03-29-2012, 04:11 PM
Andrew Speno just twitted and say that he has parted ways with Fox 25.Fox 25 just loss one of the best news anchor at the station best of luck to him
View Full Version : Andrew Speno leaving Fox 25 Tydude 03-29-2012, 04:11 PM Andrew Speno just twitted and say that he has parted ways with Fox 25.Fox 25 just loss one of the best news anchor at the station best of luck to him venture 03-29-2012, 04:16 PM Lost Ogle (http://www.facebook.com/thelostogle) Breaking: Have heard through the network that KOKH has fired Andrew Speno and News Director Joe Spadea. Working on more info. So it would appear Andrew didn't really part...he didn't have a choice. Tydude 03-29-2012, 04:26 PM he wanted to say that instead of saying he been fired SoonerDave 03-29-2012, 08:56 PM Heard the same thing today....KTOK fired their longtime news director today....bad day to be in OKC news media :( Don't get the Speno firing, sure seems like an affable, pleasant guy, good desk presence, but who knows given how cutthroat the newsmedia business is...wish him well. oneforone 03-30-2012, 02:44 AM I have a feeling media outlets across the board are about to downsize drastically. Everyday, I am finding more and more people that are not watching the news and just checking in through a website. I used to watch local news religiously until I started my current job. Then I found out just how bad news coverage is in this city. I have seen several news stories that were not the events that I knew took place based on things first responders told me and things I observed with my own eyes. It's kind of hard to watch when they are not telling the full story or they took a segment of the event and spun it into something that was a complete lie. I can't watch something that is being portrayed as news when in reality it's just a falsehood. FFLady 03-30-2012, 07:19 AM All of this because he made an off remark....I am getting so sick of all this political crapness....... soonerliberal 03-30-2012, 10:14 AM I sure hope another station snatches him up. KOCO anyone?! Tydude 03-30-2012, 11:03 AM what will he do for KOCO 5 just being a reporter all the anchor spot is full unless he join Wendall for the weekend newscast soonerliberal 03-30-2012, 04:12 PM what will he do for KOCO 5 just being a reporter all the anchor spot is full unless he join Wendall for the weekend newscast If only Folger could find a wonderful opportunity in a different market... BBatesokc 03-30-2012, 07:05 PM Speno was a really good guy, both on the job and in his personal life. Worked with him on a few stories and we went to some of the same dinner parties. Unlike many of the talking heads, he had personality and added his own charm. Truth be told, he's probably 'too good' for his FOX employer and will most likely look back and wonder why he didn't initiate the change himself long ago. |