??LOL. All in my family (myself, my wife , and 17 year old son) have cell phones and have the Cingular family plan with rollover minutes. All of our friends call us on our cell phones, so the home phone is just sitting there. The only reason we keep a land line is for the internet (yep, dial up). When the home phone does ring, we all look at each other to see who is going to answer it.
Same here!
I hate answering the home phone but it definitely still exists in our house. cell phones are more expensive than home phones..
KrispysKingdom 11-27-2005, 11:52 PM We only have cell phones, too. A landline just seems pointless when I already have a cell phone.
We keep our $30 a month landline for a few reasons.
1.) It operates our gate.
2.) It is the number we give out so the unwanted don't call our cell phones. Its there to handle family business affairs.
3.) I need the dial up internet in case my cable is absent due to business.
I heard that the if the Cox cable line is not working the telephone will also most likely be out, so I', keeping the landline through SBC.