View Full Version : Smoking
mranderson 04-27-2005, 02:34 PM "Actually, I used to smoke daily (1-2 packs a day) when I was younger, but now I only smoke socially."
This is a quote from another thread which I felt my resonse was better suited for this forum.
Social smoker? No such thing. A smoker is a smoker no matter what.
SoundMind 04-27-2005, 02:47 PM I have to disagree.
Social drinking is drinknig maybe 1 or 2 drinks when you go out for a party. Drinking regularly is drinking a 12 pack every few days.
Same with smoking.
Regular smoking is 1 or 2 packs a day.
I only smoke when I go out with a group of friends to the bar. So a pack of cigarettes will last me a few months. I might smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes a week, at best. Simply something to relax, as with happy hour. I actually find that combining social drinking with social smoking is a good thing. The drinking charges me up, while the smoking calms me down.
mrote 04-27-2005, 02:51 PM I was a bit like that when I used to smoke. I started when I was about 17 and quit cold turkey when I was 24. But when I did smoke, I never smoked at work even thought it was allowed at the time or in my house. During the week I maybe smoked maybe half a pack total but I would go through 2-3 packs on the weekend while out at bars, parties etc. When a close family friend died of lung cancer I thought that might be a good time to quit so I did.
mranderson 04-27-2005, 02:54 PM I will let one of the medical professionals give data, however, one cigarette can kill. One alcoholic beverage on occasion, usually does not.
Patrick 04-27-2005, 02:58 PM I'd say it's extremely debateable whether or not 1 cigarette can kill, although I'd say 1 cigarette is worse on your health than 1 drink. 1 drink can actually be beneficial for your health, whereas cigarettes really have no health benefits.
Still, I've been around many people in my med school class who party (yup, people in med school actually party) and they also claim to be social smokers. Many will smoke at the bars and clubs when they're drinking, but not smoke anytime else. I'd say it's probably more for show.
mrote 04-27-2005, 03:03 PM I never said it was good for me. Although I don't think 1 cigarette will kill you any faster than a Super Sized Big Mac Meal from McDonalds and I see plenty of fat people scarfing those down.
SoundMind 04-27-2005, 03:16 PM Everything in moderation. That's the way I see it, and it's worked fo me for many many years.
Ms.Relaxationstation 04-28-2005, 11:44 AM I think there are such people who are social smokers. Take me for example: A few years ago when I went out to clubs, I would smoke a cigarette (only when I was drinking and around other people who smoked) but I actually hated the smell of it or kissing anyone else who had done it. So I would say, I would only do it socially (was told I didn't even inhale right) and of course have put them down and don't do it anymore at all.
Patrick 04-28-2005, 12:41 PM I think there are such people who are social smokers. Take me for example: A few years ago when I went out to clubs, I would smoke a cigarette (only when I was drinking and around other people who smoked) but I actually hated the smell of it or kissing anyone else who had done it. So I would say, I would only do it socially (was told I didn't even inhale right) and of course have put them down and don't do it anymore at all.
Yeah, that's kind of the same story I hear from certain people in my medical school class the party a lot. One professor actually asked our class why they like to smoke only at bars. We never got a clear answer. Ms.Relaxationstation, can you shed any light on it?
Ms.Relaxationstation 04-28-2005, 12:49 PM Well maybe I was a product of "peer" pressure-whatever that is. At that time, my friends who I was with did it and constanly offered me one. So I kinda started doing it "just because" everyone else I was with was doing it. It's never gave me any sort of pleasure or nicotine "fix". I remember waking up one day and smelling my hair and just decided it wasn't thing for me to do anymore. Not only was the effects of what I was doing a danger to my health- but so were my so called friends. Got rid of ALL OF EM!
Midtowner 05-02-2005, 07:01 PM "Actually, I used to smoke daily (1-2 packs a day) when I was younger, but now I only smoke socially."
This is a quote from another thread which I felt my resonse was better suited for this forum.
Social smoker? No such thing. A smoker is a smoker no matter what.
It's an interesting semantic game you play here.
I guess that it is true to state that a social smoker is indeed a smoker -- if they smoke, they're certainly not a non-smoker.
Now, as to whether or not they're "hooked", that is extremely questionable. There are too many unique situations to make blanket statements like that. To ever state a truth as universal and undeniable is intellectually dishonest.
nurfe75 05-03-2005, 12:44 AM The "only smoking at bars" or "only smoking socially" was how it all started for me. I'm sure some people out there can pull it off, but before long I had a pack a day habit. I've been off them for 2 months now, and since a close relative recently died of lung cancer I have good reason to never stick another one in my mouth.
Just like alcoholics will always be alcoholics, though, I will always be a smoker. The urge will be there likely for the rest of my life. I just have to willfully choose not to do it.
If someone offers you a smoke---JUST SAY NO! :)
Midtowner 05-03-2005, 07:46 AM The "only smoking at bars" or "only smoking socially" was how it all started for me. I'm sure some people out there can pull it off, but before long I had a pack a day habit. I've been off them for 2 months now, and since a close relative recently died of lung cancer I have good reason to never stick another one in my mouth.
Just like alcoholics will always be alcoholics, though, I will always be a smoker. The urge will be there likely for the rest of my life. I just have to willfully choose not to do it.
If someone offers you a smoke---JUST SAY NO! :)
I agree about saying no. I've never smoked a cigarette -- an accomplishment considering who I hang/have hung/hang out with.
I do have one thing I'll smoke though. Cigars -- but only Cubans -- and socially at that. i don't think I've had one in about 2 years, and I think I've had about 2 in my entire life -- and they're good!
So I guess I'm a smoker according the the standards of some.