View Full Version : Mad Men Season Debut

03-25-2012, 11:38 AM
It seems like forever since the last season and I'm really looking forward to tonight's two-hour start to the new season.

Devoted watchers will recall there were several cliff-hangers, such as:

Did Don marry Megan?
Did Joan have Roger's baby?
Can SCDP survive the loss of Lucky Strike?

I've long thought MM was the best written and acted TV show perhaps ever. Each show is better than a lot of movies I've seen.

I particularly love the painstaking details from the 1960's and the great production design and wardrobe.

We are now getting later in the decade and it will be interesting to see how they transition from the early conservative years to the more free-spirited later ones.

03-25-2012, 03:30 PM
It seems like forever since the last season and I'm really looking forward to tonight's two-hour start to the new season.

Devoted watchers will recall there were several cliff-hangers, such as:

Did Don marry Megan?
Did Joan have Roger's baby?
Can SCDP survive the loss of Lucky Strike?

I've long thought MM was the best written and acted TV show perhaps ever. Each show is better than a lot of movies I've seen.

I particularly love the painstaking details from the 1960's and the great production design and wardrobe.

We are now getting later in the decade and it will be interesting to see how they transition from the early conservative years to the more free-spirited later ones.

I'm with 'ya, Pete. I love Mad Men as well. I never watched it until the past year when I picked up Season 1 and was hooked. I watched all 4 seasons in the past 6 months and am looking forward to the debut. The only thing is that I'm now spoiled by watching all 60 or so episodes without commercials.

So many story lines to pick up on. I'm kinda glad I saw the whole series recently so it's all fresh in my mind after their long "break." Glad to see it back!

03-25-2012, 06:57 PM
I like Peggy's character... Great contrast of a woman in the 60's trying to make a career for herself while at the same time at the mercy of and somewhat caving to societal pressures.

However, I've long thought the show suffered one big flaw: Virtually every character has done a bunch of immortal and even reprehensible things. Of course nobody is perfect but not everyone cheats in their relationships and has horrible, dark secrets.

The only possible exception is Bert Cooper but there have been plenty of hints about him doing some very shady things when he was a younger man. And even still, he uses blackmail (Is it fair to say I know something about you, Don?) to get Draper to sign an employment contract. Also says "I'm not sure you have the stomach to do what it takes to build an agency".

I know it's a drama and things are sensationalized but there are ways to make characters interesting without each and every one of them very, very deeply flawed.

Urban Pioneer
03-25-2012, 11:15 PM
Loved it. Watched it twice to catch all the nuances. Gotta appreciate their unvarnished inclusion of the inequality debate of the times becoming ever more prevalent.

Also, what about Sally? Impressive that a kid essentially carries her own story line in a very adult show.